Types and features of the use of stevia

Types and features of the use of stevia
Types and features of the use of stevia

Application rules and types of stevia. Contraindications to the use of honey herb. Stevia is a plant in the Aster family. Found in bushes and grasses in America and Mexico. Due to its pronounced sweet taste, it is used as a sugar substitute for diabetes and body maintenance.

What are the types of stevia

Now on the shelves of large supermarkets, you can find a huge range of sugar substitutes based on honey grass. It is sold in tablets, powder, syrup. You can even purchase the leaves of the plant. The choice of this or that product depends on your preferences.

Stevia tablets

Stevia pills
Stevia pills

For the first time, a sugar-like substance from stevia was obtained by the French. The herb extract was then found to be 300 times sweeter than regular sugar. In this case, the calorie content of the substance is zero. Accordingly, it is possible, without much fear, to replace sugar in tea or coffee with honey herb tablets.

Major manufacturers of stevia tablets, average cost per pack:

  • Stevia (Better Stevia) … There are 175 tablets in a package, manufactured by NOW Foods sweetener, USA. Average cost per pack is $ 12. Packing with a dispenser.
  • Stevia Goodwill Invest, Ukraine … The package contains 100 tablets. A rectangular plastic box with a dispenser. The price per pack is $ 2.
  • SteviaSan Ukraine … In a package of 100 pieces, it is indicated that these are tablets from honey herb extract. Packing price - $ 2.
  • Stevioside China … Sold in a package of 100 g. The price of a package is $ 8. It turns out very cheaply, since 100 g contains about 1500 tablets. But buyers are unhappy with this company's substitute, as it does not dissolve well in liquid.
  • Stevia Crimean … Produced in Crimea, in a package of 60 tablets of 0.4 g. In addition to stevia, the preparation may contain rosehip or hawthorn extract. These tablets are taken not only as a sugar substitute, but also as a medicine. It is allowed to take no more than 3-4 tablets per day.
  • Huxol stevia, manufacturer Germany … Sold in packs of 120 tablets. Packing price - $ 5. In addition to plant materials, the tablets contain lactose and an acidity regulator.

The advantages of stevia tablets: convenient dosage, since a sweetener tablet corresponds to a spoonful of sugar, a relatively low price, the ability to purchase a natural product.

Carefully study the composition of the tablets, in the Chinese sweetener only 10% of stevia extract, the remaining 90% of the substance are polysaccharides and aspartame.

Stevia leaves

Air-dry stevia leaf
Air-dry stevia leaf

These are the leaves of "honey grass". They are sold in packages similar to tea. Typically used as a sweetener, added to tea bags or teas during beverage preparation. In addition, the leaves of the plant are drunk as a medicine.

Stevia leaf producers:

  1. Naturalis … Russia. The package contains 50 g of plant materials. The price per package is $ 1.
  2. Steviasan … Ukraine. The package contains 50 g of plant materials. The cost of the package is $ 2.
  3. Air-dry sheet 25 g per pack … Manufacturer - USA. The price is $ 1.

The leaves are not very convenient to use as a sweetener, because they need to be brewed and then filtered. It is troublesome and time-consuming to prepare tea and coffee, which is why overweight and diabetic people prefer to use this sugar substitute in tablets.

Stevia tea

Honey herb tea
Honey herb tea

Sold in filter bags or as a brewed tea. You can buy stevia in combination with other herbs. The filter bags contain air-dry leaf and extract. This allows you to prepare a delicious and invigorating drink as quickly as possible.

Stevia tea making instructions:

  • Take a bag or teaspoon of custard tea and pour into a cup;
  • Pour in hot water (not boiling water);
  • Leave it on for 15 minutes;
  • You can drink it hot or cold.

Stevia is often combined with mate. Tea can now be purchased at a pharmacy or tea shop. You will find regular filter bags at the pharmacy. There is a wider assortment in stores. Here you can buy stevia with rose hips, dogwood, mate and hawthorn.

Stevia syrup

Honey herb syrup
Honey herb syrup

This product is also called extract. It contains 40-50% steviosides (vegetable raw materials) and 60-50% distilled water. The syrup is prepared by extracting the leaves of the plant at high temperatures. 3-5 drops are enough for a cup of tea to get a sweet drink.

Cost and manufacturers of stevia syrup:

  1. Stevia extract with Goji berries 20 ml … Produced in Sevastopol. Sold in a small bottle with a dropper (dispenser). Price - 1-1.5 dollars per bottle. The syrup contains 40% vegetable raw materials.
  2. Miss Slim extract … Sevastopol. The bottle contains 50 ml of syrup. The coefficient of sweetness in relation to sugar is 1:30. According to studies, weight loss in 30 days when taking this syrup was 4-7 kg. The price of the bottle is $ 10.
  3. Stevia water syrup … Sevastopol. In a bottle of 50 ml, the cost is $ 8. The content of plant components is 50%.
  4. Fortifying stevia syrup … This is a complex remedy that contains echinacea, St. John's wort and plantain. It can be taken as a sugar substitute or for medicinal purposes to boost immunity. Manufacturer - Crimean Stevia, Sevastopol. In a bottle of 50 ml of syrup.

Stevia powder

NuNaturals Stevia Powder
NuNaturals Stevia Powder

If you eat a healthy diet and don't use sugar, then stevia powder is for you. A pinch of powder is enough to sweeten your tea or coffee. In addition, tablets are inconvenient to use in the preparation of pastries and sweet milk cereals. They must first be crushed or dissolved in hot water. Powder is more economical and is the most concentrated honey herb product.

Manufacturers and cost of stevia powder:

  • Now foods better stevia … Powder made in the USA, certified. The package contains 28 g and includes a measuring spoon. The cost of the jar is $ 12.
  • Stevia by NuNaturals … An American natural diet food company. The package contains 100 sachets. The cost of packaging is $ 15.
  • Stevia Sweta … The package contains 1 kg of powder. The cost of the package is $ 50.

Benefits of stevia

Leovit stevia
Leovit stevia

At the moment in Japan, 30% of people use sugar, and 70% of stevia is in powder, syrup and tablet form. This is due to the obesity of the nation, and stevia is a sweetener that does not contain carbohydrates.

Useful properties of honey grass:

  1. Participates in metabolic processes … The honey herb contains pectin, amino acids and vitamins. Thanks to this, metabolism is activated and fats are rapidly broken down.
  2. Reduces cholesterol levels … Due to the presence of pectins and antioxidants, the plant binds harmful cholesterol and removes it from the body.
  3. Can be used for diabetes mellitus … Scientists have found that the sugar-like substance from the plant is not a carbohydrate, it does not contain calories. Accordingly, a jump in glucose levels after taking the substance is not observed.
  4. Can be used for a long time … Unlike aspartame or saccharin, honey herb can be taken for many years. Scientists have not found any ailments in people who have long replaced sugar with stevia.
  5. Improves Digestion … The herb is recommended as an additive to the diet of young children suffering from atopic dermatitis. As you know, this is a functional ailment associated with disturbances in the functioning of the intestines, liver and pancreas.

The healing properties of stevia

Urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis
Urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis

In addition to the sweet taste, the plant has medicinal properties. The most interesting thing is that for a very long time in America, Indian tribes used sugar grass to treat coughs, infectious ailments and even cancer.

The use of stevia for treatment:

  • Urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis … Due to its mild diuretic effect, stevia is prescribed for patients with pyelonephritis and urethritis. It promotes the disappearance of edema and removes excess fluid from the body.
  • Burns and cuts … Stevia oil can be used for eczema and frostbite. This is possible thanks to amino acids that activate the skin's regeneration processes.
  • In dentistry … Decoctions of stevia leaves are recommended for periodontal disease, caries and gum ailments. The broth strengthens the gums and prevents tooth decay. Use the product as a rinse.
  • Increased acidity of the stomach … If you have persistent heartburn even while dieting, include honey herb tea in your diet. It promotes healing of mucous membranes and prevents the development of ulcers.
  • Depressant … If you suffer from insomnia and are often nervous, take a decoction of the plant. For this, stevia is mixed with hawthorn in equal amounts and 200 ml of boiling water is poured into a spoonful of the mixture. Insist for 20 minutes and drink 80 ml before meals.
  • Reduces temperature … To do this, stevia is mixed with mint and sage leaves and a tincture is prepared. The medicine is taken three times a day, 120 ml.
  • Heals throat … If you have a cold, you can safely use stevia with elderberry and calendula to prepare a decoction. Herbal tea is drunk in small sips or gargled.

The most interesting thing is that stevia is also used in cosmetology. Masks and wraps are prepared from fresh leaves.

Stevia harm

Diarrhea when consuming stevia with milk
Diarrhea when consuming stevia with milk

Discussions are currently underway between fans of stevia and its opponents. Many scientists believe that any sweetener is very harmful, and its use should be limited. Don't sprinkle stevia from pie to tea uncontrollably. At the same time, it has been proven that the consumption of honey grass with carbohydrates can dramatically increase the level of glucose in the blood.

Harmful properties of stevia:

  1. When taken simultaneously with milk, it can provoke diarrhea.
  2. The remedy dramatically lowers blood pressure, so hypotensive patients should forget about the herb.
  3. Carcinogenicity. Several years ago, information appeared in the media that stevia is a carcinogen. But Japanese scientists have denied this fact.
  4. Mutagenicity. Similarly, there are rumors that the herb provokes cell mutations and can trigger cancer. But in fact, the researchers have not confirmed this property of the plant.
  5. Antiandrogenic effect. This herb is a natural estrogen and should be used in limited amounts by men.

Contraindications for stevia

Low pressure
Low pressure

Despite the relative safety of this sweetener, there are people who should refrain from using it.


  • Allergy … This is an individual feature of each organism. Accordingly, add only one tablet to the cup before taking and observe the reaction.
  • Disturbances in the work of the heart … If you have arrhythmias or heart defects, you should not use honey herb. It can speed up or slow down your heart rate.
  • Low pressure … The herb lowers blood pressure, so people with hypotension may faint and dizzy when taking the herb.
  • Age up to 3 years … Do not give herb and sugar substitutes to babies under three years old.
  • Respiratory system ailments … For asthma or chronic bronchitis, do not use honey herb. It can trigger an asthma attack.
  • Postoperative period … If you have recently undergone surgery, stop taking sweetener.

Stevia rules

Drinking a decoction of stevia
Drinking a decoction of stevia

Although stevia-based sugar substitutes are natural, there are certain guidelines for their use. Do not use honey herb in unlimited quantities. After all, the influence of a plant on the body has not yet been sufficiently studied.

Features of using stevia:

  1. If using a leaf decoction, store it in the refrigerator. Shelf life is 1 week.
  2. Excessive use of steviosides can lead to diarrhea and gastrointestinal ailments.
  3. If you plan to use a natural sweetener for a long time, purchase honey herb powder, it dissolves well in water and is consumed sparingly.
  4. When purchasing stevia tablets, be careful about the composition. Unscrupulous manufacturers introduce preservatives and polysorbate into the sugar substitute.
  5. Reduce using stevia to 3-4 times a week. Don't add sweet herb to all meals.
  6. If you decide to use the herb for diabetes, check with your doctor.
  7. Do not use the herb while breastfeeding. It can cause allergies in a child.

How to use stevia - watch the video:

Honey herb is a unique herb that will help you lose weight and improve your metabolism. Steviosides are indispensable on the Ducan diet when sugar is prohibited in any form. The honey herb sweetener is the safest.
