Caloric content and chemical composition of the fruits of Kaffir dovialis. Useful properties, harm and contraindications for use. How is this fruit eaten? Recipes and interesting facts. Note! The fruits of the tree contain very few calories, and therefore are very useful for people who are losing weight. They prevent you from gaining weight and help you fight excess weight due to quick satiety.
Contraindications and harm of kaffir apple

This plum is definitely recommended to be excluded from your diet for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - stomach and intestinal ulcers, gastritis, colitis, hyperplasia, reflux, increased acidity of the stomach. You also need to be careful in case of biliary dyskinesia, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, fatty hepatosis due to the severity of the fruit.
As with raw plums or apples, when overeating, the harm of Kaffir dovialis can manifest itself in mild diarrhea and nausea, as well as some painful sensations in the abdomen. This mainly applies to those who consume them unripe.
How is kaffir dovialis eaten?

Most often it is washed, cut into several pieces, peeled from seeds, sprinkled with sugar and eaten as a dessert. To some, the peel may seem too tough, in which case it can be carefully cut off with a thin layer.
The fruits of dovialis kaffir are eaten raw, soaked, baked, canned. They are used to prepare jams, preserves, filling for pies, pies and other pastries. This ingredient is harmonious in combination with other sweet fruits - apples, pears, bananas, pineapples. The product is great for making fruit salads, marinades, jellies, syrups. Some gourmets even salt it, like, for example, watermelon, and the result is very good. Dishes with kaffir plum are presented in the table:
Processing method | Dishes |
Raw look | Fruit salads, smoothies, cocktails, mashed potatoes |
Light heat treatment | Soaking, salting |
Complex heat treatment | Pies, sweet pies, buns, pancakes |
Note! Fruits should only be eaten when ripe, it is not recommended to eat those whose peel has not yet acquired a yellow color, but is still green.
Tropical Apricot Recipes

In cooking, this fruit is usually pickled, cooked in the form of jam, baked or eaten raw as part of various salads. It is not used for frying, since it loses not only its taste, but also many useful substances.
Studying recipes with dovialis kaffir, the following should be especially noted:
- Pickled "plums" … First of all, wash and dry the fruit (2 kg). Then put them in a barrel and dissolve sugar (1 tbsp), salt (1 tsp) and honey (2 tbsp) in warm water (5 L). Allow the prepared composition to cool, then fill the prepared wooden container with it. Put currant and cherry leaves on top, literally 10 pieces each. Next, cover the fruits with a film, put oppression on it, and then a stone. Leave the fruit as it is for exactly 7 days, checking every night to see if it has acidified. If foam does appear, remove it with a spoon. After the specified time has elapsed, put the keg with kaffir apples in the basement and store them only there.
- Charlotte … First of all, combine kefir (250 ml) and vegetable oil (100 ml). Pour in sugar (200 g) and beat the mixture with a mixer or blender. Next, quench the baking soda (1 tsp. Flat) in the vinegar and add it to the mixture you made earlier. Then carefully, slowly, pour into it the highest grade wheat flour, sifting it in advance (about 400 g). As a result, you should have a dough similar in consistency to very thick sour cream. Then grease a baking dish with vegetable oil and pour half of the cooked mass into it. Then peel the fruit of the tree (0.5 kg) from the peel and seeds, cut into cubes and place on the dough, and pour the rest on top of them. Place the pan in the oven and bake the cake for 30 minutes. Before you get it, try it with a toothpick, to which nothing should stick. After that, carefully remove the baked goods from the container, pour over melted dark chocolate, sprinkle with coconut around the edges, and sprinkle with cocoa powder in the center.
- Marshmallow … First, make jam from the fruit of the tree, to do this, wash them (1 kg), peel, chop, cover with sugar (500 g) and let stand for about an hour. Then put all this in an enamel pan, put on high heat and, stirring with a spoon, bring to a boil. Now turn off the gas and keep the mixture on the stove for another 20-30 minutes. After this time, refrigerate it and beat with a blender. After that, soak agar agar (4 tsp) in water, which is needed as a thickener. Then bring this mixture to a boil, add vanillin (1 tsp) and sugar (200 g). Then combine one egg white and "apple" jam, beat them until fluffy white, and then mix with another mixture of agar-agar. Bring the mass to an airy texture, fill a syringe with it and slowly squeeze the marshmallow-shaped "dough" out of it onto the parchment paper with which you want to cover the plate. Then put it all in the freezer until it solidifies. Lovers of chocolate marshmallows can add cocoa to it, and pink ones - strawberries.
- Cottage cheese casserole … Turn on the oven first so that it warms up well. At this time, grind cottage cheese (300 g) through a metal sieve, separately mix chicken eggs (2 pcs.) And sugar (100 g). Quench the baking soda (1 teaspoon) with vinegar and add it to the previously made mixture. Then combine all this, add flour (6 tablespoons), stir well. Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil and pour the mixture into it in a thin layer, and not all. Put the fruits of kaffir dovialis (5 pieces) cut without peel on top and fill them with the remaining dough. Place the dish in the oven for 30-35 minutes, after the casserole is ready, sprinkle it with powdered sugar and chill. This dessert is very tasty to eat with strawberry, raspberry or cherry jam.
Interesting facts about the kaffir plum

Harvested in late summer - early autumn. Its collection greatly complicates the large number of thorns on trees, so as not to be injured, before starting work, the crown is cut with a pruner. Far from all trees, but only female trees, can bear fruit, but male plants are needed for their pollination. The first fruits appear on the branches only at 4-5 years. The flowers of the palm are small and petalless, have a pleasant aroma. Leaves are glossy, elliptical or ovoid. The plant is often used for decorative purposes, especially on the coast. It is used to make beautiful hedges that adorn city parks and seaside resort beaches. Large plantations are found in the mountains, at an altitude of 1500-2000 m. The fruits of dovialis kaffir have also been used among gardeners who prepare a herbicide from them. To do this, they soak them in water, leave them overnight and then scatter the resulting mixture on the ground between the beds of potatoes, carrots, onions and other crops.
What does Kaffir dovialis look like - watch the video:

We tried to describe in detail how dovialis is eaten, how it is prepared and its benefits. If there is an opportunity to try it, then this definitely needs to be done, the fruits of the tree will delight you with their original notes in taste and versatility in application. But in fact, finding these fruits on the market and even in large supermarkets is very problematic, they are mainly ordered in online stores, and it is not cheap.