Chicken baked in salt with a delicious crispy crust

Chicken baked in salt with a delicious crispy crust
Chicken baked in salt with a delicious crispy crust

The appetizing chicken baked in salt will surpass all your expectations. Such delicious chicken has never been eaten. Would you like to know how to cook such a chicken? Then rather we look at a step-by-step recipe with a photo.

Ready-made chicken baked in the oven on salt
Ready-made chicken baked in the oven on salt

Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • Cooking chicken step by step
  • Video recipes

Probably, looking at the photo, you do not believe that the chicken can turn out exactly this ruddy and at the same time not salty (it is baked on salt). But, believe me, this is exactly how it turns out. There are many options for cooking poultry with salt. But they all boil down to one thing - a lot of salt and different marinades.

Why Salt? It acts as a conductor of heat, evenly distributing it and allowing all the chicken pieces to be baked. At the same time, you will not have an incident when the bottom is burnt, and the top is still damp. Another plus of this recipe is the cleanliness of the oven and the utensils in which you are cooking. All fat will be absorbed into the salt and will not run out or burn, and the dishes will be easy to wash.

On a note. Chicken marinade options:

  • a mixture of any herbs;
  • mayonnaise with adjika and herbs;
  • lemon juice with chili and a mixture of Provencal herbs - for those who like spicy;
  • vegetable oil and a mixture of herbs - basil, curry, garlic, oregano.
  • Caloric content per 100 g - 300 kcal.
  • Servings - 6
  • Cooking time - 2 hours


  • Whole chicken - 1.5-2 kg
  • Coarse table salt - 1-1, 5 tbsp.
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l. (for marinade)
  • Mustard - 1 tbsp l. (for marinade)
  • Curry - 1 tsp
  • Rosemary - 1 tsp

Step by step cooking salt baked chicken

Whole chicken
Whole chicken

All ingenious is simple. No wonder they say so. Therefore, it is not difficult to foresee nothing in the recipe. First of all, rinse the chicken, remove all feathers and cut off the fat. Dry the chicken with a paper towel. Moisture will keep the herbs and marinade from saturating the chicken.

Mix curry and rosemary (you can add any other herbs of your choice) and rub the chicken with them. Let stand for 40 minutes in a cool place.

Chicken grated with mayonnaise and mustard
Chicken grated with mayonnaise and mustard

Mix together mayonnaise and mustard and the whole carcass with the resulting marinade. Mayonnaise is completely replaceable with sour cream. Mustard can be taken in beans. If you are a lover of adjika, add it to the marinade, it will come out incredibly fragrant and beautiful.

Leave the chicken to marinate for 3-4 hours. It is best to leave it overnight and bake it in the morning. For a festive version of the recipe, put a whole lemon or orange, chopped with a fork, into the chicken carcass. When heated, citruses emit juice, which will saturate the meat and give it a special taste and incredible aroma. The main thing before use, pour boiling water over the citrus fruits.

Chicken in salt
Chicken in salt

For baking, select the dishes on which the carcass can be comfortably placed. You can take a baking sheet, a roaster, a frying pan. Pour salt at least 1 cm thick into the mold. Place the chicken carcass on a salt pillow.

Ready-made chicken baked in salt with a ruddy skin
Ready-made chicken baked in salt with a ruddy skin

We bake the chicken for 1, 5-2 hours at 180-200 degrees. We check the readiness of the chicken by piercing the thickest area (brisket or thigh) with a sharp knife, if the juice flows out transparent, then the chicken baked in salt in the oven is ready.

Chicken baked on salt in a dohovka
Chicken baked on salt in a dohovka

Serve the dish immediately from the oven, after transferring it to another dish. The garnish can be absolutely any.

See also video recipes:

1. How to cook chicken with salt - the simplest recipe:

2. Juicy chicken on salt:
