DIY rutary

DIY rutary
DIY rutary

What is rutary and what happens. The principles of forming a garden of roots on your site. How to choose the right place and elements for such a corner. Step-by-step instructions for creating a composition. Rutarius is a garden with decorative compositions of dried stumps, roots and other parts of trees, with the help of which unusual recreation areas are created. To make a corner of snags, it is enough to show imagination and turn on your imagination. You will learn about the rules for working with such material from this article.

Features and types of rutaria in the country

Fabulous rutary
Fabulous rutary

Dry stumps, driftwood, and other plant debris are needed to create rutaria. There is enough working material in the forest or parks after the green zone renewal, so the financial costs are minimal. All components are placed on a suitable background in the form of premeditated compositions.

Each element of the garden is unique, it is impossible to find a second one like this. Often it is enough to place a lightly treated stump in the right place and it will be noticed. Objects can be added if desired, swapped. Often, to create a plan, you will need to know the basics of wood carving.

Not everyone dares to make a rutary, it looks too strange. Gloomy ugly figures made of snags create a mysterious and enigmatic atmosphere. There is enough space for a composition of several meters, but you can fill a large area with elements.

Depending on the material used, the following types of rutaria are distinguished:

  • Natural … To create it, live plants and dry forests are used. All components and the location of the garden are selected according to certain rules, so it can take more than one day to decorate the composition. The result is a beautiful and original version, very popular among land owners. The combination of a huge stump with a lot of roots and moss looks beautiful. Such a resource can be found at any dacha.
  • Simplest … Compositions are formed from snags and stumps, but they are pre-finalized - they cut off or saw off the excess, add the necessary elements. In the gardens, they use high-quality blanks with recognizable shapes (crocodile-shaped driftwood, scary gnomes).
  • Decorative (fabulous) … It is a combination of living plants and wood figurines, the latter being the main ones in the group. Usually in the center there is a large snag of a bizarre shape, and on the sides - less expressive specimens. The garden is created according to a previously thought out plan, without incomprehensible compositions. All elements are placed harmoniously, while they harmoniously fit into the environment. Usually they use classic plots based on famous films or cartoons.

Principles of Root Gardening

What does rutary look like
What does rutary look like

A stump garden is formed according to certain rules so that it looks harmonious on the site. Remember the following points:

  1. The style of the rutaria matches the landscape where it will be placed. It is incompatible with classical styles such as Baroque or Italian. The root garden looks good in a dacha built in the usual mixed style, where there is nothing imposing, too rich and austere.
  2. The composition is created in a certain direction, which is set initially. For example, a corner can be made scary for adults or fabulous for children. You can combine good and evil, where there is more good.
  3. Rutaria in landscape design should look holistic and have one concept. It is necessary that it blends harmoniously with the surrounding environment.
  4. Of no small importance is the durability of the conceived composition, so carefully select the blanks.
  5. The further the root garden is from its habitable areas, the more natural it should look. Consider this point when choosing elements and processing them.
  6. It is necessary to have an idea of the appearance of the future garden. You may have to change the boundaries of the recreation area and the location of the site, buy and plant ornamental plants.
  7. In the compositions, it is desirable to use stones that will be a good addition to the driftwood. Don't forget about interesting factory-made figurines.
  8. Leave enough free space on the site so that it remains possible to care for it.
  9. Set up a bench in the seating area.

How to make rutaria on the site

Often the idea of creating a rutaria comes up suddenly, when branches or snags of a bizarre shape are found. It is a pity to burn them or throw them away, so the owner is looking for a place where they can be attached. Then comes the stage of searching for other interesting samples. After you have enough blanks at your disposal, you can proceed to the main procedures.

Choosing a place for a driftwood garden

Rutarius in the garden
Rutarius in the garden

At the dacha, rutaria is built in certain places. Let's consider the most successful options:

  • Near the recreation area … You can build a composition of figures that bring happiness and protect the hearth - gnomes, some animals. The elements are installed near a pond or gazebo, complementing the existing decorative compositions.
  • At the entrance to the site … The garden is arranged behind a hedge and made bright and colorful, with a lot of living plants. They will cheer you up and create a pleasant atmosphere.
  • Far from the residential building … In places where people rarely walk, they construct a rutaria using large snags and stumps, which frighten and surprise.
  • In the garden, near the trees … In the most shady place, suitable compositions are created from dry forests and living plants. Memorable compositions can be created near large trees with a powerful crown and protruding roots.

Dark areas near the corners of the house are perfect for creating fabulous compositions.

Selection of elements for rutaria

Driftwood for rutaria
Driftwood for rutaria

A root garden is formed only from dead pieces of wood. The ideal material is roots and driftwood of a bizarre shape, which sometimes do not even require additional refinement, for example, those that resemble animal figurines. By connecting different blanks, it is easy to get a complex and beautiful object (fancy arch). Instead of several elements, you can install one - a large snag, a stump.

Some tree species are highly susceptible to decay - aspen, poplar, birch, so choose hardwood samples for rutaria.

The blanks that were found on the coast will last for a long time.

Rutaria often uses ceramics, forged parts, pebbles, garden decor, dry wood, and even moss. Factory-made figurines - gnomes, mushrooms, snails, etc., fit organically into the composition. They are placed near suitable snags after the plants have taken root.

When the root garden seems gloomy, the composition is diluted with live plants. We offer recommendations for their selection:

  1. Plants should not shade the main subject, so avoid tall species.
  2. Before planting, make sure they need the same conditions, such as shade.
  3. Any garden theme will be supported by climbing and ground cover plants. Their task is to make the characters a little more attractive and lively.
  4. Low-growing varieties are planted near stumps and snags.
  5. Dwarf conifers go well with wooden figures.
  6. Mosses create a fluffy carpet, round lines and add a little color to the composition.
  7. Flowers are often planted on tree stumps. To do this, select the core from the log, treat the inner walls with a detergent against decay and insects. Fill the hole with soil and plant the selected plants. Saxifrage, fern, nasturtium take root well.
  8. Ivy will revive the site, because it is green all year round.

Requirements for plants for a root garden can be formulated as follows:

  1. Shoots or leaves should hide the attachment points of containers with plants from prying eyes.
  2. The rhizomes should be compact and able to fit into small depressions.
  3. No need to create special growing conditions.

Such properties are possessed by ampelous cultures, which braid the base, spread and give the compositions a natural, almost wild look. These include cissus, hoya, ivy, chlorophytum.

Epiphytes are indispensable for rutaria - cultures that can grow in small depressions and become fixed on a piece of bark, moss. Orchids look good in the root garden, forest cacti - Schlumberger and Ripsalis.

Step-by-step instructions for the device of rutaria

Rutarius in the country
Rutarius in the country

All activities for the creation of a rutaria are performed in several stages. First, they select blanks, come up with a theme and draw up a plan for a recreation area. The rest of the time is spent on mechanical work.

Be responsible for planning, because many materials after mechanical revision will be lost or changed and it will no longer be possible to use them in another composition. At the design stage of the rutaria, it is necessary to clearly imagine the final result. In creating a site plan, special landscape programs on a PC will help. You can draw a sketch on a piece of paper to scale.

When placing large objects, leave plenty of space between them. Elements placed at a great distance will have good views, and the owner will be able to easily move between branches and snags while cleaning the area.

Arrange the groups of blanks so that the root garden does not look monotonous and there is a desire to find out what is behind the next figure. Do not forget about the bench, which you place in the most interesting place.

Consider the sequence of work to create a rutaria in the garden:

  • Clean the driftwood from bark and insects, pour boiling water over them. Hot water washes wood well. In this form, they will be able to stand in the open air for no more than 7 years.
  • To extend the service life, thoroughly wash all elements, remove dust, cut off excess and pour over boiling water. Cover the wood with anti-rot and insect repellent. You can paint the driftwood with varnish and paint. However, experts do not recommend using paints and varnishes, because the workpieces become too shiny and lose their natural appearance.
  • Paint the stumps as needed.
  • If the piece has beautiful bark or is covered with fluffy moss or lichen, do not remove them, use the wood as it is.
  • Prepare the site for the rutaria. If you want it to be constantly in sight, choose a place in front of the apartment building.
  • Dig a small hole and place the largest root in it according to the layout. The roots should be at the bottom, point the cut trunk up.
  • Dig in the lower part and cover with stones. Thus, the stump becomes like an impregnable fortress.
  • Cut out the core of the trunk and fill it with soil. Plant the climbing plants that will go down.
  • Place smaller stumps on the sides of it, with the roots up. At the bottom, line the trunks with stones. Spread driftwood decorated like dragons around the perimeter of the rutaria. To create the figures, you will have to work with a hacksaw and an ax.
  • Plant lawn grass.
  • Plant bright, low-growing annual flowers around the perimeter of the site.

The result will be an original composition: in the middle of the site there is an impregnable castle, which is guarded by guards on the sides, and dragons along the perimeter. The garden will become prettier when the grass and flowers bloom.

Interesting design ideas for rutaria

Driftwood figurine
Driftwood figurine

It will not work to think over the composition in advance, but you can select blanks for a specific topic.

When creating a fabulous composition, the central exhibit can be a gnome figurine, a hut on chicken legs. Choose a glade for such a corner with small Christmas trees, small flower beds and large stones with moss. Arrange the wooden figures among the elements so that they do not look flat. Arrange whimsical driftwood so that they are not visible from one place. They should be shown after passing a certain point. Add a rock garden with driftwood. The composition will be enlivened by an artificial stream with a bridge made of logs and a railing made of branches. You can build a gazebo in the same style. The result is an unusual recreation area in the form of a magical corner.

If there is a large old stump on the site that creates trouble for the owners, you do not need to uproot it. A problem can be turned into a decoration by making a flower garden out of it. To do this, remove the core from the cut trunk, pour soil into the recess and plant flowers - phlox, petunias, bulbous plants. Do not touch a stump that is too rotten, but plant low plants nearby. Rough old wood amid delicate vegetation will appeal to everyone.

How to make a rutary with your own hands - look at the video:

It is impossible to fully describe the process of creating a rutary. One owner can make a flower garden out of a stump, another will build a castle or a gnome guard from the same blank. We hope that the information presented will tell you the direction of your imagination and you can create your own unique garden.