Garam masala

Garam masala
Garam masala

Description of the mixture of spices garam masala. How many calories are in the product, what useful components are included in its composition. Can the seasoning harm the body. What recipes the spice mix complements in the best way. Agree, the list of beneficial properties of the Indian spice mixture is impressive, and this despite the fact that we have listed only the main beneficial effects of the spices contained in its composition, at a time when there are still many minor ones. Thus, by making garam masala part of your diet, you can be sure that the healing effect will spread to the entire body.

Harm and contraindications to the use of garam masala

Breastfeeding your baby
Breastfeeding your baby

However, the abundance of healthy spices that make up the seasoning gives rise to not only benefits, but also problems. Any spice has a strong effect on the body and all its systems, and therefore, along with beneficial properties, it also has a number of contraindications. In the case of garam masala, both beneficial effects and potential harm intersect. That is, if only nutmeg or only cinnamon is contraindicated for you for one reason or another, then garam masala should already be excluded from the diet, despite the fact that other ingredients are not dangerous for you. Note that all strong spices, including garam masala, are contraindicated:

  • Pregnant and lactating women;
  • Young children;
  • People suffering from acute diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems;
  • Allergy sufferers;

If you have other health problems in the form of chronic diseases, infectious diseases, etc., be sure to consult your doctor before adding garam masala to your diet!

Garam masala recipes

Tikka masala
Tikka masala

Eastern cuisine is unthinkable without the garam masala seasoning. They add it downright everywhere - in soups, meat, poultry and fish dishes, salads, and even desserts and drinks. At the same time, there is a tradition not to buy a ready-made mixture, but to make the seasoning yourself. And each housewife has her own secrets that are passed down from generation to generation.

In Russia, as well as in Europe and the USA, a mixture of garam masala is also quite popular today due to the widespread fashion for oriental cuisine. Of course, we do not add it all over the place, the use in masala recipes is limited to oriental specialties. And here are some of these recipes:

  1. Tikka masala … Cut chicken breast or thighs (0.5 kg) into portions and send them to bake in the oven for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, pour vegetable oil into a deep frying pan, heat it slightly and add cumin (1 teaspoon), bay leaf (1-2 pieces), cardamom seeds (5 pieces), cloves (3 pieces), cinnamon (1 stick), fry for a couple of minutes. Chop finely onions or red onions (4 medium), add to the spices and cook together for 5 minutes. Now add chopped tomatoes (4 pieces), garlic (4 cloves), simmer until the tomatoes are soft. Season the dish with a new portion of spices - chili powder (1 tablespoon without top), coriander (2 teaspoons) and turmeric (on the tip of a knife), simmer for another 2 minutes. Transfer the chicken fillet to the pan, add finely chopped bell pepper (1 piece) to it, simmer for 5 minutes. Pour cream with a fat content of at least 30% (50 ml) into the pan, add garam masala (1 teaspoon) and add lemon juice (1 teaspoon). Heat the dish for another 2-3 minutes and serve.
  2. Indian lentil soup … Put water or any broth on the fire (1, 2 liters) - preferably vegetable, pour lentils (250 grams) into it. When the water boils, add 1 teaspoon garam masala and salt to taste. In a frying pan in a small amount of oil (ideally ghee, but you can take any other), fry the spices - garam masala (2 teaspoons), turmeric (1 teaspoon), ground chili (1 teaspoon), grated ginger root (5-7 cm). Add finely chopped onion (2), garlic (4 cloves). After 3-5 minutes, put the peeled and finely chopped tomatoes (1 piece) into the pan. Cook for 5-7 minutes and then add the stir-fry to the soup. Cook until the lentils are ready, then let the soup steep a little, pour in the cream (50 ml) - better fatter, serve after 5-10 minutes.
  3. Indian salad with bananas and tomatoes … Peel 2 bananas and cut into cubes. Grind the tomatoes (2 pieces) in the same cubes. Combine the ingredients and drizzle with lemon juice (2 teaspoons). Add greens - chopped cilantro or parsley (small bunch), garam masala and cumin (pinch each) and powdered sugar (1 teaspoon). Mix everything well and serve immediately.
  4. Meat samosas (Indian fried pies) … Fry any minced meat (200 grams) until golden brown, add grated ginger root (5-10 cm), garlic (3 cloves), ground chili (3 grams), paprika (5 grams), turmeric (5 grams), cumin (1 tablespoon), garam masala (1 teaspoon). Cook for a couple of minutes and combine with chopped onions (1 piece), simmer for 3-5 minutes. Pour in natural yogurt (50-70 ml), chopped parsley (small bunch), remove from heat after a couple of minutes. Roll out the dumplings dough (300 grams) very thinly and cut into about 12 identical slices. Wrap the filling in each plate, you can roll samosas like ordinary pies, but classically they are in the shape of a triangle. Fry the pies in a skillet for 3-5 minutes on each side.
  5. Spicy tea latte … Boil water (150-200 ml), add tea leaves (2-3 teaspoons of black tea), leave for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, boil milk (150 ml), add cocoa (1-2 teaspoons) and garam masala (0.5 teaspoon) to it. Pour the spiced milk into the brewed tea, strain and drink hot, adding sugar or honey to taste.

Such interesting dishes can be prepared with the popular Indian seasoning. Of course, you need to understand that they are all very spicy and spicy, and therefore not everyone will like it.

If you like garam masala, we recommend that you learn how to prepare the spice mixture yourself. To do this, all the ingredients must be purchased unmilled, mixed together and sent to fry in a pan. As soon as the kitchen fills with a breathtaking aroma (about 10 minutes should pass), the seasoning is ready. It remains only to cool it down and grind it in a coffee grinder. It is best to store your homemade spicy mix in a tightly closed jar and no more than 3 months.

Interesting facts about garam masala

Spices in garam masala
Spices in garam masala

The seasoning may vary in color depending on the ingredients included in the seasoning. The “palette” of garam masala begins with a rich yellow and ends with a dark brown. The aroma and taste are always easily recognizable. Garam masala is a pleasant nutty smell and a rich pungent taste with pleasant sweet notes.

Ayurvedic cuisine especially honors the legendary blend of Indian spices. It is believed that, using it in his diet, a person, both physically and spiritually, burns all negative and harmful things. Translated from Hindi, "garam masala" means "hot mixture". And there are at least three legends about the origin of the name. Someone adheres to the prosaic version that the spicy seasoning causes a burning sensation in the mouth and therefore is called hot, someone on the side of a slightly more romantic interpretation, which is that garam masala has a warming effect. The third version is even more romantic - supposedly a mix of spices kindles a love fire. However, it is impossible to call it unfounded, since the spices included in the seasoning really tend to stimulate sexual desire.

By the way, in India, garam masala is often called the seasoning of love. In 2005, Bollywood even made a film named after the spice mix - Garam Masala. This is a story about a handsome womanizer who was having an affair with four girls at once.

Tikka masala, a signature Indian dish prepared with the addition of seasoning, was at one time so popular among the British that Britain wanted to declare it a national treasure.

Watch a video about garam masala:

Garam masala is an amazing product that combines the beneficial properties of several spices at the same time. This seasoning helps not only to give dishes a unique oriental flavor, but also to have a beneficial effect on the body. Be sure to make garam masala a part of your diet - cook dishes with this seasoning at least occasionally. You can buy a ready-made mixture in the supermarket in the spice department, but it is better, of course, to make it yourself, especially since it is not at all difficult.
