Preparation for the installation of a frame pool in the country, especially the assembly of structures of various types. Maintenance, water treatment and minor repairs. The price of installation work, real reviews.
Installation of a frame pool is not the most difficult work that is done in the country. Any man on his own or with the help of loved ones will be able to assemble a structure on the lawn near the house within a short period of time. Manufacturers have thought through every detail of the frame to the smallest detail and have developed detailed instructions for its assembly, including a detailed scheme of work. Further, the features of the installation of frame pools of various types and recommendations for caring for them during operation, including the restoration of water purity and minor repairs.
Features of the installation of frame pools for summer cottages

Scheme of a frame pool for a summer cottage: 1 - prefabricated pool, 2 - filtration unit, 3 - skimmer, 4 - nozzle, 5 - ladder, 6 - pipes and fittings, 7 - electroautomatics, 8 - bottom vacuum cleaner, 9 - pool cleaner, 10 - electric heater, 11 - searchlight, 12 - wiring box, 13 - transformer.
Frame pools have gained popularity due to their simple design and easy installation. The buyer receives the disassembled structure, which is accompanied by instructions for self-assembly. The delivery set necessarily includes a polypropylene bowl, frame elements (tubes, metal sheets, fasteners), equipment for the operation of the pool. Despite similar designs and completeness, the installation work of different models is different.
The assembly technology is mainly influenced by the dimensions of the frame pool, the shape and seasonality of use:
- The easiest way to install seasonal frame frames, which are disassembled for the winter. Their frame consists of a strength member for the top of the bowl and vertical struts to support it. The supports are rigidly fixed to the horizontal hoop with quick-release fasteners and rest on the ground with platforms. It is not necessary to bury the vertical posts. In containers up to 20 tons, a hoop is attached to the middle of the vertical pipes using bolts or latches, which makes the frame more rigid and does not allow water to move it apart. The frame pool is being installed on a sandy site. The requirements for it are very simple: the surface must be horizontal in order to avoid stress on one side of the bowl, and to absorb water well.
- All-season frame pools for summer cottages are not disassembled for the winter, so their installation is carried out using a different technology. In such models, the vertical tubes are buried in the ground to securely fix them against horizontal movement. If the frame consists of sheets, they are installed in the grooves of the lower horizontal power hoop, which is pre-mounted on the site. All parts are connected with bolts and special flanges that can withstand heavy loads. To protect the bottom of the bowl from frost, the manufacturer recommends partially burying the structure in the ground.
- The stationary frame pool is assembled from durable modules of various shapes, which are securely bolted and glued. The bowl is mounted on a metal base through a backing. Installation must be done very carefully, because the finished structure cannot be disassembled without damaging the elements. The platform for it must be concreted and withstand heavy loads.
Installation technology for frame pools in the country
Installation work is carried out in several stages. Some of them are the same for all types of frame pools (site selection, site preparation, water disinfection, etc.), but the assembly of structures is carried out according to the instructions developed for each frame pool model.
Site preparation for the installation of a frame pool

Before making a frame pool, choose a place for its installation. It holds several tons of water, and an ill-considered decision can cause unplanned drainage of the bowl and transfer of the structure, the need to repair the frame and other troubles.
When determining the location of the pool, consider the following points:
- The frame should be located close to the water source, thereby reducing the cost of creating a plumbing.
- You should choose an open, flat, flat and slightly elevated area so that water does not accumulate near the pool when swimming.
- Give preference to an area of the site where there is good lighting most of the day. If necessary, you can build a canopy over the pool to create shade and provide a comfortable pastime in hot weather in summer.
- Keep the structure away from trees and other vegetation that clogs the bowl.
- It is important that there is no wind and drafts on the site, otherwise, in the summer heat, they can provoke colds and hypothermia of the muscles.
- Do not install the frame pool on loose soil, otherwise it will sag and deform under the weight of the structure.
The area under the pond must exceed the dimensions of the frame by at least 50 cm in each direction. It is recommended to select a site so that after the installation of the structure, there is room for the construction of a walkway, flooring or for placing garden furniture.
Now we start preparing the site for the installation of a home frame pool. Measure the dimensions of the container and draw its contours in the selected area, adding a minimum of 50 cm per side.

