Anorectics: appetite suppressants in bodybuilding

Anorectics: appetite suppressants in bodybuilding
Anorectics: appetite suppressants in bodybuilding

Find out if it is worth using appetite suppressants during the drying period and which Anorectics are taken by bodybuilders and other athletes. The problem of losing weight is acute not only for ordinary people, but also for athletes. Moreover, in bodybuilding, the process of getting rid of excess fat is usually called drying. This term is often used by fitness enthusiasts, although in fact it has serious characteristics. However, today's article is not devoted to the problems of losing weight in general, but to a specific group of drugs - appetite suppressants and their use in bodybuilding.

It should be recognized that this group includes a fairly large number of different drugs that differ in the mechanisms of action on the body. However, in the end you will get the same result - decrease your appetite. Anorectics are considered by many to be the most effective way to lose weight. Of course, these drugs have not only advantages but also disadvantages. Today we will talk about how appetite suppressants are used in bodybuilding.

When should you use anorectics?

White pills and measuring tape
White pills and measuring tape

Many people quickly become frustrated with various dietary nutrition programs. In most cases, diets are simply ineffective and can even harm the body. Not every person is able to withstand those strict restrictions on the use of foods that have dietary nutrition programs. The result is a breakdown and the weight gains again.

Nutritionists are sure that most of the problems with excess weight are associated with a violation of eating habits. Of course, they can also be the result of various diseases, and in such a situation, appetite suppressants will no longer help you. Today we are talking only about those people who do not have serious health problems and want to lose weight. Most often, appetite suppressants in bodybuilding begin to be used if for three months a person cannot lose 0.5 kilograms of mass in one week.

Professional athletes rarely face such problems, but at the amateur level, they are often difficult to avoid. It should be noted that many anorectics were created specifically for athletes. These drugs are often the safest of all pharmaceuticals used in sports. However, we do not recommend that you start using appetite suppressants on your own.

First, you should consult with a specialist and only after that anorectics can enter your life. You must understand that they are not a weight loss product. This is just one of the tools to help you achieve your goals faster. If you do not follow a specific nutritional program and do not exercise, it will be almost impossible to get rid of fat.

How anorectics work

Tablets spill out of the jar
Tablets spill out of the jar

Our body uses several mechanisms to control hunger. Since today we are talking about the use of appetite suppressants in bodybuilding, it makes no sense to go into the intricacies of biochemical processes. Fitness fans only need to deal with the key points. The human body has several systems that regulate the rate of basic metabolism, depending on the frequency of food intake. In fact, it depends on what state the body is in - anabolic or catabolic.

The main organ that controls the processes of satiety and hunger is the hypothalamus. We feel the urge to have a snack when the corresponding signals come from the center of hunger. Most often they are stress or a significant decrease in blood sugar concentration. At such moments, the hormone cortisol begins to be actively secreted, which acts on the corresponding center of the brain.

Appetite suppressants used in bodybuilding can interfere with these processes indirectly or directly. This is most often achieved through catecholamines, which block signals in the hypothalamus. Try to remember any stressful situation. You did not feel hunger instantly, but with some delay in time, when the body goes into a calmer state.

For example, after a quality class in the gym, you will begin to feel hunger only after 20 or 30 minutes. It is at this moment that appetite suppressants will start working. Simply put, these drugs work with a certain period, since our hunger center has a certain triggering threshold. When the corresponding signals in the hypothalamus overcome it, anorectics begin to do the work assigned to them.

What are the most popular anorectics for weight loss in bodybuilding?

A pumped up athlete measures the volume of the abdomen of a fat man
A pumped up athlete measures the volume of the abdomen of a fat man

We will now take a look at the most sought after appetite suppressants in bodybuilding. We have already noted above that this group of drugs is large enough and you have a lot to choose from.

Features of the drug Lipovox

A girl holding a small pill with her fingers
A girl holding a small pill with her fingers

It is one of the most effective anorectics in bodybuilding. In addition to the main task, the drug is able to produce a tonic effect on the body, accelerate the basic metabolism, increase the body's energy reserves, improve the condition of the skin, etc. The drug contains the following active ingredients:

  • Green tea extract.
  • DMAE.
  • Cayenne pepper extract.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid.

Chief among these substances is DMAE, which is a precursor of acetylcholine. In addition, this ingredient is a strong antioxidant and stimulant. As a result, the body's performance increases sharply, lipolysis processes are accelerated, mood and brain function improve. Experienced athletes are likely to be familiar with DMAE, as it is one of the most popular sports supplements around.

Alpha lipoic acid belongs to the group of conditional vitamins and is an important component of the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and pyruvate dihydrogenase complexes. The substance is capable of producing a regenerating and cleansing effect on the body. When losing weight, this is extremely important and therefore the presence of alpha-lipoic acid in Lipovox looks quite logical.

In addition to all that has been said above, we note several more effects inherent in this anorectic:

  • Increases the ability of muscle tissue to utilize glucose.
  • It has strong antioxidant properties.
  • Maintains a normal concentration of sugar in the body.

Phenphedrine drug properties

Jar of Phenphedrine drug on white background
Jar of Phenphedrine drug on white background

The main feature of the drug is the ability not only to effectively suppress appetite, but also to increase the body's resistance to stress, as well as increase the athlete's motivation. The preparation contains the following active ingredients:

  • Dehydrated Caffeine.
  • Green tea extract.
  • Di-caffeine malate.
  • Phenylethylamine.

These are the main ingredients of Phenphedrine and you should be aware of some of them. Since they are widely used by manufacturers of sports nutrition. Therefore, we will talk about the less popular, but at the same time important during the period of weight loss. Let's start with di-caffeine malate. Already by the name of the substance it is clear. That this is a form of caffeine in which malic acid is attached to the molecule of this popular stimulant. As a result, the processes of utilization of adipose tissues are accelerated, and the body's energy reserve increases.

Dehydrated caffeine is designed to accelerate the processes of lipolysis, increase the efficiency and energy storage of the body. Phenylethylamine, in turn, is able to affect the pleasure center. This not only leads to appetite suppression, but also increases the body's ability to withstand stress. You've probably already noticed that the drug contains several forms of caffeine at once. This suggests that it should be taken in the morning.

Fluoxetine and its features

Fluoxetine packaging on white background
Fluoxetine packaging on white background

This drug may be known to you as Prozac. It belongs to the group of serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Fluoxetine also has antidepressant properties. The result is one of the most affordable appetite suppressants with the fewest possible side effects.

This anorectic is popular not only in bodybuilding but also in medicine. According to available statistics, in 2009 alone, there were over 22 million Prozac prescriptions by physicians worldwide. Since we are talking about sports, one more property of the drug should be noted - a slight increase in performance. This suggests that you can make your workouts a little more intense.

On the course of anorectics Fluoxetine, the following effects can be observed:

  • Significant improvement in mood.
  • Increased motivation.
  • Increased sexual activity.
  • Decreased need for sleep.

In fairness, we note that fluoxetine can negatively affect the potency of men. We have already noted that the drug belongs to the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Simply put, it slows down the process of removing the excess neurotransmitter. They are activated at the moment when the level of serotonin exceeds normal values.

It is an effective anorectic often used for weight loss in bodybuilding. However, it has some side effects and contraindications. We do not recommend using the drug for liver and kidney problems, as well as for hypersensitivity of the body to the components of the appetite suppressant.

Features of Sibutramine

A close-up of a jar of Sibutramine and its packaging
A close-up of a jar of Sibutramine and its packaging

This drug is banned for use by athletes and is on the list of addictive drugs in the United States. However, numerous studies have not confirmed the presence of this effect in the drug. Sibutramine is a norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine reuptake inhibitor. As a result of exposure to the hunger center, the appetite decreases.

Since this is a fairly strong drug, the recommended daily dosages are from 10 to 15 milligrams. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the specified range, since the risks of side effects increase dramatically. Also, the drug cannot be used against the background of a low-calorie nutrition program and high physical activity.

In conclusion, it must be said that anorectics in bodybuilding are a very effective means of fighting obesity. However, their use does not seem appropriate in every situation. It is often best to use fat burners and not experiment. However, each athlete himself has the right to choose his own drugs for use.

For more on appetite suppressants - anorectics for weight loss, see the following video:
