Learn how to get started with a handstand at home and how to gradually walk on your hands without assistance. In many areas of sports activity, a vertical handstand is quite actively used. Many people are interested in how to learn to stand and walk on their hands at home. I want to warn you right away that this is a rather complex element and you should tune in to serious work.
What is needed to perform a handstand?

If you are determined to learn how to learn how to stand and walk on your hands at home, then you need to start with a theory. You need to pay special attention to several things:
- The center of gravity - many beginners are afraid to straighten up and thus make a serious mistake. Their arms are spread wide, and their shoulders and abdomen are set back. To learn how to perform an upright handstand, the first step is to correctly determine the center of gravity.
- Equilibrium - for this you need the strength of the muscles of the arms, which not everyone has. You should remember that to maintain balance, the center of gravity must be located exactly above the fulcrum.
- Position "Candle" is the easiest handstand position to master first. You need to draw in your stomach, fix your shoulder joints, and straighten your arms, relax them. It must be remembered that the quality of support is influenced by how well the arms are extended.
- Improving the stance - there are two ways to do this. In the first case, you need to take a sitting position, resting your hands on the ground. After that, push off with your feet and throw them up. When using the second method, you need to rest your hands on the ground while standing. Then, pushing off with the right foot, throw up the left. Try to keep your legs straight.
- Balance - if you have already mastered the "Candle" position, do not stop there and continue to improve. First, bend your knee joints to improve stability, because the center of gravity at this moment will be shifted downward.
Get ready for the fact that during training you will often fall down at first. But if you want to know how to learn to stand and walk on your hands at home, then surely this will not stop you.
How to learn to stand on your hands at home?

Today's topic of how to learn to stand and walk on your hands at home consists of two parts, and this is how you need to master these gymnastic elements. It is quite obvious that without learning how to perform a handstand, you will not be able to move in this position. However, first I would like to talk about contraindications:
- Increased intracranial pressure.
- The presence of acute forms of inflammatory diseases.
- Spinal column problems.
- Joint injuries.
Undoubtedly, the vertical handstand is a very effective trick that can impress others. If you want to know how to learn to stand and walk on your hands at home, then you should start training by performing special preparatory exercises. We have already said above that in order to perform vertical drains, you must have sufficient strength in the muscles of the arms. This is where you should start.
Of course, balance is also important, but without strong hands, you simply cannot hold the stance. We recommend that you pay close attention to push-ups and various types of "planks". It is important to remember here that all of these exercises should be done with a straight body from crown to heels. When doing push-ups, you can pause at the lower end point of the trajectory to increase the effectiveness of the exercise.
All people who want to know how to learn to stand and walk on their hands at home should keep flexibility in mind. Without this quality, it will be very problematic to fulfill the element. A great way to develop flexibility is the bridge exercise. Start with the simplest version of the exercise, and when it is perfected, move on to a more complex one. The next preparatory exercise can be a headstand and forearm stand. As the pivot point increases, it will be easier to perform this element. However, at first, you should enlist the support of a friend or train against a wall to avoid injury. When this stance is mastered by you, proceed to the study of the asana "crow". This is a great way to strengthen your shoulder muscles.
When you have passed all the steps described above, you will be ready to master the main stock on hand. However, here many people are faced with fear, which is understandable, because the position upside down is unnatural for us. You have to work hard on yourself to overcome the feeling of fear.
Handstand with support

To avoid injury, train against a wall or with a friend. Take a standing position at a distance of 25-30 centimeters from the support (wall). Bend your torso and rest your hands on the ground, which should be at the level of your shoulder joints. After that, push off with one leg and straighten the body, stretching your legs along the wall.
We do not recommend staying in an upright position for a long time at first, but rather increase it gradually. This will allow you to increase your stamina score.
Handstand without support

Once you've mastered the previous element, you will probably want to keep improving. To do this, you have to refuse help from the outside. However, everything must be done gradually. Having taken a stand with support in the wall, begin to slowly lift your legs from its surface. First, do it alternately with each leg, and then with two at once. When this exercise is mastered, increase the distance to the wall. But at first, you should still be located not far from it.
After achieving the desired result, you can proceed to training in an open space. However, you should not immediately refuse the help of a friend. Your handstand experience will probably not be the longest at first. However, the time will gradually increase, the main thing is to continue to train regularly. Note that the most difficult handstand is the one that is performed with support on the uneven bars.
The main mistakes when doing a handstand

It is common for beginners to make mistakes even with an experienced mentor. If a person masters something on his own, then he commits them even more often. We will now look at a few common mistakes when doing an upright handstand:
- Hands spread too wide - this leads to the fact that the center of gravity shifts away from the fulcrum and it becomes impossible to maintain balance.
- Arms bent - we have already said that the arms should be as straight as possible. If your muscles are not strong enough, then this will not work.
- Shoulder joints pushed forward - complicates the task of maintaining balance.
- Back arched or rounded - also does not allow you to maintain balance.
If you want to know how to learn to stand and walk on your hands at home, then you have to learn how to fall correctly. When you lose your balance, then try to quickly shift your body weight forward and bend your legs, rest your heels on the ground. To soften the blow, do a normal somersault, bending your arms and pressing your chin against your chest. If you fall backward, try to quickly bend your back and become in the "bridge" position.
How to learn to walk on your hands at home?

It is generally accepted that it is difficult for beginners to adopt a handstand or walk in such a position due to muscle weakness. This is true, but one should not discount the feeling of fear, which we have already mentioned. In fact, it is fear that makes it difficult for us to shift the center of gravity, because subconsciously everyone is afraid of uncontrolled falls on their backs. Strong hands will help you defeat fear.
We will assume that you have studied the first part of the article and mastered the handstand. It remains to learn to walk upright upside down. Do not try to immediately start moving from a handstand. To begin with, you just need to stand upside down so that the body can adapt slightly. After that, lift one hand off the ground and take a small step. Repeat the movement of the second. Regular exercise will help you learn to walk on your hands.
A handstand can be a great way to further train your arm muscles. To do this, you can do push-ups in an upright position. With its help, you can perfectly strengthen the muscles of the chest, deltas and triceps. If you use support when performing push-ups, then the stabilizer muscles do not participate in the work. However, even in this version, the exercise can be considered effective.
Note that many athletes who have mastered the hand-walking technique say that in this case it is much easier to maintain balance than when performing a standing position. This fact has its own explanation. When you start moving, the center of gravity shifts forward and for a short period of time the muscles no longer experience a strong load. This has a positive effect on their condition, because they do not get so tired when moving in comparison with a static position. The main difficulty here lies in the same fear of throwing your legs a little further from the body, as well as taking your hands off the ground. With regular exercise, you will be able to walk a decent distance on your hands. Remember that any acrobatic elements can be mastered only with constant practice.
Handstand Safety

Before each workout, you need to warm up properly. It is also necessary to organize a place for training, creating conditions for a safe fall. We have already said that you will often face the earth, which is quite normal. Be sure to use support at the initial stages of training or enlist the help of a friend. You shouldn't master the handstand without safety net.
Once again, I would like to remind you of the presence of a sufficient level of physical fitness. If you don't, then take the time to strength training first. In a hone of special risk, when performing a handstand, there are wrists and hands. For most people, these are the weakest parts of the body. The shoulder and elbow joints, as well as the back and lower back, are seriously stressed. Do not forget about training these muscles.
Also, the dangers of a headstand include a sudden rush of blood to the head when you throw your legs up. At the first stages of training, you should not linger in the stance for a long time so that the body has the opportunity to adapt. It is possible that at first you will have unpleasant sensations in your head. If they do not disappear for a long time, think carefully about whether you really need to master the handstand.
The following video contains useful information on how to learn to stand on your hands:

And here is the training on how to walk on your hands: