Find out how professional bodybuilders get to work 100% in every exercise, thereby triggering powerful anabolism throughout the body. Quality training is about gradually reducing the rest time between sets while maintaining or increasing the number of repetitions. Its main purpose is to give the muscles a high-quality relief. With it, you will be able to burn fat without losing muscle mass. Pro-athletes use quality training in combination with cardio and a low calorie dietary nutrition program in preparation for important tournaments. Today we will learn how to train well in bodybuilding. At some point, you will have to stop gaining mass in order to give your muscles a beautiful appearance.
Quality training program

We will not waste time and will immediately offer you three split programs designed for a different number of training days.
- First day: legs shoulders (three times a week), legs (four days a week) back, biceps (six days a week).
- Second day: rest, chest, triceps (four days a week), chest, triceps (six days a week).
- Third day: chest, triceps (three times a week), rest, legs, shoulders (six days a week).
- Fourth day: rest, back, biceps (four days a week) rest.
- The fifth day: back, biceps (three times a week), shoulders (four days a week) repeat the first day.
- Sixth day: rest, rest, repeat of the second day.
- Seventh day: rest, rest, repeat of the third day.
The duration of one session is from 40 minutes to an hour, and you should start with performing three movements for each part of the body. In this case, the number of approaches is three, and in each of them perform ten repetitions. Your training program must include one movement each with dumbbells, a barbell and the use of a simulator. If you intend to use a 6-day split, then at its second stage, one exercise should be replaced with an equivalent exercise.
You need high-quality training even if you do not plan to participate in tournaments and train for yourself. Throughout the fall and winter, you can work in mass-gaining mode, and in the spring, with the help of high-quality workouts, prepare for the beach season. It makes sense for amateurs to take the pro-athletes as a basis and make changes to them according to your level of training. You will surely find something to learn from the professionals. The duration of the relief training is most often three months. During this period of time, it is necessary to use average weights and concentrate on burning fat. Do not think about gaining mass, this stage will begin for you in the fall.
It should also be remembered that in conditions of a lack of energy in the body, fatigue will accumulate and you need to listen to your body. It is possible that in the last couple of weeks it will be necessary to reduce the load again.
A scale can be used to evaluate your results, but a mirror is the best control. This is the only way you can see how well your muscles are drawn.
Speaking about the relief, it is necessary to remember the nutrition program. As you know, fat burning is not possible without artificially creating a calorie deficit, and this can be achieved only thanks to a competent and strictly verified nutrition program. Of course, amateurs do not need to use such strict diets that pro-athletes "sit" on.
But it is still necessary to calculate the daily calorie content of the diet. In addition, you need to pay a lot of attention to the choice of food, so as not to consume a lot of fat. Try to maintain a balance between fibrous and starchy carbs.
If you don't need a cardio load during mass-building, then you cannot do without it while working on the relief. Cardio sessions should not last more than half an hour and should only be done after strength training. Thanks to cardio, you can speed up your metabolism, and during the week you should use aerobic activity three to five times.
How to properly train your chest, triceps and shoulders, see this video: