Falsa - asiatic grevia

Falsa - asiatic grevia
Falsa - asiatic grevia

Description and distribution of falsy. Caloric content and chemical composition of fruits, useful properties of the plant. Harmful use. What can be made from Asian berries and how are they eaten? An excess of the following substances, which are useful in small amounts, can harm the body:

Substances Benefit Harm
Phenolic compounds Vaso-strengthening and anti-allergic action Irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive tract
Alkaloids Anesthetize and eliminate vascular spasms, soothe Toxic effect
Coumarins Antispasmodic and anticoagulant effect Cause intoxication
Saponins Antimicrobial and diuretic effects Destroy red blood cells
Anthraquinone Laxative properties Severe diarrhea

The seeds are used to make oil, which has beneficial properties. It contains organic acids:

  • Linoleic acid - 2, 8%;
  • Palmitic - 8, 3%;
  • Stearic acid - 11.0%;
  • Oleic - 14.3%.

But most of all linolenic acid - 64.5%. Due to this composition, the oil is used for the production of age-related cosmetics and food supplements.

Useful properties of asiatic grevia

What does Asian grevia look like?
What does Asian grevia look like?

The medicinal properties of the plant are appreciated not only by healers, but also by official medicine. For medicinal purposes, all parts of it are used - fruits, seeds, bark, roots and foliage. Unripe berries have a mild laxative effect, stop the activity of pathogenic bacteria, and help get rid of toxins and fecal stones. Ripe ones stop diarrhea, relieve intestinal spasms and intestinal colic.

Benefits of falsa for the body:

  1. Improves the functioning of the hematopoietic system, prevents the development of coronary artery disease and stroke.
  2. Reduces temperature and reduces the manifestation of intoxication.
  3. Reduces the symptoms of rheumatism, arthritis, osteoporosis, stops the destruction of bone tissue.
  4. Has antioxidant activity, isolates free radicals in the bloodstream.
  5. Protects the liver from damage, increases the life cycle of hepatocytes.
  6. Stops the development of symptoms in respiratory diseases.
  7. It has a sedative and analgesic effect.
  8. It is a mild diuretic that helps dissolve and remove calculi from the urinary system.
  9. Prevents malignancy of neoplasms at the cellular level, stops the development of malignant tumors.
  10. It removes excess fluid from the body, allows you to get rid of edema and control weight.

Compresses from the leaves of the plant accelerate wound healing and stop the development of purulent-inflammatory processes. Antifungal activity against 9 strains has been experimentally confirmed, including molds and Candida. Tincture made from fruits with seeds is used to reduce the manifestation of varicose veins. Decoctions of leaves and bark are used in the treatment of dysentery.

The local population ascribes antifertile properties to falsa - it is believed that the use of berries causes temporary infertility in women. It was not possible to scientifically confirm this fact, however, in the berry season, the number of conceptions significantly decreases.

For medical purposes, unripe fruits with a bright red shell are used. As soon as the berries darken, the healing properties decrease and the amount of sugars rises.

Contraindications and harm to False

Diabetes mellitus disease
Diabetes mellitus disease

There are no absolute contraindications for the use of berries, however, one should be careful to get acquainted with the taste of a new product. False can cause harm in diseases such as diabetes mellitus, obesity, reduced blood clotting.

Introducing fruits into the diet can provoke an allergic reaction, especially in children under 3-5 years old and pregnant women. If you plan to give children a new product, you should start with a few berries.

How are the fruits of Asiatica Grevia eaten?

Asian grevia juice
Asian grevia juice

Unripe berries are not recommended to be consumed, and ripe ones do not withstand transportation. Therefore, the fruits are processed into jams, jellies, syrups, added as a preservative to fruit nectars, and alcoholic beverages are made from them. The juice is used to make delicious sorbets and squash.

And here is how the locals eat falso - they pick ripe berries from the tree and enjoy the sweet pulp, spitting out the bones. Small fruits have only one seed inside, while large ones have two and three. Therefore, you should eat carefully so as not to break your teeth.

False recipes

Falsa Fruit Pie
Falsa Fruit Pie

The beneficial qualities of the berries are preserved if they are transported frozen.

