Why can't you pump up? Find out right now the reasons for your stagnation and in a couple of weeks you will see an increase in weight and strength results. Oddly enough, this may sound, but one of the reasons that hinder progress in bodybuilding can be the wrong position in life. When progress slows down, athletes first look for errors in their nutritional program and training process. In principle, this is most often the case, however, not always.
You may have wondered why a person becomes successful? Some people tend to believe that this is possible through inheritance of success, luck, and cheating. But at the same time, we must not forget that often a person sets clear tasks for himself and after solving them, success comes to him. Thus, three components of success can be distinguished:
- Working hard and hard to achieve your goals.
- Acceptance and understanding of risks.
- Luck.
- Intelligence.
Let's talk about each of these components in more detail and it is quite possible that the reasons hindering progress in bodybuilding are hidden in them.
The ingredients for success in bodybuilding

Hard work

Almost all people work and do it very hard. Without hard work, you will never be successful. But at the same time, this factor is clearly not enough, since, despite the work, few people can be considered successful.
Acceptance and understanding of risks

To achieve your goals, you need to always move in one direction. You must understand the risks that exist and taking them can bring you a major victory. But if you do it often, then as a result you can lose, if not all, then a lot. A lot of money is made on this casino.

Good luck is necessary in any business, and many understand this. But if you only hope for luck, then you should not expect great success. In the course of the conducted sociological research, it was found that the majority of the winners of various lotteries, as a result, remain "at the bottom of the trough." Surely you are now thinking that this would definitely not happen to you. But this is not so, because if you have only one luck, then all successes will be fleeting.

A very important factor. There are a lot of people on the planet who were not successful, but it was thanks to intelligence that they were able to achieve a lot. By and large, most wealthy people were able to achieve their position precisely thanks to their ingenuity and ingenuity. Of course, and among them there are those who are simply lucky, say, with an inheritance. But there are a lot of those who have earned success through proper planning and investment.
To be successful, you need to combine hard work, have good luck, understand and accept risks, and have a good intellect. If we analyze the fate of a large number of successful people, then this conclusion is fully confirmed.
Famous bodybuilder Yuri Spasokukotsky talks about how to achieve success in bodybuilding and life, see here: