Zucchini flowers - a sunny guest from Italian cuisine

Zucchini flowers - a sunny guest from Italian cuisine
Zucchini flowers - a sunny guest from Italian cuisine

Caloric content and chemical composition. Useful properties, harm and contraindications for use. How are zucchini flowers eaten? Recipes and interesting facts.

Interesting facts about zucchini flowers

How zucchini flowers grow
How zucchini flowers grow

This ingredient is most widely used in the Mediterranean countries, Asia and Mexico.

Both "male" and "female" flowers can be used for food, but the latter are not collected in full, leaving something for pollination. They appear before the formation of fruits, in fact, the latter are their continuation.

In case of metabolic disorders, water-salt balance and constipation, a tincture based on this product is effective. For its preparation, the ingredients are taken in a ratio of 3 tbsp. l. for 150 ml of vodka. The composition is kept for two weeks in a dark place, periodically shaking the container at this time. Take 50 ml twice a day, the course of treatment is usually a week. It is also an effective remedy for skin regeneration in case of purulent wounds. To prepare it, you need to pour the main ingredient (2 tablespoons) with boiled water (100 ml), add propolis (1 tablespoon) and stand for 2-3 hours. With this composition, problem areas should be treated by wetting a cotton swab in it and wiping the surface. This procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day until the wounds are completely healed.

Watch the video about zucchini flowers:

As you can see, there are many ways how to eat zucchini flowers, the main thing is to be able to find them on sale, because this is quite difficult to do. The fact is that they deteriorate very quickly, so they are practically not found on the market.
