How to give up sugar?

How to give up sugar?
How to give up sugar?

Why is sugar bad for you? What will the rejection of sweets, depending on the term of restrictions, lead to? Basic rules and advice for beginners on how to give up sugar.

How to quit sugar is a question the answer to which interests almost all newcomers to the world of healthy eating. Forgetting about desserts and goodies is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The reasons for this lie not only at the psychological, but also at the physiological level. Moreover, if it turns out to give up sugar, a person will quickly feel the beneficial effect.

The urgency of avoiding sugar

Avoiding sugar
Avoiding sugar

The amount of sugar consumed is growing exponentially. One inhabitant of the planet accounts for up to 23 kg of refined product annually. Not only pure sugar is taken into account, which a person puts into tea or coffee with his own hand, but also that which is present in ready-made dishes, for example, sweets or even juices.

Not only individual nutritionists, but even the WHO pay attention to the high rate of consumption, popularizing the refusal of sugar. What happens in this case is disclosed in special thematic materials of the organization.

The negative factors of excessive consumption of the product include:

  1. Addictive … According to the strength of addiction, the product is even compared to a drug, since sugar causes the production of dopamine, which is also called the "pleasure molecule".
  2. Development of depression … A 20-year study has shown that sugar consumption in excess of 67 grams per day increases the likelihood of developing depression by 23%.
  3. Decreased functionality of the immune system … Excessive amounts of sweets inhibit the activity of leukocytes.
  4. Mineral deficiency … The amount of sodium, calcium, if you do not give up sugar, decreases.
  5. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease … Excessive consumption of sweets leads to malfunction of the liver and the deposition of fat.
  6. Deterioration of skin condition … Glucose molecules bond with elastane molecules, which spoils the elasticity of the skin and also provokes acne.

Accordingly, it is easy to understand what happens to the body when sugar is abandoned:

  • Emotional background improves … Sweets improve your mood only instantly; in the long term, giving up on them is the best choice. Sleep normalization will be evidence of the beneficial effect of such refusal.
  • Improves the functioning of the immune system … Leukocytes work normally and respond to pathogens in time.
  • Skin condition improves … Collagen and elastane, unbound with glucose molecules, help to maintain youthful skin. For teens, the reason for giving up sugar is also the acne-causing potential of this product.
  • Reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases … Excessive consumption of sweets affects the increase in blood pressure, lowering the level of "good" cholesterol and even the development of diabetes, Alzheimer's disease.
  • Improves the ability to concentrate … Recent studies by American scientists show that consuming sweets distracts from priority tasks.
  • Energy appears … It will always be felt, and not only after consuming sweets - as well as from caffeine, the energetic effect of sweets is short-lived.

As you can see, the beneficial effects are manifested at all levels, but the majority, having given up sugar, hope to lose weight. It should be noted that the dietary effect in this case for each person is individual: for some, the weight will go away quickly, for others it will also quickly return, for others, the total weight loss will be insignificant.

Note! What will happen if you give up sugar depends on the amount of daily consumption, the timing of such "dependence", the state of human health and other factors. The specific answer to this question is quite individual, but we can talk about the general beneficial effect of such a decision.

What happens if you give up sugar?

It should be noted that a complete rejection of sugar is impossible, since glucose in the composition of the product participates in the carbohydrate metabolism of the body. A lack of a substance will lead to a deterioration in performance, the appearance of irritability, and in some cases even to aggression. At the same time, glucose can be consumed not only from refined sugar, but also from fruits, vegetables, dairy products and others. Thus, when asked whether it is possible to give up sugar, the answer is yes when it comes to a refined product and sugar-containing dishes, and not glucose. The benefits of such actions can be traced within a few days, a month, but especially in the long term.

Avoiding sugar for a week

Vigor when quitting sugar for a week
Vigor when quitting sugar for a week

WHO recommends no more than 25 grams of sugar (6 teaspoons) per day, including sugary drinks and sugar-sweetened foods. After studying the recommendations on why it is worth giving up sugar, many try to immediately reduce the level of consumption of the harmful product. And although only overweight people will see a tangible dietary result within a short period, almost everyone notes a sweet addiction.

In order not to break loose and not gorge on sweets, you need to understand what will happen to the body if you give up sugar. As a rule, on the first day there is enthusiasm and morale. However, already on the second day, the experimenters noted the dependence. Many people call their condition "brittle". A person may have a headache, emotional depression is felt, in some cases even hands tremble. This condition will last 3-4 days.

Reviews about giving up sugar for such a short period most of all relate to the condition mentioned above. A person is aware of his addiction and at a critical moment may break down. If you managed to overcome the "withdrawal", then already on the 6-7th day a person feels much better - headaches disappear, clarity of consciousness appears. Researchers argue that the new condition is associated with the adaptation of the body to a sugar-free diet.

Many respondents who gave up sugar for a week, after the specified period, changed their taste sensations: fruits began to seem sweeter, and the dishes tasted richer.

Note! To consolidate the result of reducing sugar dependence, it is recommended to give up sweets for at least two weeks.

Avoiding sugar for a month

A new taste of dishes while giving up sugar for a month
A new taste of dishes while giving up sugar for a month

One week is not enough to overcome sugar cravings, so many want to go further and wonder what will happen if they give up sugar altogether. Practice shows that if the first week is difficult psychologically - a person is drawn to a prohibited product and literally “breaks”, then the first month is difficult from an organizational point of view. During this period, it is necessary to build a new diet and find a list of acceptable foods. But the results of avoiding sugar will be visible at all levels.

The first conclusion that people make is that if you give up sugar for a month, you will have to learn to cook again. It is not enough to remove only the product from the recipe, as the dishes will simply be unappetizing. Learning how to combine ingredients in the cooking process is essential. By the way, by the end of the third week any, even earlier seemingly "bland" dishes will sparkle with new colors.

Another conclusion: sweet addiction is brought up by others. How to give up sugar and sweets, if you are constantly drinking tea at work and fast food on the way home? Here it is important for a person to show willpower and remember the ultimate goal of his refusal, especially since the less sugar you eat, the less you want sweets.

Note! The answer to the question of whether it is possible to lose weight by giving up sugar has been controversial in the long run. So, people who initially suffered from excess weight, as a rule, lose several kilograms. And those whose body mass index was normal, before and after giving up sugar, will not see the difference on the scales. In most cases, such a result is associated with increased control of food intake, which in the first case will be more significant.

Avoiding sugar forever

Losing weight while giving up sugar forever
Losing weight while giving up sugar forever

As already noted, giving up sugar forever and completely will not work, since glucose is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. At the same time, people who have limited their consumption for at least a month, with the subsequent tasting of sweets, feel negative consequences, such as a sharp deterioration in the condition of the skin, the appearance of red spots. Doctors note that the body can immediately respond with diathesis.

After evaluating what happens if you quit sugar, and deciding to start eating sweets again, it is important to act gradually. The consumed dose should be increased gradually so as not to cause new negative reactions of the body.

Note! Doctors do not recommend rushing to extremes: both uncontrolled consumption of sweets and refusal from sugar have consequences for a person. Eat any foods in moderation.

Basic rules on how to give up sugar

How to give up sugar and sweets
How to give up sugar and sweets

The benefits of avoiding sugar are obvious: preventing diabetes, reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases, controlling body weight, and others. However, the complete exclusion of the product is impossible, and abrupt changes will lead to headaches, irritability, insomnia, and the risk of breakdown increases.

Refusing sweets, you must follow three rules:

  1. Consult … A person with a sense of tight self-control will be able to give up sugar on their own, even when it will be very difficult. However, the process of normalizing the consumption of sweets will take place more smoothly and smoothly in the event of a visit to a doctor. Specialist consultation is also necessary for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and excretory system.
  2. Don't give up … Good motivation is the key to achieving your goal. It will take up to 4 weeks for the degradation of the desire for sweets, during which you should control yourself. During this period, it is important to remind yourself of the benefits of avoiding sugar. If you really want sweets, you should eat natural or synthetic substitutes.
  3. Seek support … Another important rule of dealing with sweet addiction is to find like-minded people. In the new team, they will support you in the struggle and will even be able to give practical advice. Avoiding sugar changes gradually. In a period when you have not yet felt the results, the support of friends is important.

How to give up sugar - watch the video:

Avoiding sweets is a difficult task that involves acting not only on a physiological level, but also on a psychological one. Assessing what happens after, a person will have to fight not just a food habit, but a real addiction. A successful fight is possible if the key rules are observed: consult with specialists, control yourself, seek support from like-minded people.
