How to lose weight by 40 kg: nutritional features

How to lose weight by 40 kg: nutritional features
How to lose weight by 40 kg: nutritional features

Learn how to lose those extra pounds without a dietitian and grueling workout in the gym. A large number of people on the planet have problems with being overweight. However, not everyone has the strength to force themselves to take up their minds and start losing weight. Very often, the question of how to lose 40 kg does not even arise, since it seems fantastic. But this is quite possible if you decide to seriously fight fat. Of course, you should immediately prepare yourself for serious work, because it is extremely difficult to achieve such a result and diets with fasting days are not your helpers in this.

It is necessary to change, and to do it radically, not only the diet, but also the regime. In addition, without physical activity, all your efforts are doomed to failure. If you want to know how to lose 40 kg, then forget about your laziness. If there is so much excess weight in your body, then this is already a residual serious disease and you should fight it.

How dangerous are extra 40 kilograms to health?

Woman sitting at the table
Woman sitting at the table

The presence of 40 kilograms of excess weight in a person means obesity of the second degree, which is extremely bad for the whole body. Here are just a few of the negative consequences of this disease:

  • High heart rate.
  • Disorders in the endocrine system.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Increased sweating.
  • General weakness.

Obesity can disrupt the work of all systems and organs. First of all, the risks of developing diseases of the heart muscle, as well as the vascular system, sharply increase. The musculoskeletal system and the digestive system have a huge load. In addition, the risk of developing diabetes is high.

As you can see for yourself, with so much excess weight, a person should definitely know how to lose 40 kg in order to get rid of them. We have already said that diets in this situation are not a good solution. So you can only aggravate the situation and cause even more damage to the body. You need to start eating right and using physical activity. There is no other way to lose weight and you must understand this.

How to eat to get rid of 40 kilos?

Woman with plate of vegetables and dumbbells
Woman with plate of vegetables and dumbbells

Healthy eating means eating food that provides the body with all the essential nutrients. When using various newfangled diets, this is not possible, since they imply severe restrictions on food.

Your new diet should be based on pasta, cereals, and cereals. All of these foods contain slow carbohydrates and are able to provide a person with the necessary energy. Many people believe that pasta is one of the reasons for gaining excess weight, but this is not entirely correct. The main reason for the accumulation of fat is not the use of pasta, but high-calorie sauces, butter, and fatty types of cheese. It is these products that are most often used in conjunction with pasta.

Also, vegetables must be present in your diet. They have minimal indicators of energy value and at the same time contain a lot of micronutrients and plant fibers. Fruit plays an equally important role in the new diet. They are able to replace sweets for you, as they contain fructose. In addition, it is worth remembering the presence of micronutrients in their composition.

It is important to eat in sufficient quantities and foods rich in protein compounds. They are well known to you, for example, dairy products, meat, fish, eggs. You must remember that all tissues of the human body are built from protein compounds. It is worth mentioning separately about fermented milk products. To begin with, it is an excellent source of calcium. You need to eat low-fat fermented milk products. With their help, you normalize the digestive system, as well as strengthen bone tissue. The best time to consume them is breakfast or evening.

It remains to consider the products that need to be consumed in minimal quantities, and it is better to refuse them altogether. This category should include all fatty foods, as well as foods with fast carbohydrates. Also, limit your salt intake, but we recommend giving up alcoholic beverages altogether.

There are three basic rules to be followed when organizing proper nutrition:

  • You need to eat five to six times a day in small portions.
  • Drink about two and a half liters of water throughout the day.
  • It is necessary to calculate the calorie content of the daily diet and strictly adhere to it.

If the first two rules are true for every person who wants to know how to lose weight by 40 kg, then the latter is individual. The energy value you need in your diet depends on many factors and you should use one of the many online calculators that you can easily find online to calculate it.

How to lose weight by 40 kg for a woman at home?

Workout on the beach
Workout on the beach

From a physiological point of view, the female body has serious differences from the male. This is also true in terms of the accumulation and reduction of adipose tissues. All the tips that you will learn now are based on the practical experience of the representatives of the beautiful part of humanity. They wanted to know how to lose 40 kg and were able to achieve it. At the same time, you should not wait for stories about various miraculous remedies that allow you to get rid of fat in a short time.

Moreover, we strongly discourage the use of various weight loss products widely advertised on the Internet or on television. This applies to both various dietary programs and all kinds of decoctions, tablets, etc. These funds are often used by people who cannot control themselves or are overly lazy. However, you will definitely not like the results of using them.

Do not count on any cream or pill to make you look like top models. On your desire to get rid of excess weight in a short time and get closer to modern ideals of beauty, someone makes a profit, and you do not get anything in return. In the worst case, in addition to losing money, you will also harm your body.

You should rely only on your own strength and give up various drugs. This also applies to those on the packaging of which it is written that they contain exclusively natural ingredients.

If you want to know how to lose 40 kg, then active physical activity during intense weight loss is unacceptable. I would like to emphasize the word “active”. In the morning you can and should do light gymnastics and try to walk more. Active workouts in the gym increase your appetite, and it will be difficult for you to adhere to the calorie intake required for weight loss.

Many people underestimate the weight loss benefits of hiking. You need to hike for an hour or an hour and a half every day. It is very important to preserve a certain amount of energy, and not to throw it out in the hall. In addition, with a large body weight, the load on the joints is great and even jogging can in such a situation cause increased wear of the articular-ligamentous apparatus.

For most women, the energy value of the daily diet should be within 1200 calories. However, you should still calculate this indicator individually. At the same time, you must be ready to eat, thus, you have a whole life. One has only to relax and allow yourself liberties in nutrition, as the weight will begin to gain again.

Let's move on to useful tips that will help you answer the question of how to lose 40 kg. We have already found out that you will not need any dietary nutrition programs. When shopping for groceries in the supermarket, look at their energy value so as not to exceed the daily calorie limit.

Switch to low fat dairy products instead of normal fat dairy products. If you have previously consumed canned fish in oil, switch to those made in your own juice. Also start eating lean meats and non-fatty fish.

Try to eat more vegetables and dark cereals. We have already talked about the importance of water, and you should drink at least 2.5 liters daily. This is very important as water helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Very good thirst quencher and green tea is useful. Forget about sugary sodas.

Monitor your body's response to all the foods you eat and create your own. Unleash your imagination when cooking, but at the same time do not go beyond the established limits of the daily calorie intake. Do not expect quick results and remember that it may take you about a year or even more to get rid of 40 kilos. It is quite obvious that when this amount of fat is utilized, you will have problems with the skin, which will look flabby and begin to sag. Once the main weight loss is complete, you can start exercising more actively to eliminate these problems. Yoga can be recommended.

If you adhere to all the rules while losing weight, then quickly get used to this lifestyle. After that, you will no longer want to change it, especially after you see your new reflection in the mirror every morning. Of course, at first it will be very difficult for you. This is quite obvious, because you are not only changing your diet, but your entire lifestyle. However, our body is able to adapt to new conditions of existence. When this happens, you will stop feeling uncomfortable.

For more information on how to lose weight by 40 kilograms, see this video:
