Sea buckthorn oil: application features for face and hair

Sea buckthorn oil: application features for face and hair
Sea buckthorn oil: application features for face and hair

Nowadays, cosmetology is constantly developing, new products are being developed. But the most effective methods of healing and strengthening are still natural. These include the use of sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn has been used for medical purposes for a very long time, because it has unique healing properties. But the oil from it has gained particular popularity in cosmetology. It is obtained by isolation from berry pulp. The carotenoids it contains give it a bright orange hue. It is liquid in consistency.

Application of sea buckthorn oil for the face

Due to the high content of useful components, sea buckthorn oil is included in masks, creams, scrubs, shampoos, balms, lipsticks. It helps to heal many dermatological diseases and is an excellent bactericidal, regenerating and strengthening agent.

The healing properties of sea buckthorn oil for the face

Sea buckthorn berries
Sea buckthorn berries

It is not for nothing that this remedy is so common in cosmetology. It has high bioactivity, and therefore its use in facial skin care provides:

  • Removal of inflammation;
  • Normalization of microcirculation;
  • Nutrition and hydration;
  • Removal of wrinkles and irregularities;
  • Strengthening the walls of the capillaries;
  • Softening of the skin;
  • Stimulation of the formation of elastin and collagen;
  • Deceleration of aging;
  • Lightening freckles and age spots;
  • Healing of microcracks, wounds;
  • Bactericidal effect;
  • Peeling treatment;
  • Adjustment of fat balance;
  • Removal of edema;
  • Increased elasticity;
  • Strengthening and nourishing eyelashes.

The oil is well absorbed and penetrates into the depths of the pores, improving metabolic processes. Thanks to this, the acid-lipid balance in the epidermis is normalized.

Why sea buckthorn oil is useful for skin problems

Sea buckthorn for face
Sea buckthorn for face

Sea buckthorn oil is a universal component to return the skin to an even healthy tone, elasticity and youth.

It helps with:

  1. Aging skin;
  2. Wrinkles and irregularities;
  3. Swelling on the face;
  4. Chapping (dryness, damage) of the skin;
  5. Unwanted pigmentation;
  6. Inflammation, cracks, wounds, skin rashes, burns and other dermatological problems;
  7. The appearance of rough skin.

Cold extraction oil is not suitable for these problems as it is more toxic. Prefer cold-pressed products.

Using sea buckthorn oil for wrinkles

Eye cream with sea buckthorn oil
Eye cream with sea buckthorn oil

In pharmacies or specialized stores, ready-made sea buckthorn-based anti-wrinkle products are sold. However, you can make them yourself. In combination with other natural ingredients, sea buckthorn oil will quickly and delicately smooth out fine wrinkles, and make deep ones almost invisible.

Recipes for anti-wrinkle sea buckthorn oil products:

  • A remedy for wrinkles in the eyelid area … To prepare it, you need: shavings of cocoa and sea buckthorn hard butter (1 tbsp each), tocopherol (1 tsp). We heat, stirring, steamed cocoa butter, cool to 35 degrees and pour in the rest of the ingredients. Bring to a homogeneous consistency. Such a composition should be stored in a refrigerator in a glass container. It is applied in the morning and evening. Prepare a special spatula for him so as not to bring in germs by picking up from the jar. Although the mixture will turn out to be of a solid consistency, it will quickly melt from the heat of your hand. This product can also be applied to the eyelashes, it will strengthen them and make them thicker.
  • Composition for skin rejuvenation and smoothing of wrinkles … The mixture is made from sea buckthorn oil, homemade sour cream and egg yolk. These components must be mixed and applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes. Prepare cling film ahead of time by cutting holes for eyes, nose and lips. After applying the product with this film mask, you need to cover the layer to enhance the overall effect.
  • Anti-wrinkle lotion for oily skin … It is prepared from sea buckthorn oil, honey and aloe juice in a ratio of 2/1/1. The effect can be improved by adding three to five drops of geranium extract to the mixture. We apply the composition for half an hour, then rinse it off.

Applying sea buckthorn oil for acne

Sea buckthorn oil face scrub
Sea buckthorn oil face scrub

Means based on sea buckthorn oil are indispensable for inflammation, acne and many other dermatological diseases. It is strictly forbidden to apply undiluted oil on the skin! It can weaken it, make it more sensitive and turn it orange. It is usually used in various cosmetics.

They relieve inflammation and kill microbes, because they contain: fatty acids, vitamins, acids (oxalic, succinic, malic, tartaric, salicylic), micro- and macroelements (magnesium, manganese, silicon, calcium, iron, molybdenum). The condition of the skin improves due to the content of amino acids, tannins, phytosterols, pectins, serotonin, phospholipids, phytoncides, flavonoids.

Sea Buckthorn Oil Acne Recipes:

  1. Acne scrub … Perfectly relieves inflammation and skin fatigue, a scrub made from grape seed oil, oatmeal (bran is also suitable) and sea buckthorn oil, mixed in equal proportions. The composition should be liberally lubricated with the skin and washed off with warm water. After that, you can wipe your face with chamomile broth.
  2. Serum for the prevention of rashes … To prevent the appearance of acne, you need to carry out a monthly healing course for the skin of the face every six months, using a special serum. It is prepared from sea buckthorn oil and tea tree. They are mixed in equal parts and applied to the skin daily at bedtime for 20 minutes. After that, the product must be thoroughly washed off the face and wiped with a decoction of the sequence.
  3. Compress with sea buckthorn oil for acne … You can effectively get rid of acne and facial irritation by using a special compress. We brew strong green tea (chamomile is suitable), add a few drops of sea buckthorn oil to it. Cool down to 35-40 degrees. We moisten a piece of natural fabric (linen or cotton) in tea and apply it to the face. Cover with a terry cloth on top. After 10-15 minutes, apply a thin layer of sea buckthorn oil with a cotton swab on the heated skin. Rub with light rotational movements into the skin.

Before applying the oil, test your skin for a reaction to see if you are allergic to it.

Preparation of face cream with sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil cream
Sea buckthorn oil cream

The oil is suitable for making day and night creams at home. The easiest way is to mix your regular nourishing or moisturizer with a few drops just before applying. Together with sea buckthorn oil, lavender is often used.

Cream for mature skin consists of sea buckthorn and jojoba oil in a ratio of one to four and beeswax. Manufacturing features: add sea buckthorn to jojoba oil, heat the beeswax in a water bath and, stirring, cool, whisk, pour wax into the oil. It is advisable to store the composition in a glass container. You need to use it daily in the morning.

The sea buckthorn oil night cream contains sea buckthorn oil, cream, vodka and a beaten egg. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. This mixture should be applied to the skin daily half an hour before bedtime. It is stored in the refrigerator.

Sea buckthorn oil face mask recipes

Applying a mask on the face with sea buckthorn oil
Applying a mask on the face with sea buckthorn oil

A home-made sea buckthorn-based face skin product is several times more effective than a purchased one. The main advantage of such masks is the use of only natural ingredients.

At home, you can prepare the following face masks with sea buckthorn oil:

  • Anti-aging face mask … Prepared from sea buckthorn oil (2 tsp), semolina (2 tbsp), liquid honey (1 tsp), sea salt (0.5 tsp), egg yolk, apple juice (1 tbsp. L.). Cook milk porridge in milk, cool it to a temperature of 35-40 degrees, add egg yolk and honey, mix. Separately prepare a mixture of sea buckthorn oil, apple juice and sea salt. Mix the two compositions until smooth. The face mask can be applied two to three times a week for half an hour. Rinse off first with warm water, and then with cold water.
  • Curd mask for skin firmness … This remedy is easy to prepare at home from the ingredients that almost every housewife has in the refrigerator: honey (1 tbsp.), Milk (3 tbsp. L.), Cottage cheese (1 tbsp. L.), Sea buckthorn oil (1 h. l.). We heat the milk and dilute the honey in it, mix thoroughly until it is completely dissolved. Add fat homemade cottage cheese and sea buckthorn oil, beat and apply on face for 15 minutes. After this time, the mask must be rolled up with your hands, removing it from the skin, and rinsed off the rest with warm water. After such a procedure, it will not be superfluous to wipe your face with strong green tea.

Using sea buckthorn oil for hair

Sea buckthorn oil has a positive effect on hair condition. This also applies to eyelashes and eyebrows. Funds based on it have been used to care for curls for a very long time. Hair becomes soft and silky.

The benefits of sea buckthorn oil for hair

Sea buckthorn berries and oil
Sea buckthorn berries and oil

The correct combination of sea buckthorn oil with other natural ingredients:

  1. Renews skin cells;
  2. Eliminates dandruff;
  3. Relieves irritation;
  4. Moisturizes dry hair;
  5. Heals minor wounds;
  6. Provides a healthy shine.

To prevent alopecia (hair loss), take one tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil in the morning and evening. It is safe for both external and oral administration.

Using sea buckthorn oil for hair growth

Sea buckthorn oil for hair growth
Sea buckthorn oil for hair growth

To make the curls grow faster and look healthy at the same time, you can use all sorts of growth serums. Properly prepared products are more effective and safer to use.

Hair growth serum consists of sea buckthorn and castor oils mixed in equal parts. It is applied to the roots and spread to the ends two hours before shampooing, warming with a plastic mask. Then the hair is washed in the usual way.

To prepare a balm for hair growth with Dimexide, you must purchase Dimexide at the pharmacy. It enhances the action of the oil, making it more effective. We dilute Dimexide in cold boiled water one to eight, mix the solution with oil in a proportion of one to three. Apply to damp hair and rub in thoroughly. After 15 minutes, wash off first with water and shampoo, and then with a decoction of the string and chamomile.

Applying sea buckthorn oil to the ends of the hair

Sea buckthorn for hair restoration
Sea buckthorn for hair restoration

Sea buckthorn oil effectively fights a problem familiar to many - the split ends. Especially in winter, they require maximum care, since they are most exposed to the negative influence of temperature extremes. Sea buckthorn-based products should be used at the indicated dosage.

An emulsion with sea buckthorn oil will help fight this problem. It is prepared from burdock broth and butter in this order:

  • Fill in 3 tbsp. l. (no slide) burdock root 300 ml of boiled water.
  • Boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  • Cool and filter the broth through double gauze.
  • Add 5 tbsp. l. sea buckthorn oil and mix.
  • Apply the emulsion to dry hair half an hour before washing.

The effect can be enhanced by heating the oil before diluting with a decoction in a water bath. The wrap for the split ends should be done overnight, or to be more precise, for 14 hours. This is how long it takes to completely saturate the ends. It is prepared from a mixture of sea buckthorn oil with another base oil.

For this, castor (one to three), olive (in equal proportions), almond (one to three), avocado (one to four), grape (in equal proportions), argan (one to four) are suitable. After applying the mixture, you need to put on a polyethylene cap and after 14 hours wash it off with shampoo.

Preparation of sea buckthorn oil hair masks

Cold pressed sea buckthorn oil
Cold pressed sea buckthorn oil

As well as on the skin of the face, the pure sea buckthorn oil should not be applied to the hair. It is usually used for the preparation of compound masks, balms, serums. Please also note that such products can slightly stain curls of light shades in a dark color. It rinses off the next time you wash your hair.

Sea buckthorn oil hair mask recipes:

  1. A versatile oil blend for all hair types … This mask consists of four oils (sea buckthorn, burdock, eucalyptus, castor), which are mixed in equal proportions. For hair of medium length, it will be enough for 1, 5 tbsp. l. everyone. Mix thoroughly all the oils and heat in a water bath, rub into the roots and distribute along the entire length. For these purposes, it is advisable to use a wooden comb. We put on a plastic mask and insulate with a towel. After two hours I wash my head with shampoo. For the best effect, instead of balm, we use chamomile decoction. This mask will perfectly strengthen your hair in winter. Before using sea buckthorn oil, apply it pure on the skin and wait for about half an hour. If an allergic reaction does not appear, then feel free to use it.
  2. Anti-dandruff mask … You can quickly get rid of dandruff and peeling by mixing sea buckthorn and olive oils in a ratio of 1 to 6. Rub the mixture into the roots, insulate with polyethylene, hold for 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo. It is recommended to prepare the mask for single use before application. With prolonged storage (even in the refrigerator), some of the beneficial properties are lost.
  3. Hair restoration mask … This remedy will help restore strength to dry and brittle curls. For its preparation you will need: tritisanol (10 grams), egg yolk, hot boiled water (2 tablespoons), sea buckthorn oil. Mix the oil with the yolk until smooth, pour tritinazole (sold in the pharmacy) with water, combine the two mixtures. Apply to the skin and distribute along the length of the hair. The ends must be especially carefully processed. We warm the head and leave it for 20-25 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

Weekly procedures will show results after the fourth time. The curls will look healthy. You need to rub the mask on hair slightly moistened with warm water.

Sea buckthorn oil for hair of different types

Using sea buckthorn oil for hair
Using sea buckthorn oil for hair

The main advantage of sea buckthorn oil is considered the possibility of its use for both dry and oily hair. It is very important to adhere to the proportions indicated in the recipes for preparing various products based on sea buckthorn oil. Improper use can damage the hair structure.

Sea buckthorn oil-based cosmetic recipes:

  • Balm for dry and brittle hair … It is prepared on the basis of olive and sea buckthorn oil (1 tablespoon each), chicken eggs and fatty sour cream (1 tablespoon). We heat in a water bath and mix the oils, add an egg to them and grind the mixture, gradually stirring in the sour cream. Apply balm to washed hair. After that, it must be well washed off and rinsed with oak broth.
  • Clay cream for oily hair … A remedy made from sea buckthorn oil and cosmetic clay and liquid honey in a ratio of 1: 2: 1 and a chicken egg will help to remove excess oily hair. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Apply to moisturized hair, rubbing into the skin, spreading along the length and generously treating the ends. Wash off after 15 minutes with plenty of warm water. This procedure should be done no more than three times a month. Then the optimal fat balance of the scalp will be maintained.
  • Serum for normal hair … Even if you do not have problem hair, this does not mean that they do not need additional strengthening and nutrition. For prevention, a remedy based on chamomile broth, sea buckthorn oil and egg yolk is suitable. 2 tbsp. l. Pour dry chamomile with boiled water and leave for half an hour. Add the yolk and 5 drops of sea buckthorn oil. Mix these components thoroughly until smooth. Apply to moisturized hair and distribute to length. Wash off with shampoo.

It is advisable to carry out the procedures weekly, and in winter-spring time you can even twice a week. How to use sea buckthorn oil - watch the video:

Sea buckthorn oil is a natural remedy that contains many useful substances. Using it, you can achieve healing and rejuvenation of the facial skin, strengthening and stimulating hair growth. It has a positive effect on the growth and condition of eyelashes and eyebrows. In order for it to bring maximum benefit, you need to know the secrets of its use and combinations with other substances, as well as take into account the dosage.
