How to get rid of bulldog cheeks

How to get rid of bulldog cheeks
How to get rid of bulldog cheeks

What are bulldog cheeks, why do they appear and how quickly they develop, ways to deal with a deficiency - salon and home procedures, methods of prevention. Bulldog cheeks are an aesthetic problem that tends to appear with age. The collected subcutaneous fat is not able to stay "in place" and falls in folds to the chin and mouth area like a dog's lips. This defect visually ages a person significantly, spoils facial features, making him heavier and wrinkled.

What are bulldog cheeks

Flew on the face
Flew on the face

Bulldog cheeks are otherwise called flews by analogy with the structural feature of a dog's muzzle. They represent areas of the epidermis, as well as subcutaneous fat, which are located in the area of the lower jaw and neck, which sag on both sides of the chin under the force of gravity. These cosmetic and aesthetic imperfections are formed with a decrease in the turgor of the soft tissue of the face and a weakening of the masticatory muscles. Outwardly, the bulldog cheeks on the face are similar to "senile sacs". And the actual sagging of the skin is called "gravitational ptosis".

At a young age, the oval of the face is supported by various substances that the body produces, for example, collagen, elastin. At the age of 30-35 years, the production of these substances by the body is significantly reduced. Because of this, the ligaments that fix the subcutaneous fat are weakened. Under the influence of gravity, they stretch, and the fatty tissue shifts downward and causes the skin to sag. Sagging of the epidermis leads to a loss of clarity of the facial oval. At the same time, pronounced nasolabial folds begin to form, the corners of the mouth and eyebrows go down, wrinkles appear.

Violation of soft tissue turgor in the neck and chin area can change not only the shape, but also the size of the face. So, due to the increase and weighting of the lower half of the face, it can become square, even if it previously had a rounded or oval shape. Waviness of the face contour appears. Visually, this defect adds age.

The main reasons for the formation of bulldog cheeks

Bulldog cheek formation
Bulldog cheek formation

There are major and minor causes of bulldog cheek formation. Consider the main factors contributing to the appearance of flews:

  • Age … The changes that age brings with it are inevitable. A decrease in the amount of collagen and elastin fibers in the cells of the epidermis, first of all, provokes the appearance of wrinkles, sagging and loss of turgor. From about 35 years of age, the cell walls no longer cope with the retention of subcutaneous fat "in place". Collagen deficiency affects. Therefore, heavy adipose tissue begins to be unevenly distributed in the cheek area, sliding down.
  • Sharp fluctuations in body weight … Bulldog cheeks are not always an indicator of age. You can often find young people who have this defect. This happens if a person has problems with being overweight. Extra pounds can be deposited not only on the hips and waist, but also on the face. When lipid metabolism is disturbed in the body, fatty tissue accumulates in large quantities in the cheeks and cannot be retained in the so-called "apples" in the upper part of the face. The fat will slide down and sag in ugly folds. However, do not think that in case of drastic weight loss, the problem will be solved. With rapid weight loss, the fat will go away, but the skin will not be able to recover as quickly and will sag in the form of flews on the face.

In addition to these two main reasons, there are additional ones. Stress, frequent lack of sleep, poor ecology, unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, poor skin care, excess ultraviolet radiation, and diseases of internal organs are extremely bad for the appearance and intensify the manifestations of bulldog cheeks. Sometimes flews can form due to a person's genetic predisposition.

Stages of the formation of bulldog cheeks

The early stage of bulldog cheek formation
The early stage of bulldog cheek formation

Bulldog cheeks do not appear on the face overnight. Age-related changes occur gradually. The following stages of skin aging can be distinguished: early, moderate and pronounced. The early stage lasts between the ages of 35-45. It is characterized by the following signs: slight laxity of the face and neck, slight drooping of soft tissue, the appearance of barely noticeable signs of bulldog cheeks, the initial deepening of the nasolabial fold, slight pigmentation. Such manifestations of ptosis are minimal, therefore, as a rule, a person does not notice them. You can notice these changes when you tilt the head forward or bend the neck. Signs of a moderate stage appear between the ages of 45 and 55. At this age, the following is noted: increased laxity of the skin of the neck and face - through it you can see the edges of the descending subcutaneous muscle of the neck (platysma), distinct bulldog cheeks appear, noticeable folds are formed in the corners of the mouth and nasolabial zone. Aging processes are moderately expressed and are already visible to the naked eye. The typical age for the appearance of pronounced signs of skin aging is from 55 years and older. At this stage, the following symptoms can be noted: distinct laxity of the skin of the neck, low sagging of the platysma, pronounced flews, deeply lowered folds in the corners of the mouth and nasolabial region, strong pigmentation, sometimes there is a significant amount of subcutaneous fat in the neck area.

Ways to deal with bulldog cheeks

Currently, solving the main disadvantages, including bulldog cheeks that appear on the face with age, is not a problem. There are many different ways, from salon treatments to home methods.

Facelift techniques to combat bulldog cheeks

MACS lifting
MACS lifting

Facelift or facelift is the main salon method for eliminating various age-related changes. Before removing the bulldog cheeks, you should familiarize yourself with the various techniques:

  1. Endoscopic skin tightening … One of the most effective facial plastic surgery techniques. An excellent anti-aging effect is achieved, a minimum of scars remains, and a short rehabilitation period. In the process of correction by this method, a special endoscopic apparatus is used, which is equipped with a video camera, which allows the surgeon to observe the process of work on the screen. Before the operation, small incisions are made in the area of hair growth or in front of the auricles. Through them, the fabric is pulled. At the same time, excess skin is not removed, which makes it possible to use this technique to eliminate the initial age-related changes.
  2. MACS lifting … An innovative method of skin tightening that leaves an inconspicuous scar in front of the auricle. With the help of this technique, the neck and chin area is rejuvenated, nasolabial folds are smoothed, bulldog cheeks are eliminated. The rehabilitation period is minimal. Excess skin is removed, after which the specialist vertically firmly fixes the tissues that have sunk. This method can be used to eliminate pronounced signs of skin aging.
  3. Mini facelift … Otherwise, it is called a short-cicatricial tightening method. An incision is made in front of the auricle, followed by lifting. The method is characterized by minimal invasiveness and a short rehabilitation period. It is used to eliminate the initial signs of skin aging.
  4. SMAS lifting … This is an advanced epidermal tightening technique. It is widely used all over the world. SMAS is a complex that includes muscle-aponeurotic tissues, which are also prone to aging. This technique involves the implementation of incisions in front of and behind the auricle, affecting the area of hair growth. In the process of correction, the SMAS is fixed vertically and mobilized. Using this lifting method, you can achieve the most profound anti-aging effect, regardless of the stage of aging. However, it is characterized by a long recovery period.
  5. Deep lifting of facial tissues … This method allows for a deeper, in comparison with the above, lifting of all layers of the skin of the face. In the process, the tissue that is under the SMAS complex is exfoliated. The nasolabial and labial folds are smoothed out, bulldog cheeks are eliminated. The deep layers of the epidermis are involved, which helps to improve blood circulation in them. However, there is a risk of injury to the facial nerves and their motor branches.
  6. Midline lift … The technique of isolated tightening, which is recommended for patients who do not need a deep one. It fights well with early age defects in the area of the eyes, cheekbones, cheeks, nasolabial triangle.
  7. SOOF lifting … A skin tightening method that focuses on the movement of fatty tissue under the eye sockets. Thus, elimination of the "sunken" tired look is achieved, flews are eliminated.
  8. Temporal lifting … A lateral skin tightening technique that is performed diagonally across the upper third of the face. As a result, the corners of the eyebrows, upper eyelids, adipose tissue in the cheekbones, drooping cheeks, flews, and wrinkles under the eyes are smoothed out. In the process, an incision is made in the area of the temples under the hair. The excess skin is eliminated, the tissue is exfoliated and moved upward diagonally.
  9. Neck lift … During the operation, a pronounced chin-cervical angle is formed, bulldog cheeks, double chin, and neck laxity are eliminated.

Mesotherapy to combat bulldog cheeks

Mesotherapy refers to the methods of injection cosmetology. There are many different drugs that are injected into the subcutaneous layer in problem areas. In the case of bulldog cheeks, this is the lower part of the face, the area of their formation. Injection lipolysis gradually, selectively, without "shaking" reduces the volume of adipose tissue. This does not damage the skin and muscles. Before you get rid of bulldog cheeks with mesotherapy, you will be offered a number of drugs to choose from. All of them affect the blood microcirculation system, adipose tissue, epidermis and have a defibrosing effect. In addition, mesotherapy can be carried out with the inclusion of lipolytic drugs that reduce the activity of lipid synthesis and their deposition in fiber. Lipolytics stimulate enzyme systems, activate blood flow, and correct the state of connective tissue. The injection correction scheme is drawn up by a specialist, taking into account the severity and stage of age-related changes.

Bio-reinforcement to combat bulldog cheeks

Bio-reinforcement of bulldog cheeks
Bio-reinforcement of bulldog cheeks

Another procedure related to the category of injection. In this case, a biostimulator based on hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin. It gets into the deep layers of the epidermis and there "diverges" in the form of a cobweb. The latter is aimed at strengthening the skin frame, eliminating problem areas. The contour of the face takes on its former clear outlines, ptosis, sagging, flews are eliminated.

Within about a month, the bionic threads dissolve, and the cosmetic effect after the procedure lasts for a long time, since the lifting took place at the cellular level.

Lymphatic drainage massage to combat bulldog cheeks

This type of massage should also be performed in the salon by a specialist. In the process, the beautician performs manual manipulations. All movements are performed strictly in the course of the lymphatic flow. They are extremely soft, wavy in nature. Ideally, such a massage should provide complete relaxation and relaxation. In no case should manipulations bring discomfort or painful sensations.

In the process of manipulation, the acceleration of lymph flow is achieved, the removal of decay products and toxins from the cells, the amount of nutrients and oxygen increases. In addition, excess fat, intercellular fluid is removed, which leads to the elimination of edema, flews. After a few sessions, the overall skin turgor improves, the face contour is tightened.

Gymnastics to eliminate bulldog cheeks at home

Gymnastics to eliminate bulldog cheeks
Gymnastics to eliminate bulldog cheeks

The most reliable means of dealing with bulldog cheeks at home are special exercises. It is optimal if you carry out "charging" for both the upper and lower parts of the face.

Start working on the top of your cheeks:

  • We inflate our cheeks, hold the air in them for 4-5 seconds. We sharply relax and exhale. We repeat 10 times.
  • We inflate our cheeks and transfer the air from one cheek to another - 10 repetitions. Then we "drive" the air up and down - 10 more times. In the process, you should feel that the neck area is also being worked on.
  • We inflate our cheeks and transfer the air in a circle - 10 circles.
  • We puff out our cheeks and blow out the air through our compressed lips with sharp jerks. We repeat 10 times.
  • We inflate our cheeks and blow out air first from the left corner of the mouth - 10 times, then from the right.
  • Repeat the previous exercise, blowing air out of the upper lip. 10 sets.
  • We inflate our cheeks, wrap our palms around them, press several times, feeling elastic.
  • We put our hand on the lips so that the middle of the palm is on them, fingers should clasp the cheeks. We smile, resisting our cheeks with our fingers. Smile 10 times with one hand and the same amount with the other.

These exercises are also useful for the gums, the inner surface of the cheeks, as they massage these areas.

We continue classes, performing exercises for the lower part of the cheeks:

  1. Pull the lower lip forward, overlap the upper lip with it. Then - the other way around (the upper lip overlaps the lower one). We carry out 10 times for each lip.
  2. We raise our head up, open our mouth and stretch our lower lip to the nose. We repeat 10 times.
  3. We open our mouth, stretch our lips forward and smack them, as if we are blowing a kiss. We repeat 10 times.
  4. We smile lightly, and then we suck our cheeks into our teeth. We keep this position for 10-15 seconds. We repeat 10 times.
  5. We hold a pencil with our lips and actively write the alphabet in the air. You should feel how the muscles of the face and neck work.

You need to do the exercises daily. Only regularity is the key to efficiency. Such gymnastics tones and warms up the muscles of the face. It is also useful to do it for the prevention of early unwanted age-related changes.

Thermolifting as a way to combat bulldog cheeks

In the process of thermolifting, heat is applied to the skin. As a result, the processes of microcirculation of lymph and blood are accelerated, metabolic processes in the skin are improved.

Under the action of targeted thermal radiation, old cells of the epidermis quickly die off and are finally removed. Thus, tissue renewal is activated, the number of collagen and elastin fibers in skin cells increases. Its frame is strengthened, cell walls are restored, lipids are destroyed.

As a result of this effect, no trace remains from the bulldog cheeks. To achieve the maximum effect, you will be asked to undergo several procedures in a row.

Self-massage to eliminate bulldog cheeks

Self-massage of bulldog cheeks
Self-massage of bulldog cheeks

Massaging problem areas at home is another effective procedure for dealing with flews. There are many techniques, consider the most popular techniques:

  • We place the index fingers in the fossa, which is located in the lower part of the jaw under the chin. We place them so that one is slightly ahead of the other. We press them to the dimple and begin short, intense "sawing" movements in different directions - from the dimple to the earlobes.
  • Slap lightly with the back of your hand on the chin and cheeks from bottom to top.
  • We apply massage oil to the hands and rub the skin intensively with sliding movements with the fingertips from the center of the chin to the ears, as if smoothing the folds.
  • Moisten a soft towel in cool green tea. We take it by the tips and work it out with patting movements on the lower jaw on the sides and bottom.
  • You can also have a honey massage. We moisten our fingers in liquid honey and begin to massage the face, rubbing honey into the skin. Then we do patting movements.

Massage is best done in the morning, preferably every day. It is also recommended to combine it with other procedures - gymnastics and the application of caring masks.

Homemade face masks to combat bulldog cheeks

Masks with a modeling effect can be made at home as well. This will require the usual food. In addition, you can buy masks with a pronounced lifting effect in specialized stores or salons, which help to fight flaps and tighten the face contour. Masks that contain brown algae, fucus, kelp, marine plankton, allantoin, panthenol, lecithin are good at fighting age-related imperfections. You can also prepare the following products for skin care and epidermis tightening:

  1. Egg mask … We mix a chicken egg, a tablespoon of fat cottage cheese, a teaspoon of any vegetable oil. Apply on the skin for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  2. Protein mask … Beat a couple of proteins and apply on the skin in two stages after the first layer has completely dried. As soon as the second layer dries up, we wash.
  3. Lemon honey mask … Mix a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey. Apply on face for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  4. Milk mask … Mix 3 tablespoons of fat sour cream and a tablespoon of warmed milk. Apply on face, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse.
  5. Banana mask … We take an overripe and soft banana, grind it into gruel and mix with a little heavy cream. Apply to the skin for 20 minutes.
  6. Clay mask … Any clay is suitable for the procedure. We mix it with water, you can add a couple of drops of lemon juice and a little honey. You should get a mushy substance. We apply it on the face and hold it until it starts to dry out. You don't need to walk with it for too long, otherwise the clay will draw moisture from the skin. Wash off, alternating between cool and warm water.

Prevention of bulldog cheeks

Healthy lifestyle
Healthy lifestyle

The best prevention of bulldog cheeks is a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. If you want your skin not to age as long as possible, you should refuse such products: hot spices, large amounts of salt, sugar, lard, fatty meat, rich broths, carbonated sugary drinks, strong tea and coffee, strong alcohol.

Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber should be a large part of your menu. The latter helps to cleanse the intestines, and this, in turn, will immediately affect the condition of the facial skin. It is also recommended to consume at least 7-8 glasses of liquid per day. This will saturate the body with moisture, the skin will become fresh, fine wrinkles will be smoothed out. Try to get rid of bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the skin. It becomes flabby, wrinkles appear early. How to get rid of bulldog cheeks - watch the video:

Before removing bulldog cheeks at home, also familiarize yourself with the methods of salon facial contour correction. Some defects cannot be corrected with home therapy alone. In any case, it is useful to combine different methods of dealing with fenders.