How to dye your hair with rhubarb

How to dye your hair with rhubarb
How to dye your hair with rhubarb

Effective and harmless hair lightening with rhubarb decoction. Recipes for coloring agents with chamomile, vinegar and lemon, possible contraindications. Rhubarb is a natural and safe herbal remedy that has been used to lighten hair for centuries. In the territories of its growth, women have long noticed that masks for hair from the root of a plant and other related herbs not only allow you to change its color, but also contribute to strengthening, growth of curls and a healthier look. How to effectively dye your hair using natural substances, we will describe below.

Features of rhubarb hair coloring

Rhubarb plant
Rhubarb plant

All parts of the plant are used to change the color of the hair - both the root and the leaves. However, lightening the curls with rhubarb rhizome gives a much more pronounced effect. The green part can be used when in the first place is not painting, but strengthening and improvement. Before choosing for yourself staining with rhubarb (as well as other plant dyes), you should be aware of some of the features and the result of this procedure:

  • The lightening result is more pronounced on light hair … Since the dye from rhubarb root is natural, it is obvious that the substances in it are less intense in action. Therefore, dark hair must first be lightened, or choose a different shade for yourself, in dark tones. The best option is light brown or light brown hair, which, after dyeing with rhubarb, will acquire a wheat-golden hue (exactly a shade, not a color!).
  • Painting gray hair … The plant has worked well for dyeing gray hair and for giving it a more "civilized" look. By combining rhubarb with honey and chamomile, you can get an ash-platinum blond, under which gray hair will cease to be noticeable.
  • Any natural dye is gradually washed out from the hair … This can be either good or bad, depending on your original goal. If your goal is to temporarily and slightly lighten without harming your hair and scalp, natural ingredients will be your number one choice. If the task is to radically change the color of the curls, to dye intensively and for a long time, most likely rhubarb will not suit you. But try, nevertheless, does not hurt.
  • The best option is to use rhubarb in a complex, together with other herbs and substances.… This will allow you to achieve the best results in your search for the perfect shade for your hairstyle. So, for example, mixed with henna, rhubarb root softens the intense redness and makes it warmer, golden. Together with tea or coffee brew, a soft chocolate color is achieved. Sometimes a decoction of rhubarb root is added to basma, onion husks, and nut peels.
  • No need to worry about seasonal availability of natural substances … Even if there is no opportunity and desire to collect herbs on their own, rhubarb, chamomile, oak bark and other medicinal fees are available for purchase at the pharmacy for a whole year. Even when opened, they can be stored for a long time without losing their useful properties. To be sure of their effectiveness, carefully read the recommendations on the packaging for use and storage.
  • Systematic use of rhubarb … For a lasting and pronounced result, rhubarb masks and rinses (this also applies to other natural dyes) should be used systematically. After the first application, the effect may be barely noticeable, a distinct brightening will appear after 3-4 uses. It is best to rinse your hair with rhubarb infusion every time you wash your hair. It is not difficult, but, in addition to lightening, it will have a strengthening and healing effect.
  • Natural dyes color long hair better than short hair … The most "problematic" group, where the effect of coloring can manifest itself poorly or slightly, are curly, gray, bright red or bluish-dark hair. It will take two or even three times longer to keep the coloring natural compounds on them. It is also desirable to add essential oils to the mixture, which enhance the coloring properties of the plants used. But on blond hair, which has recently been permed, rhubarb can give the most intense "golden".
  • We take into account the overlay of colors … If hair is dyed with a natural dye that has already been treated with a product of a different color, or is very different in shade, it is recommended to pre-test the substance on a separate strand. This is done in order not to get an unexpected result when mixing colors, such as green, purple or canary yellow curls.
  • The time for applying dye mixtures is different - from a few minutes to 2 hours … Consider your own hair type and the desired final result. For light clarification and subsequent systematic use, infused decoctions and rinsing are suitable. For an intense color, it is better to prepare gruel masks and keep them on your hair as long as possible.

Benefits of rhubarb root for hair

Rhubarb root
Rhubarb root

In terms of taking care of your health, dyeing your hair with natural dyes is the obvious and optimal choice. Unlike the usual, store-bought paints, none of the natural remedies contain ammonia, which dries out hair, does not cause allergies, does not injure or stain the scalp. As a result, the curls remain healthier due to the saturation of plant antioxidants, brittleness and dullness go away, dandruff disappears, the hairstyle looks more natural and attractive. Other benefits of rhubarb root for hair include:

  1. Hypoallergenic … If you systematically dye your hair, you may have noticed dryness, itching, a feeling of tightness and other unpleasant sensations as a result of using even the most expensive and branded products. These symptoms can be the initial manifestations of an allergy to all kinds of chemicals, thanks to which the dye stays on the hair for a long time and allows you to radically change the image. Unlike similar products, rhubarb decoctions and masks are completely hypoallergenic, even if they are not washed off. This is explained by the naturalness of the products, which must be collected in ecologically clean places. If your skin is delicate and prone to allergic reactions to different products, test any product on a small area of your skin beforehand.
  2. Nutrition and strengthening … Naturally, the packaging of many hair cosmetics indicates that the product is additionally saturated with vitamins, antioxidants and other essential compounds. However, can anything be more perfect than the creations of nature itself? The rhubarb root accumulates all the necessary substances for the nutrition of the whole plant organism. Therefore, using it for hair, you get a perfectly balanced composition of nutritional components. There is an opinion that the hair is not a living organism, like a nail or a dead epithelial layer, therefore it does not need nutrition. However, let's not forget that the main zone of action of the mask is the scalp, saturated with blood vessels and hair follicles, on the condition of which the health and splendor of the “hair” directly depends.
  3. Long lasting healing effect … The availability of rhubarb root and the ability to apply it systematically, without fear of negative post-effects, makes natural masks a means of prolonging hair beauty, with which you can not be afraid of early gray hair. Rhubarb will not only gently paint over the existing gray hairs, but also prevent their spread, thanks to the intensive nutrition of the hair follicles. Use natural masks for prevention - and fans of salon procedures may envy your hair!
  4. Natural looking hair and the ability to experiment … Brightening rhubarb decoctions are the perfect beauty recipe for those who are afraid to dye their curls or have not yet decided on the color. They are worth trying to see if a lighter shade is right for you, whether you need to intensify it, or if it is better to look for another color. An excellent tool for teenagers who are interested in changing their image, as well as any age categories who want to get closer to the palette of "natural" blonde, blond or golden hair (the result will depend on the original color).

Harm and contraindications to the use of rhubarb for hair

Allergy to natural hair products
Allergy to natural hair products

It's hard to find downsides to using natural remedies like rhubarb, chamomile, and other natural brightening and coloring formulations. However, it does not hurt to remember about precautions and common sense.

When choosing rhubarb to color your hair, consider:

  • Environmental friendliness … Before you start using natural remedies, think about where they came from. If you personally did this, make sure that rhubarb did not grow in the wrong place and did not accumulate harmful, poisonous or radioactive substances. You should not collect any herbs near highways or railways, factories and factories, places where sewage accumulates, and so on. Pharmacy collections can most often be trusted, because they are tested in production, before packaging and sale. If you plan to grow herbs for cosmetics in your own backyard, avoid watering them with chemical fertilizers that will accumulate in all parts of the plant.
  • Individual intolerance … Despite the fact that rhubarb does not cause allergies in the majority of people, it is better to pre-test any mixture on a clean area of skin or a small strand of hair. This will help protect yourself as much as possible from unpleasant consequences.
  • Final result … If you urgently need to change your hair color to your desired color, dyeing with natural means (including rhubarb) will most likely not work. The main purpose of using natural dyes is to preserve the health of the curls, strengthen them and take careful care of the bulbs, and lightening and giving a more intense color is just a pleasant "bonus".
  • Correct application … If you do not know what rhubarb looks like, and you buy it "from hand", it is better to first search the net or books what good raw materials should be. The possibility of buying a spoiled product or even the wrong plant, the use of which will give an unexpected result, is not excluded.
  • Following instructions … Carefully read the recipes you intend to use, carefully measuring the ingredients and making the necessary manipulations with them. Store rhubarb and other herbs out of the reach of children to avoid food poisoning.

Rhubarb hair dye recipes

Changing hair color using natural components of masks or rinses looks difficult only at first glance. It is easy to prepare such products, some of them are allowed to be stored in the refrigerator, but it is better to always use a fresh product - it will contain the most useful substances. As mentioned above, it is advisable to use rhubarb for hair together with other herbs, roots, juices or oils, as they enhance each other's action.

Hair coloring with rhubarb with chamomile

Field chamomile
Field chamomile

These herbs have long been used together to lighten hair to a wheat, honey-golden color. Naturally, the lighter the curls were initially, the more effective the result will be.

To lighten up with a decoction of chamomile and rhubarb:

  1. We buy or collect our own raw materials - field chamomile inflorescences and rhubarb rhizomes.
  2. We mix a tablespoon of each component.
  3. We brew a liter of boiling water.
  4. Fill the mixture with water and let it brew for half an hour.
  5. After shampooing, rinse hair with prepared herbal infusion.
  6. We warm ourselves with a towel for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Dry your hair without washing off the infusion.
  8. For greater effect, you can rinse again with the same mixture.

Lightening hair with rhubarb with lemon

Lemon for hair coloring
Lemon for hair coloring

You can use lemon juice and peel to lighten hair without rhubarb, but the latter softens the "aggressive" effect of natural acids and protects hair from unnecessary damage. That is why this method of painting is more effective, but it is not recommended for owners of weak and brittle curls (in this case, it is better to mix rhubarb, honey and white wine, additionally nourishing and strengthening components).

Prepare a mixture of lemon and rhubarb for clarification as follows:

  • Take these ingredients: two medium lemons, 30 grams of rhubarb root, two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and a teaspoon of vodka.
  • Squeeze juice, peel and pulp from citrus fruits, together with rhubarb root, grind in a blender.
  • Add vodka and vinegar, mix in one container.
  • We put on heating, bring to a boil and turn off.
  • We drain and let it cool down, brew.

Rinse your head after washing your hair, after diluting it in proportions 1: 1 with water.

Lightening hair with rhubarb with vinegar

Vinegar for hair coloring
Vinegar for hair coloring

You can increase the amount of vinegar in the rinse to get light to ashy shades.

We prepare them as follows:

  1. Grind rhubarb root in the amount of three tablespoons.
  2. Add half a liter of water and 150 ml of apple cider vinegar.
  3. Bring to a boil, slightly lower the temperature and wait until the mixture is reduced to half of the original amount.
  4. Cool, drain, rinse hair after washing.
  5. If you add a teaspoon of baking soda to the composition, the shade will turn out to be more yellow.

How to dye your hair with rhubarb - watch the video:

Hair dyeing with rhubarb and other natural substances is an actual and effective alternative to "chemical" dyes that damage the hair structure and scalp. Natural dyes will allow you to change your image not so drastically, but will preserve your health, give your curls a well-groomed look, shine and obedience.