Preparatory work depends on the capacity of the frame bowl:
- If you plan to install a frame pool for summer cottages up to 500 liters, mow the grass in the selected area, remove all sharp objects and add sand with a layer of 2-3 cm. Cover the area with a waterproof PVC cloth so that the grass does not rot underneath and moisture does not accumulate. Such structures are disassembled for the winter, so the procedure will have to be repeated every year.
- When preparing a site for a frame pool up to 5000 liters, remove the layer of earth to a depth of 3-5 cm. Fill the depression with sand, compact it and level it horizontally.
- For a structure up to 50,000 l, dig a pit to 1/3 of the depth of the frame pool. Concrete the bottom of the pit, and leave free space between the base and the vertical walls so that the soil does not put pressure on the structure. Deepening prevents the bottom of the bowl and frame from freezing in winter.
Cover the prepared area with a substrate for a frame pool 20-25 mm thick made of foam, roofing material or geotextile to protect the bowl from damage during operation. Secure it against horizontal displacement with pegs. Cover the substrate with plastic wrap, which acts as a waterproofing seal.
Assembling the frame pool

The main task when assembling a frame pool is to mount the frame and stretch the film over it, thus forming a bowl. The work is carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions, which describes how to assemble a frame pool of this model with your own hands.

As an example, consider the assembly sequence for the Intex seasonal framing pool:
- Remove the packaging from the bowl.
- Lay it out near the installation site and examine the condition of the bottom. Bottom damage during operation is difficult to repair.
- Determine on the foil the location of the frame pool drain and the water inlet holes.
- Before installing the frame pool in its original place, check the level of the platform. The maximum permissible angle of inclination of the surface is 5 degrees. Modify it if necessary.
- Carefully transfer the panel to the prepared area and lay it so that the hole for the water supply is on the side of the source.
- Leave the unfolded bowl to warm up for a while. Warm material straightens faster and easier.
- Pass the arcs through the horizontal loops at the top of the foil to form the pool's force ring.
- Connect the arcs with T-shaped clamps and fix them with standard fasteners. The upper strength belt gives shape to the structure and holds it after being filled with water.
- Attach the vertical posts to the vertical branches of the T-shaped clamps, which should rest on the ground with support pads.
- In a special hole in the canvas, install the nozzle head and the selection nipple through which water enters the container. The holes are located in the vertical wall of the bowl at approximately 1/2 the height of the frame basin.
- Install the drain valve in the other special hole and secure it.
- Install the frame pool pump and filtration system.
- Install the water supply system to the bowl. It can be poured from above along the garden hose, but it is more convenient - through the intake nipple in the canvas through a stationary water supply. When choosing a method of supplying water, keep in mind that a large frame pool can be filled up to 5 hours, and it is inconvenient to hold the hose all this time.
- Disinfect the inside of the bowl with a special pool detergent, because the filtering system handles only mechanical and biological contaminants.
- Fill the pool with 15 cm of water and flatten the side of the bowl.
- Fill the container to the top, constantly monitoring the reliability of the fastening of the elements of the power belt and uprights.
- Check the position of the upper surface of the bowl: it must be in a horizontal plane. If necessary, correct the distortion by removing soil from under the tines.
- Install the ladder for the frame pool and other equipment if necessary.
Pool water treatment

After you have installed a frame pool in the country, pay attention to the issue of water purification so that it does not deteriorate and does not emit an unpleasant odor. For these purposes, hydrogen peroxide is often used.
It is allowed to use 35-37% hydrogen peroxide solution, which is added in a proportion of 700 ml per 1 m3 water. After depositing funds, swimming is prohibited for 1 day. All this time, the pump of the filtration system of the frame pool continues to work. During disinfection, the amount of hydrogen peroxide in the water should be 6-8 mg / l.
At the end of the procedure, check the condition of the water in the frame pool, the walls and the bottom of the bowl. It should be clean, transparent, bluish, odorless. If brown deposits are found on the walls, remove with a skimmer and a brush.
Check the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the water. For a person, a safe concentration when bathing is a maximum of 0.1 mg / l.
Decontamination products contain chlorine, which changes the acid-base balance of water, so after decontamination, check its pH. For humans, the safe value is 7, 2-7, 6 units.

Over time, the water in the pool becomes polluted and loses its transparency and purity: it becomes cloudy, mucus appears on the walls. Simply replacing it for a short time solves the problem; it will not help get rid of algae and fungus. To keep the water in good condition, an integrated approach to solving the problem is recommended - a combination of physical and chemical cleaning. It is also necessary to carry out the work on the maintenance of the pools in a timely manner.
For this, chemical preparations for various purposes have been developed - for water purification, removing dirt from the walls of bowls, changing the composition of water, etc. Products for swimming pools Aquadoctor (China), Markopul Chemicals (Russia), Crystal Pool and Delphin (Germany), Barchemicals (Italy) are popular.
Types of preparations for various purposes for chemical water purification (see table):
A drug | Appointment |
Disinfectant tablets, slow dissolving chlorine | Long-term disinfection of water |
Disinfectant for current treatment | Clouding water purification |
Algae control solution, algicide | Prevention of the appearance of algae, fungi, bacteria |
PH raising agent | Maintaining the optimal pH value of water |
PH lowering agent | Maintaining the optimal pH value of water |
Grease stain remover | Cleaning the bowl surface |
The price of Aquadoctor preparations for disinfection and water purification in Ukraine:
Appointment | Composition | Peculiarities | Weight, kg | Price, UAH. |
Disinfection | Chlorine based | Instant for long-term exposure | 1 | 210-230 |
Slowly dissolving, for long-term exposure | 1 | 235-260 | ||
Active oxygen based | Odorless, mild impact | 1 | 338-356 | |
Flocculation | - | Garbage precipitates and is captured by the filter | 1 | 335-351 |
PH regulation | - | Lower pH | 5 | 302-335 |
- | Increase in pH | 5 | 320-328 |
The price of Aquadoctor preparations for disinfection and water purification in Russia:
Appointment | Composition | Peculiarities | Weight, kg | price, rub. |
Disinfection | Chlorine based | Instant for long-term exposure | 1 | 368-380 |
Slowly dissolving, for long-term exposure | 1 | 410-430 | ||
Active oxygen based | Odorless, mild impact | 1 | 640-650 | |
Flocculation | - | Garbage precipitates and is captured by the filter | 1 | 610-620 |
PH regulation | - | Lower pH | 5 | 578-590 |
- | Increase in pH | 5 | 610-623 |
To extend the time between water purification, service the frame pool on time:
- Mechanical cleaning of the bowl … Performed at least once a year. Dirt, layers, grease are removed from the walls. For work, it is allowed to use only chemical agents for swimming pools.
- Cleaning the filters … Held once a week. The quartz sand in the filter is changed every 2-3 years.
- Water change … Held once a year. It is necessary to remove salts that are not retained by filters.
- Checking the composition of water with testers … Thus, the level of pH, chlorine, bromine, alkalinity and other parameters are controlled, which can harm a person with a significant deviation from the permissible values. It is recommended to check the pH at least once a week.
- Chemical disinfection of water … If hydrogen peroxide is used for these purposes, the procedure is performed after 1-3 months (300-400 ml of solution per 1 m3 water).
Repair of frame pools for summer cottages

Even the best frame pools sometimes require repairs, such as water leaks, filter cleaning, or lamp replacement. Such work is easily done by hand.
The need to repair a frame pool often appears due to a drop in the water level in the bowl. The cause of the problem may be as follows:
- Evaporation in hot weather … To check, fill the container with water to the brim and place the filled bucket next to it. After 1-2 days, check the level in the bowl and bucket. If the water in the tanks has dropped proportionally, the problem is evaporation. In such cases, before and after bathing, close the bowl with the frame pool cover supplied with the product.
- Leakage of water at the junction of filters with adjacent elements … It is possible that the fastening of the parts is loose, the fittings are skewed during assembly, or the gasket is damaged. To check, turn off all devices and check the liquid level in the pool after 24 hours. To eliminate the leak, replace the gaskets and tighten the fasteners until they stop.
- Leakage due to damage to the bowl … You can use a special coloring pigment to find punctures. Add the product to the water and wait a few minutes: near the hole, the product will intensify its color. To repair a frame pool with your own hands, you will need a repair kit, which includes patches, glue and a degreaser. Drain the bowl, drain the problem area on the canvas, and before gluing the frame pool, clean the area near the puncture from dirt on the outside and inside of the canvas. Sand it with fine emery cloth and degrease it with an alcohol-based compound. Cut two patches from the blanks, exceeding the size of the hole by 2-3 times. Apply glue to the canvas from the outside and the inside, and to the patch on one side. Place the patches on the hole, squeeze out the air and press firmly. Press down the patches with a weight and cure according to the adhesive manufacturer's requirements.
If there is no underwater light in the bowl, temporarily turn off the electricity, drain the pool to a level below the underwater spotlight mount and replace the bulb in the light. Check the operability of the device and the tightness of the lamp by lowering it with water, and then you can fill the bowl.
There is a filter for the frame pool out of order, first it must be inspected if the pressure on the pressure gauge differs from the normal value 0.8 kg / m2… If the head is less, there is a water leak from the supply line. To solve the problem, restore the integrity of the water supply system. If the pressure is higher, flush the filter.
Frame pool conservation

Unlike inflatable frame pools, it is allowed not to disassemble for the winter and leave on the site, if you follow the rules for their conservation: to ensure the safety of the bowl and metal structures from the effects of frozen water and heaving of the soil.
How to protect a frame pool for the winter:
- Before draining the water, clean the bowl from dirt using a special vacuum cleaner.
- Add an algae-killing chemical to the pool and leave for as long as indicated in the instructions for the product.
- Drain the pool, leaving 8 cm of liquid on the bottom. Do not completely drain the water from the container, because the frozen ground will begin to swell and damage the structure.
- Remove the filter pump and its accessories from the pool.
- Close the opened hole in the wall of the bowl with a standard plug.
- In the water remaining at the bottom, place compensating elements that will prevent the volumetric expansion of the pool in severe frosts - tires, cans, bottles, etc. They should almost completely cover the bottom. Submerge items halfway in water.
- Close the container with the lid for the frame pool so that its middle part is above the sides.
The price of installing a frame pool in the country

The cost of installing the frame consists of two items - the price of the frame pool and the cost of its installation. Assembly refers to individual work, and prices depend on the design and size of a particular model, as well as on the location on the site. The cost of installation increases with an increase in the size of the frame, if it is necessary to install standard equipment for servicing the pool or additional equipment for tuning (arrangement of a waterfall, lighting, massage, etc.). In the case of purchasing large all-season and stationary structures, it is recommended to entrust this work to specialists.
The full cost of installing a frame pool often includes the cost of creating a stationary water supply from the source to the frame.
The price of installing frame pools in Russia:
Brand name | Pool type | Diameter, cm | Installation price, rub. |
Intex | Seasonal | 366-457 | 1620-1750 |
488-549 | 2100-2170 | ||
732-900 | 2250-2380 | ||
Bestway | Seasonal | 360-460 | 1560-1690 |
488-549 | 1970-2180 | ||
732-900 | 2160-2270 | ||
Atlantic | All-season, stationary | 2400-4600 | 19800-20600 |
5500-7300 | 24300-25200 | ||
Oval 100x5500 | 44600-45100 |
Installation price of frame pools in Ukraine:
Brand name | Pool type | Diameter, cm | Installation price, UAH |
Intex | Seasonal | 366-457 | 750-850 |
488-549 | 950-1020 | ||
732-900 | 1100-1180 | ||
Bestway | Seasonal | 360-460 | 700-820 |
488-549 | 980-1050 | ||
732-900 | 1200-1250 | ||
Atlantic | All-season, stationary | 2400-4600 | 6100-6600 |
5500-7300 | 11200-11700 | ||
Oval 100x5500 | 24400-25300 |
The cost of installing a water supply system for a frame pool in Russia:
Type of work | Cost, rub. |
Installation of a ball valve with a diameter of 40 mm | 110-130 |
Connection of plastic pipes with a diameter of up to 40 mm, soldering | 95-105 |
Connection of plastic pipes with a diameter of up to 40 mm, press fitting | 45-55 |
Installation of steel pipes with a diameter of 40 mm | From 180 |
Installation of a coarse filter | 390-560 |
Installation of a single-phase borehole pump to a depth of 20 m | 1150-1350 |
Installation of a centrifugal pump | 1270-1400 |
Pumping station installation | 580-620 |
Digging a trench for an all-season frame pool | 200-500 rubles / r.m |
Laying pipes in a trench | 70-140 |
Backfilling of soil | RUB 180 / m3 |
The price of installing a water supply system for a frame pool in Ukraine:
Type of work | Cost, UAH |
Installation of a ball valve with a diameter of up to 40 mm | 45-60 |
Connection of plastic pipes with a diameter of up to 40 mm, soldering | 95-105 |
Connection of plastic pipes with a diameter of up to 40 mm, press fitting | 45-55 |
Installation of steel pipes with a diameter of 40 mm | From 80 |
Installation of a coarse filter | 180-220 |
Installation of a single-phase borehole pump to a depth of 20 m | 580-620 |
Installation of a centrifugal pump | 580-620 |
Pumping station installation | 580-620 |
Digging a trench for an all-season frame pool | UAH 200-500 r.m. |
Laying pipes in a trench | 70-140 |
Backfilling of soil | 180 UAH / m3 |
Real reviews about the installation of frame pools for summer cottages

Framed pool manufacturers often advertise them as simple, easy-to-assemble structures that even housewives can assemble. To verify the information, it is important to read customer reviews on the installation procedure for a particular model. The following are the most revealing ones.
Sergey, 31 years old
For our seven-year-old son at the beginning of summer we bought a Bestway 56985 305x66 pool. When choosing, in addition to the characteristics, we paid attention to the simplicity of the design, because there will be no one to help us in the assembly at the dacha, which is located far from the city. However, all our fears were in vain. The assembly procedure turned out to be so simple that my wife assembled the pool herself, while I was preparing the site for it. For 2 months now, our son has not required a trip to the river. I recommend such pools to anyone who does not have the opportunity to call a specialist for assembly.
Dmitry, 47 years old
The river near our dacha has become shallow, silted up, and for some time now our children do not want to go to the suburban area. To interest them in outdoor recreation, my wife and I purchased a Bestway Hydrium frame pool (56566). It is a spacious round structure made of steel sheets, weighing almost 100 kg, so we feared that we would not be able to assemble it ourselves. However, in the store, the seller convinced us otherwise. He told how the elements are attached, and the principles of assembly. The information turned out to be enough for my wife and I to complete the installation of the frame at our site in 1 hour. By the evening our children were swimming in the pool. I did not spend a penny on the installation, so I recommend this model to everyone if there is no river or lake nearby.
Maxim, 56 years old
For many years my wife and I wanted a large pool for our country house, but we were afraid to violate the design of our site. One day my son talked about large-capacity frame pools, which interested us very much. The sellers assured that there would be no destruction on the site during installation. As a result, we have an artificial reservoir Intex 26378 975x488x132. The longest operation during installation is the preparation of the site, it had to be concreted and carefully leveled, which took several days. The assembly itself was completed with my son in a few hours. To work, we only needed the tools that were in our car. The detailed assembly map of the structure, which was included in the delivery, helped a lot. I recommend frame pools to everyone, even large ones are easy to assemble without assistance.
How to install a frame pool - watch the video:

The frame pool competes with stationary concrete structures due to its quick assembly and simple operation, and the cost of its installation is several times lower. You can assemble the structure with your own hands, but when buying stationary models of complex shapes equipped with expensive equipment, we recommend that you entrust this work to specialists.