Read on and find out how to assemble a very powerful sound amplifier at home with your own hands - 60 Watt stereo or 120 Watt mono using the LM4780 chip. LM4780 this is a microcircuit that was created by National Semiconductor, thanks to it you can make a powerful sound amplifier - 60/120 Watt … This microcircuit produces very minimal harmonic distortion, which is high-quality high-power sound. If you make the maximum sound power, then the LM4780 will give out the harmonic distortion - 0.5%. So far, this is a record strength of all others.
The LM4780 chip has the following characteristics:
- Harmonic distortion (Pout = 30 W, Rload = 8O m): 0.03%
- Voltage strength: +/- 20 … 84 V
- Noise to Signal Ratio: 114%
- Current consumption no signal: 110 mA
- Output power (KG = 0.5%, Usup = 35 V): 60 W
This microcircuit is made with two channels, exactly the same: the amplification channel in bridged mode (mono) and the data characteristics for stereo sound. In the bridge mode of this microcircuit, the amplifier can only work in mono mode. With this setting, the maximum power will be 120 watts and 0.5% KG. Other specifications remain unchanged.
Power amplifier circuits 60/120 watts:

Two-channel wake-up (stereo)

Bridged Mode (Mono)
All components of the board are not in large quantities and they are easy to find. The LM4780 is made in a TO-220 case and is very easy to attach to the amplifier radiator. You need to choose a good radiator, big, what can you do, if you want a powerful sound, you need to cool it well.
Nameplate for 2-channel (stereo):
Designation on the diagram / Nominal
- C1 / 15
- C2 / 15
- C3 / 1μF
- C4 / 1μF
- C5 / 68mkFx50V
- C6 / 68mkFx50V
- C7 / 0, 1
- C8 / 10mkFx50V
- C9 / 0, 1
- C10 / 1000mkFx50V
- C11 / 10mkFx50V
- C12 / 1000mkFx50V
- C13 / 0, 1
- C14 / 0, 1
- R1 / 10kΩ
- R2 / 1kΩ
- R3 / 1kΩ
- R4 / 15kΩ
- R5 / 1kΩ
- R6 / 15kOhm
- R7 / 1kΩ
- R8 / 20kohm
- R9 / 2, 7ohm
- R10 / 2, 7Ohm
- R11 / 20kohm
- DA1 / LM4780