Find out how to choose between three apparently identical sports and what exactly is right for you. Today it has become fashionable to take care of your health and body. A beautiful athletic figure is considered a symbol of professional wealth and certainly attracts members of the opposite sex. In addition, spotting helps to maintain health, everyone wants to feel good.
At the same time, it must be remembered that wanting to be beautiful and looking like that in reality are completely different things. It is possible to create an athletic body only through active work on it, proper nutrition and the elimination of bad habits. Today there are many types of fitness and often people get lost in the choice.
On the one hand, you can find the kind of sport that you like, but you can easily get lost in different names, because not everyone knows what the differences are and which is better - fitness, shaping or aerobics. This is what the conversation will be about today. For most people, there is no significant difference between these areas, but this is not entirely true.
What are fitness, shaping and aerobics?

Before you start choosing, you need to clearly imagine what this or that direction is, and what differences exist between them.

This type of training was created in the USSR in the late eighties. However, even today, three decades later, the popularity of shaping can be characterized as high. This system combines several areas at once: beauty care, a set of exercises for losing weight and maintaining body weight, as well as choreography. The peculiarity of the set of exercises is cyclical. Each exercise is performed multiple times, but at moderate intensity.
To work out some muscle groups, special exercises are used. Shaping training can cause significant fatigue, which is associated with high energy expenditure. However, due to the low intensity of the exercises, the heart is not overloaded. For maximum results, shaping should be combined with a competent nutritional program.

It was created in the United States and was originally intended to combat diseases of the cardiovascular system. The founder of aerobics is Kenneth Cooper. Recall that the number of aerobic exercises is quite large. This group includes running, working on various cardio equipment, dancing, etc. When practicing aerobics, it is recommended to adhere to a specific nutrition program.
First of all, the conversation is about minimizing the consumption of animal fats. Aerobics helps to normalize the balance of lipoprotein compounds, fight physical inactivity, and speed up metabolic processes. All this suggests that this direction can be an effective means of combating excess weight.

Another training system from overseas. Fitness includes a large number of areas, including proper nutrition. By choosing one of the fitness areas, you can build muscle (bodybuilding) or lose weight (aerobic training). It is quite obvious that men prefer to engage in bodybuilding, and the representatives of the fair half of humanity choose cardio. As with the training systems discussed above, fitness involves combining exercise with a healthy diet. Only in this case can you count on success.
What is the difference between fitness, aerobics, shaping and what is better to choose?

Let's find together the answer to the main question of today's article: Fitness, shaping, aerobics - which is better and what is the difference?
Aerobics and shaping: differences

Let's start with the fact that, despite the external similarity, these training systems are designed to solve various problems. They will certainly help you maintain your health and improve your appearance, but it is in the specialization that the main difference lies.
Aerobics is primarily a health system. This suggests that you should not expect from exercise to quickly eliminate excess fat or strengthen muscles. We have already noted above that aerobics was created by the American physician Kenneth Cooper to combat physical inactivity, diseases of the cardiovascular system, relieve nervous tension, etc.
Performing a set of exercises with musical accompaniment, which are performed in an aerobic mode, as well as observing a special nutrition program, you can normalize the balance of lipoprotein compounds. It is these substances that can cause maximum damage to the blood vessels. In addition, with the help of physical exertion, hypodynamia is eliminated, and the release of emotions helps to eliminate nervous tension.
We also note the ability of aerobics to accelerate the synthesis of enzymes necessary for the utilization of adipose tissues and accelerating the growth of mitochondria. These are microscopic organelles located within cellular structures. They are designed to burn fatty acids for energy. Thus, the more mitochondria in your cells, the more active the lipolysis process will be.
Shaping and fitness: differences

The main goal of fitness is body shaping by means of physical activity on various muscle groups. As a result, you have the opportunity to create the shape of your dreams. Shaping is also intended for body shaping, but not general, as is possible in fitness, but certain areas of the body, which we all call problematic.
Every person has such zones on the body, even if the figure suits them. Since shaping is primarily intended for girls, problem areas are located in the waist, chest, hips, buttocks and calves. It is for their correction that shaping is intended. If you still do not quite understand what is at stake, then let's look at a few examples.
Let's say that you are generally happy with your figure, but there are some problems with your tummy that you would like to fix them. Since you know what exactly needs to be corrected, it is on this area that you need to work. If you don't like your hips, then you have to change them. Simply put, shaping will be an excellent choice for women who want to make certain adjustments to their figure.
It is also necessary to note one more advantage of the direction - an effective fight against cellulite. Today, this problem is relevant, perhaps, for every woman. To understand how shaping helps to solve a problem, it is worth briefly recalling the mechanism of its occurrence.
Cellulite or "orange peel" appears in problem areas, most often on the thighs and buttocks. It is a kind of signal that a large number of adipose tissues have accumulated in the body, which, in combination with underdeveloped muscles I, are the source of the problem. As a result, the skin loses its former elasticity and becomes flabby.
Shaping provides an opportunity to work out certain muscle groups and thereby eliminate cellulite. Under the influence of physical exertion, muscles are strengthened, adipose tissues are burned, and the tone of the skin increases. However, the benefits of shaping do not end there, as regular training improves the physical and psycho-emotional state. As soon as the body gets used to constant stress and the feeling of discomfort passes, you will immediately feel a surge of vitality and health.
Briefly about the constituent elements of shaping, these are sets of exercises. They can be conditionally divided, depending on the direction of exposure, into 2 groups - for the top of the body and the bottom. Also, shaping classes also involve massage sessions to quickly get rid of excess fat.
I would also like to remind you of the need to use the correct nutrition program. Today this is talked about very often, but for many people the diet is far from correct. You must understand that even active sports without changing the diet will not be as effective as possible. In the future, without changing your diet, you will still have to fight fat.
Based on all of the above, shaping can be a great choice for enhancing your figure. The combination of training, massage and proper nutrition is a powerful fusion that can help you achieve your goals. We are sure that if you do everything right, then quickly enough you will be satisfied with your body, and be proud of the work done.
Let's note the main changes that can be obtained thanks to shaping:
- The blood volume increases, which leads to an increase in the endurance indicator.
- The useful volume of the lungs increases, and the results of the latest scientific research suggest that this contributes to an increase in life expectancy.
- The heart muscle is strengthened, and the consequences of these changes are not worth explaining.
- The concentration of high-density lipoprotein structures increases, which sharply reduces the risks of developing atherosclerosis.
- The condition of bone tissue improves.
- The psychoemotional state is normalized.
- The efficiency increases.
From all of the above, we can conclude that shaping is an excellent choice for losing weight quickly and maintaining a healthy body weight in the future. Actually, it is this fact that is the main reason why many girls are actively involved in this sport. I would like to remind once again that it is the correct nutrition program that allows a person to get rid of fat, and physical activity accelerates this process. Fitness experts believe that with a balanced diet, shaping is enough for an hour and a half for a week to get good results.
In conclusion, I would like to remind you that today there are a lot of fitness programs. For example, recently, water aerobics has become more and more popular. Also, many girls choose strength and step aerobics. Let's not forget about callanetics, which is a universal gymnastics that can be practiced at any age.
A relatively new direction - Pilates quickly became popular all over the world and in our country in particular. But such a system as skyle is not familiar to everyone. If you like cycling, then this fitness area will definitely suit you. If you are determined to work on your body, then you will definitely find a sport for the soul. The problem most often lies in the fact that people find various excuses and constantly postpone the question of going in for sports.
Which sport to choose, the following video will help you decide: