Data on the appearance of the Russian hunting spaniel, external data, character, health, care: walking, diet, training features, interesting facts. Puppy price. The main prey of hunters in the spring hunting season is birds. It is much easier to find the shot game when you work in tandem with a four-legged assistant. The Russian hunting spaniel has no equal in this. This is the only domestic gun dog.
For many years, the popular breed has pleased breeders, but it turns out to be not so easy to meet such a dog in the city. As a rule, it is turned on by hunters, so spaniels do not have to lie down on sofas or be content with a walk in the yard. But this does not mean that such dogs cannot be pets. They are sweet and kind, and also perfectly adapt to living in a city apartment.
Data on the appearance of the breed of Russian hunting spaniels

The history of the creation of the variety originates from the deep roots of antiquity. For a very long time, there were small curly dogs that scared away game from the bushes. To this day, on the shores of Oceania, there are small dogs that jump in shallow water, catch fish and serve it to their owners. They are not afraid of water, they love and know how to work.
The Russian spaniel originates from European spaniels that have existed for a long time in Holland, Germany, Great Britain, France and many other countries. The most popularized in all parts of the world is the English Cocker Spaniel. With the help of a cocker, they hunted a forest bird - a woodcock, which means its name in translation from English.
This sandpiper leads a secretive way of life, hiding in dense thickets of bushes. A compact dog with an excellent instinct was extremely necessary and in demand for such a hunt. In addition to the Cocker, there was a whole group of English spaniels: Sussex, Clumber, Field Spaniel. A partridge dog was bred in Germany. In Holland, they created their own water hund - a water dog. At first, this was the name of all spaniels, because they were used to work on water game, not excluding, of course, forest and upland game. Only in the 18th century a group of these dogs was formed.
According to information from the book of Vasily Pavlovich Sabaneev, spaniels came to Russia in the early nine hundredths. These dogs were actively used by hunters, but they were not very suitable for the conditions of hunting in the Russian Empire at that time. The dogs were a bit small and not so strong. By merging the blood of different breeds of spaniels and then careful selection, they created a new species of canines - Russian hunting spaniels. They are excellent hunters for water, upland and waterfowl with excellent flair and endurance.
Description of the external data of the Russian hunting spaniel

