Lean buckwheat with apples and raisins

Lean buckwheat with apples and raisins
Lean buckwheat with apples and raisins

Fasting day? Not scary! We continue to cook deliciously. A step-by-step recipe with a photo of lean buckwheat with apples and raisins. The dish is healthy, tasty and perfectly helps to keep the figure. Video recipe.

Ready lean buckwheat with apples and raisins
Ready lean buckwheat with apples and raisins

For dieters, vegetarians and people who follow a healthy diet, empty buckwheat often seems ordinary, tasteless and monotonous. But you can't do without it in the diet either. So that buckwheat is no longer boring, while being the main ingredient, you can cook many interesting dishes with it. Today we will make lean buckwheat with apples and raisins. This homemade porridge turns out to be not only nutritious and healthy, but also delicious. It should be noted that buckwheat should be included in your diet, because It contains iron, phosphorus, calcium, iodine and B vitamins. Porridge is easily absorbed by the body, making it a great breakfast choice for children or people with stomach problems.

You should not add salt to the recipe for this porridge, perhaps only a small pinch, but you can sweeten it slightly. As additives, to make the porridge even healthier and tastier, you can put prunes, walnuts, peanuts, coconut, etc.

You can cook porridge both on the stove and in a slow cooker. The latter has become an excellent assistant in the kitchen for many housewives. The porridge cooked in it is especially tasty, because prepared according to the principle of a Russian stove. In a multicooker, porridge will never burn, will not run away and always has an excellent taste.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 185 kcal.
  • Servings - 1
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes


  • Buckwheat - 50 g
  • Sugar - a pinch (optional)
  • Raisins - 20 g
  • Apples - 0, 5 pcs.

Step by step cooking lean buckwheat with apples and raisins, recipe with photo:

Raisins are steamed
Raisins are steamed

1. Wash the raisins, pour boiling water over and leave for 10-15 minutes to swell.

Raisins dried
Raisins dried

2. Place the raisins on a sieve to drain excess water, place them on a paper towel and leave to dry.

Apples are cut into pieces
Apples are cut into pieces

3. Wash the apples, dry with a paper towel, remove the core and cut into pieces. If you wish, you can peel the skin to soften the apples. You can also bake apples to taste in the microwave for a couple of minutes.

Buckwheat is flooded with water
Buckwheat is flooded with water

4. Sort the buckwheat to remove stones and debris, wash it several times under running water, put it in a cooking pot, add salt, add sugar (optional), pour water in a 1: 2 ratio and place on the stove. Porridge does not need to be cooked lean, so you can cook it in milk. This will make the dish more nutritious.

Boiled buckwheat
Boiled buckwheat

5. Boil the cereals, screw the temperature to a minimum and cook the porridge until tender for 10-15 minutes. Then put apples, raisins in a saucepan with boiled buckwheat and mix. Serve lean buckwheat with apples and raisins to the table. If desired, you can add honey, butter and other flavors to the dish.

See also a video recipe on how to cook buckwheat porridge with apple and raisins.
