Rivanol for hair removal: reviews, price, instructions

Rivanol for hair removal: reviews, price, instructions
Rivanol for hair removal: reviews, price, instructions

Description of hair remover "Rivanol". The price where it can be purchased is analogs. Useful properties, contraindications, instructions for use. Reviews of girls.

Rivanol is an inexpensive, highly effective home remedy for removing body hair and preventing hair growth. It is suitable for use by women of any age, is versatile and safe for humans. It can be applied to vegetation of any color and of completely different lengths.

Description and price of Rivanol for hair removal

Chemical formula of Rivanol
Chemical formula of Rivanol

Rivanol is a cosmetic product designed to remove hair and slow down hair growth on the body and face. It comes in several forms - solution and powder. The first is poured into 100 ml plastic containers, the second is sold in 1 kg bags, like a sachet. Previously, tablets of 5 were also produced. in a package and an ointment of 50 g in a tube, but now it is almost impossible to find them in pharmacies.

The solution has a yellow color, liquid consistency, light texture. It is produced on the basis of water and has a pleasant aroma. If we talk about the powder, then it is finely ground, has a rich yellow color and a pungent odor, quickly and completely dissolves in the liquid.

Note! These funds are also known under another name - "Ethacridine lactate".

Rivanol Hair Removal Solution
Rivanol Hair Removal Solution

In the photo, a solution of Rivanol to slow down hair growth

The shelf life of packaged Rivanol is on average 1-3 years, depending on the manufacturer, but after opening the bottle, it must be used within 1 month. The product is stored in dark, dry rooms, limiting the access of children and pets. After this time, you should not use it.

If we talk about ready-made solutions, then there are few components in these funds, they are made from only 3 components. The basis here is distilled water, which takes up most of the composition. Thanks to it, a moisturizing and cleansing effect is provided.

The main active ingredient is ethacridine lactate, which is a yellow, odorless crystalline powder denoted by the formula C18H21N3O4. It is diluted with water in proportions of 1 g per 100 ml of liquid or 0.1 g per 100 ml, thus a solution of 0.1% and 1%, respectively, is obtained.

Distilled water and ethacridine lactate supplements boric acid … It affects the hair follicles, "putting them to sleep" and thereby slowing down their growth.

Rivanol Hair Removal Powder
Rivanol Hair Removal Powder

In the photo, Rivanol powder for hair removal

You can buy Rivanol for hair removal in pharmacies, online stores or on the manufacturers' official websites. It is commercially available without a doctor's prescription. The product is almost always available in the warehouse, but sometimes it may be necessary to order it in advance, then it is worth taking 2-3 days for delivery.

The recommended price of Rivanol for hair removal is:

Name Manufacturer Release form Cost, rub.
Rivanol for hair removal Tula FF Solution, 100 mg 153
Rivanol-Dep hair remover Dina +, Russia Powder, 100 ml 112
Rivanol 0.1% for skin care Dina +, Russia Solution, spray nozzle, 100 mg 209
Rivanol skin care product PharmVilar NPO, Russia Sachet, 1 g 394

Rivanol does not have any unambiguous analogue for hair removal. It can be replaced, for example, with hydrogen peroxide, which should be mixed with liquid soap in proportions of 1 to 1. Add 5 drops of ammonia to them, after which the composition should be shaken. An alternative to Rivanol can also be a tincture of dope seeds, which is prepared from this component in crushed form (100 g) and undiluted alcohol (200 ml).

Features of the effect of Rivanol when removing hair

Effects of Rivanol in Hair Removal
Effects of Rivanol in Hair Removal

The product penetrates deep into the pores, softens the "roots" of the hair and promotes their natural removal. It brightens the vegetation, makes it thinner and weaker, slows down the growth and appearance of a new "fluff" on the skin. As a result, a person looks aesthetically pleasing and well-groomed. Its use also allows you to save on shaving razors, depilatory creams, epilators.

Important! After using Rivanol, the problem of ingrown hair does not arise, unlike the same depilation with a cream or a razor.

The procedure for applying Rivanol is painless. Most of all, it suits the owners of light, thin hair. It can be used on any part of the body - legs, arms, armpits, abdomen, etc.

Rivanol has disinfecting properties, therefore, in addition to the main effect, it also helps to eliminate inflammation on the skin. The remedy is effective for pustules, swelling, bruising, redness and irritation, and cuts. Thanks to him, wounds heal in a much shorter time, which reduces the likelihood of blood poisoning.

In addition to hair removal, Rivanol also cleanses the body of impurities, removes greasy shine, brings order to the pores, and allows tissues to breathe better. This slows down the aging of the skin, gives it a natural, healthy color.

Contraindications to the use of Rivanol

Breastfeeding your baby
Breastfeeding your baby

When using the powder, you must strictly follow the instructions and prepare a solution in 0.1 or 1% concentration. It cannot be used in its pure form in order to avoid burns and to exclude violations of the integrity of the skin.

In no case should Rivanol hair remover be taken orally, it can burn the mucous throat and cause intoxication of the body

It is necessary to carefully remove vegetation with a means with a high sensitivity to alcohol and acids that are in the composition of the drug.

It is not recommended to use Rivanol solution in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy … There is no clinical evidence of a negative effect of the drug on the development of the fetus, but it is better to refrain from using it, just in case.
  • Lactation … When breastfeeding, the skin becomes more sensitive, which can lead to discomfort from using the solution. The appearance of redness, irritation and other adverse reactions will also become possible.
  • Individual intolerance to the components … It is worth abandoning this method of hair removal if the body reacts to the treatment of the skin with Rivanol with redness, irritation, itching. To make sure that there are no side effects, you need to apply a small amount of the product to your wrist and wait 10 minutes.
  • Kidney disease … Rivanol should not be used for pyelonephritis, prolapse of these organs, the presence in them of salts, sand, stones, including small ones. It is worthwhile to approach this procedure with caution even after the transferred intoxication, since at this time the kidneys have a very large load.

The presence of at least one of the contraindications is the basis for refusing to remove hair with Rivanol. Ignoring them during the procedure increases the likelihood of side effects.

Instructions for use of Rivanol for hair removal

It all depends on the form in which the product is released - in the form of a solution or powder. If we are talking about the first, then the tool is already completely ready for use. In the second case, the solution will have to be prepared independently in 0.1% or 1% concentration; the larger it is, the brighter the effect will be.

Using Rivanol solution

Applying Rivanol solution for hair removal
Applying Rivanol solution for hair removal

Shake well before use. It must be sealed or in a tightly closed container, otherwise the composition may fizzle out and then there will be less benefit from it.

For Rivanol to help, it must be applied to the skin 2-3 times every day, preferably before bedtime, the minimum course duration is 1-2 weeks.

Here are the instructions for Rivanol hair removal:

  1. First, clean the areas where you want to remove vegetation. Use regular soap, shower gel, or other skin care products for this.
  2. Dry well with a dry towel, soak a cloth, cotton pad or gauze cut with the solution.
  3. Wipe with a dampened disc the desired areas, moving in the direction against the growth of the hair. Try to apply pressure with your fingertips and massage the skin for better results.
  4. Leave the composition on the skin for 1 hour, then rinse it off with water and pat dry.
  5. If yellow spots appear on your face or body, use liquid soap.

When removing facial hair with Rivanol, avoid contact with eyes and mouth. If this does happen by accident, rinse the area quickly with plenty of warm water.

Important! If the container has a spray bottle, then use it to apply the required amount of the product to a cloth napkin and wipe the hair sections with it. It is highly undesirable to spray the composition directly onto the body, in this case you can overdo it, which can lead to an allergic reaction.

Application of Rivanol powder

Applying Rivanol powder for hair removal
Applying Rivanol powder for hair removal

First of all, you need to prepare a solution. So, 0.1% composition can be used for skin care before and after depilation. It will also come in handy for preventing the emergence of new vegetation and for removing existing loose hair. If you have to deal with a rough and old "fluff", then you will need a remedy with already 1% of the active ingredient.

Here's how to use Rivanol for hair removal:

  1. Heat the water to a warm state, it will need exactly 100 ml.
  2. Cut open the sachet and gently pour the contents into the liquid.
  3. If you need a solution in a concentration of 0.1%, then add 0.1 g of powder to 100 ml of water, and to obtain a 1% composition, add the whole 1 g.
  4. If there are problems with measuring 0.1 g of powder, then you can take the proportions of 1 g per 1 liter of water.
  5. Stir the composition well with a spoon and shake, so that in the end the powder does not settle at the bottom, but completely dissolves. Please make sure it is transparent before using it.
  6. Soak a cotton ball in the solution and use it to apply the product to areas with unwanted hair.
  7. Allow the composition to absorb, on average it takes 1 hour, after which it can be washed off.

According to the instructions for Rivanol for hair removal in the form of a sachet, it must be used 2-4 times a day for 14 days.

Important! If we are talking about tablets, then before preparing the solution, they must be turned into powder, 1 pc is required per 100 ml of water.

Rivanol hair removal results

Rivanol hair removal results
Rivanol hair removal results

In the photo, the result of hair removal with Rivanol

Rivanol, of course, cannot remove hair with "roots" and, moreover, cannot stop its growth. Its effects are manifested in slowing down their appearance, weakening vegetation and in its discoloration.

The first results of using the drug "Rivanol" for hair removal can be observed no earlier than 5 days after the start of the course. By this time, their "roots" do not sit in the skin so tightly, and some of them even fall out on their own. Many of them acquire a light color and are lost against the background of the body.

By the end of the course, about 10-14 days, the structure of the hair completely changes, their length also decreases and the activity of the bulbs is suppressed, which leads to a slowdown in the growth of vegetation. Even the manufacturer does not undertake to guarantee 100% of its loss, but the majority, according to the girls, is usually quite easily eliminated on its own, without further human participation.

Time for skin recovery after using Rivanol is not required, but in order to avoid flaking and redness, dryness and dehydration at the end of one course, it is recommended to take a break for at least 2-4 weeks. New hair begins to grow no earlier than 10-15 days after the previous one falls out.

Real Reviews of Rivanol Hair Removal

Reviews of Rivanol for hair removal
Reviews of Rivanol for hair removal

Reading reviews of Rivanol for hair removal, it is safe to say that it is a safe and effective remedy to slow down and partially eliminate hair on the body. They write on the Internet that it is impossible to completely get rid of it, but the resulting effect still impresses the girls. By and large, they are satisfied with the purchase and do not at all think that they have thrown their money down the drain.

Mila, 30 years old

It is difficult to describe how much I suffered from the terrible, male-like black hair on my legs. Using a razor only aggravated the situation, and it was simply unrealistic to remove all this with an epilator. I did not want to carry out photoepilation, and it is expensive and inconvenient, you need to contact a beautician. As a result, the choice was made in favor of Rivanol, I read that it was cheap, and bought myself 2 packs of powder at once. I diluted it according to the instructions for the preparation of a 1% solution. In this tool, I moistened a cotton pad and rubbed the skin on my legs with it 3 times a day. After about a week, I saw that the vegetation became a little lighter and grows more slowly, and some hairs generally fell out on their own. At the end of the course, almost 60% of them left. The rest had to be removed with depilatory cream. The sensations are excellent, there was no discomfort, after that the vegetation did not become rough and tough.

Angelina, 23 years old

My task was to lighten the hair on my hands, to make it not so noticeable, because I have it dark. I didn't want to go to laser therapy, I decided to use the ready-made Rivanol solution. I liked that nothing needed to be diluted with water, all that was required of me was to moisten a napkin in the product and treat the skin. I repeated these actions every day for 2 weeks. This time had not passed in vain, the hair became smaller, and those that remained did not look as terrifying as before, and brightened. Upset only the appearance of yellowness on the body after applying the solution, but it is easily washed off with soap and water. We'll see what happens next, but so far I have not been disappointed in anything.

Marina, 35 years old

When I was terribly tired of my mustache, like that of men, on my face, after reading positive reviews about Rivanol, I finally bought myself one bottle at a concentration of 0.1%. In the first 3 days, I did not see any effect, I already wanted to give up everything, but still I continued. Positive changes took place only on the 12th day. I started to smear the product 4 times a day, now I switched to 2 times, I use it for prophylaxis, although I heard that it is impossible to do it all the time, which is a pity. So, now in some places the hair has fallen out altogether, in places it is barely noticeable, but, of course, it is unrealistic to achieve perfect smoothness with Rivanol. I read once that the agent causes peeling of the skin, but everything is fine with me, apparently, this happens when the permissible concentration is exceeded.

How to get rid of hair with Rivanol - watch the video:

Before you start using this remedy, you need to carefully read the instructions explaining how to use Rivanol for hair removal. If you rush and break the rules, you can not only not get the desired results, but also harm yourself.