Recipes with greece asian delicious food:

  • Pie … Beat 2 chicken eggs with sugar - 300-320 g. Flour, 400 g, mix with a teaspoon of baking powder, a little salt, starch - 3 teaspoons, a pack of margarine in a separate bowl. Margarine is not melted, but kneaded with your fingers, pour in the egg mixture. The dough is kneaded, wrapped in plastic wrap and put on a shelf in the refrigerator. After an hour, a little dough is left in the refrigerator, and the rest is rolled into a layer and laid out on a greased baking sheet, bumpers are formed. Pits are removed from the falx, the berries are mixed with the same amount of finely chopped apples, poured with a little water and brought to thickening. The filling is allowed to cool and spread over the dough. The rest of the well-frozen dough is crumbled, sprinkled with the filling on top and everything is put in the oven. Bake for 40-50 minutes at 180 ° C.
  • Quick yogurt … In a blender, the berries are interrupted, adding sugar to taste. Pour a glass of yogurt, cream and milk into a slow cooker, set the "Yogurt" mode and leave for 12 hours. Then they wait until the yogurt cools down, mix with berry puree, put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  • Ice cream … A glass of water is mixed with the same amount of sugar in an enamel container over low heat and the syrup is boiled. Bones are removed from the falx, squeezed into a homogeneous puree, poured into boiling syrup. Separately dilute 4 tablespoons of cornstarch in warm water, pour in a thin stream into the boiling mixture and increase the heat to boil quickly and intensely. Turn it off, cool to room temperature, put it in the refrigerator on a shelf for 30 minutes. Then everything is interrupted in a blender and poured into molds. Again they allow it to thicken on a shelf in the refrigerator, stick it into each stick and transfer it to the freezer.
  • Berry sorbet … Falso is interrupted in a blender in mashed potatoes, after removing the seeds, add lemon juice and sugar. Proportions of 100 g puree: 1 tablespoon of juice and 20 g of sugar. They are removed for 5 hours in the freezer, interrupted again in a blender, laid out in molds and put back into the freezer. After 2 hours, take out, cover with sprigs of mint and whipped cream.
  • Cheesecake … Sugar cookies, 9 pieces, crumbled. Frozen falsa fruits, 150 g, heated to melt quickly, knead, decant the juice. Mix it with the same amount of water, add 1, 5 tablespoons of sugar. Combine dissolved starch, 2 tablespoons, with berry puree and boil jelly. Whisk 300 g of any soft cheese with half a glass of 33% cream - it is better to take Philadelphia cheese. Lay out the shapes carefully: a layer of cookie crumbs, a layer of curd cream, a layer of cool jelly. Decorate the top with mint leaves and put them in the refrigerator. Refrigerate for at least one hour before use.

Interesting facts about Asian Greece

How falsa fruits grow
How falsa fruits grow

If usually fruit plantations are located away from cities, then falso is planted near megacities. Plantings purify the air, and berries have a very important property - they do not accumulate toxins that saturate the air. Bombay merchants are very convenient - they do not have to travel far to bring a new portion of the fruit to the market.

The plant is unpretentious to the soil - it is suitable for sand, limestone and clay, it is resistant to drought. Cuttings rarely take root - falsa reproduces by seeds. To make them germinate faster, they are soaked in special nutrient solutions. Saplings appear in 2 weeks.

Fruits can be harvested the next year after planting, although they are still very small and sour. To speed up fruiting, carry out regular pruning of the crown - 3 times within two years. The shelf life of ripe berries is small - no more than a day after they are plucked. 22-25 kg of fruit are removed from one tree per season.

It is interesting that during the day the plant is completely safe, but at night the leaf caterpillars wake up and begin to attack the foliage. Some planters, knowing about the characteristics of the pest, provide round-the-clock lighting of the plantations. Root-damaging termites, on the other hand, have to be disposed of with chemicals.

All parts of the plant are used not only for medicinal purposes. Leaves, both fresh and starting to wilt, are cut off for animal feed.

The bark is collected, dried, ground into powder. They are used in the cosmetic industry for the manufacture of vegetable soap, and in the food industry - for sugar clarification. Fiber is extracted from the whole bark, from which ropes and ropes are later made.

Wood is not used to make furniture, but it is appreciated by consumers. It is very durable and flexible and is used to make bows, spear handles, rocker arms, and other load carrying devices. Baskets and mats are woven from young tree trunks.

What the falsa looks like - look at the video:

The European consumer can hardly get acquainted with the taste of berries without leaving home. But admiring products, baskets and mats is quite real. These items are often brought from India as souvenirs.