The choice and features of using sulfate-free shampoo

The choice and features of using sulfate-free shampoo
The choice and features of using sulfate-free shampoo

What are sulfate-free shampoos, their benefits for hair and contraindications, how to use them correctly and which brands are the most popular among sulfate-free products.

Sulfate-free shampoo is a cosmetic product that is free from preservatives and parabens. Natural oils and vitamins will help protect hair from external factors, nourish and moisturize it.

What shampoos are sulfate-free: description and composition

Shampoo Natura Siberica Oblepikha Professional
Shampoo Natura Siberica Oblepikha Professional

The chemical (unnatural) components of conventional shampoos weaken the protective lipid layer of the hair and scalp. Curls can lose their natural shine, become dry and thin, the ends split over time, the external and internal condition of the hair deteriorates markedly.

This is especially noticeable if you systematically use shampoo that is not suitable for your hair type. Also, sulfates and parabens accumulated on the scalp can penetrate deeply into the epidermis over time, thereby provoking the development of serious diseases.

Sulfates are substances that are found in almost all inorganic hair washes. Sulfate shampoos always foam very well, wash the hair from excess oil, add volume to it, even help to overcome a problem such as dandruff.

It is worth remembering:

if your shampoo, when exposed to water, forms a lot of foam, it means that it is definitely sulfate, and this can be harmful to the curls. Such products greatly dry out the skin, while the protective barrier of the hair weakens, as a result of which they can fall out, quickly become dirty and even lead to allergies.

Sulfate-free shampoo does not contain these harmful chemical components. It contains only natural elements, oils and vitamins that strengthen each hair, make its structure strong and not brittle, wash the hair thoroughly.

Many people note that it can be very difficult to restore the previous shine to hair after many washing procedures with sulfate shampoos. Hair remains lifeless, brittle and dull. In addition, long-term use of sulfate shampoos significantly slows down the growth of hair follicles, can cause dandruff and irritation. It is not uncommon for people with sensitive skin to suffer from allergies.

A few decades earlier, women did not suffer from such problems, because they often used home remedies for washing their hair, which contained only natural ingredients. These are, for example, shampoos made from egg yolk, from a decoction of burdock root and oak bark.

Now, a similar product, consisting only of natural ingredients and extracts, can be purchased at any organic cosmetics store. Sulfate-free shampoos will restore shine, strength, smoothness and obedience to your curls. If you use such products regularly, the hair will gradually become more voluminous, their structure will become denser, and growth will accelerate.

Benefits of sulfate-free shampoos

Siberica Sulfate Free Shampoo
Siberica Sulfate Free Shampoo

These cosmetics will not harm your hair or skin. The foam in sulfate-free shampoos is not very thick, so you need to rinse your hair several times. It is recommended to wash oily curls more often than dry ones. But the result after using this type of shampoo will definitely please you!

Consider the benefits of shampoos that do not contain sulfates:

  • When using a regular shampoo, ingredients such as sulfates are very difficult to completely wash off the scalp. When they accumulate in large quantities, it can cause allergic irritation. If you use sulfate-free shampoo to wash your hair, these problems will not arise.
  • Organic shampoos contain natural cleansing components: coconut oil, extracts of chamomile, mint, cinnamon, oak bark. With their help, it is easy to care for the hair, the shampoo is easily washed off the hair and does not destroy the protective barrier of the skin.
  • Natural ingredients will be especially useful for colored hair, as they spare the hair structure and retain the color of the curls for a long time.
  • With regular use of organic shampoos, you will no longer be bothered by the problem of frizzy hair. Since the action of the agent is gentle on the cuticles of the hairs, their structure remains smooth for a long time.
  • If you have recently done keratin straightening, then the use of sulfate shampoos is strictly prohibited, because they will quickly wash out those substances due to which the effect persists. For this, only three to four applications of a regular hair wash are enough.
  • Regular use of sulfate-free products will heal your hair and saturate it with various nutrients.

Contraindications and disadvantages of sulfate-free shampoos

Sulfate-free shampoo
Sulfate-free shampoo

Sulfate-free shampoos provide gentle cleansing of hair and skin. In the process of washing, the skin will not be exposed to the aggressive effects of unnatural components, which means that the quality of the hair will gradually improve.

Almost all sulfate-free shampoos have a liquid consistency. As part of such a line of products for shampooing, only natural ingredients, so it has no contraindications. The only thing: you should pay attention to the composition of the shampoo and take into account the individual intolerance of some components.

In addition, it is worth mentioning the weaknesses of such shampoos:

  1. This type of shampoo will not be able to completely wash out all the silicone components from the hair. This will be a problem for those women who often use styling products for styling. Therefore, the remnants of sprays and varnishes will still remain during washing.
  2. If you have dandruff, organic shampoos will not help combat this problem. But sulfate products will perfectly cleanse the hair and scalp from dirt and dandruff.
  3. In order to wash out thick curls well, you need to apply such shampoos in several approaches. Thus, it turns out not very economical consumption of funds. To make the sulfate-free shampoo lather a little better, simply apply the product all over your hair and run it under a stream of water for a few seconds.

Many women find that after a few uses of the organic shampoo, their hair loses its former volume. Do not worry too much about this: you have switched to a completely new type of product, your hair has not yet had time to get used to it, it takes time to fully restore the required level of acidity. On average, this can take a month and a half.

In general, the disadvantages of organic products are not so significant. Feel free to try sulfate-free shampoos, because, based on numerous positive reviews, they will help to heal your hair, improve its structure and appearance.

List of sulfate-free hair shampoos

There are many different brands and brands of sulfate-free shampoos in cosmetic stores. Below is a list of the most popular products that are suitable for specific hair and scalp problems.

The best sulfate-free shampoos for colored hair

Colored hair needs special protection and care as it is already damaged. Therefore, sulfate-free shampoos are what you need to care for them.

Sulfate-free shampoo Repair Shampoo Mulsan Cosmetic
Sulfate-free shampoo Repair Shampoo Mulsan Cosmetic

For colored hair, it is recommended to use the following products:

  • According to recent independent laboratory tests and examinations, the best sulfate-free shampoo for the care of colored hair is Repair Shampoo from the Russian manufacturer Mulsan Cosmetic … It contains not only sulfates (SLS, SLES), but also ingredients harmful to hair, scalp and the body as a whole, such as parabens, mineral oils, silicones, as well as fragrances and dyes. Thanks to the extract of birch buds, hair growth is accelerated and its structure is restored, as well as the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized. Almond extract helps to restore split ends, prevents inflammation on the scalp. As women note, regular use of Repair Shampoo significantly reduces hair loss, promotes their active growth, as well as the return of strength and healthy shine. Official online store of the manufacturer
  • Sulfate-free shampoo L'Oreal Delicate Color … The composition of the product is developed on the basis of an innovative water-repellent technology that envelops each hair during washing and maintains its water balance. With the help of shampoo, you will not only preserve the effect after keratin straightening for a long time, but also the result of staining. The active ingredient taurine is a natural antioxidant that helps protect hair color. The Delicate Color contains vitamin E and magnesium, which strengthens the hair structure, prevents hair loss and the appearance of split ends. Also, the shampoo contains special filters for ultraviolet rays. Hair will be reliably protected from shade fading and the harmful effects of the sun. This is especially true in the summer.
  • Sulfate-free shampoo Estel Otium Aqua … The tool will not only provide gentle care for the curls after straightening, but also during application will saturate the hair with moisture and necessary nutrients. The shampoo is great for treating and cleansing oily scalp, which can be bothered by dandruff problems, frequent flaking and itching. The active component of the product is a complex of natural elements True Aqua Balance. This shampoo has no contraindications. With its regular use, skin receptors are activated, which are responsible for hair growth, and their structure improves.
  • Schwarzkopf Bonacure Color Save Sulfate Free Shampoo … The main purpose of this product is to gently cleanse the hair, restoring its elasticity and softness, which have been lost due to frequent dyeing. The formula of the product contains a complex of amino acids, which perfectly restore brittle and thin hair, penetrating deep into the cellular level. The color of your hair will not lose its brightness even after thirty uses. The shampoo will prevent the destruction of pigments in the hair due to the contained UV filters.
  • Shampoo CHI Ionic Color Protector … This line of cosmetics for hair care contains unique silver ions, which will prevent the pigments of colored curls from washing out. Moreover, this sulfate-free shampoo will perfectly strengthen, restore and protect hair during and after various chemical and thermal treatments. After applying the shampoo from the hair structure, the keratin composition will not be washed off. The product is perfect for girls with thin and unruly hair: silk proteins soften the structure of the curls, give them volume and shine, which will persist until the next wash.
Sulfate-free shampoo L'Oreal Delicate Color
Sulfate-free shampoo L'Oreal Delicate Color

Rating of sulfate-free shampoos for oily scalp

Sulfate-free shampoos work well with oily scalp. Over time, as the hair adapts to this type of detergent, it will be possible to wash it less often than before.

Shampoo All Type Shampoo Mulsan Cosmetic for oily scalp
Shampoo All Type Shampoo Mulsan Cosmetic for oily scalp

What shampoos will cope with the oily scalp - consider below:

  • All type shampoo from the leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics - the Russian company Mulsan Cosmetic. The shampoo does not contain sulfates, mineral oils, animal fats and parabens. Ideal for daily use. The extracts of chamomile and wheat germ contained in it prevent hair splitting, strengthen their structure, and also prevent inflammation and flaking of the scalp. Official online store of the manufacturer
  • "Recipes of grandmother Agafia" … A series of sulfate-free shampoos of domestic production for delicate cleansing of oily hair and skin. The pricing policy of the brand is democratic, and the result after use exceeds all expectations. The shampoo is characterized by gentle and gentle care for curls. The tool is suitable for daily use.
  • Weleda products for oily hair … It is a combination of high quality standards and organic product. Natural ingredients will give you high-quality hair care: they will gently cleanse from dirt and restore damaged hair structure. The tool has no contraindications.
  • Natura Siberica brand … The products are designed to cleanse oily skin and hair. The main components are lauryl glucoside and cocamidopropyl betaine. These shampoos are quite popular, they tone up and refresh the scalp well, and reduce the secretion of sebum.
Shampoo Recipes of grandmother Agafia
Shampoo Recipes of grandmother Agafia

How to use sulfate-free shampoos

Applying sulfate-free shampoo
Applying sulfate-free shampoo

Using sulfate-free hair cleaners is generally straightforward. However, shampooing with organic shampoo has a number of features:

  • The first step is to heat the product a little. Often, organic shampoos need to be refrigerated. If the base contains natural herbal ingredients, then they can quickly deteriorate if they stand on the shelf in the bathroom. Take the right amount of the product and let it warm up to an acceptable temperature for a few minutes, or warm a few drops in your hands.
  • Hair should be washed with very warm (even hot) water. If you use lukewarm, then sulfate-free shampoos will not foam at all, and as a result, their residues from the hair will not be washed out.
  • Hair should be well moistened with water and shampoo applied to those areas that are most oily. Massage well.
  • Apply some more shampoo to your hair and massage it into your skin again. Rinse with water.
  • And the last stage of applying shampoo (this time it should already foam well): leave the product on your hair for four to five minutes and rinse the curls well.
  • If you have a short haircut, then one application of shampoo is enough, and if your hair is medium or long, then you need to apply it two or three times.
  • You cannot use organic shampoos all the time. After a while, it is recommended to alternate them with ordinary sulfate ones.

If your hair is very dirty and oily, or you have used a lot of styling products before, then it is better to wash your hair with a simple shampoo. With its help, the hair will cleanse well. How to choose a sulfate-free shampoo - watch the video:

Many women are wary of switching to organic shampoos. A common myth: sulfate-free shampoos will not provide the necessary care and cleansing. However, this is not at all the case! Indeed, the product does not create a huge foam head, but at the same time it contains extremely useful and natural ingredients that will have a beneficial effect on hair growth and structure. Curls that are not filled with silicone, parabens and sulfates are always beautiful, lively and voluminous.
