Removal of xanthelasm of the century, price, reviews

Removal of xanthelasm of the century, price, reviews
Removal of xanthelasm of the century, price, reviews

What is xanthelasma of the eyelids, the price of its removal with a laser. The advantages of the method and contraindications for the procedure. Step-by-step plan for the operation, results and feedback.

Xanthelasma of the eyelids is a benign yellow formation, localized most often in their upper part, less often under the eyes. They look like small flat dots that protrude slightly above the skin, or seals that resemble barley. In most cases, such growths appear in the elderly, but can occur in young people as well as in children.

Price for removing xanthelasm of the century

The most popular procedure for laser removal of the eyelid xanthelasma, since it is completely safe for health and highly effective against formations of any size. But the larger the growth, the more expensive the operation will be, while there are 4 categories of complexity. If several "bags" are excised at one time, then the clinic may offer a certain discount.

In Russia, the minimum price for removing xanthelasma of the eyelids at the initial stage is 6,000 rubles

Removal of xanthelasma of the eyelids with a laser price, rub.
I cat. difficulties 6000-7000
II cat. difficulties 8000-9000
III cat. difficulties 15000-16000
IV cat. difficulties 20000-22000

In Ukraine, it is cheaper to remove xanthelasma for centuries than in Russia, the minimum price is 2200 hryvnia

Removal of xanthelasma of the eyelids with a laser Price, UAH.
I cat. difficulties 2200-3000
II cat. difficulties 3000-3500
III cat. difficulties 6000-8000
IV cat. difficulties 8000-9500

The more experience a specialist has, the usually higher the cost of the service. It can also be influenced by the popularity of the medical center and the modernity of the equipment used.

The budget includes local anesthesia, doctor's services, and the use of the right equipment. The first consultation, as well as all subsequent, if necessary, visits to the doctor after the operation are usually paid separately.

Note! The cost can be influenced by the size of the formation, that is, removing a growth with a diameter of 1 mm will be cheaper than 10 mm xanthelasma.

Description of the procedure for removing xanthelasm of the eyelids

Removal of xanthelasma of the eyelid
Removal of xanthelasma of the eyelid

In the photo, the process of removing xanthelasma of the century

Removal of xanthelasmus of the eyelids is required if they cause discomfort and spoil the aesthetics of the appearance. For this, a surgical CO2 laser "Lancet" or "Mixel" is used. The essence of the procedure lies in the destruction of formations and their bloodless excision by heating the tissues.

The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes, the more formations on the eyelids, the longer it lasts. For the complete elimination of growths, 1-2 visits to the doctor are enough with a break of several days.

If you do not know which doctor to contact with eyelid xanthelasma, then first you should go to a beautician. Also, a laser surgeon, dermatologist and anesthesiologist are involved in the process.

Note! To perform the operation, local anesthesia is needed, general anesthesia is used very rarely.

Indications for the removal of xanthelasm of the eyelids

Xanthelasma of the upper and lower eyelids
Xanthelasma of the upper and lower eyelids

In the photo xanthelasma of the century

When using a laser, the integrity of the tissues is practically not violated, which minimizes the likelihood of bleeding. There is also a low risk of long-healing wounds and, as a result, the formation of ugly scars. This prevents bleeding and blood poisoning. This operation allows the body to recover faster than after using a scalpel.

It takes a little time to remove xanthelasm of the eyelids using a laser, and this technique does not entail relapses. It does not require any special preparation and can be carried out at any time without hospitalization.

Under the influence of thermal energy, only problem areas are affected, and nothing threatens the eyes, which is especially important when the formations are located close to the mucous membrane of the organs of vision.

Additional arguments for carrying out such a procedure may be:

  • Injuries to the skin around the lesions … This is understood as violations of the integrity of tissues caused by burns, frostbite, wounds, insect bites. Much more dangerous if the eyelid has been exposed to this several times or suffers from it regularly.
  • Frequent inflammation of the eyelids … With this problem, they first turn to an ophthalmologist and a dermatologist, and only then these specialists give a referral to a surgeon, who decides on the removal of xanthelasm with a laser.
  • Elevated cholesterol levels … It is worth thinking about carrying out such a procedure if the deviation from the norm is 3, 6-5, 2 mmol / l upward. Higher rates are acceptable for men than for women. The basis for making a decision to remove the lesions is taken from the results of the analysis for total cholesterol.
  • Pathological processes in the body … These include metabolic disorders, tissue necrosis, degeneration, deterioration of carbohydrate and salt metabolism. Also, the group of dangerous conditions includes hyperemia, slowing of blood circulation, pronounced anemia and immunodeficiency.

Identification of one of these points may become an additional basis for admitting the patient to remove the xanthelasma of the eyelids. In this case, it is the laser that is recommended to be used as a safer method in comparison with surgical intervention.

Contraindications to the removal of xanthelasma of the eyelids

Fever in a woman
Fever in a woman

During pregnancy and lactation, the procedure is justified only if, without it, there is a threat to the mother's life. Teenagers under 18 may need parental permission and accompanying them to see a doctor. It is undesirable to do an operation during menstruation, since the body at this time becomes more sensitive and takes longer to recover.

Contraindications to the procedure are:

  • Fever … The laser cannot be used at temperatures above 37.5 degrees. This can lead to increased fever and deterioration of health, accelerate the activation of the virus that caused these processes.
  • Inflammatory processes … Removal by this technique is undesirable for pyelonephritis, cystitis, hepatitis, mastitis, tonsillitis, prostatitis and in case of inflammation of many other human organs.
  • Oncology … The laser can speed up the division of cancer cells and promote the growth of formations. You can not combine its use with chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases … It is worth postponing the operation if gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, tonsillitis and any other health problems have made themselves felt. This is especially true for otolaryngological and ophthalmic diseases.

Even one contraindication can cause a refusal to remove the xanthelasma of the eyelids with a laser, while the presence of several is an unequivocal reason to postpone the procedure until recovery.

How is xanthelasma of the eyelid removed?

Examination of the xanthelasma of the century
Examination of the xanthelasma of the century

A few days before the operation, you need to make an appointment with a doctor for a preliminary consultation. He will examine the lesions, assess their condition and collect the patient's history. This is necessary to identify possible contraindications and to exclude side effects from the procedure.

Before removal, it is also required to visit a dermatologist and, if necessary, refute a possible version of the malignancy of the growth.

Here's how to get rid of xanthelasma on the eyelids:

  1. The patient, using a sterile thin syringe, is injected through a vein with the required amount of anesthetic drug. Then wait from 5 to 15 minutes for the onset of action of the drug.
  2. The patient is asked to lie on a couch and the eyelids are treated with antiseptics to avoid contamination.
  3. The tip of the device nozzle, holding it at a certain angle, is guided over the skin surface at a short distance, directing the laser at it. Movements are carried out from top to bottom and back, or in a circle. With the other hand, hold a cotton pad over the eye to protect healthy tissue from laser exposure.
  4. The resulting wound is treated with an antiseptic solution.
  5. The patient is given recommendations for the care of the eyelid skin.

After a few days, a second visit to the attending physician may be required to assess the condition of the eyelids. Usually, everything can be removed in one go, but in some cases the operation must be repeated.

Note! The procedures for removing xanthelasma of the upper and lower eyelids are absolutely identical.

Results of removal of xanthelasm of the eyelid

Results of removal of xanthelasm of the eyelid
Results of removal of xanthelasm of the eyelid

You can evaluate the results immediately after the completion of the operation, you just have to look at the photo before and after removal of the eyelid xanthelasma. Thanks to the procedure, the skin becomes clean, as the formations are completely eliminated.

At first, small spots that differ in color from other areas of the eyelids may be noticeable in this place. After a few weeks or months, not a trace remains of them, they acquire the same shade as the surrounding tissues.

Xanthelasmas are removed permanently with the help of a laser, after which they usually do not appear in this place. Accordingly, it is no longer necessary to carry out repeated procedures. Upon completion, a recovery period follows, which takes no more than 10 days.

In the first week, a crust forms on the site of xanthelasm on the eyelids of the eyes, indicating normal wound healing. They cannot be treated or moistened with anything, therefore, while taking a bath or shower, these areas must be covered with a plaster. Otherwise, the recovery process will take longer and may be complicated.

Important! The resulting crust cannot be removed on purpose, it must move away on its own, without the use of force.

Until the moment of its formation, the wound can be treated with antiseptic solutions once a day. For 10 days, you must stop visiting the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, do not swim in the sea and water bodies.

To regenerate the skin faster, you should follow a diet: eat less food rich in carbohydrates and animal fats, give preference to protein foods, fruits and vegetables, berries and herbs, nuts. This will also reduce the likelihood of re-formation of xanthelasmas, including in other areas.

To prevent the appearance of other formations, it is recommended to limit the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed (or even better, to give them up altogether) and stop smoking, try to keep body weight within your normal range and drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Note! For those who have removed xanthelasma from the eyelids, it is advisable to be examined by a dermatologist every year.

Reviews about xanthelasm eyelid removal

Reviews about xanthelasm eyelid removal
Reviews about xanthelasm eyelid removal

As the reviews on the removal of xanthelasma of the eyelids with a laser show, this procedure is very popular, affordable, safe, effective and versatile. It can be done by both women and men. Most often, it is performed with numerous or pronounced formations, although single growths are no exception.

Ivan, 32 years old

Not so long ago, some strange yellow dots, like bags, appeared in the corners of my upper eyelids. I did not know what they were called, and went to the doctor, he explained to me that these were xanthelasmas. At one time he was treated by a beautician with local remedies and pills, but this did not give results, in the end, on the recommendation of a doctor, it was decided to remove the growths. The surgeon burned out these formations for me with a laser, it all took him about 10 minutes. There was almost no pain, although there was discomfort. It took more than 10 days to recover, at first I got scared when a crust appeared in the place of the bags, but then it peeled off by itself. Now there is no scar, in appearance you cannot say that not so long ago there were some defects. Now I understand why the reviews about the removal of the eyelid xanthelasma in this way are mostly positive.

Artem, 40 years old

With yellow plaques on the eyelids, I first went to the ophthalmologist at the district clinic at the place of residence. She referred me to a private clinic for bag removal. The procedure was carried out at the very first appointment, nothing is difficult. It is not painful to remove xanthelasma of the upper eyelid with a laser, but it is unpleasant, since the light from the installation hits the eyes. I think you can endure it. As for rehabilitation, I expected it to be faster, but it took more than a week. Although, in principle, this is not critical, the main thing is that in the end there are no scars left. By the way, I did not adhere to the recommendations for leaving after the operation, I swam freely, and this did not affect the wound in any way.

Valentine, 50 years old

She underwent surgery to remove several xanthelasmas of the lower eyelid in 2015. I made it for cosmetic reasons, they were too conspicuous and looked unaesthetic. An experienced surgeon dealt with me, injected an anesthetic and then burned out the formation with a laser for about 7 minutes. There was no pain, but discomfort was present, and significant. It’s good that it didn’t last long. In general, the procedure is very convenient, because you do not need to go to the hospital, after the session you can immediately go home.

Photos before and after removal of xanthelasm of the eyelids

Before and after removal of xanthelasm of the eyelid
Before and after removal of xanthelasm of the eyelid
Before and after removal of xanthelasm of the eyelid with a laser
Before and after removal of xanthelasm of the eyelid with a laser

How to remove the xanthelasma of the century - watch the video:

The attending physician should tell you how to remove the xanthelasma of the eyelids in your particular case. This is very important, because each patient has its own nuances that require careful study. Only after that, you can proceed to the operation, which, we recall once again, is a reliable way to get rid of these formations.