Rules, advantages and disadvantages of the diet. Celery diet menu for 7, 14 days. How to keep the result, reviews of losing weight people.
The celery diet is a diet developed by American nutritional scientists. It was originally used to normalize weight before surgery. Good results made it possible to use the method in the fight against obesity. And after a while, ordinary people who want to lose weight also learned about the diet.
Features and rules of the celery diet

The basic rule of the diet is to maximize the use of the root, stem and leaves of celery. This vegetable is characterized by a negative calorie content, that is, the body receives less energy than it spends on food processing. Due to insufficient nutritional value of food, the body spends reserves of subcutaneous fat to maintain the vital functions of organs. As a result, excess weight decreases, the proportions of the figure improve.
Celery was chosen for the basis of the diet for a reason. The vegetable is rich in nutrients that have a positive effect on the body, namely:
- make up for the deficiency of vitamins;
- normalize water-salt balance;
- cleanse the walls of the digestive tract;
- facilitate the digestion of protein components of food;
- accelerate metabolic processes.
Celery root, in addition to a large amount of vitamins, contains essential oil. It activates the production of enzymes, due to which all food entering the stomach is digested. In addition, the substance is an effective aphrodisiac, that is, it enhances the female and male libido.
Celery stems and leaves are high in fiber. These complex carbohydrates are not digested by the body, but pass through the digestive tract, cleansing its walls. Being in the stomach, they create additional volume, so that a person does not feel hungry. And in the intestines, fiber serves as food for beneficial bacteria.
Advantages of the celery diet for weight loss:
- Simplicity and availability … Celery is sold in any supermarket. Its roots do not lose their beneficial properties during long-term storage. A leafy variety can be grown independently, even on a windowsill. The recipes are simple and quick to prepare.
- Availability of hot dishes … Many diets are based on light salads and refreshing cool drinks. This diet is inconvenient in the cold season. The celery diet is about making hot, nutritious soups and side dishes.
- Improving skin condition … Celery fiber cleanses the digestive tract of undigested food residues, hardened particles of feces. As a result, the body gets rid of substances that rot and release toxins. This improves the appearance of a person.
To achieve weight loss, you need to eat small meals. In this case, in addition to cleansing the intestines and burning fat reserves, the size of the stomach decreases. Subsequently, a person will be able to get enough of a small portion of food and not gain excess weight after the end of the diet.
Disadvantages of the celery diet:
- Unbalanced diet … With a celery diet, the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is disturbed. Only in this way can the body be encouraged to process its own fatty deposits. Long-term adherence to this diet often leads to irreversible consequences.
- Feeling unwell … Eating low-calorie meals causes a constant feeling of mild hunger. A losing weight person suffers from dizziness, nausea, weakness, pain in the temples. Therefore, nutritionists recommend for this period to abandon physical labor, sports.
- Strong smell … Celery root contains an essential oil with a pungent aroma. To some people, it seems unpleasant and repulsive, up to the gag reflex. It is the specific smell that is the reason for the disruptions of the diet and the complete rejection of dishes with the addition of vegetables.
An unbalanced and low-calorie menu of the celery diet is the cause of many contraindications. So, this food system is prohibited for children, adolescents, pregnant women, the elderly. It cannot be observed by people with epilepsy, anemia, urolithiasis, and gastrointestinal diseases.