Learn the ins and outs of training and nutritional advice from one of the most award-winning athletes of all time. Only practical and useful information. Almost all famous athletes are extraordinary personalities. It is thanks to this that they were able to reach great heights. Today you have the opportunity to learn more about the training vision and personality in bodybuilding from Bill Starr.
Bill Starr's Tips for Beginner Athletes

To achieve the best possible results and reduce the risk of injury, you need to pay special attention to the technique of performing each exercise. For most beginners, one training program will be effective, in which changes are possible in the event that the athlete is not yet physically able to perform any movement.
At first, you need to focus on only three main exercises that will lay a solid and reliable foundation for future growth. You've probably already guessed that these movements are full squats, bench presses, and chest lifts. It doesn't matter what level of physical fitness you have, but you should start with these three movements.
When talking about the technique of performing movements, it is important to remember about the individual approach. Many personal mentors do not pay enough attention to this moment and try to get their mentees to do the exercise as the coach requires. For this reason, it is possible for an athlete to work with low weights for a long time, until his technique begins to satisfy the mentor. Of course, this is good, but only up to a certain point.
This approach to training can destroy the self-confidence of athletes. Sometimes a person is simply not able to perform the movement as required by the technique. The point here is not at all a lack of zeal, but especially the leverage and structure of the skeletal system. These indicators may prevent a person from performing the movement as required.
Full squats can be used as an example. Almost all coaches suggest that athletes begin this movement from a position where the legs are at the level of the shoulder joints. For most athletes, this is quite normal and no problem whatsoever. However, some people are unable to work in this position and adjustments need to be made according to leg length and flexibility.
Also, everyone knows that the body during squats must be kept strictly in an upright position. If you lean forward, then the load on the lumbar spine increases. This can lead to injury, as the muscles in the legs and thighs always outnumber the muscles in the lower back. At the same time, if the athlete does not have sufficient flexibility in the back of the calves, then he has to bend over. This drawback is most often eliminated rather quickly, although there may be exceptions. Occasionally, the athlete can continue to bend over, although his flexibility has increased significantly. In some cases, it is worth advising the person to use less weight until they can hold the body upright. However, situations are possible when, even with sufficient strength of the lumbar spine, the athlete is still not able to maintain the required position of the body and here it is worth allowing him to perform the movement as it is convenient. The reason for this is that some people can get more of the effect of squatting by doing it with a slight incline.
Similarly, the situation can be with the lifting of the bar to the chest. This exercise puts a lot of body muscles to work and technique plays an important role. One of the basic rules when performing a chest lift is the need to keep your arms straight until the sports equipment passes the level of the navel or slightly below. If you bend your arms earlier, this will negatively affect the work of the trapezoids. In addition, we can say that the athlete's hands are not sufficiently prepared to make the final jerk movement. Make sure that your arms remain straight until the traps are completely contracted.
Often, trainers are overly insistent in demanding full compliance with the chest lift technique from their wards. As a result, this exercise may even be excluded from the training program. At the same time, athletes can take some liberties with this movement. Of course, this is only permissible if these flaws in the technique are not too obvious and cannot lead to injury.
If the movement is not performed in strict accordance with the canons of the rules, then the muscles of the legs, back, hip and shoulder girdle are still worked out well. Of course, with impeccable technique, they would be able to work with large weights, and their progress would be accelerated. But athletes who are preparing for competitions in weightlifting need to master the technique of lifting on the chest exactly. This movement serves as the basis for competitive exercises and in this case, liberties can no longer be allowed.
Another exercise in which you can allow small deviations from the canons of technology is the weightlifting snatch. Of course, this is possible only if there are prerequisites for the individuality of the athlete. This exercise is very effective and can even be used to replace the chest lift when the athlete is unable to do it.
Again, the exception is preparation for weightlifting tournaments. In bodybuilding or powerlifting, when the snatch is used solely for the purpose of increasing strength indicators, deviations from the technique are possible.
You must remember that the best training methodology is the one that will work for you. This can only be determined experimentally and therefore you should make changes to the exercise program in accordance with the characteristics of your body.
What other tips will help newbies progress and develop, see this video: