

Azhgon, its composition and main components. Useful properties of a spice plant and contraindications for inclusion in the diet. Recipes for delicious dishes from around the world with the addition of sounded oriental spices. The composition of ajgon is also valuable because it includes the following components:

  • Potassium … More than half of the daily value of the sounded substance is contained in the spice. Potassium is essential for the body because it supports the functioning of the kidneys, heart and muscles.
  • Calcium … The breakdown of fats, stabilization of the nervous system, restoration of acid-base balance, strengthening of teeth and bones is not complete without this macronutrient.
  • Magnesium … All stages of protein synthesis in the human body are produced using a sounding substance.
  • Phosphorus … With its lack, there is a decline in mental activity, a decrease in appetite and attention in people.
  • Iron … With a daily rate of 18 mg, azhgon contains 16, 23 mg. Therefore, the seasoning allows a person to increase hemoglobin and normalize cellular metabolism.
  • Manganese … Almost completely the daily intake of this substance is made up by the use of azhgon. Manganese is essential for the absorption of vitamin B1 in the body and the normalization of bone structure.

The presence of essential oils in azhgon allows the use of extracts from the described product in the manufacture of toothpaste, lotion, soap and other personal hygiene products.

Useful properties of azhgon

Indian cumin
Indian cumin

The sounded oriental spice is still not very popular in the domestic market. However, it already has its admirers due to its healing effects on the human body:

  1. Digestion normalization … Azhgon allows you to relieve bloating, eliminate flatulence (analogous to our dill water) and reduce pain in case of stomach cramps.
  2. Improving the functioning of the respiratory system … Chabrius has an expectorant effect for bronchitis.
  3. Choleretic action … In case of obstruction of the biliary tract and with pancreatitis, it is necessary to introduce azhgon into your diet.
  4. Diuretic … With such an unpleasant problem as kidney stones, and with cystitis, it is worth adding Indian cumin to your usual dishes.
  5. Improving vision … Vitamin A, which is part of azhgon, will help a person with myopia see better.
  6. Toning the body … The rich in vitamins composition of the described oriental spice allows a person not only to cheer up, but also to increase his immunity.
  7. Antihelminthic effect … Instead of advertised and expensive remedies for these parasites, it is better to use azhgon.
  8. Improving cardiac performance … The potassium and magnesium contained in this seasoning will help maintain the functioning of the main human organ.
  9. Stimulation of the nervous system … It is especially useful to introduce a sounded spice into your diet for those people whose occupation is associated with increased danger.
  10. Eliminate migraine … Instead of the popular Citramon, it is better to cook a dish with ajgon to get rid of a headache.
  11. Fight insomnia … A glass of warm milk with honey and ajgon is a better remedy for those people who are forced to stay awake at night.

Some people are wary of spices, considering them harmful to the human body. The benefits of ajgon are obvious if you eat it correctly.

Harm and contraindications to the use of azhgon

Breastfeeding your baby
Breastfeeding your baby

When using spices and seasonings, you should take into account possible restrictions in their use. If there is a desire to purchase chabrius, you must heed the following warnings from doctors:

  • Pregnancy … Expectant mothers are often picky when choosing a dish. However, many of them, during toxicosis, begin to consume large quantities of citrus fruits and spices in order to get rid of nausea. Experts recommend that pregnant women stop taking ajgon, because it can cause stimulation of the uterus and tone it.
  • Lactation … During this period, mothers should understand that everything they eat will affect the health of their baby. Azhgon is not the best component of a newborn's diet, so it is advisable to give it up for a while. However, in some cases, it is this spice that increases lactation, therefore, before making a decision, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.
  • Serious gastrointestinal problems … Some people who suffer from gastritis and biliary obstruction allow themselves to taste a dish with azhgon during remission. It all depends on the severity of the diseases sounded, therefore, before such an experiment on your health, it is better to consult a gastroenterologist. With increased acidity of the stomach, azhgon is definitely contraindicated.

Not everything that we use to our liking benefits us. You should take into account the contraindications to azhgon, which are voiced by experts.

Ajgon recipes

Soup with ajgon
Soup with ajgon

The sounded spice has proven itself perfectly when creating the following culinary masterpieces:

  1. Gourmet onion rings … To prepare such a dish, you need 1 tbsp. flour (ideally mix wheat, rice and corn) pour a glass of beer, seasoning the resulting mixture with a pinch of salt and 0.5 tsp. azhgona. 4 onions cut into rings should be dipped in a sonicated mixture, then fried in breading (coconut flour and sesame seeds) in vegetable oil.
  2. Pakora pies … This dish is very popular in India and very easy to prepare. Dry ingredients of pies in the form of 250 g of wheat and 1 tbsp. rice flour must be mixed with 2 pinches of soda, 0.5 tsp. turmeric, 2 tsp. chili powder, 1 tbsp. ghee. To such a mass, you should send 1 package of frozen vegetables (potatoes, cabbage and green beans). This dish will not interfere with an additive in the form of 2 tsp ginger, 1 tsp. fenugreek seeds and 3/4 tsp. azhgona. It is necessary to fry pakora until golden brown in vegetable oil.
  3. Spicy soup … To prepare it, 500 g of beans should be soaked in water for 9 hours. Then it should be poured with 1.5 liters of vegetable or meat broth cold. In parallel, you need 2 onions, 7 cloves of garlic, 4 large tomatoes (ideally a bovine heart), chop and add to the container in which there are 2 tablespoons. oils and already sounded beans. Well-known culinary experts advise at the same time to stock up on one more frying pan, in which it is necessary in 1 tbsp. fry a spoonful of oil for 2 minutes 1, 5 tablespoons. ajgona, which we then send to the beans.
  4. Onion paste … 4 onions must be mixed with 0.5 tbsp. tablespoons of azhgon and 2 tablespoons of sour cream. To add spice to the dish, add 100 g of chopped walnuts to it.
  5. Crisps for an amateur … To create this dish, you need to mix one egg with 3 tablespoons of water, 0.5 kg of dough, a vanilla bag, 0.5 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tablespoon honey and 0.35 tsp. azhgona. It is necessary to fry the crisps in vegetable oil.
  6. Meat miracle … To prepare this dish, you need to take 1 kg of veal and coat it with mayonnaise and spices in the form of ajgon, black pepper and curry. The carcass should then be treated with lemon juice. For the miracle to really come true, the meat should be placed in the oven with potatoes.

Interesting facts about azhgon

How azhgon grows
How azhgon grows

In ancient India, during the cholera epidemic, a sounded plant was used. Azhgon proved to be effective in the fight against a terrible disease. The inhabitants of this country also used shabri to treat the lower and upper respiratory tract. Until now, India is considered the main supplier of the spice, which is gaining more and more popularity among gourmets.

Different national cuisines use Indian cumin as they see fit. If we consider this fact more extensively, then the Egyptians prefer to add the described spice to the meat. In Central Asia, azhgon is an addition to flat cakes and pilaf. Residents of Turkmenistan use it in the manufacture of sausages from lamb and horse meat. In most Eastern countries, it has taken root due to the fact that it perfectly emphasizes the taste of dishes made from vegetables and beans. The Slavs also did not ignore this product. In domestic cuisine, it becomes an important component during the preparation of marinades, soups, cereals and original casseroles.

You can buy azhgon already in crushed form, but it is still better not to skimp on the purchase of this product in grains. They will give the dish a unique taste and aroma. It is recommended to store them in a glass container in a dry and dark place.

If you want to keep the meat as long as possible, add azhgon to it. By mixing it with salt, it is really possible to extend the sale period of such a product. This advice is especially recommended for those who want to feast on poultry meat after a certain period of time.

Azhgon is included in many combined seasonings. The most famous of these are curry, black Indian salt (ajowan salt) and fire seasoning (Ethiopian berbere).

If there is no thyme on hand, then it can be replaced with ajgon. Plus, it works well with ingredients such as black pepper, basil, mint, cardamom, dill, fennel and dill.

Watch a video about azhgon:

Azhgon is a spice that can not only diversify the daily menu, but also a product useful for the body. If you use it in moderation, then there will be no harm from it. Each spice has its own contraindications for gastroenterologists, so you should follow their recommendations.