How to remove the plug from the ear at home?

How to remove the plug from the ear at home?
How to remove the plug from the ear at home?

Sulfur plug can drastically reduce hearing acuity. Therefore, it is worth knowing what methods you can use to remove the plug from the ear on your own, and which ones are better to refuse. Quite often, the otolaryngologist hears complaints from patients about hearing loss. As a rule, the most common problem that causes this effect is the formation of a waxy plug in the ear. Nobody can be insured from such a nuisance. That is why it is useful for everyone to know what reasons provoke its appearance and what methods are there to remove it.

Every second person at least once in his life faced such a problem when hearing sharply deteriorates, since a critical amount of sulfur accumulates in the ear canal. The most effective and safe method is to seek help from an experienced specialist, but this is not always possible, so you need to identify ways that will help you quickly and independently solve the problem, but at the same time not harm your own health.

Why do ear plugs appear?

Formation diagram of plugs in the ears
Formation diagram of plugs in the ears

Today, the reasons that provoke the formation of a plug in the ear are divided into several main groups.

The first group includes the formation of large amounts of sulfur. Too frequent use of various cleansing procedures can provoke a pathologically active process of sulfur formation. Of course, no one has canceled daily hygiene procedures, but improper care of the auricle can cause a completely opposite result.

In cases where a cotton swab is used too often to clean the ears, there is a risk of damaging the delicate and very thin skin that covers the ear canal. To heal the irritated area, the body begins to produce more sulfur. Consequently, the more actively the ears are cleaned, the more sulfur mass is pushed into the ear canal. After the sulfur is behind the isthmus, it gradually begins to accumulate. And the daily carrying out of such cleaning procedures only compresses this mass, as a result of which it becomes heavier and denser. There is a blockage of the ear canal with a sulfur plug.

A variety of diseases can also provoke an increased production of earwax. Eczema, otitis media, dermatitis, as well as other previous pathologies, including too thorough mechanical cleaning of the ears, cause severe irritation of the skin in the ear canal. Triggers include dust, foreign bodies, high humidity, hearing aids, headphones, etc.

Another serious problem causing the formation of cerumen is the specific anatomy of the ear - if the ear canal is very narrow and wriggles heavily. As a result, sulfur masses cannot leave the ear on their own.

Signs of a blockage in the ear

Girl being examined by an ENT
Girl being examined by an ENT

It can be very difficult to detect ear plug formation without the help of a doctor. That is why they turn to a specialist only after the ear almost completely ceases to hear.

A fairly large amount of sulfur mass may accumulate, but at the same time, the general well-being will remain good. The appearance of unpleasant sensations occurs after a complete blockage of the ear canal with a sulfur plug has formed.

As a rule, discomfort begins to be felt after bathing, because as a result of exposure to water, an increase in the volume of sulfur mass occurs. Therefore, the ear almost completely loses the ability to hear and perceive sounds from the environment normally.

In some cases, deafness is accompanied by a slight noise in the ear, nausea, severe headache, dizziness, and a feeling of bursting congestion. A certain part of patients begin to suffer from the fact that they hear the echo of their own voice in the ear.

Few people know, but as a result of the accumulation of large amounts of sulfur in the ear, there is a risk of developing heart problems. If the cork is located close to the surface of the tympanic membrane, irritating pressure begins on the nerve endings.

If the sulfur clot is detected too late, a severe inflammatory reaction may develop.

How to remove sulfur plug at home?

Flushing the plug from the auricle
Flushing the plug from the auricle

If it is not possible to visit a doctor, knowing several ways, you can easily get rid of the sulfur plug yourself at home.

Hydrogen peroxide to cleanse the ear

Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide

Probably everyone is familiar with this method of removing earwax. The procedure itself is very simple to perform, so it can be easily done on your own, without the help of a specialist. In this case, the desired result is almost always achieved.

First of all, you need to remember that only 3% hydrogen peroxide can be used to clean the ears. This remedy is the safest, as it has a relatively low concentration, and will not have a negative effect on the delicate skin of the external auditory canal.

If you need to remove sulfur, it is necessary to drip a few drops of hydrogen peroxide (3-5 drops) into the ear canal with a pipette. You need to lie on your side so that the sore ear is on top.

After the agent is instilled, you must carefully listen to your own feelings. You may feel a hissing or burning sensation in your ear, but do not worry, as this is a completely natural reaction to the medication.

If the burning sensation does not stop for a long time and causes strong discomfort, it is necessary to tilt your head down so that the peroxide flows out of the ear. After that, you should try to visit a doctor.

In the event that no unpleasant sensations occur, you need to wait about 15 minutes, then turn over on your side so that the remaining hydrogen peroxide flows out. The agent will flow out of the ear canal along with parts of the softened sulfuric plug.

Then the ear must be gently wiped with gauze or cotton wool. As a rule, it will be possible to completely get rid of the sulfur tube after several such procedures in 2-3 days.

Instead of hydrogen peroxide, you can use liquid paraffin oil. However, it is not recommended to use this method of ear cleaning too often. It is important to remember that in moderation, sulfur acts as a protective film.

Ear cleansing medicines


Hydrogen peroxide does not always help to completely remove the wax plug from the ear, so it is necessary to use special medications. These products were developed to soften ear plugs and are sold in almost every pharmacy.

Cerumenolytic drugs are the latest in medical science. They contain unique active ingredients that have the ability to dissolve compressed sulfur right in the ear canal.

This drug group includes drops of Remo-Vax and A-Cerumen. These funds contain active components that prevent an increase in surface tension, do not allow the sulfur plug to swell, while they penetrate directly into the center of the sulfur clot and dissolve it from the inside.

Before using such funds, you must carefully read the attached instructions, since you need to correctly determine the dosage of the drug. Then the liquid is instilled directly into the sore ear and left for a couple of minutes. After the specified period of time has elapsed, you need to wash off the remnants of the drug with saline.

These special preparations, designed to remove ear plugs, can also be used to treat children. These funds have practically no contraindications. However, their use should be abandoned when:

  • individual intolerance to individual components, which is part of the drug;
  • with perforation of the tympanic membrane.

If there are contraindications, it is best to consult a doctor to remove the sulfur plug.

Cleansing the ear by blowing

ENT blows a girl's ear
ENT blows a girl's ear

To remove the sulfur plug at home, you can use a mechanical method of cleaning the ear canal - blowing. But such a procedure is carried out on its own in rare cases, since you need to know some of the subtleties of the cleansing procedure.

If even minor painful sensations or a strong feeling of discomfort appear during cleaning, you should visit an otolaryngologist as soon as possible.

At the heart of blowing through the ear canal is the penetration directly into the ear of a jet of air under pressure through the Eustachian tube. The easiest way to remove the sulfur plug is the Valsalva self-purging procedure:

  • you need to take the deepest possible breath and hold your breath;
  • then the lips close tightly and the wings of the nose are pressed against the nasal septum with fingers;
  • exhale with effort.

During this procedure, the only direction into which pressurized air can penetrate together with sulfur is the Eustachian tube, as well as the tympanic cavity located behind it.

Other methods of removing sulfur plugs with air can also be used (for example, Toynbee's experience, Politzer's experience), but they can only be carried out by an experienced specialist in a medical institution.

Ear candles to remove wax plug

Cleaning with an ear candle
Cleaning with an ear candle

Various natural materials can be used to create ear candles - for example, propolis, beeswax, essential oils, and medicinal herbs. We can say that ear candles must be in the home medicine cabinet. Such a remedy has the ability to quickly neutralize the blocking effect of sulfur plug, and also has an analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory and warming effect.

The high efficiency of this product is due to the optimal interaction of vacuum and soft heat. It is this environment that forms inside the ear canal during the candle burning process. As a result, the dense sulfur mass begins to gradually melt and gradually moves along the ear canal towards the exit.

During the burning of the candle, other pleasant effects will be observed:

  • relieves stress;
  • activation of blood microcirculation in the ear begins;
  • sleep improves and the problem of insomnia is eliminated;
  • breathing through the nose is greatly facilitated.

To remove the sulfur plug in this way, you need to take two candles, clean napkins, cotton swabs, cotton wool, matches, a glass of clean water and baby cream.

A small amount of cream is squeezed onto the fingers and a gentle massage of the auricle is performed. Then you need to lie on your side so that the sore ear is on top, and put a napkin on it. A small hole is made in the ear canal area. The upper part of the candle is lit with a match, and the lower part is applied to the ear canal.

After the candle burns out to a certain mark, it must be removed and extinguished by placing it in a glass of water. With the help of a cotton swab, the ear canal is cleaned, then closed with a cotton swab for 15 minutes.

Regular cleaning of your ears can help avoid the problem of wax plugging. But, if this happened, and it was not possible to remove it on your own, you need to seek help from a doctor in order to prevent the development of more serious hearing problems.

You will learn more about removing wax plug from the ear in this video:
