Facial carboxytherapy: price, types, reviews

Facial carboxytherapy: price, types, reviews
Facial carboxytherapy: price, types, reviews

What is facial carboxytherapy, what is the price of the procedure? Features of the use of carbon dioxide, its benefits, contraindications and possible complications. Order of execution, results and feedback.

Carboxytherapy for the face is one of the most effective and safest procedures for facial rejuvenation. It resembles mesotherapy in many ways, but it is a completely independent technique. The use of carbon dioxide in cosmetology allows not only to rejuvenate the skin, but also to slow down its aging.

Facial carboxytherapy price

The cost of the procedure is based on the amount of carbon dioxide used. CO consumption2 depends on the number of skin folds, the more they need to be smoothed, the higher the price will be. Rejuvenation in the eye area will be cheaper, and most expensive is the elimination of wrinkles over the entire surface of the face along with the neck.

Cosmetologist services are often not paid separately, but are included in the general price list.

The minimum price of carboxytherapy for the face in Russia for 1 session is 2500 rubles

Facial carboxytherapy price, rub.
Eyelids 2500-3000
Face 5000-6000
Face + neck 7000-8000

In Ukraine, you can perform facial carboxytherapy for at least 1000 hryvnia

Facial carboxytherapy Price, UAH.
Eyelids 1000-1500
Face 2000-2500
Face + neck 3000-4000

The price in the tables is for 1 session, but in some cosmetology clinics it can be indicated for 1 injection. Therefore, only a doctor will help to form an accurate budget, having calculated the required number of injections in advance.

Since one visit to the clinic may not be enough to solve the problems of aging in the body, the above amounts should be multiplied by the number of sessions.

Description of the procedure "carboxytherapy of the face"

Facial carboxytherapy procedure
Facial carboxytherapy procedure

This is a modern cosmetic procedure for rejuvenating the skin of the face, the essence of which is the introduction of a small volume of special carbon dioxide into the epidermis. For this purpose, purified carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide of a transparent color, practically odorless, with a high density (formula CO2).

The principle of the technique is to artificially create hypoxia in tissues and cells - that is, a lack of oxygen, which develops with a large amount of carbon dioxide in the body. In this case, he experiences stress, which triggers self-healing processes.

When the level of CO in the body rises2 blood vessels expand, blood flow improves, collagen is produced faster, which helps to tighten the skin and eliminate various cosmetic defects - acne, acne, blackheads, etc.

There are two types of carboxytherapy. One of them - non-invasive, and it does not require injections, special masks with carbon dioxide in the composition are used here. This option is ideal for those who are afraid of injections.

The second way is injectable, it implies the introduction of CO2 into the shallow layers of the skin with a syringe. It has a very thin sterile needle, small diameter and is not suitable for those with too sensitive epidermis.

Important! Within the framework of one course, the injection method and non-invasive carboxytherapy for the face can be successfully combined. The latter can even be used independently at home.

How is facial carboxytherapy useful?

Injection carboxytherapy
Injection carboxytherapy

The procedure of carboxytherapy for the face has many effects, but the most striking of them is the rejuvenating one. Basically, this technique is designed to eliminate age and expression wrinkles on the face, especially in the area of the corners of the lips, eyelids, and wings of the nose. Its primary task is to restore elasticity to the skin, thanks to which it will not sag very much even with the aging of the body.

The beneficial properties of facial carboxytherapy are as follows:

  • Collagen production … After several sessions, it is formed in the tissues much faster and in much larger volumes. Thus, a natural frame is created that does not allow them to deform.
  • Destruction of fat cells … Thanks to this, the volume of the cheeks is reduced, the face loses weight and tightens, it looks younger. First of all, this is true for overweight people who want to lose a few pounds.
  • Skin regeneration … This process is triggered by active blood circulation in the tissues, which, receiving the necessary nutrition, recover much faster. They are easier to tolerate the negative effects of the sun, wind, low temperatures, low-quality water and cosmetics.
  • Removal of toxins … Usually they "hide" in the pores, which expand under the influence of carbon dioxide, which greatly facilitates the process of their purification. At the same time, grease and other impurities are removed from the face, an ugly shine disappears, the skin acquires a healthy color and smoothness.

Indications for the use of carbon dioxide are a double chin, fat deposits, acne, scars, acne, spider veins. Its introduction is also useful for dark circles under the eyes, in the case of mild asymmetry of the face, old burns and scars, poor skin turgor and with an unhealthy complexion.

Important! The more often carboxytherapy is performed, the brighter and faster the results will be seen.

Contraindications for facial carboxytherapy

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

To eliminate the risk of deteriorating health, you should tell the cosmetologist in advance at the initial appointment about all problems. It is he who makes the decision on admitting the patient to the procedure or refusing it. Unambiguous contraindications are the age under 18 and after 70 years, as well as exacerbation of any chronic diseases.

List of contraindications for facial carboxytherapy:

  • Lactation … The negative effect of carbon dioxide on milk quality has not been scientifically proven. It is only assumed that it can impair its taste and lead to premature abandonment of the baby.
  • Pregnancy … It is not recommended to carry out the procedure at any time during the gestation period. Moreover, this should not be done in the last, third trimester, since there is a risk of premature birth.
  • High blood pressure … Postponing facial carboxytherapy until it normalizes is for those who have it exceeding the mark of 140 per 100 units. In this case, we are already talking about hypertension requiring treatment.
  • Inflammatory processes … Cystitis, pancreatitis, tonsillitis and any other diseases in which the size of any internal organs is increased are contraindications for the procedure. If you ignore this moment, it will be possible to deteriorate health.
  • Kidney and liver dysfunctions … This is due to the fact that during carboxytherapy they have an increased load, since they are forced to remove carbon dioxide from the body. Since their work is impaired, these organs cannot fully do this, which often leads to excessive accumulation of it in the body and an increase in the likelihood of intoxication.

Among other contraindications to carboxytherapy of the face, a recent heart attack and stroke, epilepsy, and pronounced anemia should be especially noted.

How is facial carboxytherapy done?

The procedure is carried out in the conditions of a cosmetology office; hospitalization is not required. In total, it lasts from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the treated area. Since pain almost never occurs, local anesthesia is rarely required. For those who are interested in how often carboxytherapy of the face can be done, it must be said that it is enough to perform it 2-3 times a year in courses.

Non-invasive facial carboxytherapy

Facial carboxytherapy mask
Facial carboxytherapy mask

Carboxytherapy without injections for the face involves treating the skin with special compounds. Such masks are liquid and fabric, requiring application to the skin. The procedure is absolutely painless.

It can be used in courses of 5-6 times twice or thrice a year. This procedure can be carried out at any time, the main thing is that the skin is pre-cleaned of impurities.

Approximate progress of non-invasive facial carboxytherapy:

  1. Special milk or gel removes fat and make-up residues from the face, if any. To do this, use a cotton pad, which is used to wipe the desired areas.
  2. At this stage, a light exfoliation is carried out using cleansing scrubs, after which the skin is wiped off with a dry cloth.
  3. Then a mask is applied to the face and left for 15-30 minutes.
  4. After the above time has elapsed, the product is carefully removed and its remnants are washed off with warm water.
  5. To close the pores, the skin is rubbed with ice.
  6. At the end, the face is thoroughly wiped with a towel and, if necessary, smeared with a moisturizer.

The procedure is carried out with sterile gloves, a disposable cap and gown are put on the patient. During the entire session, he is in a chair or on a couch with his head raised.

How is injectable facial carboxytherapy performed?

Injection facial carboxytherapy
Injection facial carboxytherapy

Preparation for this procedure looks almost the same as for non-injection carboxytherapy for the face. At the beginning of the session, it requires thorough cleansing of dirt, removal of makeup residues and lubrication with antiseptic compounds to avoid infection. In some cases, anesthesia with a cream may be necessary, which is applied in a thin layer and left until absorbed for 2-3 minutes.

The order of the procedure looks something like this:

  1. Fat and decorative cosmetics are removed from the face by wiping it with a cotton pad dipped in cleansing milk.
  2. The skin is treated with antiseptic solutions necessary to exclude the penetration of infection at the puncture sites.
  3. An anesthetic cream is applied to the skin if it is very sensitive.
  4. Then the face is rubbed with fingers to warm up and improve blood circulation, fill the syringe with gas and do microinjections.
  5. The needle is carefully inserted not very deeply into the tissue, excluding the violation of the integrity of the capillaries, in order to avoid the opening of bleeding.
  6. Then the face is again treated with antiseptics and soothed with a cream.

Note! To consolidate the result, a special serum can be used, for example, CentrellahEGF.

Results of facial carboxytherapy and care rules

Woman's face after carboxytherapy
Woman's face after carboxytherapy

You can see improvements in the condition of the skin after the first visit to the beautician. The most striking effect of facial carboxytherapy becomes noticeable when the full course is completed. It can be observed for 4-6 months, then it is recommended to repeat the procedure to prevent wrinkles and other cosmetic problems.

In some cases, for example, with the low qualifications of the chosen doctor, after injections, bruises, bruises and swelling may appear on the face. The inexperience of a specialist can lead to a puncture of the capillaries, bleeding, redness, itching and irritation of the skin.

After a session of injectable carboxytherapy, it takes 2-3 days for rehabilitation. For 6 hours, it is forbidden to touch the skin with your hands, especially dirty ones, use any cosmetics and wash your face. It is important to refuse to visit the sauna, bathing in hot water and sunbathing for 24 hours. During this period, when redness, swelling and itching appear, it is recommended to apply Panthenol to the face twice a day.

Note! Persons who have chosen non-invasive carboxytherapy do not need rehabilitation, but in the first hours the treated skin cannot be wetted.

Real reviews of facial carboxytherapy

Reviews of facial carboxytherapy
Reviews of facial carboxytherapy

According to reviews about carboxytherapy for the face, this rejuvenation technology is completely safe, extremely effective and has no analogues. Many consider it a kind of mesotherapy, but this is a completely incorrect comparison. Most often they speak about it in a positive way, there are practically no negative opinions.

Nina, 38 years old

Not so long ago I learned about the existence of such a technique and was so impressed by its results that I decided to try it on myself. I turned to one popular clinic in Moscow, which was far from the cheapest, chose an experienced doctor, a man. I took a course of 6 sessions with him with a break for 3 days. He did everything perfectly, there were no complaints of pain. The result is still holding, the wrinkles near the lips and nose are almost completely smoothed out, the skin no longer hangs like an old woman, there were no side effects.

Sofia, 29 years old

Despite my youth, the wrinkles on my face are just darkness. I carried out mesotherapy, and did lifting, all this helped only conditionally, there was nothing much to be happy about. Compared to these methods, this procedure is super effective, it helps the first time, it is completely painless, although I have received more than 20 injections, and most importantly, it gives youth for a long time, at least six months. It has only one drawback - the price is above average. While not all clinics offer it, I had to look for a suitable specialist, and this despite my residence in Moscow.

Angelina, 45 years old

At my age, I didn't expect many fine wrinkles to go away after a few sessions of carboxytherapy. And so it happened, the procedure did not meet my expectations, of course, it helped in some way - the skin tightened slightly, the complexion improved, but I did not find any global changes. They made me masks, I think maybe this is the whole point, that the effect from them is less than from injections, so now I will try injections, perhaps they will be better.

Photos before and after facial carboxytherapy

Before and after carbixitherapy
Before and after carbixitherapy
Before and after facial carbixitherapy
Before and after facial carbixitherapy

How carboxytherapy of the face is done - look at the video:

Comparing photos of women before and after carboxytherapy, the difference is enormous. This procedure is highly effective, but only an experienced doctor, a professional in his field, will help to obtain the desired results and avoid complications.
