How to quickly improve your complexion

How to quickly improve your complexion
How to quickly improve your complexion

Find out how to improve skin color, what care products, masks and vitamins to use to achieve the desired effect at home. A beautiful, even tone of the face speaks of the absence of health problems, the ability to take care of oneself and relieves of internal complexes. Unfortunately, most people have to work hard to achieve a positive outcome. Consider the methods by which you can quickly improve your complexion at home.

Facial care products

How to quickly improve your complexion
How to quickly improve your complexion

One of the main conditions for a uniform complexion is good blood circulation, which is responsible for delivering nutrients to the skin cells. This will provide proper care for the skin of the face. There are the following mandatory steps:

  1. Start by washing your face with cold water every morning. This will help the skin to wake up, close the pores and remove the oil that has been released overnight. It is very useful to prepare in advance cubes from a frozen decoction of herbs (chamomile, mint) or green tea and wipe the skin with them.
  2. Cleanse your skin with a special cleanser to remove impurities and grease residues. This can be a cosmetic soap, lotion, or wash gel.
  3. Wipe the skin with a tonic that will restore the natural acid-base balance, relieve inflammation, dryness, and eliminate skin redness.
  4. The final stage of daily facial skin care is its nutrition and hydration. In the cold season, cosmetologists recommend applying a nourishing cream in the morning and a moisturizing cream in the evening, and in a warm season, moisturize the skin in the morning and nourish it in the evening. Thus, the skin receives a sufficient amount of moisture every day, as well as all the vitamins and nutrients it needs.

Such care is necessary for the skin, both in the morning and in the evening. And cosmetics must be selected according to the age factor and skin type. For help, it is advisable to contact a qualified specialist in order to accurately determine your type and choose the right cosmetics. In addition to your daily care, be sure to do a facial exfoliation once or twice a week. To do this, use exfoliating products. Such cleansing of the upper layer of the skin of the face will provide an even color of its entire surface. A scrub made of oatmeal, ground coffee, sugar or salt will do an excellent job with this task. Choose the most suitable peeling for yourself.

How to improve your complexion: vitamins and nutrition

How to improve your complexion - vitamins and nutrition
How to improve your complexion - vitamins and nutrition

An equally important factor that affects the complexion is a healthy diet. A pale color with a grayish tinge is a sign of vitamin deficiency. The first step is to try to solve this problem with a balanced diet, and if you fail, drink a course of vitamins. There are some dietary rules that affect your complexion. Let's consider them in more detail.

  1. Eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet. These are salty, sweet, smoked, fried, spicy, coffee, alcohol, nicotine, soda, as well as snacks containing many preservatives and chemical additives.
  2. Eat foods that contain fiber, vitamins, and nutrients. For constant regeneration of skin cells, protein is needed - this is lean meat of birds and animals, legumes, all types of fish, dairy products, fiber (cereals, whole grain bread, plant foods), as well as healthy unsaturated fats, which are rich in cold-pressed vegetable oils, salmon, mackerel, herring.

    Beauty vitamins A and E are simply irreplaceable for the skin. The first of them is contained in the liver, butter, sour cream, fatty fish, carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, herbs, lettuce, apricots, melon, plums. Vitamin E is rich in seeds, nuts, cereals, peas, corn, soybeans, eggs, liver and vegetable oils. Regular use of all these products will not only provide the skin with useful microelements, but will also bring undeniable benefits to the entire body.

  3. Skin hydration is extremely important for an even ensure that you are drinking enough fluids. To improve your complexion, drink at least one and a half liters of clean water a day. For these purposes, spring, mineral or melt water without gases is best suited.

Masks that improve skin color

Masks that improve skin color
Masks that improve skin color

Another effective and affordable method for everyone that affects skin color are masks that you can prepare yourself at home. The result will appear instantly, immediately after rinsing.

  • Fresh cucumber whitens the skin well. Use only grated vegetable or add a tablespoon of honey to it.
  • For masks, any citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit) will do. The secret lies in vitamin C, which has a whitening function. Just moisten a sponge with the juice and apply to your face.
  • Masks from any fermented milk product even out the complexion. For owners of dry and normal skin types, it is preferable to use sour cream or fatty cottage cheese, and for oily skin, a yoghurt mask is better.
  • In winter, when there are no fresh vegetables and fruits, you can use grated raw potatoes for a mask, adding a spoonful of flour and honey to it. Such a mask should eliminate pigmentation of the facial skin.
  • Carrot mask: Grate finely large carrots and add 1-2 teaspoons. spoons of honey. This mask will give the skin a tanning effect thanks to the beta-carotene contained in it.
  • Naturally ground coffee can also tan your skin. Use coffee grounds for this mask.

Before applying the mask, it is recommended to apply it to cleansed skin for a quarter of an hour once a week. Read our review of Miracle Glow - Anti-Pigmentation Mask.

Video tips on how to improve complexion and skin condition (Alginate masks):