The Russian hunting spaniel has a compact size, stocky build. The dog has an elongated format and a beautiful silky coat of various colors. The constitution is strong, dry, without signs of roughness, tightly covered with leather. The dog has a balanced and mobile type of higher nervous activity. He treats people friendly. Endowed with excellent characteristics of a hunting gun dog. She has developed endurance, excellent scent, energy, tenacity and an innate desire to bring game.
Referring to the accepted norms, individuals can reach the following height at the withers: males 42–46 cm and females 40–42 cm with a change of 1–2 cm. Pedigree males weigh from 5, 8 kg to 7 kg and females from 5 kg to 6, 3 kg. Elongation index from 110 to 120 in bitches due to fertility physiology.
The Russian Hunting Spaniel moves actively, quickly, easily and efficiently. The front legs are carried high, and the hind legs have a strong push from the ground. In search work, he runs at a light gallop, when slowing down he goes to a trot.
- Head - in good proportion to the body, with lean muscles, moderately elongated. The skull is moderately widened. When judged from above, it is oval. The frontal part is moderately rounded at the top. The furrow on the forehead is not prominent. The bump on the back of the head is poorly developed. Cheekbones are flat. The brows are moderate.
- Muzzle narrower than the skull and parallel to it, long, perfectly filled under the eyeballs. It tapers towards the nose, but not sharp, but rather has a blunt ending. The bridge of the nose is smooth. The stop is smoothly pronounced. The lips have a dark or brownish pigmentation, taut, fit tightly. The flews extend slightly into the lower jaw. The jaws are strong. The canines are powerful, the teeth are large, white, connected in the form of a scissor bite.
- Nose - pronounced, nostrils well open. The lobe is pigmented in black or brown tones, depending on the color of the coat.
- Eyes medium-sized Russian hunting spaniel. They are rounded-oval, slightly over average in size, dark or light brown in color. The eyelids are tight, dark. They have an attentive and lively look.
- Ears - hanging, long and wide. Moderately low placement. The cartilage is elastic, rounded at the ends. The auricles have a dense arrangement with the cheekbones. In length, the end of the slightly stretched auricle should practically reach the nose.
- Neck - Moderately long, strong, oval, widening towards the shoulders. The withers are not developed. There is no suspension.
- Frame fits into a rectangle, slightly higher at the withers, lower towards the tail. Chest of good depth, not wide, oval. The ribs are curved, there are false ones. The back is well muscled and extended. The loin is strong, convex, wide, and shortened. The croup is strong, rather muscular, slightly sloping. The belly is tucked up moderately.
- Tail - is an extension of the spine. It is thickened at the base, strong and straight, there is a dewlap. When moving quickly, the dog carries it above the level of the back. Docked at half its natural length.
- Front - Seen from the front and from the side, straight, firm, bones and muscles dry. The set is neither narrow nor wide. The blades are placed obliquely, strongly pressed against the body, elongated. The elbows are directed backward. The shoulders are connected to the shoulder blades at almost a hundred degrees, The pasterns are slightly vertical, powerful.
- Rear - parallel to each other, set wider than the front legs, with strong bones, slightly laid back when viewed from the side. Thighs with powerful muscles, almost equal in length, with slightly sloping legs. The joints are clearly defined, dryish. Metatarsus almost vertical.
- Paws - small, compact, rounded, collected in a lump. Curved toes, tight-fitting. Tufts of wool grow between them. The nails are dense, strong and dark. The pads are firm and firm.
- Coat Russian hunting spaniel has an attractive look. The hair is silky, without frizz. It can only be slightly wavy. On the head, body, on the back of the limbs, the hair is short. On the ears, on the underside of the chest, on the tail and on the back of the legs, it creates an elegant, spectacular feathering. Dogs have no undercoat.
- Leather - very dense. It is firm and elastic, fits the body well. No depressions or folds are observed.
- Color - versatile possible. It can be monophonic, for example, black, red. It can be spotted, black piebald, red piebald, coffee piebald. Tricolor: white with masks or spots, black or brown and tan. The desired color of the nose and lids of the spaniel is black. But, red, red-piebald, fawn colors allow a light nose.
The nature of the Russian hunting spaniel

Both at exhibitions and on the streets, Russian hunting spaniels always attract attention. They do an excellent job of playing the role of pets and they are often turned on for this very purpose. These spaniels love to interact with people, and they are not intrusive. They know how to be invisible and keep their distance. These dogs get along wonderfully in an apartment or in a house. But they are active outdoors. With them, you need to walk for a long time and play outdoor games, for example, a ball.
They are kind and affectionate. Animals are completely uncharacteristic of malice. Dogs get along well with children of different ages. They will play with them and obey them. Leaving a child alone with a spaniel is not at all scary because the dog will never offend his friend. They treat other pets peacefully, be it a hamster or a cat.
Russian spaniels are ideal friends and companions. They require constant communication with their owner. Dogs will accompany him everywhere - whether it's a walk in the forest, or it's fishing. The dog puts the owner on a pedestal. This is his god and he will follow him everywhere, be it a clean sofa or impassable swamps.
Pets are very attached to a person and work closely with him. Breeders always advise novice hunters to start this particular breed. Because it is an easy-to-train, docile and docile dog. There are no signs of stubbornness and self-will in her. She easily and with pleasure obeys the owner.
Since the Russian spaniel is designed to work on the bird, and not on the beast, it has an innate ability to feed. Pets love water very much, they willingly go into it and can swim in reservoirs all day long. Therefore, in Russia, these dogs are often considered duck dogs and are used in work on waterfowl.
But, dogs wonderfully hunt field and upland birds. Some hunters noted that Russian spaniels work great for wild boars. In some hunting farms, industrial shooting of wild boar is carried out only with this breed. People explained this by the fact that it was then necessary to look for huskies in the forest for a couple of days, and spaniels are always obedient and return at the first "whistle". Dogs do not come close to the beast, they actively bark at it, indicating its location. That is, they give complete freedom to prey the beast.
Given the excellent instinct of the Russian hunting spaniel, they follow the blood trail very well. They work on finding wounded animals and feeding game from the trail. They do any work with enthusiasm, and they like it. With the Russian hunting spaniel, you can generally hunt without a weapon, for example, a duck. The dog tracks down, strangles the bird and then brings it to the owner.
Health of the Russian Hunting Spaniel

The Russian hunting spaniel is a hardy and robust breed. Their average life span is between fourteen and sixteen years. There are no special patterns of genetic ailments in Russian spaniels. Rarely, they may have heart problems, hip dysplasia, cancers, cataracts.
The most important thing is that the dog is healthy and cheerful, feed him correctly, create appropriate physical activity for him. Throughout the dog's life, she needs routine vaccinations against viral diseases. Also regular procedures concerning the sweeping of worms, ticks and fleas.
Specificity of dog care

- Wool Russian spaniels are wavy and beautiful. Haircut is "not to their face". On the contrary, it is strictly forbidden to do so in order not to spoil the natural appearance of the dog. Only the hair between the paw pads is cut. The pet is brushed once a week. They bathe the doggies with a special shampoo once every two weeks or if the dog falls out in something smelly. Of course, show spaniels require more care. They are combed out more often. They wash not only with shampoo, but also use an emollient conditioner. When the dog eats, it is better to tie the ears with an elastic band so that they do not get dirty and do not need to be washed again. You can purchase a tall, tapered spaniel bowl that does not fit your ears.
- Teeth such pets are prone to the accumulation of calculus and manifestations of periodontal disease. Therefore, keep them clean. The dog should know what brushing is from an early age and be allowed to do it. To prevent plaque, let her nibble on hard bones purchased from zoological stores.
- Ears Russian hunting spaniels are hanging, that is, closed and must be cleaned at least twice a week. Trim the thick, protruding hairs inside the ears to help ventilate them. For cleaning, use special agents that soften dirt and sulfur. They are buried in the ear, which is then massaged a little and the dog is released. After a certain period, all unnecessary things that have flown out are wiped from the inside with a napkin.
- Eyes to avoid infection and inflammation, check and wipe regularly, especially after hiking in the woods. After all, a problem noticed at the wrong time can provoke a serious illness.
- Claws must be cut regularly. Once they have grown, remove the excess stratum corneum with claws or cut it off with a regular file.
- Feeding the Russian hunting spaniel should not be redundant. If such a dog lives in a city apartment and does not participate in the hunt, then it needs to be fed less than a worker. These dogs have a great appetite and they can eat above their norm, and this threatens with extra pounds.
- Walking spaniels do not depend on where they live. In any case, he needs a lot of exercise and long walks to stay in shape. Having received less output of its violent energy, the dog will regularly surprise you. And only you will be to blame for this.
Russian hunting spaniels are not selective in their loads. You will run, they will run with you, ride a bike, the doggies will be happy to keep you company. Take a ball or a flying saucer with you outside. Your pet will be very happy to catch these items and bring them to you. These dogs cannot be kept outdoors as they have no undercoat.
Features of training the Russian hunting spaniel

These dogs are brilliantly trained and start working early enough. They perfectly develop conditioned reflexes, which are fixed practically for the whole life. But, nevertheless, a real four-legged hunter needs constant training. And especially in winter, when the dog forgets a little what summer hunting is.
The owner needs to constantly work with the Russian spaniel. It is said that twenty percent depends on the dog and eighty percent depends on the owner. What a person put into a pet, he got it. Hunting dogs should be regularly checked in field trials, where, under the supervision of an expert, the entire hunt must be staged in stages at a certain time. If all goes well, the dog will win a medal.
Interesting facts about the Russian hunting spaniel

The popularization of Russian hunting spaniels fell on the late fifties, early sixties. This time, paradoxically, was combined with the order of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated July 31, 1954 "On the development of housing construction in the USSR." Many people were able to get separate housing, which was then called "Khrushchevs". And in his home there was an opportunity not to depend on anyone and even have a real four-legged friend - a dog. In most cases, such pets were Russian hunting spaniels.
Purchase and price of puppies of the Russian hunting spaniel

Breeders take into account working qualities in breeding. As a rule, the history of puppies begins long before they are born. The choice of a pair for a dog sometimes forces the owner to cover considerable distances. Breeders take into account not only the quality of external and working data, but also look at the balance of the psyche. Therefore, if you want to have the best Russian spaniel, you need to find such specialists. The average price of a puppy is $ 150-$ 400.
More about the Russian Hunting Spaniel, see below: