Description of petit, chemical composition and use. Are there any contraindications for tropical fruits. Recipes from the fruits of a rare plant and the ability to grow it at home. The petit fruit can be consumed with increased acidity, only in this case it is better to remove the arillus.
Harm and contraindications to the use of petit

Individual intolerance is a contraindication to the use of pets. If you try it for the first time, it is advisable to limit yourself to 1-2 berries. The body must first be prepared, especially when it comes to children.
The consequences of abuse of a new product: intestinal cramps, increased intestinal gas, constipation, nausea, vomiting - rarely.
It is not necessary to introduce a petit into the diet during pregnancy, so as not to provoke the development of allergic reactions.
Despite the fact that the tropical fruit resembles an apricot most in taste and texture, it has the opposite effect on the intestines. Apricot - weakens, pitmba - strengthens.
Pet food recipes

Pets are popular among the local population. It is consumed fresh, jam and jams, compotes are cooked. They are harvested for the winter and exported in canned form, used as raw materials for soft drinks.
The juice is drunk fresh, sterilized, and cocktails are prepared on its basis. Children dissolve the arillus of ripe fruits instead of candies, and adults make candied fruits from it.
Pet recipes:
- Lemonade … Prepare boiling water in advance. They are scalded with 8 pitomba fruits. Divide the berries in half and remove the seeds. If the drink is prepared only from the pulp, the arillus is removed and the amount of fruit is doubled. Squeeze juice from the fruit, filter, boil for 1-2 minutes with 100 g of sugar and a pinch of citric acid. You can use lemon juice and lemon zest instead of citric acid to avoid getting too cloying. The boiled juice is mixed with boiled cooled water and carbonated with a can of carbon dioxide.
- Refreshing effervescent drink … Several pets are peeled and pitted and boiled like a thick compote with sugar. You do not need to remove Arillus, it will give the drink a pleasant sourness. Compote is poured into molds and frozen. To quench thirst, glasses are 2/3 filled with ice cubes and poured with ordinary drinking highly carbonated water.
- Brazilian Jam Assorted … Fruits used for jam: guava, pitomba, apples, cherries. The fruits are blended in the proportions available. The most familiar taste will turn out if apples predominate in the dessert. They are cut into slices without peeling the peel, and the seeds are removed. Remove seeds from cherries, guavas and pitbets. The smallest seeds are in guava, and if it is difficult to pull them out, then to give a strawberry-pineapple flavor, it is enough to scoop a few tablespoons of pulp from the middle of the fruit. Apples and cherries are covered with granulated sugar to get juice. For 100 kg of fruit - 800 g of sugar. Then the syrup is boiled, the usual fruits are dipped into it first, and then the tropical ones, brought to a boil and left. As soon as the saucepan has cooled, it is returned to the fire and the contents are gradually brought to thicken. If you disregard the recommendation and cook the jam in one go, the pitbata will "come apart".
- Candied pets … For the preparation of candied fruits, only dense fruits are chosen, preferably slightly unripe. They are thoroughly washed with cold running water. Spread clean berries on a paper towel to remove excess moisture. Then it is carefully divided into 2 halves with a sharp knife and the bones are removed, being careful not to damage the arillus. Then the pet should be blanched so that the fruits do not lose their shape in the future. To do this, the halves are carefully placed in cheesecloth and dipped first in boiling water and then in cold water. You can speed up this process using a slotted spoon. While the pitbata is cooling, sugar syrup is boiled. The proportions of sugar and water are 1: 1. The syrup must be stirred thoroughly, it must be completely transparent. When the sugar has completely melted, the fruits are immersed in the boiling syrup. The amount of syrup should be calculated so that it covers the pit. Further candied fruits are cooked in the same way as apricot jam. Bring the contents of the basin to a boil, remove from heat, constantly remove the foam with a slotted spoon. To prevent the tropical fruit halves from losing their shape, it is best to drain the syrup, bring it to a boil, and put the fruit in it again. Each boil should not last longer than 3-4 minutes. After 4 boils, the entire pit is transferred to a colander and a tray is placed in order to get rid of excess liquid. When all the liquid has drained and the fruits begin to dry out, they are laid out in one layer on a pallet and exposed to the sun. There is enough sun in Brazil. After 2 days, the candied fruits are turned over and dried on the other side. If it is not possible to take advantage of natural conditions, candied fruits are dried in the oven. It is heated to 50-60 ° C, baking trays with halves of pitbats are installed, and left for 5-6 hours. Be sure to turn it over. Ready candied fruits are cooled, sprinkled with powdered sugar and ground almonds. They are eaten as candy or decorated with baked goods. Store candied fruits in a tightly sealed glass jar, avoiding air access.
- Jelly … To cook transparent homogeneous jelly from pitomba, you need a lot of fruits. We'll have to remove the arillus along with the bones. You do not need to weigh the fruits before preparing the jelly, but the pulp of the fruits separately. Pieces of fruit, 1 kg, are poured into a saucepan, poured with boiled warm water so as to completely cover the surface, bring to a boil, add sugar, a little more than half a glass, mix thoroughly and leave to cook for 30 minutes. Separately, boil a little thick pitomba compote with sugar, allow it to cool slightly and dissolve 30 g of gelatin in it. The dissolved gelatin is carefully poured into the jam, mixed again, removed from heat. The contents of the pan are ground until completely homogeneous, until the gelatin has solidified, and the future jelly is shifted into molds. From above, several pieces of aryllus are pressed into each mold and put into the refrigerator. Serve as soon as the dessert hardens.
- Canned pet … Pitomba can be preserved in marinade and syrup. Whole fruits, without removing the seeds, are washed, laid out in sterilized jars and poured with syrup. The proportions for the syrup are 200-250 g of sugar per 1 liter of water. Tropical fruits are sweet, but if you reduce the amount of sugar, the jars will explode. The syrup is poured into jars, let it brew for 5-7 minutes. Again, the syrup is drained, brought to a boil and now the cans are rolled up. The algorithm for pouring marinade is not much different. On sterilized jars, lay out 1 clove stick, a pinch of cinnamon and dried ginger, and a pea of allspice. Fruits are laid, covered with lids. Boil the marinade: 1 liter of water / half a glass of apple cider vinegar / 1 kg of fructose. Pour the fruits, let stand, drain the marinade. Boil again and re-fill the jars, roll up the lids.
Canned pets are exported to Australia and some European countries. It is popular with gourmets.
Interesting facts about the pet

Even the inhabitants of the countries in which the tree is grown are little familiar with the taste of pitbats. The plant does not occur in the wild, the plantations are small. In the store, the cost of bunches is quite high. Given the fruit variety of tropical countries, Aboriginal people prefer more affordable fruits.
Despite the sweetness of the fruit pulp and the sourness of the aryllus, the piton was not appreciated in the USA either. That is why the plant is grown in limited quantities. Export to the countries of Europe and Asia is impossible: ripe berries are not stored for more than 3 days, and unripe berries picked after ripening are not as tasty as expected.
The growing of the plant for decorative purposes has become very popular. They can be used to decorate the windowsill on the south side of the apartment. At home, the tree is grown from seeds. In order to quickly form a "bonsai", it is necessary to provide the seedling with tropical conditions - increased illumination, humidity and a warm, stable microclimate. The fruits of plants planted under artificial conditions do not have nutritional value. The pitomba from the windowsill is small, but in terms of sweetness it is not inferior to berries grown in natural conditions.
Watch the video about the pet:

If there is an opportunity and acquaintances who will bring a few seeds from Bolivia or South Brazil, you can try to grow a plant on your own windowsill. In flower shops, they are sold in closed containers. With good care, you will definitely be able to taste sweet fruits 7-8 years after planting and enjoy a pleasant taste.