Excellent raspberry - "sunny" berry with sourness

Excellent raspberry - "sunny" berry with sourness
Excellent raspberry - "sunny" berry with sourness

Description of the excellent raspberry: composition, calorie content and taste. Useful properties of the berry, warnings from doctors about the possible harm from eating. Delicious food and interesting facts. And this is not the whole list of the positive properties of berries. We stopped only at those, the effect of which is most noticeable. Along the way, you will get an improvement in skin condition and hair strengthening, acceleration of tissue regeneration. But do not forget about the dangers of excellent raspberries. Unfortunately, if the product is abused, as well as in the presence of certain chronic diseases, it is possible to harm the body.

Contraindications and harm of excellent raspberries

Kidney disease
Kidney disease

First of all, you should be on the lookout for allergy sufferers. Raspberries are among the strongest allergens. Therefore, if you have an allergic reaction to certain foods, be careful and gradually introduce them into your diet.

It is categorically impossible to eat raspberries (not only this variety, but also any other) to people suffering from the following ailments:

  • Gout … This disease is characterized by the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints. It leads to their destruction. This compound is found in raspberries. And if for a healthy person it does not pose a danger, then with gout it can seriously aggravate the course of the disease, even during the period of remission.
  • Uric acid diathesis … This is the body's ability to produce all the same uric acid that crystallizes and is deposited by stones in the kidneys and bladder. Doctors categorically do not recommend enhancing this unpleasant congenital feature with the help of raspberries.
  • Gastritis, ulcers, ulcerative colitis … In principle, this can include any diseases in which an increased secretion of gastric juice is undesirable, because it will corrode the walls of the stomach, causing an exacerbation of diseases. Low or zero acidity also refers to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, but with them, raspberries, on the contrary, are useful, since they will provide the supply of missing enzymes for normal digestion of food.
  • Kidney and bladder diseases … Due to the strong diuretic effect, the kidneys and urinary system will be subject to excessive stress, which can lead to complications in their work.

As for children and women in position, raspberries are not contraindicated for them. True, you need to start with a small amount and gradually increase it. But for nursing mothers it is better to refuse delicacies, since due to reduced immunity, allergic reactions, in particular diathesis, may develop.

Superb raspberry drink recipes

Superb raspberry smoothie
Superb raspberry smoothie

Raspberries are a product that culinary experts and gourmets love very much. Since this berry is not easy at all, it is quite difficult to find it fresh in Russian stores. In addition, since they eat excellent raspberries with pleasure, they are swept off the shelves instantly. Therefore, more often it can be found frozen. It's nice that freezing does not drastically affect its taste and useful properties. Therefore, if the price of fresh raspberries bites a lot, and frozen ones are quite affordable, feel free to give preference to the second option.

Red raspberries are more commonly used in cooking. Not only desserts, confitures, preserves and jams are made from it, but also sauces for meat, salad dressings, added to side dishes, and baked goods are made from it. But yellow raspberries feel much better in drinks. Therefore, today we decided to dwell in detail on recipes with excellent hot and cold raspberries, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Most subtly, the berry conveys its taste and aroma to such drinks:

  1. Aromatic tea … To make tea with raspberries, take 100 g of fresh berries and grind them with sugar. This can be done in a blender, or you can simply mash the berries with a fork and fill them with 2 teaspoons of sugar. Then pour 200 ml of boiling water over the berries and let it brew for 5-7 minutes. In winter, with a cold, such tea can be drunk hot, and in summer - cold. It will be an excellent refreshing agent. If you follow the figure, then you can not add sugar at all or replace it with honey.
  2. Compote … Take 1 kg of fresh or frozen raspberries. Rinse it and fill it with 1.5 liters of water. Put on high heat. When the compote boils, remove the foam, reduce heat, simmer for an hour. Remove the drink, cool. Serve cold. If the berries are sour, you can add sugar or honey. You can also add any berries and fruits to it. If you like jelly and jelly, use potato starch for thickening, and gelatin or agar-agar for gelling. In this case, make the drink more concentrated by pouring 800 ml of water over a kilogram of berries.
  3. Smoothie … Take 200 g each raspberry, white currant and mulberry, as well as a couple of sprigs of mint. Mix the ingredients thoroughly in a blender. Add ice crumbs or some low-calorie kefir to them. In the first case, the drink will be refreshing, and in the second it will also be dietary.
  4. Berry shake … To make this delicious drink, you will need 300 g of raspberries, 200 ml of milk and 200 g of ice cream, best of all - an ice cream. Combine all ingredients in a blender. If you do not like raspberry pits, then chop the raspberries at the very beginning, rub them through a sieve, and only then add to the milk shake.
  5. Alcoholic cocktail … Put 300 g of raspberries in cheesecloth. Squeeze it well with your hands. Add 50 ml of vermouth and 100 ml of champagne to the juice. Serve with ice and mint.
  6. Raspberry wine … Yellow raspberry wine turns out to be light, similar to grape. But it has a different, completely subtle aroma and taste. For it, you can use only fresh raspberries, while it should never be washed. Sort the berries carefully, selecting only whole and ripe ones. Put 2 kg of raspberries in a saucepan, chop them with your hands and add 300 g of sugar. Cover with cheesecloth and place in a dark, warm place for 3-5 days. The berry cake will go up. Collect it, squeeze it, pour it together with the resulting juice into a bottle, after passing it through cheesecloth. Close the bottle with a lid with an opening from which the tube leads. Dip the end of the tube into a container of water. If the wine comes into contact with air, you get vinegar. The drink must be prepared at an ambient temperature not higher and not lower than 25 ° C. After 15-20 days, when gases stop coming out, send the wine for clarification for 30-50 days in a cool place. A precipitate should form. Drain the wine without touching it. Enjoy your drink.

Interesting facts about superb raspberries

How excellent raspberries grow
How excellent raspberries grow

Among Americans, not only raspberries are popular, but all parts of the shrub. Deciduous compresses are used to treat burns and abscesses. An infusion of them helps to relieve toothaches and cure migraines. A decoction of raspberry root is excellent for disinfecting and strengthening in case of intestinal disorders.

Bush branches are also used for gastronomic purposes. For example, they impart a slightly tart taste and pleasant aroma to tea. And the aspirin they contain helps preserve food preservation longer, reducing the risk of cans swelling and food fermentation. Therefore, Americans, like Russians, add raspberry branches when canning not only sweet jams, preserves and confitures, but also vegetables.

Due to the extraordinary beauty of the flowers, the shrub is also used for decorative purposes, it decorates the shaded areas of gardens with abundantly moist acidic soil.

What an excellent raspberry looks like - watch the video:

Try to grow a shrub in your backyard, it will delight you with its beauty and delicious berries. Well, if summer chores bore you, do not neglect the purchased raspberries. You will be delighted with its taste.