
Table of contents:


What is a spice called lumi. Its calorie content and features of the chemical composition. What are the useful properties of the product and can it be harmful. The use of seasoning in cooking. Here are just the main beneficial properties of the spice, which are fully revealed when it is regularly added to food. It should be noted that lumi can also be used for medicinal purposes to enhance these beneficial effects and add new ones, but this should be done under the guidance of a doctor, because, despite all the usefulness of the spice, there are also contraindications to its use.

Harm and contraindications to the use of lumi

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

Lumi contains many biologically active strong components. If a person is absolutely healthy, these components are only beneficial or have a neutral effect on the body, but in the presence of health problems, we have to talk about the dangers of spices.

Many acids are found in the seasoning, which imposes restrictions on the use of the seasoning for people with high acidity of the stomach, in addition, for the same reason, it is not worth adding it to food and for those who have severe diseases of the digestive system.

Secondly, it should be noted that lumi should beware of allergy sufferers, because citrus fruits and the products made from them are one of the most common allergens. However, if a person has an individual intolerance to lumi, only inhalation of the aroma of the seasoning can lead to a deterioration in well-being (dizziness, tearing, etc.). Under these circumstances, of course, it is worth refusing to add seasoning to food.

Thirdly, we note that pregnant women should be treated with caution, because the effect of its effect on the fetus has not been studied, as well as nursing in order to avoid allergies in the child.

And, finally, let us draw your attention to the fact that if the seasoning is abused, it can harm even a healthy body, so observe the measure.

In the presence of diseases and health problems not listed above, as well as when taking strong pharmacological drugs, we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor before introducing lumi into your diet.

Lumi recipes

Tomato soup with lumi
Tomato soup with lumi

As we said at the beginning of this article, lumi is a popular condiment in the Middle East and the Gulf. However, the geography of its use is not limited to the indicated regions. However, it mainly becomes a highlight of various dishes in places where lime grows naturally. Our country, of course, is not one of those, so Russian housewives have to either diligently look for ready-made seasoning in stores, or try to cook it on their own.

An approximate recipe for the preparation of lumi is as follows: limes are immersed in a boiling salty solution (proportions - 1 tablespoon per liter) for 3-5 minutes, then the fruits are pulled out, wiped and laid out to dry in the sun, and then ground. You can also dry the fruits in the oven at minimum power, but it will take more than one day.

When the seasoning is ready, you can start using it in lumi recipes. You can experiment with it in different ways, but it is better to start with proven recipes:

  • Gorme-sabzi … Soak the beans (100 grams) in cold water a day before cooking. Then boil it in lightly salted water until half cooked and discard in a colander. Chop the onion (1 piece) finely and fry in a deep frying pan until golden brown, then add the coarsely diced lamb (500 grams). After 5-10 minutes add water (1 liter), beans, turmeric (2 teaspoons), salt to taste and simmer for 2, 5-3 hours. During this time, the meat and beans will become very tender and the sauce will become thick. Half an hour before cooking, add lumi (4 tablespoons) and herbs (500 grams), previously stewed in a separate frying pan in butter (50 grams). Cool the finished dish a little and serve with rice.
  • Cubs … Rinse the chicken, divide into 6-8 parts, place in boiling water, add to it bay leaf (2 pieces), cinnamon (1 teaspoon), a whole onion (1 piece), cardamom (1 teaspoon), salt to taste. Fry chopped garlic (3 cloves) in a pan, then add finely chopped onion (1 piece) to it and cook for 5-7 minutes. Now put the grated carrots (1 piece) and after another 5-7 minutes - chopped tomatoes (2 pieces), you must first remove the skin from them. Cook everything together for 10 minutes, then add tomato paste (2 tablespoons), lumi (2 tablespoons), curry (2 teaspoons), bharat (2 teaspoons) - a special mixture of lamb spices and rice (2 cups). Roll the cooked chicken in breadcrumbs or flour and fry until golden brown in a separate skillet. When the spicy rice with vegetables is ready, place it on the bowls and add a bite of chicken.
  • Tomato soup with lumi … Boil chicken broth (2-3 thighs for 1 liter of water). In a separate saucepan, place the tomatoes in their own juice (700 grams), add the onion (1 piece), diced, chopped garlic (3 cloves), oregano (1 teaspoon), bay leaf (1 piece), hot red pepper to taste, cook for 10-15 minutes. Add 600 ml chicken stock and chopped chicken to a saucepan. Cook for another half hour. Five minutes before cooking, add lumi (0.5 tablespoon) and grate some hard cheese (cheddar, parmesan) on top.
  • Light spicy salad … Finely chop the Chinese cabbage (300 grams), add lightly salt and send to the salad bowl. Cut a cucumber (1 piece) into cubes, put it to the cabbage, send canned corn there (1 can). Prepare a dressing: mix olive oil (3 tablespoons), lumi (1 tablespoon), Provencal herbs (1 teaspoon), pepper mixture (1 teaspoon), asfetida (1 teaspoon) - can be replaced with dried garlic in the same amount … Pour the dressing over the salad and eat right there with crispy bread.
  • Citrus Kurd … Remove the zest from the lemons (2 pieces), mix it with lumi (2 tablespoons) and sugar (200 grams). Squeeze the juice from the lemons, pour over the zest, stir. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan, put butter (60 grams) into it in pieces and heat until it dissolves. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs (3 pieces), pour into the mixture on the stove and cook until the cream thickens, stirring constantly - it will take about 15 minutes. Cool the cream and eat with tea.

You see, as we said above, lumi is very versatile - it perfectly complements both sweet and savory dishes. You can start your experiments with spice with the recipes given, and then fantasize as you please. In general, in any dish to which you have previously added citrus fruits, you can try replacing the latter with lumi.

Interesting facts about lumi

How lime grows
How lime grows

During the preparation of lumi, an interesting effect can be observed at the stage of drying the fruit. Lime, drying, changes its bright green color to almost black, and the shade is always different - blue, purple, brown.

The gorme-sabzi and kabsa dishes described in the recipe section are traditional oriental dishes. Each oriental woman has her own secret recipes for their preparation, which have been passed down from generation to generation.

Sometimes the lumi is not grinded, several holes are simply made in the dried fruit, and in this form the seasoning is added to the dish. Of course, the fruit is harvested before serving.

In Iran, the spice is called amani.

Lumi can be replaced with sumac seasoning, which, however, is also not very available in our country.

Lumi is an unusual spice for our region, which is made from lime. Finding it on the shelves of Russian stores is not so easy, so the best option is to cook the seasoning yourself. Lumi will not only make the taste of dishes richer by adding citrus notes with a light smoky aftertaste, but also turn any food into a healthy one, because the spice contains many vitamins, minerals and other biologically active components. So if a spice is not contraindicated for you for one reason or another, be sure to make it part of your diet.