Description of the fruit of the Casimiroa tree edible. Useful properties of white sapota. The chemical composition and harm of the fruit. Reasons for excluding it from the diet. Information on how to eat it, the best recipes.
Contraindications and harm to edible casimiroa

In no case should you consume poisonous fruit seeds, this can lead to severe intoxication of the body, disruption of the liver and kidneys. When overeating fruits, there is often a feeling of discomfort in the stomach, heaviness in the abdomen, diarrhea and nausea. In terms of side effects, white sapote is very similar to a pear, being just as heavy, difficult to digest and difficult to digest.
White sapote can cause harm in the following cases:
- Gastritis … With an ailment in the acute stage, the fruit, due to the high content of dietary fiber, can cause pain and nausea, since it irritates the walls of the stomach.
- Colitis … With complex degrees of the disease, accompanied by bloating, impaired intestinal motility, constipation, pain, white sapote is not suitable for introduction into the diet.
- Pancreatitis … In its raw form, the fruit will be too heavy for the pancreas, which, with such a problem, must be unloaded as much as possible.
- Food allergy … You can find out about it by the acne and redness of the skin that appear after eating the fruit. Pregnant women and children should be especially attentive to this.
- Excess weight … A lot of fruit should not be eaten by people with signs of obesity, due to its fairly high calorie content and carbohydrate saturation. Regular consumption of these fruits contributes to the growth of body weight.
Note! Casimiroa edible has astringent properties, so you should not eat it if you have constipation and a predisposition to them.
How to eat white sapote

Mostly the fruits of the tree are eaten raw, fresh. They can be eaten both without additional ingredients, and in combination with them - sugar, cream, cottage cheese, ice cream. Smoothies, creams, marmalade, milkshakes are delicious. This is an ideal filling in the form of mashed potatoes for pancakes, pancakes, pies, pies.
Before use, the fruit is washed, peeled from tough peel and poisonous seeds. The fruit is then cut in half and eaten, like an apple.
You can also not remove the shell, but simply take out the pulp with a spoon, but this is not very convenient to do.
Anything that remains from the sapote must be wrapped in plastic wrap, as it quickly turns black in the refrigerator. Another way of storing it is freezing, after which the fruit does not lose its taste or nutritional properties.
White sapote is not suitable for making jams and marmalades, compotes, as it does not boil well, but it can be eaten, for example, in the form of jelly. It is also an excellent source of healthy and tasty juice that can be easily squeezed out.
White sapote recipes

It is advisable to peel the fruits just before cooking, as they quickly turn black and juice is actively released from them. They are mixed with other fruits as well as with berries or even vegetables. Good options are a composition with currants, strawberries, bananas, coconut, dairy products. The pulp can be put in sweet treats as a whole or in grated.
Use the white sapote recipes below for delicious meals:
- Mousse … Peel the fruits (2-3 pcs.) And turn them into mashed potatoes, which you need 100 ml. Then add whipped heavy cream, preferably homemade (60 ml), into it. Next, dissolve vanillin (1 tbsp) and sugar (3 tbsp) or powdered sugar (2.5 tbsp) in the mixture. Freeze all this lightly, then beat well with a blender until smooth.
- Cake … First, make a white sapote puree, which needs 400 ml. Then melt butter (100 ml) and add cinnamon (2 tsp) to it. Next, beat the mixture and add eggs (3 pcs.), Baking powder (0.5 tsp.), Honey (1 tbsp. L.) And vanillin (1 tsp.). Then sift 100 g of flour and add it to the mass. After that, grease the mold with vegetable oil, pour the dough into it and bake it in the oven for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of up to 200 ° C.
- Curd dessert … Grind fatty cottage cheese on a grater (about 200 g), pour in condensed milk (5 tablespoons) and white sapote puree (6 tablespoons). Then add vanillin (2 pinches), honey (1 tsp) and crushed peanuts (30 g). Next, roll up balls from the resulting mass, roll them in coconut flakes, put on a plate and pour any jam on top.
- Chocolate dessert … Take real dark chocolate (150-200 g), cut it into pieces and melt in a water bath. Then place it in 200 ml glasses, filling them by a third. Next, combine cognac (20 ml) with heavy homemade cream (50 ml), beat the mass and add it to the chocolate, making another layer. After that, peel the white sapote (3 pcs.), Chop it in mashed potatoes, mix with mashed persimmon (1 pc.) And put the resulting gruel on top in a glass. The final touch is to place the dessert in the freezer for 10-20 minutes to cool down.
- Salad … Rinse and dry raisins (1 tablespoon), dates (1 tablespoon), and apricots (2 tablespoons). Then peel a green apple (1 pc.), Cut it into wedges and add to the mixture. After that, add to it the pulp of sapote (3 tbsp. L.), Walnuts (1 tbsp. L.), Melt the chocolate (100 ml) and pour it over the resulting mass. You can sprinkle it with coconut flakes on top for a spicy flavor.
- Cream … It can be used to grease cake, pie, pastries. Mix cream (250 ml) with grated zest of one lemon, sugar (50 g), cornstarch (1 tablespoon), egg yolks (4 pcs.). Then peel the white sapote (3 pcs.), Grind it and add to the resulting mass. Next, add gelatin (1 tablespoon) here and whisk the mixture. You need to use it after cooling.
Note! For the most part, edible casimiroa is only a suitable ingredient for desserts and fruit salads.
Interesting facts about the white sapote

In Mexico, the edible casimiroa blooms from January to February, and the fruits ripen from June to October. In the Bahamas, this period lasts from late May to mid-August. The tree loves a warm climate, sun and moisture, otherwise it is unpretentious to growing conditions. It is not afraid of frosts down to -30 ° C, but at lower temperatures the leaves fall off and the fruits acquire an unpleasant bitter taste.
This culture is bred by cuttings, and not with the help of seeds, the planted trees begin to bear fruit at about 3-5 years of age. Each of them can be harvested up to 200 kg in one season. Most of the fruit sold on the market is the result of the work of orchard workers specially created for the cultivation of the plant.
The fruits are harvested when they begin to turn yellow and become soft. The ones that are overripe are too harsh and unsuitable for cooking, while the green ones are still bitter. The collection is done manually, they are torn off together with the leg. If the integrity is violated, rotting of the fruit is possible. After harvest, it is stored in a cold place for up to 2-4 weeks. After that, the pulp turns black and cannot be eaten.
Outwardly, white sapote is somewhat similar to a green apple or tomato, but in terms of taste it is closer to persimmon, banana or peach. It is popular as an ingredient in desserts in the Americas, Asia, and Africa. Unfortunately, this fruit is imported to Europe in limited quantities, therefore, to find it, you need to go around a lot of stores. In Mexico, edible casimiroa is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. Here its leaves and bark are used. Various medicinal juices, decoctions, infusions and extracts are prepared from them to create sedatives, hypnotics, anti-inflammatory, cleansers. The leaves of the tree have also been found to be beneficial in Costa Rica, where they are used to lower blood sugar levels.
In South America, these fruits are considered powerful tranquilizers and effective remedies for rheumatism, arthritis and other joint diseases. And this has its own truth, because they contain a lot of calcium. Watch the video about the white sapote:

This fruit can be safely called exotic, but if you still manage to meet it, then you should definitely use all our tips on how to eat white sapote. It can manifest itself in completely different ways, depending on the particular dish, but in any case, its taste should definitely not disappoint even the most sophisticated gourmet.