Features of cesspools from tires and their advantages. The choice of the location of the sedimentation tanks. The method for calculating the required volume of the structure, the technology of its installation and methods of cleaning during operation. Attention! The drain pipe, ideally laid up to the sump, should not have bends and sharp bends. This can be hindered by tree roots or shrubs that can get in the way of the highway. They should be avoided whenever possible.
Tank volume calculation

Determining the required volume of a cesspool from tires is necessary for a full-fledged living in the country and saving money when disposing of waste with sewage equipment.
The optimal dimensions of the well can be determined using the following criteria:
- On average, one person consumes about 200 liters of water per day for various needs. This number is obtained by statistics, in our case it can be considered a constant value.
- Bacteria can process organic matter naturally in three days.
- The number of residents in the house.
If you multiply the data of the above three points, you can find out the required volume of the technical well.
Of no small importance is the structure of the soil, in which it is planned to dig a pit for the sump from the tires. Depending on it, the originally conceived volume of the tank can be reduced. The soil is porous, that is, sandy, allows you to do this by 30%, and dense - no more than 10%.
Usually, the depth of the sewer sump is taken to be about 3 meters. This is optimal for the work of vacuum cleaners. Therefore, the volume of the structure mainly varies by its width, that is, the diameter of the tires. If everything is calculated correctly, the pumping of wastewater from such a pit will need to be performed every four months.
It should be borne in mind that an erroneous calculation of the volume of the waste tank is fraught with unpleasant consequences. Regardless of the fact that such a capacity is a local sewage system, problems may arise: due to the rapid overflow of the cesspool, the need for the services of sewers may arise more often than we would like. Moreover, they are paid. And if you neglect the timely cleaning of the pit, the sewage from it will simply pollute the summer cottage.
Also, do not forget that its parameters will depend on the calculated volume of the drain pit from the tires: depth and dimensions in diameter. At the same time, it is important to know that the level of effluent in the tank must be at least 1 m below the level of the ground surface.
Preparatory work

At this stage of work, you should prepare materials, measuring and working tools, make markings, dig a hole and install a drainage pipe in it. Now let's talk about everything in order.
For work you will need: tires of the same diameter, a sewer and drainage pipe, bayonet shovels, a drill, a three-meter ladder, a rope and a bucket, a construction tape, a plumb line, twine and several pegs.
After determining the location of the pit, one tire must be laid in place and circle it along the ground with the tip of a shovel. This will be the diameter of the future well. The direction of the sewer line should be marked with pegs and a cord, being careful not to hit the direction of trees or other obstacles.
After marking, you can start digging. It is recommended to dig a hole slightly larger than the diameter of the tire. Then it will be more convenient to work in it. Having gone deeper to the planned level of the bottom, a round cavity for a drainage pipe should be made in its center with a brown hole. The depth of the hole should end at the level of the soil aquifer and the diameter should match the size of the pipe.
Before installing it, you need to prepare it. To do this, determine the length of the workpiece by measuring the depth of the drilled hole. The excess must be cut off with a "grinder". Then it is necessary to measure 1 m from the end of the pipe and make several holes in this section in the wall of the product. From above, the perforation must be covered with a polymer mesh. That's it, the drainage pipe is ready.
Now it has to be inserted into the bottom hole so that its perforated meter end is free. The mesh installed on it will prevent insoluble waste from entering the drain pipe. The upper end of the pipe should also be provided with a mesh. After completing this procedure, the bottom of the well must be covered with a layer of rubble and tamped down. The thickness of this layer is 200 mm.
Sump installation instructions

After the above preparation, you can put the tires in the pit, but before that, the inner rim should be cut off from each of them. Then the liquid will flow freely downward, and not remain inside the tires. You can use an electric jigsaw for cutting.
When laying, it is necessary to ensure that the extreme tire on top slightly rises above the ground of the site. Fastening tires to each other should be carried out using mounting clamps.
At the next stage, it is necessary to install the input of the main pipe from the house. Before that, a hole of the appropriate size will need to be cut from the tread side of the tire. After that, the end of the pipe should be pulled into it.
When this work is completed, the inner joints of the tire column must be sealed with a moisture-resistant compound or hot bitumen, and the outer voids between the tires must be covered with earth.
The overlap of a self-made cesspool made of tires can be built from a plastic cover of a suitable diameter. It is recommended to pour a clay mound on top of it. Thanks to him, atmospheric precipitation will not penetrate into the sump, causing it to overflow.
It is advisable to provide the plastic cover with a ventilation pipe, which must rise at least 600 mm above the ground surface. It is necessary to prevent the accumulation of poisonous gases inside the cesspool. After installing ventilation, all work can be considered finished.
Subtleties of cleaning a drain pit from tires

A drain pit, built from car tires, needs to be periodically cleaned, like a concrete or brick one. This procedure can be performed in a variety of ways. You can scoop out the sewage by hand using a bucket and rope. This method is extremely unpleasant, dangerous and time consuming. In addition, it requires special equipment for the performer: protective clothing, respirator, etc.
Another easier way is to use your own or rented sewage pump for mechanized pumping of wastewater from the pit. It is safer for workers, but, like the first method, requires their presence.
The third method does not require the active participation of the site owner, but it is not free. These are the services of a sewer company. In addition to monetary costs, it will be necessary to provide access for vehicles to the cesspool, and this is not always possible.
Many people like the last cleaning option the most. The method is to use anaerobic bacteria to process the effluent. A special biological preparation is placed in a cesspool, and after a while the bacteria "woken up" in a humid environment begin to actively break down organic waste, turning them into a useful odorless fertilizer that can be used in the garden of a land plot.
How to make a cesspool out of tires - watch the video:

A country cesspool is a convenient thing. And there is nothing complicated in its construction, especially when the owner suggests how to make a drain pit from tires. Moreover, this option is considered the cheapest.