Matizia cordial - endemic to the Amazonian lowland

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Matizia cordial - endemic to the Amazonian lowland
Matizia cordial - endemic to the Amazonian lowland

Description of a rare endemic. Caloric content and chemical composition of fruits of cardiac matizia, useful properties and harm when used. How to eat chupa chupa and what dishes are made from it. Why tropical fruits are not available to Europeans. Residents of countries in which fruit crops grow, introduce chupa-chupu into medical nutrition, into low-calorie, low-fat and low-protein diets. The fruits help to get rid of excess weight, form the desired volumes due to the high content of carbohydrates and accelerate the rehabilitation of kidney diseases. It is recommended to introduce cardiac matizia into the diet after high physical exertion.

Contraindications and harm of chupa-chupa

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

The main harm of cardiac matizia is a pronounced laxative effect. If you have a tendency to diarrhea caused by an increased speed of peristalsis, it is better to refuse to eat fruits. You should not introduce chupa-chupu into the diet with increased intestinal neurogenicity.

As with many tropical fruits, allergic reactions often occur to cardiac matizia. That is why you should not give a new product to children under 3 years old and pregnant women who have not previously encountered fetuses.

The locals themselves for the first time "introduce" children to the Chupa Chupa after heat treatment. Even low-fiber fruits can provoke intestinal disorders. The stomachs of young children have a hard time handling fibrous foods, and if given raw fruits, intestinal obstruction can be provoked.

How to eat heart matizia

How to eat lollipop
How to eat lollipop

Despite the fact that the skin of the fruit is not inedible, it is better to remove it when eating. This can be done using a knife with a thin blade or during heat treatment, pouring boiling water over it, and remove it by hand. The pulp is fibrous and there is enough dietary fiber without the skin.

They eat chupa-chupu in a different way: cut the fruit into 2 parts, remove large seeds and scoop up the ripe soft pulp with a teaspoon.

If guests are offered to feast on a tropical fruit, then the peeled pieces are laid out on dishes, sticking into each skewer. It is better to introduce children to the fruits by squeezing the juice out of the pulp.

Cardiac matizia is not stored. It is impossible to pick greenish fruits and let them ripen in the light, as is done with persimmons, tomatoes or peaches. Fruits that do not ripen on the branches are absolutely not sweet, with a tough, very fibrous pulp.

Chupa Chupa recipes

Chupa Chupa salad
Chupa Chupa salad

Matizia cordial, collected in the wild, is eaten only fresh; it is impossible to cook anything from it because of its elastic fibrous pulp. A chupa-chupa of low-fiber varieties, collected at the plantation, is used in the food industry for the production of juices, canned food and jelly. Fresh fruit is added to ice cream and fruit salads.

Recipes with heart matizia:

  • Fruit dessert … They peel off 2 tangerines and one orange, remove the seeds, try to remove coarse fibers without violating the integrity of the slices, and put everything on a plate. Pour citrus fruits with liquid honey, 2 tablespoons are enough, mix and let the slices soak. Peels are peeled. To do this, they need to be doused with boiling water. Then the pulp of 3 peaches is cut into neat cubes. Chupa Chupu is treated in the same way as peaches. Peel off 2 sweet pears and also cut into slices. It is advisable to remove the bones. Melon is used more for decorative purposes. From its pulp, balls are formed with a special spoon to decorate the dessert. All fruits, except melon, are mixed, put salad for ice cream. It is preferable to choose an ice cream without additives. To avoid being too cloying, the salad is sprinkled with lemon zest and poured over with coffee liqueur. The dish is decorated with 2-3 balls of melon.
  • Fruit salad … Peel 2 handfuls of almonds, having previously doused the kernels with boiling water to remove the green shell. The peel is removed from the chupa-chupa and the seeds are removed, the pulp is cut into slices. Peel 2 green apples and cut into equal pieces, sprinkle with lemon juice so as not to darken. All the ingredients are mixed, laid out on lettuce leaves, torn by hand, seasoned with unsweetened yogurt. You can add a little cinnamon for flavor.
  • Tropical salad … The ingredients for this dish are pieces of one matizia heart and one avocado drizzled with lemon juice, a little parmesan cheese and pine nuts. Several halves of cherry tomatoes and a handful of pomegranate seeds are added to the mixture. The dressing is a mixture of the fruit's own juices. You can add salt and red pepper for flavor.
  • Canned food from matizia … When canning fruits, they are poured with fruit juice. Due to its high content of organic acids, sweet fruits can be stored without sugar for up to 6-12 months. Cardiac matizia is peeled, cut into equal cubes and laid out in sterilized jars. Juice is squeezed out of sweet and sour apples, boiled for 5-10 minutes, and then the fruit slices are poured. Immediately roll up the lids. If pear juice is used instead of apple juice, add 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice to each liter jar, taking into account the sweetness of pears.
  • Chupa-chupa jam … The fruits are peeled, pitted and the pulp is rubbed through a sieve, trying to completely remove all fibers. To calculate the sugar, fruit puree is weighed: take 1 kg of pulp for 0.5 kg of sugar. Mashed potatoes are cooked over low heat, stirring constantly, until thick, checking in the same way as regular jam. If the drop that has been dropped on the nail does not run off, you can turn it off. Pour half a glass of strong brandy or cognac into hot jam, add a tablespoon of vanillin or tea cinnamon and mix everything. They are laid out in sterilized jars and immediately rolled up with lids.
  • Dried matizia cardiac … Like all fibrous fruits, chupa chupu can be dried. To do this, collect not too soft fruits from a tree, gently wipe with a damp cloth and cut off the peel. In order not to damage the pulp, it is better to choose a knife that cuts the skin in a spiral. Then the fruit is cut in half, carefully tied around each stem and laid out on a paper towel. Several fruits are strung so that they do not come into contact with each other. It is recommended to do it low in length up to 80 cm. You can dry the whole fruit, but this will take more time. The lows are suspended under a canopy in a draft under the sun for 2-3 days, covered with gauze on top to protect the pulp from numerous insects. Then the fruits are outweighed in the shade, under a canopy, and left to wither also in a draft. The product is considered ready after the fruits become light and white bloom, fruit sugar appears on them.

In order not to be disappointed in the taste of a tropical fruit, you must be able to choose the right one. First of all, the chupa-chupa should be carefully examined: the skin should have a uniform saturated brown color, dark spots and white blotches indicate that the product has begun to deteriorate. You should not buy fruits with dents on the surface or cracks in the skin.

The main purpose of growing chupa chupa is to make juice, which is sold in canned form after sterilization to the United States and Australia.

To squeeze out the juice, a press with a mesh is used to separate the excess dietary fiber. Then it is sterilized and rolled into jars. The homemade beverage is drunk raw and added to ice cream or tropical cocktails.

Since the pulp is very fibrous, there is little product "at the exit". To increase its amount, nectar is made by mixing chupa-chupa juice with apple cider.

If the fruits have already begun to deteriorate, you can make mash from them. Gruel from 5 kg of fruits is compacted in a fermenter, poured with 5 liters of boiled water, add 0.5 kg of sugar, 2 tablespoons of citric acid and a teaspoon of yeast to speed up fermentation. After a week, the mash is filtered. If you plan to make moonshine, then at this stage the drink can be distilled. It is recommended to reduce the strength to 30%. When homemade wine is made, yeast is not added to the fruit puree, but allowed to ferment on its own. Strain after the end of fermentation and put it under a glove, piercing one finger. The finished drink is filtered and consumed, having previously cooled.

When juice is produced on an industrial scale, the seeds are not thrown away, but harvested. In Peru and Colombia, they are used to produce cellulose. In these countries, the plant is called Western Chupa or Western Affair, and in Brazil it is called Zapata, Zapat do Peru. The locals sometimes refer to the wild fruits as Zapape do Solimoes, since under natural conditions the thickets of Matizia fill the delta of the Solimoes River. Watch a video about cardiac matizia:

There is no technology to preserve tropical fruit during shipments to Europe. Therefore, you can try Chupa Chupa only in South America. Attempts to grow a tropical tree in winter gardens have also been unsuccessful. The inhabitants of Europe have to admire the endemic only in pictures.
