Photoepilation - painless hair removal: price and contraindications

Photoepilation - painless hair removal: price and contraindications
Photoepilation - painless hair removal: price and contraindications

Find out what the photoepilation procedure is, what are the contraindications, advantages and disadvantages, and the features of its implementation. Photoepilation is one of the modern cosmetic methods for removing unwanted hair on the face, legs, armpits and bikini area. This method is completely painless and allows you to quickly achieve perfect skin.

What is photo epilation?

The girl carries out photoepilation on her leg
The girl carries out photoepilation on her leg

This is a hardware method for removing unwanted hair from the body. During the treatment, the skin is exposed to short bursts of high-impulse light. After light hits the hair follicle, which contains the pigment, it is destroyed from the inside. No hair regrowth occurs in the treated area. To completely get rid of hair, you will need to go through about 5-10 procedures.

In most cases, after completing the full course of photoepilation, you can completely get rid of the hair, as it stops growing forever. This procedure is recommended for women suffering from a problem such as hirsutism (male-type hair growth), in the presence of hypertrichosis (excessive hairiness of the skin), as well as men who have severe skin irritation after shaving.

It is possible to use the photoepilation procedure in the fight against unwanted vegetation on different parts of the body, since there are practically no restrictions here.

The advantages of photoepilation are the following properties:

  1. There is no effect on the skin at all, thereby preventing damage to it, therefore, the risk of infection is eliminated.
  2. After this procedure, the problem of ingrown hairs does not appear.
  3. The result will be noticeable almost immediately after the procedure.
  4. In one procedure, it will not be possible to completely remove all the hairs, since some of them may be dormant. Literally after the third procedure, the number of hairs will significantly decrease.
  5. The result will last long enough.
  6. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the problem of unwanted vegetation on the body will not bother for several years.
  7. It has a positive effect on the epidermis - the skin is rejuvenated, wrinkles are smoothed, it becomes more toned and healthy.

Despite a lot of positive qualities, this cosmetic procedure also has certain disadvantages, which include:

  1. The procedure has a fairly high cost, while several sessions are required to completely remove hairs. In the future, it is required to go to preventive measures every 6 months.
  2. As a result of hormonal disruption or other health problems, hair may begin to grow again, therefore, you will have to re-undergo a full course of photoepilation.
  3. This technique does not fight well against gray and blond hair, since they do not contain melanin. The darker the hair, the more effective the procedure will be.
  4. If there is a low pain threshold, not the most pleasant painful sensations may appear during photoepilation. In this case, pain relievers should be additionally used.

Hair Removal Preparation Rules

The girl is preparing for the photoepilation procedure
The girl is preparing for the photoepilation procedure

Depending on how correctly the preparation for photoepilation was carried out, the duration of the result obtained depends. It is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. About 3-4 weeks before the photoepilation, you need to stop sunbathing on the beach and do not go to the solarium.
  2. Do not use self-tanning cream.
  3. It is forbidden to do other types of hair removal before the procedure, the only exception is shaving.
  4. You can shave your hair no later than three days before photoepilation, since the hairs must be at least 2 mm long.
  5. During the treatment, the skin must be completely clean, you cannot use cosmetics.

How is the photoepilation session carried out?

The girl gets professional photoepilation
The girl gets professional photoepilation

The procedure will take very little time - about 15 minutes to treat one area. Photoepilation is carried out as follows:

  1. A special conductive gel is applied to the area of the body to be treated to protect the epidermis from burns.
  2. Not only the client, but also the technician wears safety glasses that protect the retina from the negative effects of flashlights.
  3. A special apparatus is applied to the skin and an impulse is performed.
  4. The tip of the device is very narrow, so only a few square centimeters can be machined at a time.
  5. If the hair is removed from the underarms or bikini area, mild soreness, such as tingling or burning, may appear. To minimize discomfort, there is a short pause between flashes.
  6. The stream of light destroys hair follicles and damaged hairs fall out over the next few weeks.
  7. To obtain perfectly smooth skin, you need to undergo a full course of photoepilation, consisting of 8-10 sessions. There is a break of 30-60 days between each procedure.

Photoepilation procedure price

Photoepilation in a salon
Photoepilation in a salon
Processing area Price in Russia (RUB) Price in Ukraine (UAH)
Face 300 220
Armpits 900 400
Neckline 900 350
Buttocks 1500 900
Deep bikini 3000 1200
Classic bikini 2200 750
Legs (completely) 3000 1700
Legs (calf) 1500 800
Hands (completely) 2500 900
Hands (to the elbow) 1500 700

Contraindications to photoepilation

A specialist advises a girl before photoepilation
A specialist advises a girl before photoepilation

Photoepilation, like any other modern cosmetic procedure, has certain contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with before performing it:

  • period of pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • high blood pressure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • varicose veins;
  • various cardiovascular diseases;
  • age under 16;
  • skin diseases (for example, psoriasis, herpes, etc.);
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • viral diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • inflammation and open wounds in the area to be treated.

The result and undesirable consequences of photoepilation

The girl gets photoepilation on her hand
The girl gets photoepilation on her hand

Photoepilation is a high-quality procedure that removes about 30 percent of hair follicles after the first session. After completing a full course, hair completely stops growth - the effect will last for several years or forever. The end result depends not only on the degree of professionalism of the master, but also on the apparatus used.

A qualified specialist must correctly select the number of light pulses and the strength of their impact - the effect obtained depends on these factors. The effect of light on hair directly depends on its type. For example, coarse and dark hair is much better at absorbing outbreaks - therefore, the follicles are destroyed completely. Gray, blonde and fine hair contains a minimal amount of pigment and therefore does not absorb enough heat. In such cases, the master can increase the number of flashes and extend the course of photoepilation.

Despite the fact that this procedure is very popular, there is a risk of developing such undesirable consequences as:

  1. Skin burn - appears as a result of the treatment of tanned, very dark or thin skin.
  2. Scarring - appear at the site of the burn in people with a tendency to form colloidal tissue.
  3. Pigmentation disorders - light or dark spots appear on the treated skin areas. A pigmented mark often remains at the site of a superficial burn. Such consequences arise if the treated skin is not properly taken care of.
  4. Sweating disorder - the result of damage during photoepilation of the sweat glands.
  5. Allergy - an anesthetic or light exposure can act as an allergen.
  6. Eye damage and decreased visual acuity - appears in the case of eyebrow processing, especially if safety glasses were not used during the procedure.
  7. Malignant transformations - if during photoepilation, various neoplasms were processed (for example, papillomas or moles).
  8. Herpetic rash - appears on the treated areas of the skin.
  9. Gray hair - It is very rare and manifests itself in the form of gray hair, which begins to grow in the place of the removed one.
  10. Paradoxical hypertrichosis - there is an increase in hair growth. This phenomenon develops as a result of incomplete destruction of the hair follicle, when it is partially damaged. Often found at the border of treated and untreated areas.
  11. Folliculitis or inflammation of the hair follicles - manifests itself as a result of abuse of water procedures after photoepilation.

Of course, the list of negative consequences is quite long, but provided that all the recommendations of the recovery period are followed, it is easy to avoid complications and get perfectly smooth skin.

Skin care after photoepilation

Women's legs with smooth skin
Women's legs with smooth skin

During the recovery period, it is recommended to use panthenol aerosol or bepanten cream as moisturizers and emollients.

It is necessary to adhere to several rules after a photoepilation session:

  1. There is a short break between each session, during which you can not use any means for depilation or epilation.
  2. For 30 days after the procedure, it is imperative to use sunscreen.
  3. Do not apply lotions or other formulations that contain alcohol to treated skin.
  4. Cosmetics can be applied to the skin immediately after the completion of the photoepilation.
  5. For 5 days, visits to baths, saunas, solarium are limited.
  6. Within 7 days after the procedure, it is worth refusing to massage, as well as excluding exposure to the treated areas of sunlight.

In order not to doubt the effectiveness of photoepilation, before carrying out the procedure, you should consult with a dermatologist. If you follow all the recommendations, you can get perfectly smooth skin and over the next few years you will not have to worry about unwanted body hair.

How photo epilation works, see the video below: