An appetizing, hearty, tasty and very healthy dish, a favorite duo of products for many men. Recipe with a photo of beans with chicken and vegetables.

Contents of the recipe with a photo:
- Ingredients
- Cooking beans with chicken and vegetables step by step
- Video recipes
Beans with Chicken and Vegetables are a nutritious meal for the whole family. Cooking, of course, is long, but the result will exceed expectations. Delicate and aromatic taste will impress even the most capricious tasters. It is most often served for lunch, since for breakfast and dinner, the dish is too heavy for digestion. Beans are cooked with both beef and pork, but it is with chicken that it turns out to be less heavy.
Beans are practically not inferior to meat in terms of the amount of protein, and in combination with it, a protein explosion is obtained, in addition, it is rich in many more vitamins and useful microelements. Of course, the dish will be much tastier and more nutritious if you add a little Tabasco sauce or chili pepper, especially for spicy lovers, but if you have children in your house, we advise you to refrain from such spices. Beans with meat are an excellent independent dish, at the same time they go well with fresh vegetable salads.
To prepare this dish, you need to boil the beans until tender, cook separately the meat with vegetables, then combine all this, add the tomato sauce and simmer together for a few minutes. If you follow exactly this sequence, you will definitely get a fragrant and tasty beans with meat. When everything is cooked at once in one container, it often happens that the chicken is already falling apart, and the beans are still raw, or vice versa. That is why in this recipe the ingredients are prepared in different dishes.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 168 kcal.
- Servings - 6
- Cooking time - 12 hours for soaking beans; 1 hour to prepare a dish

- Dry beans - 2 cups
- Chicken meat - 500 g
- Bulb onions - 1 pc.
- Medium carrots - 1 pc.
- Tomato sauce - 3 tablespoons
- Sour cream - 1 tablespoon
- Garlic - 2-3 cloves
- Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons
- Salt, black pepper - to taste
- Dill - 1 bunch
Cooking beans with chicken and vegetables step by step

1. The first step is to boil the beans until tender. To do this, pre-soak it overnight in cold water, it will swell well and cook quickly enough. If you forgot to soak the beans, it doesn't matter, fill it with water, bring to a boil, remove from heat and leave to infuse in hot water under a closed lid for one hour. After that, it will cook just as quickly. Well, if you cook beans not soaked in advance, then spend at least two or even three hours on this.

2. Peel the chicken meat (we don't need it) and cut into convenient pieces. It is best to use meat with bones: drumsticks, thighs or ham, as these parts of the chicken are much juicier than, for example, brisket.

3. Fry the meat in a pan with the addition of sunflower oil until golden brown. Peel and wash the onions and carrots under running water, cut them as small as possible and send the onions to the meat to fry first, and then the carrots.

4. When the meat with vegetables is almost ready, add sour cream diluted with boiled water, tomato sauce, finely chopped garlic and spices to taste. Instead of tomato sauce, you can use ketchup, tomato paste, tomato juice, or just take a few tomatoes, peel them by dipping them in boiling water for a minute, and finely chop the stalks and add to the dish. Simmer the resulting gravy for a few minutes.

5. Drain any remaining liquid from separately cooked beans and mix with the gravy. Tint with your favorite spices, if necessary. If the beans seem a bit dry, add more water. Simmer it with meat for about 5-10 minutes. The bean stew with chicken and vegetables will be very tender and will melt in your mouth.

6. Add your favorite greens, finely chopped. Serve hot. Bon Appetit!
If you want to feed your family with a delicious, hearty and healthy lunch, cook beans with chicken, you will not regret it. The dish will fly apart at the dinner table. And your household will be full and happy.
Video recipes for beans with chicken and vegetables
1. How to cook beans with chicken and vegetables:

2. Recipe for stewed beans with chicken and mushrooms: