Norwegian forest cat: origin, cultivation

Norwegian forest cat: origin, cultivation
Norwegian forest cat: origin, cultivation

The history of the origin of the Norwegian forest breed, character traits, the external standard of cats, recommendations for caring for animals, a description of the cat's health, especially the breeding of the species. Purchase of kittens. The Norwegian Forest Cat is a young Scandinavian breed that is actively spreading and winning the love of breeders around the world. Distinctive features are: large size and dense double coat, which adapts the animal to cold climates. They have strong immunity, but are prone to obesity. Hosts should monitor their diet. If you choose a Norwegian Forest Cat, then a charismatic pet will appear in your refuge, which will amaze you with its high intelligence and sociable character.

History of the origins of the Norwegian forest breed

Norwegian forest cat
Norwegian forest cat

The Norwegian forest species was formed not so long ago, presumably 30–40 years ago. This species developed from a population of domestic cats in the villages of Norway. When this breed was formed, they tried not to resemble Maincoons with a relief head. The Norwegian has a triangular head, an isosceles triangle on the side of the cheeks and cheekbones, a straight profile with a clear transition to the frontal part.

Large, muscular animal with thick double hair and tassels on the ears. It looks very much like a lynx - a natural harmonious appearance of a wild pet. They can weigh up to 7, 8 kg, and have truly Nordic strength and endurance. They have a strong nervous system, docile nature.

There are many versions and legends about how the Norwegian forest cat appeared, but they all boil down to one. These cats were brought from Great Britain by ships to the Scandinavian countries. There they lived in the wild. Adapting to the local climate, they caught fish, birds, small rodents. In the process of developing the habitat, they gradually approached the dwelling of local peasants. Later, they were domesticated to help protect food supplies from rats and mice. Every day, communication with people was closer - so these handsome men became favorites.

The variety received its first recognition in 1977. The breed standard was described, it was determined that there are three generations of Norwegian forest. Since then, pet owners have received the official right to show their pets at exhibitions, and, accordingly, win prize titles.

Norwegian forest, the heaviest and largest breed in the world. This is connected not with the fact that they are taken from the wild, but with the fact that these are Scandinavian cats. It's cold in the northern countries. Animals with larger body mass retain heat better, and therefore, feel more comfortable. In addition, it is a double coat, and a thick, dense undercoat to keep the feline warm and able to survive in the harsh cold climate.

Character features of the Norwegian forest cat

Norwegian forest cat is walking
Norwegian forest cat is walking

“By the seashore there is a green oak, a golden chain on that oak, day and night, the scientist cat keeps going round and round in chains. Goes to the right - the song starts, to the left - says a fairy tale. A. S. Pushkin. Drawings for these lines, made by artists and illustrators, almost always depict a cat, surprisingly reminiscent of the Norwegian forest cat. Are these animals really that smart?

Breeders note the exceptional intelligence of forest favorites. When you talk to them, you get the impression that they understand everything exclusively. For example, if you ask them not to climb on the table, then you do not need to accustom them to this for weeks - they will quickly learn the lesson. Very obedient and quick-witted. Even those people who have recently become familiar with the breed unanimously declare that the Norwegians, like little people, just cannot speak.

Not intrusive. If they need something, they will very gently inform you about it. They maintain a calm atmosphere in the house. If someone started a "fight" - they will quickly put things in order.

Norwegian forest cats have good environmental adaptation. They feel great both in the apartment and in the country house. They are studying the new surroundings with great interest. They love to walk in the fresh air. For all its physical strength, the Norwegian Forest Cat is completely devoid of aggression. Her typical Scandinavian calmness, love for man, exhaust any conflict, and make an ideal pet. Sociable and sociable. They quickly find contact with guests within 15–20 minutes.

The family chooses one owner - a pet. We are ready for anything for him. With other members of the family, they communicate no less warmly, but a slight difference is still noticeable. They have a calm, self-confident character. This is an animal that will feel and behave with dignity, on a par with all the inhabitants of the apartment.

The breed is very patient, not vindictive. If they suddenly do not like something, they will calmly leave, worry, then, as if nothing had happened, come back. Probably for this reason, they get along with different pets and with small children. Here, rather, you need to think about how other animals living in the apartment will perceive the new family member, and there will be no problems with the Norwegians.

External standard for cats of the Norwegian forest breed

Cat and cat of the Norwegian forest breed
Cat and cat of the Norwegian forest breed

The body is muscular, massive. Males can weigh up to 7.8 kg. The body is long, large, with strong legs set high. The hind feet are slightly longer than the front feet, which gives them distinctive characteristics when moving. This is the only domestic cat breed that can spiral down like a squirrel head down from trees. Tufts of long hair stick out between the toes, which help with walking and protect the pads of the feet from frostbite.

The tail of the Norwegian Forest Cat is thick and long, sometimes with a pronounced white mark at the end. The head is triangular, isosceles triangle from the cheeks and cheekbones, the profile is straight with a clear transition to the frontal part. The chin is well developed, harmonious with the muzzle.

The auricles of Norwegians are large and set high. At the ends of the ears, tassels are up to 10 cm. It looks very much like a lynx. The eyes are large, slanted, round, slightly elongated. The shade is uniform, should be in harmony with the color of the hairline.

An animal with a double thick coat. All colors are allowed for Norwegians, except for Siamese. First of all, the breed-forming is not the color, but the structure of the coat with a guard hair, which protects from moisture, and with an undercoat, which protects from the cold in winter.

Caring for a Norwegian Forest Cat

Cat of the Norwegian forest breed lies
Cat of the Norwegian forest breed lies
  • Wool. They do not require special care for the coat. During the shedding period, of course, it is better to comb it out often, firstly, to help your pet shed a warm fur coat, and secondly, in order to protect the apartment from wool. This procedure is comfortable for them, and even if it is done from an early age, it is pleasant for them. It is imperative to maintain the undercoat, this can be done with vitamins. They wash the cat in the pre-exhibition period to make it look like a regal person.
  • Ears, claws. To avoid otitis media, bacterial, and fungal infections, the Norwegian forest cat needs to be regularly examined and cleaned from the ear cavities. They cleanse the ears with various typed lotions, creams and sprays. If desired, sharp claws are cut with scissors-claws.
  • Feeding. It is necessary to feed these strongmen with food for cats leading a not very active lifestyle in apartments, or lightweight ones with a reduced calorie content. If the feeding is natural, then the food should not be fatty. The diet is enriched with vitamins. Regularly carry out deworming - once every three months and a week before vaccination.
  • Walking. If you have your own home, the Norwegian cat will be pleased if you let him climb trees outside. In winter, they like to run on the snow - even at very low temperatures.

Animal health

Norwegian Forest Kitten
Norwegian Forest Kitten

The physical strength of Norwegian Forest cats is also reflected in their good health. Although even the most powerful organism has its own weak points that the owner needs to remember. Due to the fact that the ancestors of the Norwegians lived in cold Scandinavian forests with a harsh climate, they developed a very strong immunity. He was inherited by those cats that now live at home.

The forest species belongs to centenarians. If you feed and care for your pet, then they will not suffer from any diseases. Since the Norwegian cat is the heaviest breed, the main thing that owners should watch out for is to control excess weight. They are massive, strong, tough animals, but it is easy to lose control and overfeed. Therefore, they need to be limited in food intake, and control excess weight.

Thanks to its strong immunity, the animal is not afraid of drafts. This is convenient for home maintenance, because in winter and summer, you can open the windows and doors of the loggia to ventilate the premises. One of the rarely genetically inherited diseases of the Norwegian forest is glycegenosis - a blood disease, a violation of glucose metabolism. The offspring, from individuals with this diagnosis, are often born dead or very weak. It is extremely rare to have kidney problems. Animals with such diseases are discarded and not bred.

Features of the cultivation of the Norwegian forest breed

Norwegian Forest Kittens
Norwegian Forest Kittens

Considering that these cats from the natural village population are very caring mothers. In the wild, in order to procreate, they had to preserve their offspring. This genetically acquired aspect persists even when Norwegians are kept at home.

In terms of the whole process of the appearance of kittens, this is a very independent breed. They do not need help either in the process of childbirth or in raising kittens. A minimum is required from the breeder. It is necessary that the kittens get used to the person. From the first days, people communicate with them in order to turn them into loving cute pets in the future.

Purchase and price of a Norwegian Forest kitten

Norwegian Forest Cat near the water
Norwegian Forest Cat near the water

Do you dream that a shaggy friend will live in your apartment? First of all, you must find out the characteristics of the breed that you want to have.

Norwegian forest cats are distinguished by very good health - they are long-livers. So you will not spend money on a veterinarian, worry, and do not sleep at night on duty at the patient's bedside. They are very friendly animals with a balanced character. Not spiteful, and not vindictive, with reinforced concrete nerves. They get along well with other pets of the apartment, get along well with small children. They love to play - especially kittens.

They have a double, thick coat with an undercoat. With this in mind, you will often have to comb out his fur coat during the moulting period of the Norwegian. Due to the peculiarities of the coat, the apartment will have to be cleaned more often.

Decide on the gender and color of the animal. Why do you need this animal? For breeding or just for the soul. A kitten is not a toy! You will have to take care, feed, and clean up after your pet. If you have made your choice and this breed suits you, you need to find a nursery specializing in breeding these animals. Having reserved a kitten, you can pick it up when it is two or three months old. By this time, he will be deworming. He will be given appropriate vaccinations. The baby will develop good immunity and will be toilet trained.

The price of kittens varies from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles. The Norwegian forest breed will be a true friend to you. Every day will bring a lot of joy and happiness. Taking care of her will become pleasant for you.

For more information on Norwegian cats and their personality traits, see this video:

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