The beauty and youthfulness of the skin can be easily and quickly returned by yourself at home. To do this, it is enough to use simple but effective cosmetics. Every girl wants to have beautiful, well-groomed and perfectly smooth skin, without any cosmetic defects. Over the years and negative influence from environmental factors, the skin of the face loses its beautiful color, the problem of blackheads and premature wrinkles appear. Few people manage to maintain beautiful skin throughout their lives.
Every year, traces of acne, age spots, rashes, wide open pores and fine expression lines may appear on the surface of the skin of the face. As a result, the skin looks not well-groomed and takes on an unhealthy gray tint. It seems that the woman is very tired or sick. Of course, you can simply put up with it or find an effective remedy that will quickly solve this cosmetic problem and return your skin to a healthy and attractive appearance.
Unhealthy complexion: causes

When this unpleasant problem appears, you need to start fighting it, but most women do the wrong thing and just mask visible defects every morning. Of course, you can simply use foundation or powder and quickly restore your skin's attractive appearance. But this problem is the result of improper lifestyle and care that accumulates over the years.
If you try to simply mask visible flaws, there is a risk of only aggravating the problem, so you should stop using cosmetics. An unhealthy complexion is visible bumps, dull skin, blemishes, lethargy, redness, tired look, grayness, etc.
The main reasons why the skin loses its attractiveness are:
- Diseases of the stomach, kidneys, blood vessels, heart, pancreas.
- The presence of a genetic predisposition.
- Oncological diseases.
- Lack of nutrients in the body.
- Frequent exposure to stressful situations, diseases of the nervous system and emotional instability.
- Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.
- Metabolic disease.
- The presence of infectious skin diseases.
- Medicinal and food poisoning.
- Improper and unbalanced nutrition.
- Abuse of sugary sodas, coffee and tea.
- Oxygen starvation - develops as a result of prolonged stay in a closed room in which there is no fresh air.
- Bad habits - for example, smoking, alcohol abuse.
- Uncontrolled and prolonged use of medications (these include antibiotics, diuretics, hormonal drugs, etc.).
- Improper sleep patterns, frequent overwork, strong physical exertion.
- Long stay at the computer.
- Age over 45 years - during this period, the hormonal background begins to change, the metabolic processes in the body slow down, which can negatively affect the condition and beauty of the skin.
- Too frequent visits to the solarium or prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
- The use of poor quality cosmetics, improper skin care.
The condition of the skin can be negatively affected by low or high temperatures, unfavorable weather conditions, lack of vitamin D and other beneficial elements.
How to improve your complexion on your own?

If this condition is not triggered by health problems, you need to take simple measures that will help get rid of the problem:
- Normalization of nutrition. At least once a week, fruits and vegetables, including nuts and fresh herbs, should be present in the diet. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of fatty foods and pastries, canned food, spicy and spicy foods.
- Adequate sleep and rest. It is important to constantly monitor your sleep schedule - you need to sleep at least 6 hours a day, preferably more. Outdoor walks and moderate exercise are also very beneficial. In the event that you have to spend most of the day in closed rooms, it is necessary to periodically ventilate the room to ensure the flow of fresh air.
- Correct drinking regime. It is important to drink at least 6 glasses of pure water a day, while other drinks are not taken into account. It is advisable to completely abandon or minimize the use of strong coffee and tea. Green tea, rosehip broth and berry juice would be a great alternative.
- Bad habits. In order for the skin to always look young and beautiful, you must try to get rid of them completely. The abuse of alcoholic beverages and smoking, first of all, negatively affects the condition of the skin of the face and health in general.
- Stress. You need to try to take any changes in life and unexpected situations more calmly. It is worth remembering that any excitement and experience negatively affects the state of health and beauty. Taking anti-anxiety medications on your own is not a good idea, as only a doctor should prescribe them. The condition of the skin is negatively affected by prolonged use of anabolic and hormonal agents, including antibiotics.
- In the summer, it is necessary before going outside. protect the delicate skin of the face from exposure to ultraviolet rays. From spring to mid-autumn, sunscreen should be applied to the skin. It is not recommended to be outdoors at noon, and you should also not visit the solarium too often, as this negatively affects the condition and beauty of the skin.
- You need to pay special attention to the choice of cosmetics, since all products must be of high quality and have the most natural composition.
- Facial skin care must be correct and permanent. Before going to bed, be sure to remove the remnants of cosmetics, sebum and dust. Do not forget about the benefits of masks, scrubs and peels - it is quite enough to do cosmetic procedures several times a week. For washing, it is best to use warm water and completely abandon simple soap, because it dries the skin very much.
How to quickly improve your complexion at home?

For this purpose, you can use high-quality cosmetics, but to consolidate the result, you need to learn how to properly care for your skin and do it constantly:
- In the morning, the skin must be cleansed - you need to wash yourself with cool water to close the pores and wake up faster, as well as remove excess sebum that is secreted at night.
- You can prepare cosmetic ice cubes in advance, using herbal decoction of calendula and chamomile or weak tea instead of water.
- It is important to cleanse your skin daily using special cosmetics.
- We must not forget about the benefits of skin toning, which helps to restore the natural balance of the epidermis.
- It is necessary to regularly apply a moisturizer or nourishing cream, the choice of which depends on the type of skin, so that the cells receive the necessary nutrients.
As an express method, you can use a special masking pencil, which is applied pointwise directly to problem areas. Also an excellent option would be BB cream, blush, powder or CC cream, foundation. It is necessary to select these funds taking into account the type of skin and its condition. The ideal option would be to pre-consult with a professional beautician. All concealers are applied with a brush, not with your fingers, otherwise bacteria get on the skin, which can provoke rashes and inflammation.
Complexion brightening masks

Using affordable and natural remedies, you can relatively quickly improve your complexion at home. These masks are based on fresh berries, fruits and ingredients of natural origin. Before applying this or that mask, you first need to prepare the skin - clean it, steam it so that the pores open and the beneficial substances freely penetrate into each cell.
Egg mask with orange
- Egg white, homemade yogurt (50 g) and natural fresh orange juice (20 ml) are taken.
- Whisk the protein with a whisk, you can use a fork.
- Natural yoghurt and orange juice are gradually added.
- All components are thoroughly mixed.
- The finished mask is applied to the previously prepared face skin.
- After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with cool water.
Strawberry Oatmeal Mask
- You will need to take fresh strawberries (3 pcs.), The tails are removed, the berries are washed and crushed with a fork to get fresh puree.
- Using a blender, oatmeal is crushed (30 g or ready-made oat flour is used) and poured with hot milk (150 ml).
- After 5 minutes, glycerin (20 g) and strawberry puree are added to the mixture.
- All components are thoroughly mixed.
- The mask is applied to the skin and left on for 30 minutes.
- After the specified time, you need to wash with water at room temperature.
Potato mask
- It is potatoes that are an excellent remedy that is simply irreplaceable for dull skin. Its use helps to smooth out fine wrinkles, strengthens and nourishes the skin.
- First you need to boil the potatoes in their skins, then peel and grate.
- Raw carrots are peeled and grated.
- Potatoes, carrots are mixed, egg yolk and olive oil (1 tsp) are added.
- All components mix well.
- The resulting mixture is applied to the skin.
- After 30 minutes, the remnants of the mask are washed off with cool water.
Beer mask
- To get rid of the oily sheen and restore freshness to the skin of the face, you can use a beer mask.
- Take raw carrots (1 pc.), Light beer (50 ml), potato flour (30 g), egg white.
- The carrots are peeled and chopped.
- The egg white is beaten with a whisk.
- All components are mixed.
- The resulting mask is applied to the skin.
- After 20 minutes, you need to wash with warm water.
Apple mask
- A large apple is crushed on a fine grater, since fresh juice is needed for the mask.
- Apple juice is mixed with chilled mineral water (100 ml), cold milk (50 ml) is added.
- In the resulting mixture, gauze is impregnated and applied to the skin of the face.
- The gauze should not dry out, so it is covered with a layer of film on top.
- After 40 minutes, you need to wash with warm water.
Watermelon juice mask
- To prepare the product, you will need to take fresh watermelon juice and lime juice (the components are taken in equal quantities), then just a few drops of honey are added.
- The mask is applied to the skin and left on for 10 minutes.
- After the specified time, you need to wash with warm water.
Egg mask
- Beaten egg white is applied to the previously cleansed skin.
- After 15 minutes, the remnants of the product are washed off with warm water.
If you adhere to a few simple and basic rules for skin care, use only high-quality cosmetics and regularly apply natural masks. The result will be simply amazing - the skin regains firmness, radiance and a healthy appearance.
What masks will help improve your complexion at home, see the video below: