How to choose the right intimate hygiene gel

How to choose the right intimate hygiene gel
How to choose the right intimate hygiene gel

Useful properties of intimate hygiene gel. Review of moisturizers and cleansers, instructions for using the product for intimate areas. Intimate hygiene gel is a product that helps to keep the genitals clean and healthy. But, despite this, many men and women continue to use regular soap or shower gel to care for intimate areas. This is wrong, since the condition, the thickness of the skin of the hands and genitals is different, respectively, ordinary soap can cause itching and irritation in the intimate area.

Why do you need a gel for intimate hygiene

The doctor talks about the benefits of the gel
The doctor talks about the benefits of the gel

The mucous membrane of the labia and vagina is inhabited by beneficial microorganisms. They help maintain a slightly acidic pH level and prevent the reproduction of opportunistic microflora. It is like a gate that protects the internal genital organs from infections. By washing with regular soap or shower gel, which are alkaline, we remove beneficial bacteria from the external genital organs, opening the door for bacteria and infections. Over time, you may start to feel itching and burning. Candidiasis and vaginitis are common.

The approximate composition of a moisturizer for intimate hygiene:

  • Lactic acid … This is a component that allows you to maintain the acidity of the mucous membrane at the desired level. It prevents the reproduction of staphylococci and fungi, as well as other opportunistic microflora. Thanks to this ingredient, the gel has a pleasant slippery and velvety texture and a light odor.
  • Herbal extracts … Usually, extracts from calendula, chamomile and aloe are added to the composition. These herbs soothe irritated mucous membranes, which often happens after shaving and sexual intercourse.
  • Antiseptics … Some manufacturers introduce chlorhexidine, miramistin or furacilin into the product. These are antibacterial drugs that are effective against both pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms, so you should not get carried away with the use of such funds.

Useful properties of an intimate gel

Application of the gel improves health
Application of the gel improves health

Let's take a closer look at the benefits of the gel for female intimate hygiene:

  1. Gently removes dirt … The gel for the genitals contains a very small amount of surfactants that do not wash off the natural flora, but gently remove impurities.
  2. Maintains neutral or slightly acidic pH … This is no ordinary soap with an alkaline environment. The acidity of the detergent for women's hygiene is neutral. Accordingly, the pH of the mucous membrane is not disturbed, and the beneficial lactobacilli do not disappear anywhere.
  3. Protects against infections … Of course, no gel will help with a promiscuous sex life. But sometimes vaginitis and candidiasis occur due to hypothermia and wearing synthetic underwear. This is due to the death of the beneficial microflora of the genital organs. Gel for intimate places often contains lactobacilli, which are the guardians of women's health. They do not allow Escherichia coli and yeast to multiply, which live in small quantities on the mucous membrane of the vagina and labia.
  4. Removes odor … Unlike regular soap, the intimate area gel does not muffle the smell and does not interrupt it with a stronger one. After using the product, the ingredients included in the composition remove pathogens, which cause the smell.
  5. Soothes the skin … Often in the summer, after using panty liners and synthetic panties, the skin in the intimate area sweats. This can lead to irritation and redness. Medicinal herbs in the composition of the product and lactic acid relieve irritation and inflammation.

Contraindications to the use of intimate hygiene gel

Surgical intervention
Surgical intervention

Such funds have practically no contraindications, but in the presence of certain diseases, it is worth using the product with caution.

Contraindications to the use of an intimate gel are as follows:

  • Surgical intervention … In the presence of open wounds, stitches or traces of cauterization of papillomas, you cannot use any soap-based products. They cause irritation and burning.
  • Episiotomy delivery … If during childbirth, a perineal dissection was used and sutures were applied, it is worthwhile to postpone using soap-based hygiene products. The seams should be treated with antiseptics.
  • Allergy … Read the composition of the product carefully. Some gels contain herbal extracts that can cause breakouts and irritation.
  • Lactulose intolerance … In intimate hygiene gels from some manufacturers, lactic acid and lactulose are present. These components restore the balance of microflora on the mucous membranes. If you are lactose intolerant, choose a lactic acid-free product.

How to choose the best intimate hygiene gel

It is impossible to unambiguously single out the remedy that is the best. Gel for intimate care is selected depending on the preferences and health status of the woman.

Moisturizing gel for intimate hygiene

Gel Wagisan
Gel Wagisan

The fair sex with frequent relapses of candidiasis and colpitis should give preference to products with lactic acid and moisturizing ingredients. They not only cleanse the genitals well, but also prevent the mucous membrane from drying out. Dryness of the external genitalia is often associated with menopause and taking hormonal contraceptives. This causes discomfort and can lead to infection with E. coli or fungi. A list of the most popular moisturizing gels for intimate hygiene:

  1. Oroni … This product is made in Poland. It contains lactic acid, D-panthenol and chamomile extract. The gel has not only a moisturizing and softening effect. It helps to heal wounds and injuries faster after shaving and epilation. There are Oroni gels that contain tea tree extract. This remedy is recommended for women with chronic candidiasis. Tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is sold in large economical bottles of 500 ml. The cost of the package is $ 3.
  2. Femina lactacid … Contains lactic acid. There is no soap in the composition of the product, so it does not change the acidity of the external genital organs. The product is produced in European countries in compliance with all established quality standards. Virtually odorless, but eliminates unpleasant odor. Foams easily and rinses off quickly without leaving any film or discomfort. The product is hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested. The price for a 200 ml dispenser bottle is $ 3.
  3. Phytomedica, Siberian health … Affordable remedy. The packaging is inconvenient, the gel is sold in tubes with a snap-on lid. The composition does not contain lactulose, but contains extracts of patchouli, tea tree, string, sage and chamomile. Sodium lauryl sulfate is present, which can dry out the skin and mucous membranes. The cost of a 200 ml tube is only $ 1.5.
  4. DeoIntim … This is a Swiss remedy, which contains extracts of wheat, witch hazel, tocopherol and vitamin E. The substance perfectly deodorizes and moisturizes. Does not contain lactic acid, therefore it is suitable for women with lactulose intolerance. The product contains wheat germ oil, which prevents the intimate area from drying out. The cost of a 125 ml bottle is $ 10.
  5. Vagisan … This remedy is often recommended by gynecologists, since it contains lactic acid, extracts from calendula and chamomile. Does not cause burning and itching. Helps to normalize the vaginal microflora when taking antibiotics. Does not dry out the mucous membrane. Recommended for use after childbirth and during menstruation. The cost of a 250 ml bottle is $ 5.

Intimate Cleansing Gel

Epigen gel
Epigen gel

Cleansers for intimate hygiene differ from moisturizing products by the presence of a large amount of surfactants and antibacterial components. It is recommended to use them if you are in constant motion during the day. It is also advisable to use such substances during menstruation. They gently and quickly remove impurities and residual secretions.

A list of popular cleansers for intimate hygiene:

  • Kefri … The gel contains many extracts of medicinal herbs and aloe. No lactic acid. The product, despite the absence of surfactants in the composition, foams well and is quickly washed off. Outperforms competitors due to price and subtle pleasant smell. Excellent deodorizing and non-irritating. The price for a 200 ml bottle is $ 2.
  • Epigenes … The composition of the product is ambiguous. Contains surfactants and sodium lauryl sulfate. The manufacturer took care of the pH normalization and introduced lactic acid into the product. But, besides this, the composition contains phytosphingosines and glycerizic acid. These ingredients are derived from licorice root. They help not only cleanse the skin of impurities, but also fight pathogenic microorganisms. The color of the gel is yellow and the consistency is very thick. It takes just one drop to carry out hygiene procedures. The price of a 250 ml bottle is $ 15.
  • Uryage … Contains lactic acid, thermal water and a special Glyko-Zhin complex that gently cleanses. The bottle is not very convenient, since there is no dispenser, it resembles a tube. In a 200 ml bottle, its cost is $ 15.
  • Liren … A cleanser with a deodorant effect. Suitable for sensitive and irritated skin. Contains lactic acid, licorice root and Betaine, which prevents the mucous membranes from drying out. The cost of the product for 300 ml is 4-5 dollars.
  • Green pharmacy … Affordable genital hygiene soap. The composition contains tea tree oil and a mild soap composition. The remedy is aimed at cleansing and eliminating the burning sensation. Tea tree is an antiseptic that kills fungi and opportunistic microorganisms. Convenient packaging with a dispenser. The cost of 370 ml of the product is $ 1-2.
  • MALIZIA-MIRATO … Polish means for washing intimate areas. The product contains calendula extract and aloe vera. Perfectly cleanses the skin and prevents the accumulation of secretions in the skin folds. The cost of a 200 ml bottle is $ 3.
  • Tiande … An effective gel that contains antibacterial ingredients. They kill opportunistic pathogens and help cope with irritation. Contains silver ions, which have an antibacterial effect. The manufacturer added lactic acid, chamomile and sage extracts to the substance. When used correctly, it does not destroy beneficial microflora. The price of a 360 ml bottle is $ 5.
  • Nivea … A budget option for every day. Contains lactic acid and chamomile extract. Perfectly cleanses and does not dry the skin. A 200 ml bottle costs $ 2.

Features of the use of gel for intimate hygiene

Girl holding gel
Girl holding gel

To keep intimate places always clean and healthy, it is necessary to use a gel for intimate areas. But this is not enough, you need to carry out the procedure correctly.

Instructions for using the gel for intimate hygiene:

  1. Moisten your genitals with water. Place a drop in the palm of your hand and lather.
  2. Apply the gel to the anus and use circular motions to cleanse the area. Rinse off the gel with water.
  3. Apply a couple of drops to the palm of your hand and lather. Transfer the soap to your vulva and massage from front to back.
  4. Rinse off the rest of the product with warm water. Movements should also be from front to back.
  5. Pat dry with a soft, clean towel. Don't rub your crotch.
  6. Use the gel 2 times a day.

How to use gel for intimate hygiene - watch the video:

There are a lot of intimate hygiene products, but usually women use gels or intimate soaps on the recommendation of their gynecologist or friends. Choose quality products that contain a minimum of fragrances and dyes.
