The appearance of the Alaskan Klee Kai breed, the temperament of the dog, health, how to look after: walks, which includes diet and other procedures, training. Puppy cost. Alaskan klee kai, or alaskan klee kai, is a relatively new breed of dog. It was created in the late 1970s in Wasilla, Alaska, USA, by amateur breeder Linda Sperlin. Their name, translated from the traditional Eskimo language, means "a little dog from Alaska." This breed has been bred as a companion-sized version of the much larger Alaskan Husky. It all started with the fact that Linda came to visit her relatives in another city and saw a completely extraordinary, cute dog.
The woman really liked the animal, and she begged to present it to her. Noticing that the pet attracts too much attention, Mrs. Sperlin decided to create a new breed. The path of development and formation of the species was difficult. In a short period, it has undergone many ups and downs. Even today, they are still working on its development in order to obtain the appropriate status and the Alaskan cliques were recognized by all the world dog federations. But, even without all the recognition, the breed is very popular. Kli kayev is happy to give birth and support as companions and successful participants in show contests.
What does an Alaskan Klee Kai dog look like?

The Alaskan Klee Kai are considered a smaller version of the Alaskan Husky with breed criteria that are based on physical attributes from the Husky. Although their norms are sent to this breed, many of the physical differences between them, such as muzzle size, large ears and other tail placement, separate them from Siberian dogs.
Today, the Alaskan Klee Kai consists of three parameters based on the height of the dog. There is a toy up to 33 cm, a miniature from 33 cm to 38 cm and a standard from 38 to 43 cm. Weight: a toy up to 4.5 kg, a miniature 4, 5-6, 8 kg and a standard 5, 8-10, 4 kg.
- Head - is proportional to the body, free from wrinkles, wedge-shaped (already towards the nose, the skull is expanded). The forehead is rounded and slightly wide, tapering smoothly towards the eye sockets.
- Muzzle - shorter than the skull, gradually tapering. The lower jaw is well defined, strong but not protruding. Black lips are tightly closed. Liver-colored lips are permitted for red and white individuals. The white dentition of the Kli Kai is evenly distributed and closed like scissors.
- Nose - black tone, but sometimes "snowy" with pink-bodied spots. Hepatic noses are also acceptable for red and white Kli kai. The nose lies on the same plane as the bridge of the nose and protrudes slightly above the lower jaw.
- Eyes - oblique placement, a small parameter, there are different colors and their combinations. The almond-shaped eye shape is the most desirable, then the oval and round shape is preferred. Black eye rim, liver lid allowed for red and white dogs.
- Ears - very straight and straight up, triangular, in proportion to the size of the head with rounded ends. The ear skin should be thick over the entire surface. Their inner edge begins to grow above the point of the inner corner of the eyes.
- Neck - not long, smoothly curved, set high, widening towards the base.
- Frame - slightly longer than the height. The withers are just above the croup. The chest is moderately widened, oval, the lowest point should be behind the front legs. Its front is not overly pointed. The line of the back is straight from the withers to the loin, which is slightly arched. The croup is large and sloping. The ribs are detached from the vertebral column, forming a strong back, arched, forming a body, practically in the shape of a heart when evaluated in cross-section. The loin is strong, shortened, but narrower than the chest, with a slight tautness.
- Tail - placed just below the back line. Its shape is preferable in a loosely twisted ring, reaches the middle of the back and can be laid on both sides of the body. It dangles when the dog is at rest. At its end, dark hairs are more profitable.
- Front legs - straight and parallel placed, moderately spaced from each other, proportional to the size of the click. Elbows parallel to the body. Hindquarters - Parallel, knees and joints with hind pasterns well formed and perpendicular to the ground when viewed from any angle.
- Paws - oval, harmonious with the parameters of the bones of each individual.
- Coat - the double layer is long, but does not cover the general outline of the Alaskan Klikai. The neck is densely edged. The tail has long hairs at the beginning of growth and along the bottom. Longer coated specimens are allowed to edge the hindquarters of the forelegs and hindquarters up to the hocks. The undercoat supports the guard hairs. It is thick and soft in texture. The hair of the outer "coat" is straight, slightly coarse, but not coarse.
- Color - different is allowed, but the mask on the face must be contrasting and clearly separated. The mask on the head is dark, continuing down the top of the muzzle and under the eye sockets. Has light areas in the eye sockets that extend along the cheekbones, between the outer corners of the eyeballs and the bases of the ears, on the sides of the muzzle, under the jaw and down the throat. The inner side of the ear is lighter.
Description of the temperament of the Alaskan Klee kai

The representative of the breed is a very inquisitive, intelligent, agile and active breed of dog. Although pets physically resemble Siberian huskies, their personal data varies. While the Siberian Husky is not afraid, not wary of strangers, and will greet guests cordially, Kli Kai tends to be somewhat reserved and cautious around strangers. They are also considered to be very alert little dogs, constantly looking out into the familiar world, noticing any changes or unusual things. The advantage of being careful and alert is that these excellent little watchmen are capable of barking loudly when they sense something is wrong.
The Alaskan Klee Kai is also not a breed that loves or tolerates being teased. From stress, rude, cruel treatment, personal injury or bullying of children, pets can react quite sharply. Kli kai sometimes bite offenders badly, in contrast to Siberian huskies, who are considered loyal with children. If you raise your children correctly, they, as a rule, understand that you cannot offend a four-legged friend, and then the Alaskan Kli Kai will be a great friend for the whole family.
It is known that these dogs are very loyal and kind to everyone at home. The Alaskan Kli Kai loves to be a part of all family affairs. Pets establish close relationships with their pets in the course of life. Therefore, when left alone for a long time, the Kli Kai display anxious behavior. The stress associated with this condition can manifest itself in the form of destructive or annoying behaviors such as digging, chewing, excessive barking and howling.
Depending on their size, Alaskan Klee Kai can even be very loud. These small dogs with excellent vocal skills always have something to say. Alaskan Kli Kai owners quickly get used to the long, loud greetings they receive when they return home. Then the dog tries to tell them about all the things that they missed while away from home. If your neighbors prefer a quiet pace of life, then they probably will not like this neighborhood, and they will express their displeasure to you.
It is known that this breed has high hunting abilities. Therefore, special care should be taken in situations where the dog will be in close proximity to small animals such as rabbits, hamsters, cats and birds. Since the Alaskan Kli Kai will probably try to hunt to catch and kill them. Dogs that have been properly socialized from a young age, or raised with small animals, seem to have fewer such aspirations and are more in control.
The health and dispositions of the Alaskan clique

Comparing the Alaskan Klee Kai with other breeds, it can be noted that he has established himself as a wonderful, healthy and durable dog, practically free from genetic defects. This may be due in part to the fact that the breed as a whole is still quite small, and many birth defects may not have been discovered yet.
When considering buying an Alaskan Klica, prospective owners are advised to have detailed interviews with the breeder to ensure that the couples being knitted are free from flaws and are screened for genetic health defects. Responsible breeders should screen their dogs for heart, patella (dislocated knee), thyroid problems and register with the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA).
Clicks who have undergone both OPA testing and eyeball ultrasonography through the Dog Registration Foundation (CERF) are accepted for registration with the Dog Health Information Center (CHIC). Known Breed Health Issues: Cataract Factor VII Deficiency, Patella, Umbilical Hernia, Heart, Liver and Thyroid Problems.
Rules for caring for an Alaskan clique

- The breed has a long, thick double coat, but is relatively easy to care for. It is by nature an extremely clean dog breed that does not like to swim and has a self-cleaning coat. Like many northern breeds, the Alaskan Klee does not have the typical "dog smell" or "dog breath". They usually moult twice a year. At this time, clumps of dead undercoat will be visible, falling from the dog and covering everything with which it comes in contact. When changing fur, Kli Kai can rub against doorframes, fences, furniture and walls in order to pull out the fallen undercoat and speed up the process on their own. Regular combing with a furminator during this time will help you quickly change your old coat to a new one and reduce the amount of hair in the house. Weekly brushing during the normal period will remove excess hair and evenly distribute the natural lubrication of the coat. This is a breed that does not require constant bathing, as this will strip the natural lubrication of the hairline and can lead to skin and coat problems.
- The teeth of the Alaskan Klee Kai should be brushed every other day to avoid calculus, bleeding gums and an unpleasant odor. To do this, you need to select a flavoring paste based on your pet's preferences. A small amount of it is applied to a silicone brush that is worn on the finger, and plaque is removed from the teeth in a circular motion. Pressed, safe bones and eating dry food by the dog will serve as an excellent prevention of dental accumulation.
- The ears should be examined every week. Cracked, red skin and an unpleasant odor are indicative of ear ailments. Therefore, to prevent such troubles, clean them every week. To do this, a preventive, herbal remedy, holding the dog's head, is poured into the ear canal, and the ear is massaged for better penetration. After a short period of time, the separated dirt is wiped off.
- Check your eyes constantly. If they have discharge, then it is possible that the dog has worms, food intolerance, allergic reaction, or pollution. To more accurately determine the diagnosis, the animal is taken to the veterinarian. If there is a slight redness, it is necessary to wipe the eyes with a sedative, applying it on a cotton sponge and holding it in the direction of the inner corner of the eye.
- Claws are cut weekly. The hairs between the pads are neatly trimmed with scissors. The length of the claws is shortened with claws or cut down with a nail file. Be careful not to touch the live layer when manipulating. Therefore, the file is much more convenient in such cases.
- The feeding of the Alaskan Kli must be properly balanced. It is more problematic to do this with the help of natural products, but nothing is impossible. The veterinarian or breeder who bought the dog will help you with this. The basis of a natural diet, of course, is of high quality, not fatty beef, plus offal, and then there are cereals, dairy products and vegetables. Such nutrition requires the use of a vitamin and mineral complex. Having resorted to ready-made products, you will not rack your brains over how to combine products and what they should be predominantly, which vitamin supplements are better. In high-quality, dry food super-premium class, there is already everything you need for the proper functioning of the animal's body and its best condition. With such a diet, the dog should have drinking water in the bowl at all times. Do not exceed the dose of any food and do not break the regime of its use to avoid problems with excess weight and diseases of the digestive tract.
- The walks of energetic Kli kai should be mobile. It is important that the owners of this breed regularly train and play with the animals. It is not enough to simply take the dog out to the backyard and leave it for the "toilet". As intelligent and curious dogs, they quickly become bored of inactivity. Then, the dog can play dirty tricks in the yard, making unnecessary undermines, gnawing on property, or even trying to escape.
Long walks or daily jogging with your Alaskan Klee will usually fulfill their exercise requirements. Fun games such as tug of a rope and or hide and seek with the owner provide physical and mental stimulation.
As small dogs, they can be adapted to living in an apartment, provided that the aforementioned exercises and mental requirements are observed. A fenced-in courtyard is a must, as their inquisitive nature can make the Kli kai prone to vagrancy. Also, it is not recommended that they walk outside the yard without a leash, since having noticed an ordinary squirrel or other small animal, pets will almost always chase them.
Alaskan Klee training

Although this breed has earned a reputation as an intelligent, independent thinker to please its owner, the Alaskan Kli Kai may be compliant for a while, but not always docile. It is recommended that owners of these dogs engage with them in group obedience classes from an early age in order to establish a strong bond and provide the dog with a positive outlet for its intelligence and energy.
Generally this breed excels in structured obedience classes as well as other agility classes. The genetics of the Alaskan Klai appear to contribute to this activity. If your pet has increased activity and high level agility, coursing with it for a change may be one of the best ways to positively burn some of the energy.
The Alaskan Kli Kai is quite sensitive and is a virtuoso reader of body language and facial expressions. Therefore, harsh behavioral adjustments are not necessary for this breed - just change the facial expression and hand position to express your irritation. The dog will quickly understand you without further ado.
Price of a puppy of breed Alaskan Klee Kai

All in all, this is a very unique, rather rare and interesting small dog breed that is best suited for a firm but loyal and experienced owner living in rural or suburban areas. The price of a puppy is $ 1500-2000.