Description of akalifa, features of care

Description of akalifa, features of care
Description of akalifa, features of care

The origin and distinctive features of akalifa, advice on growing, advice on soil selection, independent reproduction, difficulties in growing, species. Akalifa (Acalypha) is a representative of the genus of flowering plants that belong to the Euphorbiaceae family, or as they call Euphorbia, which sounds in Latin as Euphorbiaceae. This includes flowers in which the seed embryo has two opposite cotyledons. The above genus includes up to 450 varieties of decorative-flowering or decorative-deciduous representatives of the planet's flora. The native lands where this unusual flower comes from are the territories of southeast Asia, the Australian continent, the island lands of Polynesia, where the tropical climate dominates sovereignly.

You can often find Akalifa called Foxtail, "cat" or "fox tails", due to the unusual appearance of the inflorescences of some species. And the Latin name comes from the ancient Greek name for nettle - "akalife": since the leaf plates are quite similar to this plant.

Akalifa is an annual or perennial with a herbaceous, shrubby form of growth, but there are varieties in the form of small trees. They never shed their foliage and do not change its shade - they are evergreen inhabitants.

Usually, plants of this genus are usually divided into two groups:

  1. The most common plants, in which the leaf blades are pubescent, ovoid, with a pointed tip and serrated edge. The color of the leaves is rich, bright green. In the process of flowering, fluffy spike-shaped inflorescences appear, painted in incredibly attractive bright red colors, they picturesquely droop to the ground. Their length reaches half a meter. Flowering is long enough. It is for the sake of these unique groupings of small flowers that the plants of this group are grown.
  2. These species of foxtail are distinguished by leaves, the color of which is bronze-greenish with a bright copper-red spot. They are also ovoid in shape, with a serrate edge and a pointed apex. The length of the leaf blades reaches 20 cm. The flowers are small, collected in inflorescences with a length of 5-10 cm, red tones.

Due to the rather original color of the leaf plates and magnificent spike-shaped inflorescences, Akalifa is very popular among lovers of "indoor greenery".

Attention! All parts of the plant contain a very poisonous juice, therefore, when caring for akalifa, it is necessary to observe safety measures, and also take this circumstance into account when growing a foxtail in houses where there are pets or small children.

Creating conditions for the growth of akalifa

Akalifa in a pot
Akalifa in a pot
  1. Lighting. Grown on east or west windows. On the south - shading is necessary, and on the north - illumination with phytolamps. If there is poor lighting, then the variegated leaves of akalifa will lose their color.
  2. Temperature. It is necessary to maintain 22-24 degrees of heat year-round, in winter at least - 18 degrees.
  3. Air humidity should be high. Akalifa can be sprayed frequently or humidifiers can be placed next to it.
  4. Watering foxtail should be abundant, but in winter it is cut. The ground should be slightly damp all the time.
  5. Fertilizers applied from spring to autumn twice a month. Organic and complete mineral complexes are used. Do not feed in winter.
  6. Transplantation and selection of soil. Young bushes are replanted annually, old ones every 2-3 years. The soil is mixed from leaf, sod land, high moor peat and river sand (parts are equal).

Reproduction of akalifa at home and care

Young sprout of akalifa
Young sprout of akalifa

You can get a new foxtail by planting seeds, using cuttings or air layers.

  • Sowing seeds is necessary between March and April. The substrate for planting is made up of leafy soil and river sand (parts are equal). The temperature during germination is maintained within the range of 20-22 degrees. If you put the container with seed material in a mini-greenhouse with bottom heating of the soil, then you can wait for the shoots faster. As soon as a pair of real leaves appear on the sprouts, it is recommended to transplant into separate containers with a soil mixture of leafy, soddy soil and coarse sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, 2.
  • By cuttings, Akalifa can be propagated in March if it is a flowering variety, and deciduous ornamental varieties are bred year-round. Cuttings are cut from semi-lignified apical shoots. It is necessary to root in moist sand or in a peat-sandy substrate (1: 1). In this case, the temperature should be maintained at least 20-22 degrees. When using a mini-greenhouse with bottom heating of the soil and a temperature of 22-25 degrees, the cuttings will root more quickly. Otherwise, the twigs are placed in a warm place, previously wrapped in a plastic bag. It is important not to forget to regularly ventilate the cuttings and moisten the soil. After the root shoots are formed on the petioles, they must be transplanted into a substrate mixed from leafy soil, sod, peat soil and river sand (in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 2). Several branches can be planted in one container, so that in the future you get a more decorative bush.

Youngsters are gradually taught to bright sunlight. After a month and a half from planting, you will need to pinch the cuttings, while removing the buds from the tops of the shoots. An adult Akalifa can be propagated with an air layer. In the spring, you will need to take sphagnum moss and, having cut the plant shoot around the circumference, tie the moss to it. Then this place is wrapped with foil and kept constantly moist. The new plant can be separated from the mother shrub in late winter or early spring. In order for the foxtail to bloom next summer, it will have to be cuttings in September days.

Possible difficulties in cultivating akalifa

Akalifa blooms
Akalifa blooms

The plant can often be affected by aphids, whiteflies, or spider mites. In this case, it is necessary to carry out treatment with insecticidal preparations (for example, "Aktara" or "Aktellikom"). After a two-week period, the treatment is repeated.

If a brown spot appears on the leaf plates in the form of weeping spots, it means that the plant rots after the soil is flooded. When the leaves begin to wither, this is a sign of a too dry or waterlogged substrate. Also, the reason may be too heavy soil in which the plant is planted. With a lack of lighting, the color of the leaves is lost and they turn pale. In winter, you will need to supplement the Akalif with fluorescent lamps. When humidification is insufficient or the humidity in the room is low, the tips of the leaves become dry and turn brown. In the case of the appearance of dark spots on the foliage, this became the cause of hypothermia of the bush or the action of a draft.

Interesting facts about Akalif

Flowering akalifa
Flowering akalifa

Influence on the atmosphere of the room. Akalifa belongs to plants that correspond to the constellation Leo and therefore is a finicky and capricious type of flora. The flowers of this shrub are ruled by the Sun, and they seem to bow before its greatness. According to astrology, our luminary is responsible for the work of the heart, is associated with the emotions of joy, but due to drooping inflorescences, joy does not linger for long. However, power engineers are advised to start an Akalifa in those houses where people can hardly maintain a joyful impression of life and a bright mood, since perhaps joyful minutes pass very quickly in their character, and despondency is constantly present.

Akalifa has the ability to capture the floating human joy and then accumulates it in himself, in order to subsequently share it in the moments of sadness of his household and fill the atmosphere in the house with happiness. This plant resists the pessimism and despondency of the residents and everyone present, gives a feeling of cheerfulness.

Since the pubescent leaves are ruled by the fast Mercury and the obscure power of the Moon, Akalifa also has the property of purifying the atmosphere of the room, where it grows from the emanations of laziness and unnecessary negative emotions. If the owners suffer from lethargy, sluggishness or laziness, their habits are too painful and emotional to react to any little thing, then people should get a "fox tail". All this negativism is absorbed by the plant and does not allow it to accumulate in the house and lead to chronic diseases of the household. Energy through akalifa turns into a mobile and life-giving one, a person becomes easy-going and begins to relate easier to troubles.

Akalifa helps people to combine the energies of YIN and YANG, which are present in the fluffy spike-shaped inflorescences of the plant, and to harmonize their inner world. That is, a person in whose house a foxtail grows is able to use two levels of understanding of life - intuition and rationalism. In men, Akalifa develops sensuality and tenderness, and helps women in business areas of life. Under the influence of a foxtail, a woman becomes more collected and courageous, as well as adventurous. And if a man is very rude and ruthless, then Akalifa will help give birth to manifestations of kindness and sympathy in him.

In principle, foxtail is good for all people who do not have an "ideal" character. Akalifa will help a person develop the qualities he has and acquire the missing ones. The influence that a plant has on each person is very different, and there is no specifics here. But nevertheless, it can be noted that if the owner of the plant has a trait of maximalism, then the akalifa will help not to go to extremes. If a person values only good education in people, then the foxtail will teach you to pay attention to the spiritual qualities of a person and appreciate them. And when a person wants to get everything from life at once, the flower will have a beneficial effect, and the owner will try to "peck at the grain" and try to save money. That is, the plant with its properties will help smooth out any maximalism in any spheres of human life and relationships.

Fiery Akalifa is a warming plant. If a person is afraid of cold weather and often freezes, and also suffers from cold allergies, then you can give him a foxtail. Power engineers are also recommended to have this plant for those who have cardiovascular problems. Akalifa will help to harmonize the work of almost all organs of the human body with all his might.

Description of foxtail species

Akalifa leaves
Akalifa leaves

Akalif Wilkesiana (Acalypha wilkesiana). A shrub plant that grows to a height of 3 m. Shoots are upright, with a reddish tone, with a slight pubescence. The leaf plates are opposite, up to 20 cm long and 15 cm wide, simple with an oval shape, there is a long sharpening at the top, and a jagged edge. The color of the leaves is bronze-green, they are covered with a bright copper-red spot. The flowers are inconspicuous, small in size, they are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, located in the leaf axils. The length of the inflorescence spike is 5–10 cm.

The following garden varieties are known in floriculture:

  • "Godseffiana" - possesses leafy plates with strong pubescence and a border along the edge of the leaf with a golden color;
  • "Mosaica" - differs in leaves with broadly oval or obovate outlines, the color is green, alternating with orange and bronze shades of strokes;
  • "Marginata" - the basic shade of the background of the foliage is olive brown, along the edge it is pink-red.

Among the varieties are:

  • Akalifa bristly-haired (Acalypha hispida). A shrub plant with graceful contours. Its height is measured by 3 meters. The leaves are painted in green tones, the inflorescences of crimson-red color, drooping to the ground, can be up to half a meter in length. Blooming all year round. There is a variety "Alba" with inflorescences of a snow-white color.
  • Indian Akalifa (Acalypha indica). A shrub with a life cycle of one year, measuring half a meter in height. The stem has a simple shape or weak branching, in the upper part it can be fluffy. The leaf blades are up to 2–6 cm long and one and a half centimeters wide. Their shape is oval or rhombic-oval, serrated along the edge, 5 veins are visible at the base. Inflorescences in the form of spikelets are located in the axils of the leaves, there are usually one or two spikelets. Both staminate and axillary buds are collected in these inflorescences. The flower measures 1–7 cm in length. The flowering process takes place from July to September.
  • South Akalifa (Acalypha australis). May be called the Australian Akalifa. The plant has a thin root, an annual, with an upright and ribbed stem, which has a branch. Shoots are covered with coarse hairs. Plant height 50 cm. Leaf plates are arranged in succession on the branches and attached to them with petioles. The length of the leaf is 2–5 cm. In shape, they are lanceolate, elliptical-lanceolate, thin, with a pointed tip at the top. In the leaf axils, inflorescences are located on flowering stems. Sometimes they can be at the tops of the shoots. They are spike-shaped in shape. Spikelets are collected from staminate and pistillate flowers. The flowering process stretches from July to August.
  • Akalifa oak-leaved (Acalypha chamaedrifokia). It can be found under the name Acalypha hispaniolae. A plant with a creeping stem, shoots are spreading and drooping. The leaves are painted in light green colors, they are core in shape, with a length of up to 4 cm, the edge is jagged. They are located on the branches in the next order. Spike-shaped inflorescences have pubescence and bright red color, also drooping to the ground. Their length varies from 3-4 cm to 10 cm. This variety can be grown as an ampel or ground cover crop.
  • Acalypha godseffiana. It is considered by many experts that this plant is of hybrid origin. Leaves have broad-oval or lanceolate forms with a pointed tip, serrated edge. They are painted in a greenish-bronze tone with a bright copper-red spot.
  • Akalifa Godseffiana heterophylla (Acalypha godseffiana heterophylla). If this variety is grown in a brightly lit place, then the foliage will acquire a bright red tint. There are many varieties with highly decorative foliage colors.
  • Akalifa bipartita (Acalypha bipartita). This plant is widespread in regions of the African continent, where it is used as the main vegetable crop, or simply grown for animal feed.
  • Californian Acalypha (Acalypha californica). The name shows that the homeland of this species is the territory of California, and not the lands of Africa and Asia. The leaf plates of this akalifa are framed with serration along the edge. Foliage color is light green. Each flower has many stamens that grow in the form of a long thorn in red and pink colors.
  • Akalif ciliata (Acalypha ciliata). It has African roots and is used by representatives of local tribes as a vegetable crop or fed to animals. But in the territories of the East and West of the African continent, this variety is used as a medicinal plant. It is completely similar to the rest of the species.

For more information about Akalif, see here: