John Hansen: breast pumping in bodybuilding

John Hansen: breast pumping in bodybuilding
John Hansen: breast pumping in bodybuilding

Learn how to pump up Hercules' breasts and make the torso that the world's best bodybuilders showcase. To build any muscle group, you need the right training program. Many athletes make various mistakes and, as a result, do not achieve the desired results. Someone uses not effective exercises, sometimes the exercises are of excessive intensity. Today you will be able to get acquainted with the advice of John Hansen and learn how to pump breasts in bodybuilding.

John Hansen Chest Muscle Training

Dumbbell Lateral Raise on an Incline Bench
Dumbbell Lateral Raise on an Incline Bench

For effective training of the chest muscles, it is enough to perform two main movements. The most effective are the bench press and incline bench press. These exercises allow athletes to use large weights and load the target muscles perfectly. Triceps with the frontal deltas are also involved in the work.

These movements can be supplemented by raising the arms with dumbbells. This movement uses only the chest muscles and excludes the triceps from the work. At the same time, it perfectly stretches the muscles, causing their powerful contraction. This has a positive effect on the development of the pectoral muscles. When using dumbbells instead of exercise machines, including blocks, you put more stress on the target muscles and stimulate their development.

Lying dumbbell presses, arm raises on a tilted bench, and bar dips are best for effective lower chest workouts. However, you should not use them all at once, as this will not allow you to improve the relief.

It is important to understand that the relief primarily depends on the amount of subcutaneous fat. The less fat in your body, the more clearly the muscles are visible. By developing the lower part of the chest, the athlete will be able to add volume to this part of the body, which will have a positive effect on the appearance of the chest. To do this, it is quite enough to use one of the above movements. Often times, the lower pectoral muscles respond well to the bench press. It is important that you yourself feel their work. Use a wide bar grip and open your elbows wide. The narrower the barbell grip, the more the triceps are included in the work, and this should be remembered.

If you do not have a lot of training experience, then you should not greatly increase the intensity of training. First of all, this concerns the use of various special methods, for example, drop sets. It is enough for you to perform three movements and use large weights.

You also need to remember about proper nutrition. The amount of protein compounds consumed should be at least two and a half grams per kilo of body weight. For example, if your weight is 83 kilos, then at least 225 grams of protein compounds should be consumed per day. In addition, complex carbohydrates should be included in the diet, sources of which can be cereals, whole grain bread, or sweet potatoes.

John Hansen Leg Training Method

Exercise scheme for training legs
Exercise scheme for training legs

John Hansen recommends doing 10 sets in each exercise to develop quads and hamstrings. The best exercises for the quadriceps are squats, and for the hamstrings, leg curls. They should be performed in every lesson and preferably the first to perform leg presses while you still have a lot of energy.

This training methodology is based on volume, which must be increased during the entire training cycle, the duration of which is from six to eight weeks. This technique is the opposite of common refusal training. If you constantly work until you are completely exhausted, you will sooner or later feel very tired. Hansen's technique is free from this drawback, but at the same time it is very effective.

As we said above, you need to perform 10 sets in each exercise. In this case, the number of repetitions changes every week depending on the working weight used. As you increase the weight, you need to reduce the number of repetitions.

Before performing work sets, you should warm up qualitatively. It is best to use incline bench raises and knee lifts before doing leg presses, and leg extensions before squats. Of course, even after this, you should perform a couple of warm-up sets in each of the main movements.

It is enough to train your legs only once every seven days and perform both exercises in this lesson. You should also increase your working weight for three weeks while reducing the number of repetitions. Then increase the starting weight compared to the first week of training and increase the number of repetitions. In practice, it looks like this:

  • 1 week - 5 reps with a weight of 150 kilos.
  • Week 2 - 4 reps with a weight of 165 pounds.
  • 3 weeks - 3 reps with a weight of 175 kilos.
  • Week 4 - 5 reps with a weight of 165 kilos.
  • Week 5 - 4 reps with a weight of 180 pounds.
  • Week 6 - 3 reps with a weight of 190 kg.

This is a rough outline of one six-week cycle. Of course, you need to select the working weight and the number of repetitions in each set individually.

Check out the best chest workouts in this video:
