All athletes experience a decline in the rate of progress. There is a way out of this situation. Learn the secrets of muscle growth from a bodybuilding guru. Everyone knows the feeling when in training it seems that you can move mountains. But sometimes there is no desire to train, and I want it to end sooner. In this case, it makes sense to take a break for rest and take a breath. If there are no health problems, then such a poor condition can also be caused by low mobilization of muscles to do work or a violation of the rhythms of life.
So that such situations meet you significantly more, we will tell you about 25 rules of progress in bodybuilding. They are related to proper nutrition before and after training.
1 rule - slow carbohydrates

British scientists have conducted a number of studies and found that athletes who eat slow carbohydrates in the morning and at lunch burn more body fat during training. The control group ate their usual food, including mashed potatoes and white bread.
Scientists suggest that this result was a consequence of a lower insulin response to the consumption of slow carbohydrates. This led to a reduction in the amount of glucose entering the muscle tissue cells. After using the available stores of glucose, the body switched to burning fat deposits. An increase in the endurance indicator of athletes was also recorded. Thus, you need to include foods containing slow carbohydrates in all meals. Before class, their number should be 40 grams.
2 rule - do not eat fat before class

In the United States, experiments were carried out, during which it was recorded that fats were able to block the effects of nitric oxide for about four hours. As a result, nitric oxide is deprived of the ability to expand the capillaries. This leads to a sharp deterioration in the quality of tissue nutrition and a decrease in the pumping effect. Similar results were obtained with the use of nitrogen donors, which simply did not work under the influence of fats. Do not eat fatty foods about five hours before the start of the training.
3 rule - vegetables before training

An hour and a half before the start of the class, you need to eat natural food. If you eat green salad at this time, then you can increase the impact of nitrogen donors and, accordingly, increase the pumping effect. Scientists have proven that the fiber found in vegetables is excellent at absorbing fats. This leads to a decrease in the rate of entry of fatty acids into the bloodstream and increases the effect of nitric oxide on the capillaries.
4 rule - buckwheat before class

Scientists from the United States have proven that buckwheat contains a unique substance - the flavonoids chiroinositol. It is able to replicate the effects of insulin on the body and accelerate the delivery of nutrients, such as creatine, to tissues. When using creatine monohydrate before training, use buckwheat in parallel. This product definitely does not promote fat storage, unlike insulin.
5 rule - proteins and creatine

Consume 20 grams of whey protein and about 5 grams of creatine about 60 minutes before training.
6 rule - caffeine

Also, to enhance the work of the central nervous system, drink a cup of coffee. If not, take another 200 milligrams of caffeine as a supplement.
7 rule - arginine

Consume 3 to 5 grams of arginine half an hour or 45 minutes before training. This substance is converted into nitrogen, which significantly improves the quality of muscle tissue nutrition. One study found that with continued use of this supplement, athletes improved their bench press performance by eight kilos.
8 rule - cocoa

If you add cocoa extract to a protein shake, then the life of the nitrogen donors will be increased. Cocoa contains epilotechin, which enhances the effects of nitric oxide.
Rule 9 - forced reps

If you do forced reps on the last rep, you can increase the rate of growth hormone synthesis. However, use this technique with care to avoid overtraining.
10 rule - work on failure

Train to muscle failure only on the last set.
11 rule - concentration

To use as many muscle fibers as possible, concentrate on the target muscle during exercise.
Rule 12 - repetition rate

You must change the speed of the replays. For gaining mass, repetitions at a slow pace are best, and for increasing strength indicators - fast reps (one second for lifting and lowering the projectile). Alternate the pace of the repetitions every two or three weeks.
13 rule - partner

Find yourself a training companion.
14 rule - player

Exercise to your favorite music to boost your mood and improve motivation.
15 rule - duration of training

Everyone knows that to gain mass, you need to train hard. When using low-repetitions (from 4 to 6), strength indicators increase quite quickly.
16 rule - classic training schemes

Try to use classic training methods. Now you can find a large number of new techniques that in practice are not effective.
Rule 17 - cardio

If you use cardio loads, then do them no earlier than 12 hours after strength training. So you will not cause overwork in the body and will not reduce the rate of growth hormone secretion.
18 rule - wrist straps

When training your back muscles, wrist straps can be very helpful. Thanks to them, you can concentrate on performing the exercises and turn off the biceps from work.
Rule 19 - proteins

Mix whey protein and casein in one shake.
Rule 20 - creatine, alpha lipoic acid and carbohydrates

To improve the absorption of creatine, mix 2 or three grams of this supplement with fast carbohydrates (50-100 grams) and alpha lipoic acid (0.3-0.5 grams).
Rule 21 - stretching

You should always remember about stretching exercises. However, they must be performed only with warmed up muscles at the end of the session.
22 rule - cholesterol

For a long time, cholesterol was considered the main enemy of the heart and vascular system. However, it has now been established that it is from cholesterol that anabolic hormones are produced. Eat one or two egg yolks daily.
23 rule - training time

Try to hold classes in the afternoon, but you shouldn't drag it out either. Choose the start time of the training so that after its completion there is time for two more full meals.
24 rule - sauna

Try to use the sauna daily.
25 rule - black tea

Drinking four cups of black tea a day can significantly reduce the rate of cortisol synthesis.
How to make progress in three months, learn from this video: