How to make a phone and a stand for it?

How to make a phone and a stand for it?
How to make a phone and a stand for it?

Show your child how easy it is to make a phone out of cardboard, plastic bottles. The phone stand is made from similar waste materials. Nowadays, many people cannot imagine themselves without a telephone. Even young children are interested in playing with this communication device. But they can break a real phone, so it's better to make such a thing for them from junk material.

How to make a home phone from a plastic bottle?

But it will not be just a toy, the device includes a granular air freshener, so it will also smell delicious.

Homemade landline phone
Homemade landline phone

To create this device take:

  • plastic bottles with a volume of 500 ml;
  • sharp knife;
  • freshener in granules in a container;
  • a straw from Bubble Tee tea;
  • acrylic paints;
  • brush;
  • small foam balls;
  • dark woolen thread;
  • glue gun;
  • iron;
  • vom;
  • pen;
  • awl.

Cut the bottoms of the plastic bottles so that these blanks have a height of 6–7 cm. Attach them in places of the cuts to the hot iron so that the edges become even.

Place one of these blanks to the shape, circle with a pen. Cut out this future dial to the side for now. Cover the edges of the cuts of the bottom of the plastic bottles with glue, and also attach them to the foamiran. Let the silicone cool, then cut these circles along with the plastic blanks.

Phone blanks
Phone blanks

You need to glue two foam balls to the back of the air freshener and make notches with a knife, so that you can then put the Bubble T tube here and fix it. But first you need to do some preparatory work.

The basis of a landline phone
The basis of a landline phone

On the 1st and 2nd sides of the straw, you need to stick one small foam ball, cut off the excess. This way you will make stubs in a straw that will soon turn into a telephone receiver. This is necessary in order to thread a woolen thread here, which will act as a wire. Make holes on the 1st and 2nd sides of the foam plugs with sharp nail scissors or an awl, thread the thread here.

Bonding parts
Bonding parts

Secure it with hot glue. Apply it to the bottom of one and the second plastic bottles, which will become speakers. Place a straw between them to make a pipe.

Fixing the straw with hot glue
Fixing the straw with hot glue

Here's how to make a phone at home next. Paint it white, when the solution adheres well, then apply a red layer. Wait until it dries, Take a brush with a straight cut of the bristle, use it to apply white peas on the red surface of the phone and handset. Since the speaker is white, it should be covered with red dots.

Painted phone base
Painted phone base

Remember, you still have a foamiran circle? Draw a dial on it, glue it to the center of the phone with a pistol.

Decorated handset and phone base
Decorated handset and phone base

The work is completed, you can take the phone as a craft to a kindergarten or school so that your child will take first place in the competition. Or leave this toy at home so that you have such an original air freshener.

Landline telephone ready
Landline telephone ready

Progress does not stand still, such phones will soon become museum exhibits. Modern children already want to have cool devices. So that they can play with these, make them with them from the available material.

How to make an iPhone out of cardboard?

Let's consider several options. For the first, you will need:

  • corrugated board;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • black electrical tape;
  • White paper;
  • glue;
  • transparent tape;
  • a printer.

From corrugated cardboard you need to cut 3 identical rectangles measuring 762 mm by 1397 mm. Use scissors to round off the edges. Apply glue to the blanks, connect them to each other, placing them in a stack.

Now you need to paste over the front and back panels with white paper. We decorate the sides with black tape. Print out the iPhone keyboard, glue it to the front of your phone.

It remains to draw the rest of the elements of this telephone set with a black marker on the panel, after which you can admire the wonderful work.

IPhone Blanks
IPhone Blanks

For option 2, instead of plain paper, use photo paper, print the front and back panels of this telephone set on it, the sides are all one blank.

IPhone Smartphone
IPhone Smartphone

As in the first case, cut out rectangular pieces of cardboard with rounded edges, but you will need 1 or 2. Roll the blank printed on photo paper accordingly, without cutting it. You will end up with a single piece with the front and back panels, as well as all the sides of the phone. Put the cut cardboard inside this blank, wrap the edges, glue them to fix in this position.

Step by step phone making
Step by step phone making

If a young child enjoys turning the dial, then show him how to make a phone out of cardboard by doing this work together.

Phone with cardboard dial
Phone with cardboard dial

Here is such a believable toy. To do this, you must first prepare the following:

  • corrugated board;
  • a soft cheese lid or other suitable one;
  • paper to match the cardboard;
  • two pebbles;
  • scissors with thin ends;
  • a pen or felt-tip pen;
  • glue;
  • clerical nail;
  • wire;
  • cord;
  • large scissors.

We proceed to the "cutting" of the details. The body of the phone looks like a bow. The following calculations are given in inches, but you can easily translate them into the Russian measure of length, remembering that one inch is 2.5 cm.

Blank from cardboard for the phone case
Blank from cardboard for the phone case

To make a dial for your phone, glue the cover and sides with paper.

Phone dial blanks
Phone dial blanks

Using scissors with thin ends, cut out the round holes in the dial. Of course, it's better to draw them first so that this part of the work works. neat. To make this part heavier, you need to glue a couple of pebbles to it.

Top of the phone dial
Top of the phone dial

Cut a small circle out of the corrugated cardboard. Place it on the back of the dial, fasten these parts together, as well as to the phone case with a clerical nail, you can also use a bolt with a screw for this.

If this is not a work for a competition, the child will play with such a phone, then it is better not to use a clerical nail, to connect the dial to the phone using an element that is safe for the baby.

Attaching the dial to the case
Attaching the dial to the case

Write the numbers with a pen, roll two levers out of the wire, stick them into the top of the phone. To fix these parts, make eyelets on the back side.

Ready made phone stand
Ready made phone stand

Now attach the sides of the phone blank to the corrugated cardboard, circle, cut out two elements from this material, glue them in place.

Side face of the phone stand
Side face of the phone stand

To make a handset for your phone, cut out two identical semicircular pieces. Connect them at the top and bottom with a strip of cardboard. Make a hole in the lower part, pass the ribbon here, tie it in a couple of knots on the back side.

Phone handset base
Phone handset base

The child will be happy to play with such a phone, and it is not scary if he remembers or gets dirty with this item. For the same purpose, parents make a keyboard for children, a computer out of cardboard.

A child playing with a cardboard phone
A child playing with a cardboard phone

These are also great ideas that help to keep your beloved child busy, and so that the baby does not spoil the expensive thing. And all this can be created from junk material, so ready-made toys will be almost free, like the next one.

The handset will also be a new toy for the baby.

Corrugated cardboard handset
Corrugated cardboard handset

To create one, take:

  • corrugated cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • a toothpick;
  • scissors;
  • hot melt glue.

Cut out two sidewall pieces from corrugated cardboard. They will be the same.

Blank for a handset made of cardboard
Blank for a handset made of cardboard

Now, using scissors from the same material, create a strip 5–6 cm wide. Bending it slightly in the corners, glue it to the back of the tube. Better to use tape for attaching. Using the same adhesive tape, attach the toothpicks to a small circle of cardboard, the other end of the toothpick should be stuck into the top of the phone, gluing it here.

Cardboard handset base
Cardboard handset base

Cover the ends of the tubes with rectangles of cardboard where the speaker and microphone are located.

Processing the base for the handset made of cardboard
Processing the base for the handset made of cardboard

Another corrugated cardboard rectangle will become the phone's keyboard. Also glue it from the inside with scotch tape, apply the dial.

How to make a walkie-talkie from cups with your own hands?

This is another communication tool that will be a great toy for two children. After all, they can disperse it even at a distance of 20 meters and perfectly hear each other. The trick here is that the sound is perfectly transmitted along a well-stretched thread, but first it hits the glass. The first person speaks into it, the second at this time puts his glass to his ear and hears everything well.

Here's how to make a walkie-talkie for such negotiations. Take:

  • two cups made of cardboard or foam;
  • awl;
  • strong thin thread;
  • two wooden sticks.

Use an awl to make holes on the bottom of glasses 1 and 2. Pass the rope here from the outside, pull it out from the back. She should be inside. Tie a stick to this end of the thread, it will prevent the rope from jumping out and making the hole in the cup even larger.

Diagram of a walkie-talkie from cups
Diagram of a walkie-talkie from cups

Now the children can go in different directions. The sound will be well transmitted when the thread is taut. If you need to urgently occupy two children, there are only yogurt cups at hand, they are also suitable.

Ready-made walkie-talkie from cups
Ready-made walkie-talkie from cups

You can also use other plastic cups, the mounting method is illuminated in more detail in this photo.

Attaching the thread to the cups
Attaching the thread to the cups

Using these items, you can also make a phone stand. You will learn about the intricacies of this manufacture right now, we will continue this topic.

How to make a phone stand?

Smartphone stand
Smartphone stand

Make such a quick one from what is at hand. As you can see, this is:

  • two plastic cups;
  • toilet roll
  • Scotch;
  • knife.

Attach with a clerical knife in the sides, closer to the top, in each glass, one round notch. The diameter of these holes is the same as the diameter of the sleeve. Insert it into them. Tape the bottoms of the cups together with tape. After that, the do-it-yourself phone stand in 5 minutes is ready.

If the speakers do not work well in the phone, the sound is weak, then place the device in a glass. The audibility will be better, and even this container will become a stand for him.

Capacity-stand for a smartphone with an increase in volume
Capacity-stand for a smartphone with an increase in volume
  1. If you need to quickly fix your phone in order, for example, to watch a video on it, and only pencils and rubber bands are at hand, this is what you need. You will need 6 pencils and 4 rubber bands.
  2. With the help of these simple objects, you will assemble a geometric figure called a tetrahedron. To do this, first connect 3 pencils with an elastic band, which will become the vertices.
  3. Then attach one more pencil horizontally to each resulting corner at the bottom, also fix them with rubber bands.
Fixing the phone with
Fixing the phone with

An empty plastic container for shampoo or hair gel - just a godsend for those who are thinking how to make a stand for your phone so that you can also charge it at the same time? Cut off the top of such a container with a neck, cut out a rectangle. On the back of the same part, using a knife or scissors, you need to remove a small square. In this recess, you will thread the charger, and put the phone in the resulting pocket.

Shampoo phone stand
Shampoo phone stand

If you want to make a desktop device, then wash the empty shampoo container well, dry it. Turn it upside down, cut off the bottom, cut out a figurine that looks like a frog. Here's how to make a phone stand out of similar plastic bottles.

Toad-shaped desk phone stand
Toad-shaped desk phone stand

From the remaining material, cut out the frog's soles with toes, glue them with hot glue. From an ordinary plastic bottle, you can build both a phone stand and a convenient device for you to hang it while charging.

To do this, you only need two items:

  • clean plastic bottle;
  • scissors.

First cut off the bottom of the container, then you need to cut it out as shown in the photo. That is, at the top there will be a kind of loop, here you will begin to thread the charger. The phone itself is conveniently located at the bottom of the bottle.

Bottle phone stand
Bottle phone stand

These accessories can be painted with stained glass to make them look even more interesting.

Stained glass phone stand
Stained glass phone stand

If you run out of liquid soap in the vial, do not discard the container. Rinse it well in running water and dry it. Cut off the excess, you get another stand for the phone, which will help and charge it at the same time.

Liquid soap bottle phone stand
Liquid soap bottle phone stand

Other junk material will also contribute to the creation of such things. If you have cardboard left from the purchase, cut a strip of 10 by 20 cm from it, fold it in half. Draw a broken line as shown in the photo.

Corrugated Smartphone Stand
Corrugated Smartphone Stand

You just have to cut along this line, unfold the workpiece, straighten it, and you can conveniently position your smartphone.

If you have an unnecessary plastic card, it turns into a useful accessory in a minute. Fold it in half, bending the top and bottom small sides. Here's how to make a phone stand very, very quickly.

Stand for a smartphone from a plastic card
Stand for a smartphone from a plastic card

If you still have an old cassette cassette body, it will quickly become a stand too. Place a communication device in it. The Lego constructor will also help you quickly make this accessory.

Stand for smartphone from cassette and lego case
Stand for smartphone from cassette and lego case

If you give a paper clip a different shape, then it also quickly turns into a phone stand.

Stand for smartphone case made of paper clip
Stand for smartphone case made of paper clip

If you want to see different options for how to make a phone stand from available tools, then sit more comfortably at the screen and turn on the video player.

Next, you will learn how to make an iPhone 5S phone out of paper.
