DIY Easter crafts

DIY Easter crafts
DIY Easter crafts

Holiday traditions, main symbols. What materials will you need? The best ideas on how to make crafts for Easter: from paper, yarn, foamiran, felt, dough, shells.

Crafts for Easter are another way to prepare for the celebration, an opportunity to decorate your home, to join the light atmosphere of the holiday. And if they are created together with children, then this is a good opportunity to tell about the history and traditions of the community and family, to brighten up the evenings of Great Lent. Children's crafts for Easter also help develop fine motor skills, imagination, and the ability to work with various materials. But in order for your creativity to be useful for both body and soul, it is better to know a few nuances in work.

Easter traditions

Celebrating Easter
Celebrating Easter

In the literature you can find the phrase "Triumph of celebrations", "The Great Resurrection of Christ", "The Great Day." Even a person who is far from Christianity understands that we are talking about Easter. The festival is held in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the spring and has a floating date. This means that every year the celebration is held on a day calculated according to the lunar calendar.

It is noteworthy that the holiday also has a pre-Christian history. Initially, the celebration was associated with agriculture and cattle breeding and was a symbol of life and death, rebirth.

A little later, the Old Testament Easter began to be celebrated as the deliverance of the Jewish people from the terrible fate - the execution of the firstborn in Egypt. The main tradition on this day was the preparation of a sacrificial lamb, and there could be no talk of any crafts on the subject of Easter.

The symbolism of the holiday changed significantly after the Last Supper, at which Jesus Christ declared that he was replacing the sacrifice and becoming the new Lamb once and for all. As early as 70 A. D. modern traditions and symbols of celebration appeared, which are still relevant today:

  • Easter cakes - baked pastries, as a symbol of the bread that was broken at the Last Supper, but also a symbol of the cycle of life.
  • Red egg - we are talking about decorating chicken eggs and gifting them to each other.
  • Easter Bunny - a symbol of Western European regions, which is actively spreading around the world. Children from Germany, waking up early on Sunday morning, run to look for colored eggs, which are believed to be carried by a magic rabbit. Sooner or later, the little ones discover the "nest" of the Easter bunny.
  • Wood with dyes - another symbol from Western Europe, a spreading branch decorated with eggs, it is actively used during festive processions.
  • Lamb - the symbol of the first sacrificial lamb.

Each of these signs is fraught with a whole story. By creating interesting crafts for Easter with your children, you can tell the story of the holiday and its symbols, thus introducing the kids to deep traditions.

What materials to use for Easter crafts?

Materials for making crafts for Easter
Materials for making crafts for Easter

A feature of Easter crafts for school or kindergarten is the recreation of the very symbols of the Holiday, which were discussed above. So, for example, crafts for a kindergarten for Easter can be in the shape of an Easter cake with the obligatory white hat, a symbol of purity. Pre-holiday exhibitions are often held in schools and kindergartens. But most of the crafts can also be used for applied purposes, for example, to decorate a festive table, house or street.

To create beautiful crafts for Easter, you may need:

  • Paper and cardboard - an easy-to-use material that is available to almost everyone; postcards, Easter garlands and voluminous baskets for storing eggs are made from it.
  • Yarn can be used both as the main material and as a decorative element for Easter egg crafts, paper or other materials. To get a unique craft, it is best to use several techniques.
  • Foamiran - is actively used to create artificial flowers. Since Sunday is a spring holiday, flower arrangements will be relevant here as well. Often, such compositions imitate the "nest" of the Easter bunny.
  • Felt - warm and cozy material, the fabric is comfortable and easy to work with, it is an excellent basis for children who are just getting acquainted with the sewing technique. The color palette of purchased felt is incredibly wide, making it an excellent material for spring crafts.
  • Eggshells or egg-shaped blanks - non-standard material must be procured in advance. In this case, we are talking about both shell crumbs and whole casings. To get a whole piece, you need to carefully make two holes in the chicken egg and blow all the contents out of the shell. The most interesting Easter crafts involve the use of non-standard materials.

You will also need tools to work with the base (scissors, needle and thread, crochet hook or knitting needles). What kind of materials will be needed depends on the technique you choose. For additional decoration, paints, ribbons, sequins, glitter and much more are also used, which will tell you your imagination.

Important! The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is preceded by Great Lent, in which moderation in food and behavior is prescribed. During this period, there are bans not only on certain foods, but also on behavior. So, on Good Friday (the last Friday of Lent) you cannot sew and cut, which means that it is better not to use techniques using a needle or scissors.

Best Easter Craft Ideas

The creation of a craft is preceded by a long preparation stage. First, think about what type of homemade product belongs to - decorative or applied, if applied, whether you have all the necessary materials and fasteners. You also need to evaluate your capabilities and the capabilities of the child, for example, a schoolboy can do crochet crafts for Easter, but for a kindergartener, such creativity may seem too difficult, and therefore uninteresting. It is very important to evaluate the amount of time that you are willing to devote to creativity, because complex shapes will require more free time and patience. If you are a beginner, we recommend starting with the simplest paper crafts for Easter, gradually complicating the compositions and manufacturing techniques.


Crafts for Easter from paper
Crafts for Easter from paper

The advantages of paper as a material for creativity are undeniable. Easter paper crafts are light and colorful. Perhaps the only drawback is their fragility. Volumetric figures are difficult to store, new ones will have to be made by next year. But flat postcards, pictures, if desired, are left in a box and taken to the next holiday.

To preserve the theme, it is recommended to cut the base for the postcard not even, but in the form of an egg. Then the base on the title page is painted or pasted over with blanks in the form of multi-colored Easter eggs. The composition is complicated by voluminous flowers or willow branches with "cats" gathered on the street.

Decorative wreaths or window pendants can also be made of paper. An unpretentious decoration will add a festive atmosphere to the house. For the base, it is best to take the traditional round shape, but the filling and decoration should be done depending on the festive idea, for example, stick flowers or flowers cut out of paper over the base.

Well, if you decide to create paper crafts for Easter just before the holiday, then it is better to use the fast origami technique. By folding the sheet beautifully, you can easily make a basket or a bunny, in whose paws the egg will fit. A very simple but unusual decoration for the table will add atmosphere to the setting.

Yarn crafts

Crafts for Easter from yarn
Crafts for Easter from yarn

Knitted crafts for Easter, of course, look very beautiful, but to create them you will need to master new techniques for working with crochet and knitting needles. You can start with a simple product, for example, with a napkin knitted under an Easter cake or a border encircling the same Easter cake. A napkin and a border can be used to decorate a festive basket that is carried to the church.

If you like working with yarn, then over time, try to switch to more complex homemade products, for example, knit a voluminous basket for eggs or a decorative cake made of brown and white yarn. Crocheted toys - hen and chickens, bunnies can become a symbol of the holiday.

Well, for the smallest ones who still find it difficult to master knitting needles and a hook, we recommend trying the “isothreading” technique. For work you will need a balloon, yarn, glue. Inflate the balloon so that it resembles an egg in size and shape. Pour the glue into the bowl. We pass the thread through the glue and lay it out in random order on top of the ball base. When you finish weaving, hang the ball so that it does not touch the surfaces. When the glue dries, we can pierce the ball and pull the base.

Another way to work is to first wrap the ball with yarn, and only then use a brush to evenly distribute the glue along the threads. Try which method is right for you.

Garlands or decorative compositions can be formed from such egg blanks. Even a preschooler can make a similar craft-egg for Easter with his own hands. Parents should only be present or assist in handling the adhesive.

Crafts from foamiran

Craft for Easter from foamiran
Craft for Easter from foamiran

The revelor has not yet entered the active use of needlewomen only because it can be purchased exclusively in specialized stores for creativity. Meanwhile, the material is very convenient and quick to work with, does not require serious preparation or study of complex processing technology.

For beginners, we suggest starting with simple foamiran crafts for Easter, for example, egg baskets or individual stands. To make a basket, cut out two large egg-shaped stems and a wide connecting tape. Sew the blanks in such a way that you get a handbag, in which the main sides are in the form of an egg, and the sides are a continuous ribbon that passes into the handle. We decorate the front part of the bag with flowers, cutting, sequins and beads.

Individual egg coasters are also easy to make. A flower is drawn on a sheet of foamiran, cut out according to a template. We fold the leaves of the flower, so that we get a voluminous bud, inside which the egg is placed. We decorate such a bud with a pen, bow or pre-flowering leaves as desired.

Felt crafts

Easter crafts made of felt
Easter crafts made of felt

Felt crafts for Easter look very warm and cozy. The simplest homemade product can be considered a decorative egg: cut out a blank in the form of an egg from felt, decorate it with beads, beads, ribbons. If you equip such a toy with a loop, you can make a suspension for, say, a car.

You can complicate the product if you make it bulky. To do this, cut out the same egg-shaped blank and decorate in your own way. Two pieces of felt are sewn together and filled with cotton wool, padding polyester.

Soft felt toys are also good in the form of chickens, chickens, bunnies. Base cutting templates are easy to find on the net. But the pinnacle of skill, perhaps, can be considered the creation of Easter compositions, from felt cake, eggs, rabbits and chickens. Don't stop at one piece to perfect your home decor.

Dough crafts

Crafts for Easter from salted dough
Crafts for Easter from salted dough

Cooking takes a special place in preparing for a bright holiday. But, of course, speaking of Easter dough crafts, we are not talking about edible products. Salted dough is used as a basis for creativity.


  • fine-grained salt - 3/4 cup;
  • flour - 1 glass;
  • sunflower oil - 5 tablespoons;
  • warm water - as needed

To get the dough, it is enough to mix the ingredients in the indicated proportions. It is better to watch the master classes of crafts for Easter from salted dough in the video, where you can see what the plasticity of the dough should be, how to fix the parts. Move from simple products (pendants and stands in the form of flowers or eggs) to complex shapes (voluminous rabbits, chickens, chickens). You can try to create the same figures from plasticine or plastic clay.

Eggshell Crafts

Easter crafts from eggshell
Easter crafts from eggshell

The egg is one of the symbols of the holiday, so it is quite natural that it is actively used in creativity. Crafts are made from clean shells, with which they then decorate the whole house and even the street. But in creativity, you can also use broken shells. There is a very simple way to make an Easter craft out of broken shells. To do this, print a blank drawing, postcard or decoration with a Sunday theme on a sheet. Collect the colored shells and chop. Spread the paper base well with glue and with gentle movements (you can use tweezers) put the fragments on the base. Such a textured pattern will look very unusual.

Note! If you do not have a colored shell, do not be discouraged, glue white fragments on the base, and then paint them with dense gouache in the required color. Be patient to let your paint dry well before showing off your craft for Easter to friends and family.

How to make crafts for Easter - watch the video:

Crafts for Easter are a great opportunity to feel the atmosphere of the holiday long before the cherished date. Timely preparation will help you and your family learn more about all the traditions of the holiday. And for the little ones, this is another great opportunity to show their imagination and creativity, to join large-scale training as best they can.