Reasons for the failure of the water supply system. Types of work, methods of emergency and overhaul of the water supply system.
Do-it-yourself plumbing repair is the restoration of the mains operability by troubleshooting or replacing individual parts. The goal of the process is to return the structure to its original characteristics. We will tell you about how to repair a water supply system with your own hands in various situations.
The main reasons for repairing a water supply system

All residents of individual houses and apartments periodically face the need to repair the water supply system. The problem is especially relevant for old buildings, in which the mains are assembled from metal pipes, but modern structures also have weak points.
Most often, users face the following troubles:
- Clogged pipes … The problem is usually found in steel pipes for cold water supply. Their inner walls are not smooth enough, therefore, sand, scale, slag and other debris present in the flow collect on the walls and form a hard deposit, which reduces the flow area. The main symptom of clogged pipes is a drop in system pressure. The structure can be cleaned with a flexible cable, but the situation will repeat itself in a few years.
- Corrosion … Thirty years ago, plumbing was assembled from thin-walled blanks. Over time, they rusted to such an extent that they crumble in the hands.
- Leak through threaded connections … If the products were attached to threaded corners and couplings, water often leaks at the joints. The reason is that it takes experience and a lot of physical strength to fasten pipes in this way. Otherwise, the connection is unreliable.
- Unkempt appearance … A metal track with streaks and rust looks ugly in an apartment, but it cannot be hidden in grooves due to corrosion. Having completed the repair of the internal water supply system by replacing metal products with plastic or metal-plastic ones, you can make the appearance of the highway attractive or even hide the route in grooves or boxes altogether.
- Pipe wear … The design has exhausted its service life. The damage can be very serious, due to which the track cannot be repaired - you only need to change it.
- Freezing pipes … The consequence may be their break. If the line does not burst, heat the water line consistently at low temperatures until the ice disappears completely.
The service life of the line depends mainly on the material from which the pipes are made. The table below shows their main characteristics, which affect the intervals between water pipe repairs:
Type of pipes | Specifications |
Metallic | Increased tightness, flexibility, corrosion resistance, frost resistance. The service life is 35 years. Water often starts to leak through the fittings. |
Plastic | Resistant to corrosion and aggressive chemicals, the inner surface is perfectly smooth and not clogged. The service life is 50 years. |
Copper | When interacting with chlorine, a special layer forms on the walls, which protects against premature destruction. They are self-cleaning and therefore do not require cleaning. No cracks appear after bending. The service life is 50 years. |
Cast iron | Poor corrosion resistance. The service life is 50 years. |
Steel galvanized | Insufficient corrosion resistance. Long service life - 25 years. |
Types of plumbing repair

All work on plumbing is classified as follows:
- Urgent repair … It is carried out to eliminate defects that can lead to flooding of the premises. Such work includes sealing a crack in a pipe.
- Current repair of the water supply system … It is carried out several times a year to eliminate minor malfunctions, for example, to replace a mixer or tap in the kitchen, bathroom, etc. It is used as a preventive measure to prevent emergencies. During operation, separate branches of the line are overlapped.
- Major overhaul … It is carried out no more than once a year in order to replace a faulty section or device to restore the original characteristics of the line. This includes replacing the entire plumbing system.
- Modernization … Performed to replace individual structural elements in good condition in order to improve its performance. An example of work is the installation of a better filter.
- Additional equipment … It is used in the case of adding new units and parts to the system - an additional filter, pressure reducer, etc.
In most cases, users pay attention to pipes during emergencies and when repairing a water supply system in a private house or apartment, when it is possible to replace the entire structure or its individual parts.
How to repair a water supply system?
The work is carried out in several stages. First, find out the cause of the problem, and then develop a project for repairing the water supply system. You must determine what kind of work needs to be done to restore the water supply. Details of all stages are written below.
Emergency plumbing repair

In the photo, the process of eliminating the leakage of a metal pipe
The best way to fix a leak in a metal pipe is to replace it. However, there are many options for patching the hole without great expense.
At the first stage, turn off the water at the entrance to the main line and identify the damaged area. Clean it from paint and rust at a distance of 5-7 cm from the crack or hole and degrease it with solvent or other means. Next, choose the option that suits you.
Eliminating epoxy bus leakage:
- Apply a coat of epoxy and hardener to the glass cloth and wait for it to soak.
- Wrap the tube tightly with the cloth 3-4 turns. When winding up, be careful not to form bubbles.

Photo of pipe joint sealant
Elimination of leakage with sealant during emergency repair of a water supply system:
- Apply a coat of sealant to the cracks.
- Wrap a cotton cloth around the pipe.
- Wait a while until the fabric is soaked in the product. Then cover with another layer of sealant and wrap with a second layer of fabric.
- After the sealant has hardened (after 10-12 hours), the water supply can be resumed.
Eliminate Leakage with Factory Flange
will allow you to reliably seal cracks in pipes. Thanks to its special shape and rubberized walls, the product can be reused. Such parts are sold in stores specifically for such purposes.
Bolt repair is used for small hole sizes:
- Clean the hole around and expand it.
- Use a tap to cut the threads in the damaged area.
- Apply sealant to the threads of the bolt and holes and screw the fasteners into the hole, placing a rubber washer under the head.

Scheme for eliminating water pipe leaks using a bandage
Repair with a bandage
consists in the fact that the damaged area is covered with a rubber gasket, which is fixed with a clamp or wire. The gasket can be made from an old rubber tube. In this way, leaks can be eliminated for a short period of time, before replacing the pipe.
Urgent repairs to the water supply can be carried out using "Iron putty" … To do this, you will need the following components: 250 g of iron filings, 6 g of ammonia powder, 3 g of crystalline powder sulfur. Pour all the ingredients into a bowl, add water and mix everything until soft plasticine. You can buy ready-made putty at the store. Apply the product to the hole. After hardening, you can continue to operate the water supply.

In the photo, the process of sealing a threaded connection when repairing a water supply system
To eliminate leakage in threaded connections, unscrew the joint and seal it with linen, tow, FUM tape or paint.
The use of a "cement box" is carried out when repairing a water supply system in the country:
- Prepare a 1: 2 cement-sand mortar and add water glass.
- Make a splint with this mixture similar to epoxy and cloth.
- Wrap the tissue around the fistula in several turns, capturing the areas next to it. The total length of the pad can be up to 30 cm.
- Craft a wooden box around the damaged area.
- Fill the box with cement-sand mortar.
- After it has hardened (after 24 hours), you can continue to use the water supply.
This method is not suitable if the damaged area is located near the joint or the pipe is very close to the wall.
It is not necessary to fill the box with cement if using reinforced cement mortar … It can be done by adding asbestos fibers with high strength to the solution.
In case of serious damage, the problem can only be solved by replacing individual sections. However, not everyone will be able to do this work on their own. Only an experienced welder can weld a new piece using special equipment.

The photo shows how to repair a plastic plumbing
Accidents on plastic pipes are less common than on metal ones. Most often, leaks appear at the pipe connection when threaded fittings are used.
Repair of a plastic water pipe can be done as follows:
- Minor damage can be repaired by welding, and the hole can be repaired with the same plastic. To do this, heat a soldering iron and attach it to the pipe. The plastic will melt and fill the crack. You can try to plug the hole with a lighter, but be careful not to overheat the pipe.
- Repair of the water supply system is allowed to be carried out using a pipe of a larger diameter, cut lengthwise. To do this, apply a thick layer of glue or epoxy to the surface of the product with a smaller diameter and slide a piece of a larger diameter onto it. Squeeze the upper pipe with a hose clamp.
- To eliminate the leakage of water in threaded connections, use the old proven method: wind several threads of tow on the thread, apply a thin layer of drying oil or paint on top and wind tow again on top. Assemble the threaded connection and check that it is secure.
Overhaul of the water supply system

Overhaul of the water supply system involves the complete or partial replacement of pipes, which is usually carried out in parallel with the renovation of the apartment. Not all owners decide on such a volume of work, they usually restore individual areas - in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, etc.
Carry out the operations at the very beginning of the refurbishment of the apartment. At the last stage, complete finishing work and installation of plumbing.
To make a do-it-yourself plumbing repair, do the following:
- Make a plan for the new construction. To do this, redraw the line diagram, indicating on it the new location of the pipelines and all existing and newly installed devices.
- Choose pipes that will replace metal products. Modern materials have numerous advantages: the track never flows, does not lose its qualities, is very durable, and can withstand a large temperature drop. The disadvantages of plastic products include non-separable joints: the workpieces are welded together. But the soldering process is simple, and the device to get the job done can be rented for a small fee. When choosing pipes, consider the following points: if you plan to hide them in the grooves, purchase products with reinforcement; in hot lead systems, it is recommended to use polypropylene products; reinforced-plastic pipes are not designed for temperature extremes and high pressure.
- Check the reliability of the ball valves at the entrance to the apartment. Replace them first if necessary.
- Cut off the metal pipes near the entrance taps with a grinder, unscrew the remaining pieces of products.
- Screw the adapters in their place. To ensure tightness, seal all threaded connections with special tape.
- Cut the blanks to size according to the developed scheme. For this purpose, use special scissors, which will make the cut even and without chipping.
- Assemble the line according to the technology that corresponds to the selected type of pipe.
To connect a plastic pipe to a metal one, you will need special fittings and a welding machine. This method of connection is rather complicated in execution, but it is popular due to the reliability of the connection.
With a complete replacement of the water supply system or its individual sections, the pipes are connected by cold welding, hot welding or press fitting.

Photo of cold welding for pipes
Cold welding
involves connecting pipes using a special glue. The joints are not very reliable, therefore this option is used in non-pressure systems, for example, when supplying water for gravity irrigation. The work is performed in the following sequence:
- Cut a piece of the required length from the workpiece.
- Remove roughness and burrs from the ends.
- Wipe the surfaces to be connected with solvent.
- Apply glue to the surfaces and join them using force.
- Hold the pipes in this state under pressure for 20-25 seconds. The quality of the connection will depend on the force with which they were squeezed.

In the photo, the installation of a water supply system using fittings
Repair of water supply in the house with press fittings
is performed using a crimping device, inside of which there is a special plastic insert. Perform the following operations:
- Prepare a piece of pipe of the required length. The cut must be smooth, clean and free of burrs.
- Extend the end face with a calibration sweep.
- Slide the workpiece onto the fitting.
- Using special pliers, connect the pipe to the crimp sleeve.
- Check the joint for leaks.

In the photo, the installation of a water supply system by hot welding
The hot-weld connection is done as follows
: For joining, heat the ends of the pipes and join them under pressure, resulting in a secure joint.
During the overhaul of the water supply system, the following operations have to be performed:
- Replacement of shut-off valves … Valves that have been in use for a long time are most likely out of order. Even if they are serviceable, it is better to replace them with ball ones that close with one turn. Disconnect hot and cold water risers before starting work. We must be prepared that when dismantling the old crane on the riser, the thread will break off, and it will have to be cut again.
- Filter replacement … Debris in the liquid quickly destroys plumbing fixtures, so filters must be installed after the valves to protect them. For water supply, a simple filter with a stainless steel mesh with a sump is suitable. Install it with a sump down.
- Installing a water meter … Allows you to control the flow of fluid.
- Pressure reducer assembly … Must be installed in structures made of metal-plastic pipes for hot water supply. Without this device, the track will quickly fail.
- Installation of a boost pump … It is mounted in highways in which the water pressure is below 0.5 atm.
Plumbing repair price

Before starting repair work, it is recommended to draw up an estimate documentation that will allow you to control the costs and quality of the materials used. With its help, you can determine the full cost of repairing a water supply system. Its value is influenced by the price of materials, locksmith services and the cost of the equipment used.
The cost of repairing a water supply system in an apartment depends on the following factors:
- The degree and nature of pipe damage - technologies for eliminating wear, clogging and cracks are different, therefore, prices are different;
- Urgency of work - elimination of accidents is more expensive than prevention;
- Product diameter;
- Repaired pipe material;
- The location of the highway - repairs of open routes will cost less than those embedded in grooves.
When replacing the water supply, the following is taken into account:
- Installation of additional system elements;
- Installation of new plumbing fixtures and supply of pipes to them;
- Features of the building structure and the complexity of laying a new route;
- The scope of work and the wishes of the customer.
When repairing an external water supply
there are expenses for digging trenches, drilling new wells and supplying branches to new points of use - showers, watering points. The use of heavy equipment for digging wells and deep trenches greatly increases the cost. Also, the estimate must include the cost of installing pumps and filters.
The cost of repairing a water supply system in Ukraine:
Service | Price, UAH. |
Replacing the cold or hot water riser | from 480 |
Replacing cold or hot water meters | from 140 |
Pipe cleaning | from 400 |
Eliminating the leak | from 300 |
Replacing pipes | from 300 UAH / r.m. |
Installing an additional filter | from 200 |
Grooves for new pipes | from 100 UAH / l.m. |
Replacing the ball valve | from 200 |
Installation of new equipment | from 300 |
The cost of repairing a water supply system in Russia:
Service | price, rub. |
Replacing the cold or hot water riser | from 1500 |
Replacing cold or hot water meters | from 800 |
Pipe cleaning | from 600 |
Eliminating the leak | from 900 |
Replacing pipes | from 3500 rubles / r.m. |
Installing an additional filter | from 500 |
Grooves for new pipes | from 300 rubles / r.m. |
Replacing the ball valve | from 500 |
Installation of new equipment | from 1400 |
How to repair a water supply system - watch the video:

Even a person who does not have experience in plumbing is capable of repairing the water supply system. Before welding pipes, first practice on the cuttings. Start repairing when the joint is smooth and reliable. Only after gaining confidence in their abilities can they take up work without fear of damaging the pipes.