Aloe for the face - benefits and methods of application

Aloe for the face - benefits and methods of application
Aloe for the face - benefits and methods of application

Description of the plant and the possibility of growing at home. Useful properties of aloe for the face, restrictions on use, contraindications. Recipes for masks with agave juice, useful tips, real reviews.

Aloe Facial is a beauty plant that is considered ideal for home beauty treatments. Agave juice improves skin condition, heals and moisturizes it, retaining moisture in cells, increases elasticity, saturates with vitamins, promotes renewal. You can use the agave for the face in its pure form, as well as in the composition of masks.

What is aloe?

Aloe for face
Aloe for face

In the photo aloe for the face

Aloe tree-like (translated as "bitter" because of the bitter taste of the juice) is a perennial fleshy herb, popularly called "agave". Leaves, the length of which is at least 15 cm, are considered medicinal raw materials for the manufacture of aloe extract, which is effective in the treatment of many diseases.

The fact that the plant has truly healing properties was known 3 thousand years ago. The agave was used in different parts of the world by the natives of the Congo, Christopher Columbus, and Alexander the Great. Also, the plant was appreciated by Cleopatra, and she knew a lot about beauty.

Such widespread popularity of the agave, including the use of aloe leaves for the face, is not at all surprising. The composition of the plant is literally saturated with useful components: according to official data, the juice contains about 150 valuable biologically active substances, including vitamins, enzymes, minerals and phytoncides, amino acids and essential oils, tannins and polysaccharides.

For cosmetic purposes, they use aloe leaves, an extract prepared on their basis, fresh and thickened sap of a plant called sabur.

Important! Thanks to the juice of the agave, the antibiotic barbaloin has been developed, which is used for skin diseases, since it has the property of destroying bacteria that affect the dermis.

Useful properties of aloe for the face

Moisturizing face with aloe juice
Moisturizing face with aloe juice

Due to its rich composition, numerous beneficial properties and versatility in the use of aloe vera for the face, it is considered an ideal tool for performing beauty procedures at home. It is not for nothing that many beauty brands produce numerous beauty products based on the plant extract.

What are the benefits of aloe for the face:

  1. Moisturizing … This succulent plant has good moisture retention properties in the leaves. Therefore, the extract deeply moisturizes the skin, and this helps to prevent dehydration. It is important that moisture is retained in the optimal amount.
  2. Fight acne and acne … Aloe not only moisturizes the face, but also has a more serious effect. So, due to the presence of phytohormones gibberellin and auxin in the plant, we can talk about the high antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of aloe, and this, in turn, is the key to a successful fight against skin imperfections, such as acne, acne, acne, blackheads. And polysaccharides, also found in agave extract, stimulate new cell growth, which prevents scarring at the site of healed acne. Also, thanks to this property of aloe vera for the skin of the face, you can cope with existing scars. In addition, by using a plant, you can achieve lightening of age spots.
  3. Reducing irritation and inflammation … Aloe extract has a calming effect on the face due to the content of proteins, glycoproteins. This property is relevant for irritated skin, damage, abrasions, insect bites, sunburn and redness as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun and exposure to UV rays. At the same time, the previous property of the plant is very important - moisturizing the face with aloe and retaining moisture, since damaged skin especially needs it.
  4. Acceleration of cell regeneration … It is known that the result of regular use of the plant is a rapid renewal of the dermis and an 8-fold acceleration of the formation of new skin cells.
  5. Anti-aging effects … Age skin is characterized by increased dryness and decreased elasticity. Therefore, aloe for facial skin is what the doctor ordered. The plant does an excellent job of moisturizing the dermis and retaining moisture in the cells, stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid, and participates in the formation of collagen. All this contributes to rejuvenation, prevention of folds, the skin remains elastic longer. Also, aloe for the face against wrinkles is also useful due to the content of vitamin E and ascorbic acid, which makes the plant a first-class antioxidant that prevents age-related changes and cell destruction. Thanks to these properties, aloe for the face is called the elixir of youth.
  6. Protection … Succulent plant extract, when applied to the skin, creates an invisible barrier. As a result, you can count on reliable protection from environmental factors - wind, temperature changes, etc.

You can use aloe for the face at home for girls with different skin types, although at first glance this may cause some doubts. Skin prone to dryness, the extract will perfectly moisturize, cleanse oily skin, the irritated and sensitive type of epidermis will calm down and be reliably protected from external influences, and owners of aged skin can count on an antioxidant effect, an increase in its elasticity and freshness, and a slowdown in the aging process.

Note! Western studies confirm the effectiveness of the use of aloe for burns of the first and second degree, accelerating their healing.

Contraindications and harm to aloe for the face

Aloe facial allergy
Aloe facial allergy

Aloe is a valuable plant with numerous medicinal and cosmetic properties. However, despite its positive characteristics, agave extract is capable of causing allergies, as it is concentrated and saturated with biologically active components.

Therefore, before using aloe on your face, check your skin's reaction. To do this, squeeze fresh agave juice, apply it neat to the skin behind the ear and wait 20 minutes. If after this time there are no redness and rashes, the plant can be used.

It is not recommended to use pure aloe for the face for more than 14 days. For daily use, you can prepare a cream based on agave juice. Masks with aloe also show good results.

In the presence of a vascular network, it is better to refuse the use of aloe for the face.

How to get aloe juice at home?

Aloe juice for face
Aloe juice for face

Photo of aloe juice for face

To make face masks with aloe, you can grow the plant at home on a windowsill. This is not difficult to do. The agave propagates by basal shoots or apical cuttings, which is not difficult even for a person who is not an avid florist.

For planting, a land mixture is used, consisting of sod and leafy soil with the addition of humus and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1. It also doesn't hurt to add charcoal and brick chips. When growing aloe at home, you should understand that the plant is photophilous, you need to ensure this condition. In summer, moderate watering should be carried out, and in winter, it should be kept to a minimum. Young plants need to be transplanted every year, adults in a year.

To get aloe juice for the face, use large leaves, the length of which is at least 15 cm. The extract obtained from a plant that has reached 3 years of age is considered to be the most useful.

Grind them and then mince them. Squeeze the resulting raw material and filter the liquid using cheesecloth folded in several layers. Remember to boil the juice for 3 minutes.

Agave juice obtained at home is recommended to be used immediately after it has been squeezed out, since its beneficial properties and action are lost during storage, and after 3 days the effectiveness of the procedures is completely reduced to zero, and the prepared product can only be thrown away. Store the cut leaf in the refrigerator, but not more than 2-3 days.

When using aloe at home, a completely reasonable question arises, which juice is better to use for cosmetic procedures - fresh or chilled? Of course, fresh will be more useful, but there is another option: the agave is saturated with useful substances during storage in the refrigerator for 10-12 days and becomes biostimulated.

Aloe face mask recipes

Aloe face mask
Aloe face mask

In the photo is a mask with aloe for the face

Aloe is considered a valuable plant for the face, it can be used in its pure form to wipe the skin in the morning and in the evening, but masks based on agave are considered more useful, since its effect is enhanced by the influence of additional ingredients that are included in the composition. Components are added depending on which focus you need the procedure. Most often, honey, vegetable oils, dairy products, various types of cosmetic clay, yolk and chicken egg white are used in conjunction with aloe.

The most effective recipes with aloe for the face:

  1. With sour cream … This versatile product is suitable for all skin types. To prepare it, squeeze the juice from the aloe, you will need 1 teaspoon. To it you need to add egg yolk, pre-whipped into foam, as well as one teaspoon of sour cream. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous substance is obtained. Apply the mask on the face in several layers using a wide brush. Each of them should dry well. The exposure time is 20 minutes, washed off first with warm and then cool water.
  2. With castor oil and egg … Vitamin mask based on aloe juice for the skin of the face is considered an ideal remedy if it has lost its former tone. Also, the mask is great for oily skin care with wide pores. To prepare it, you need to squeeze out half a teaspoon of agave juice. Add a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of castor oil to the aloe. If it is missing, you can replace it with olive oil. To the mixed ingredients add another egg yolk, pre-beaten into a foam, and a little oat flour. The mass is kneaded until it acquires a mushy state. The exposure time of the mask is 20 minutes. First, the composition is washed off with warm water, and then with cold water.
  3. With clay … Aloe vera face mask perfectly moisturizes and cleanses the skin. To prepare the product, you will need to squeeze out half a teaspoon of agave juice. To it you need to add a tablespoon of clay, pour in a little rose water and liquid honey. Knead the composition until a homogeneous paste is formed. It is recommended to keep this mask on the face for a quarter of an hour.
  4. With honey and sour cream … Aloe is considered a real elixir of youth, so a mask based on it can slow down the aging process, rejuvenate the skin, and smooth out small wrinkles. First you need to prepare an infusion of St. John's wort. Add the same amount of fresh aloe juice and sour cream to a tablespoon of liquid. After thorough mixing, add half a teaspoon of honey to the working composition, which must first be melted in a water bath. The exposure time of the mask is 12-15 minutes. The mass is washed off with warm water, then you should wash with cool.
  5. With eggplant … A nourishing face mask is prepared on the basis of a tablespoon of fresh agave juice, 50 g of eggplant pulp and a teaspoon of honey melted in a water bath. The ingredients are diluted with 2 tablespoons of eggplant broth, which must be prepared in advance. The mass is applied in several approaches. After applying the first layer, you need to wait until the composition is slightly absorbed, then the remaining product is distributed. The exposure time of the mask is 20 minutes. Use a cotton swab to remove it. Then they wash their face with hot water, rub their face using ice, and apply a cream suitable for your skin type.
  6. With carrots … To prepare a vitamin mask, you will need 1 tablespoon of aloe juice. The pulp of carrots is added to it (you need to peel and grate the vegetable using a fine grater). The resulting gruel is poured with a decoction of St. John's wort - 1/2 cup, which is prepared on the basis of 40 g of grass and 200 ml of water. The composition is applied to gauze, which is applied to the face and left for 15-20 minutes. It is better at this time to take a horizontal position. Wash off the mask with warm water.
  7. With pumpkin … To prepare the composition, squeeze the juice from the aloe leaves - you will need 1 tablespoon. Boil pumpkin and add agave juice to 2 tablespoons of pulp. Pour the ingredients with 3 tablespoons of the infusion prepared on the basis of 30 g of yarrow herb and 200 ml of water, and mix until the mass acquires the consistency of sour cream. Apply a thin layer of the composition to your face and let sit for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.
  8. With walnuts … To prepare the product, grind a few nuts beforehand - 3-4 pcs. Along with this, you need to prepare an infusion of plantain and St. John's wort: pour 2 tablespoons of dry crushed raw materials with water, bring to a boil and let cool. Then strain the liquid and mix with the chopped nuts. Pour in 2 tablespoons of mountain ash juice and you can use the aloe facial mask at home as directed. The exposure time is 20 minutes.
  9. With rose petals … To prepare a multicomponent composition, grind the raw materials: rose petals - 1 tablespoon, chamomile flowers - 2 tablespoons, St. John's wort - 2 tablespoons, lime blossom - 1 tablespoon, peppermint - 1/2 tablespoon. l. Add 1 tablespoon fresh aloe juice to the ingredients. Apply a greasy cream to your face, and then the prepared composition and leave it on for 15 minutes. Wash off the product with warm water.
  10. With glycerin … Mask for skin rejuvenation, slowing down the aging process, preventing the appearance of new wrinkles and fighting old ones. To make the product, mix equal parts fresh agave juice, lime honey, glycerin and water. Stir well and add one teaspoon of oatmeal, stir again until smooth. Apply the mixture to your face for 20-25 minutes.
  11. With lemon juice … The product will help get rid of greasy shine and is designed to care for oily skin. Before preparing the mask, you need to beat the egg white using a whisk. Fresh agave juice is added to it in the amount of 2 tsp. Apply the product with a brush in several layers: each next after the previous one has dried. Wash off the composition with cold water.
  12. With radish … Before making a face mask with aloe, prepare a sage decoction. To do this, you need to pour one tablespoon of dry herb with a glass of hot water and wait until it cools down. Grind the radish using a fine grater. Pour the resulting mass with sage broth in the amount of 1 tablespoon and add 1 teaspoon of fresh aloe juice. The mask is applied in a thin layer and washed off after 20 minutes.
  13. With honey … This is a good acne remedy. To prepare it, squeeze the aloe juice and mix with honey, melted in a water bath, in equal proportions. The mixture is applied to the face evenly, the exposure time is 10 minutes. If you experience any negative sensations, such as a burning sensation, wash off the acne face mask with aloe vera immediately.
  14. With avocado … The tool will help slow down the aging process of the skin, nourish it with useful substances, and get rid of fine wrinkles. To prepare it, you need to grind aloe leaves and one tablespoon of gruel, mix with the same amount of avocado pulp. Next, pour a tablespoon of olive oil into the composition. The exposure time of the mask is 15-20 minutes.
  15. With cottage cheese … Another effective remedy for acne and acne, which, surprisingly, will also be useful in the fight against wrinkles. To prepare a universal mask for cosmetic face defects, mix in equal proportions fresh aloe juice, cottage cheese and honey melted in a water bath. Wash off the composition after it is completely dry.
  16. With rose essential oil … An effective treatment for oily skin and combating acne and acne. To prepare the mask, green clay and the pulp of one aloe leaf are used, the ingredients are diluted with rose water, then a couple of drops of rose essential oil are dripped into the composition.

Useful tips for using aloe for your face

How to wipe your face with an aloe leaf
How to wipe your face with an aloe leaf

The easiest way to use a leaf agave is to rub the skin with a freshly cut leaf. To do this, simply slide the cut point of the aloe over the skin, remembering to first remove makeup, cleanse your face. The procedure is recommended to be repeated in the morning and in the evening. As a result of such manipulations, you can count on the fact that the face will become fresh, moisturized, mimic wrinkles will go away, and the inflamed areas will decrease. The procedure can be performed on all skin types.

It is also useful to use aloe-based cosmetic ice for rubbing. To do this, mix 2-3 tbsp. fresh agave juice and 100 ml of sage infusion and pour the solution into molds intended for making ice. Send them to the freezer overnight, and in the morning you can do the procedure. Ice with aloe for acne on the face works well. In addition, these ice cubes will help you to cheer up in the morning.

Centennial is a good remedy if the lips are often chapped, cracked, and the skin becomes rough, which is usually observed in cold weather. Aloe will help to make the sponges tender: lubricate them regularly with a leaf cut.

Based on aloe, you can prepare lotions that can soothe the skin, remove fine wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. To prepare the product, you will need 2-3 large agave leaves (about 100 g), chop them and pour the gruel with 1 liter of cold water, just use boiled water. Send the resulting infusion to the fire and boil for 5 minutes, then wait for the mixture to cool and strain into a glass dish. Store in the refrigerator.

Note! Based on the pulp of the agave, you can make patches for the skin around the eyes.

Real reviews about aloe for the face

How to wipe your face with an aloe leaf
How to wipe your face with an aloe leaf

Aloe collects a lot of enthusiastic reviews from women of different ages, someone in this way moisturizes the skin and fights flaking as a result of chapping, someone with the consequences of prolonged exposure to the sun and active tanning, someone is trying to slow down the aging process. Further, the most informative reviews about aloe for the face and the features of its use at home.

Alina, 33 years old

I am constantly faced with the cause of increased dryness of the skin of the face, and store-bought creams have not been completely effective in my situation. But I found just the perfect natural remedy that perfectly moisturizes the skin - this is an agave. To increase its effectiveness, I send the freshly cut leaf to the refrigerator for 10 days, so its properties are enhanced, and then I use it for its intended purpose. I lubricate my face 2 times a day - in the morning and at night.

Oksana, 26 years old

On the basis of aloe juice, I prepare masks for acne, which, as I got as a teenager, never leaves. It is only important to use exactly the agave juice that you just squeezed out. If the product is not fresh, then you should not count on the high effectiveness of the mask, since the properties of the juice are reduced.

Irina, 41 years old

At my age, the aging process of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles is already making itself felt. But I have not yet turned to the help of beauty injections, I try to delay this moment as much as possible. I buy creams with hyaluronic acid from well-known brands, and under the eyes I make patches based on agave. By the way, I have been growing the plant myself on the windowsill for many years. I also heard a lot of reviews about aloe vera for the face as part of anti-wrinkle masks. It will be necessary to try and evaluate the result, it is quite possible that it will surpass the effect of store cosmetics.

How to use aloe for the face - watch the video:

Aloe is a well-known plant with valuable properties for the skin. At home, it is recommended to use fresh plant juice for facial care, and such a remedy is suitable for owners of any type of dermis. On the basis of the agave, lotions are prepared for wiping the face, masks for acne, wrinkles, pigmentation and more, cosmetic ice for toning the skin in the morning. You can grow a plant at home, even if your knowledge of floriculture is insignificant, and carry out cosmetic procedures whenever you want or as needed. And the result will not be long in coming!
