Would you like to have a tasteful breakfast? Make a liquid drinking puree - a yogurt, apricot, and bran smoothie that is great for waking up in the morning. Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

Fruit cocktails, smoothies, smoothies … refreshingly tasty, full of vitamins, healthy and made in a few minutes with a blender. To cook them, you need to give free rein to imagination and use fruits and berries that are available at home. And as a liquid, add milk, juice, fresh, yogurt, kefir … Today we have smoothies made from yogurt, apricots and bran. It is a thick and refreshing drink that quenches thirst and fills the body with vitamins. It is moderately high in calories, tk. apricots contain few calories - 41 kcal per 100 grams. But they contain a lot of beta-carotene, which is also called provitamin A.
This drink is a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of cancer and softens the effects of bad environmental factors. Apricots are especially beneficial for children as they stimulate growth and improve overall health. It is enough to eat 100 g of apricots a day or drink 150 ml of apricot juice. Berries for the recipe can be taken fresh or frozen. Adding healthy bran to a fruit drink, which can be any (rye, oat, wheat …) makes it even healthier. After all, bran contains many minerals, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins E, A, B …
See also how to make a milk smoothie with peach, oatmeal, and honey.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 159 kcal.
- Servings - 2
- Cooking time - 10 minutes

- Natural yogurt - 200 ml
- Sugar or honey - to taste and as desired
- Bran (any) - 1 tbsp.
- Apricots - 100 g (fresh or frozen)
Step-by-step preparation of a yogurt, apricot and bran smoothie, recipe with photo:

1. Wash the apricots and dry them with a paper towel. Divide the berries in half and remove the pit. If the fruits are frozen, then slightly thaw them, but not completely, so that the drink is cool. Dip the apricots into a blender bowl or any other convenient container.

2. Place a blender in a bowl and chop the fruit until smooth and smooth.

3. Pour yogurt to the apricot mass and add any sweetener if desired: sugar or honey.

4. Submerge the blender again and beat the food until smooth.

5. Pour the selected bran to the food and beat the food again.

6. Pour the finished yoghurt, apricot and bran smoothie into serving glasses, garnish with bran or fruit slices and start tasting. Usually, smoothies are prepared before use, because It is not accepted to do them for future use.
See also a video recipe on how to make a fruit and berry cocktail.